The Sweet Edge (5 page)

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Authors: Risa Peris

BOOK: The Sweet Edge
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“No. Actually, no. I will be working and...and how dare you bother me at work. I almost got fired. Well, not fired, but warned. Warned. I’ve never been warned at work before. Who do you think you are?”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I will speak to your boss. I will make things right.”

“No, don’t! Oh, silly pickles.” Stella collapsed on a chair.

“Silly pickles?” There was a trace of humor in Campbell’s voice.

“It’s what I say. OK?”

“OK. When can I see you again?”

“I don’t...” Stella hesitated.

“I can’t stop thinking about you. What happened between us...when can I see you?”

Stella felt her heart beating faster. She tugged at her blouse. Suddenly the locker room felt stifling.

“Stella...” Campbell persisted in a low, hoarse voice.

“I don’t work Saturday...I...”

“I’ll send a car at seven. I can’t wait. I have to go now.”

“Bye.” Stella’s voice was weak.

The phone died. Stella breathed deeply. The call did not go as planned. But Campbell’s voice, his obvious desire and his insistence were more than she could fight against. For the first time, Ben felt far away and looked as faint as a cold star.

On Saturday, Stella met Jane in Central Park. There was a concert by multiple local bands. Jane was mad about musicians. Every concert was about scoping out future boyfriends, on stage and in the audience. The weather was beyond chilly. Stella stared at the park with its bare branches, crushed and dried leaves and wispy, straggling grass. Stella loved Central Park in the spring, but generally stayed away as winter approached. There was a band on stage playing rock music. Each member of the band was swaddled in knits. It was an odd sight looking at rock musicians bundled up like retirees.

“This is weird.” Stella pulled her scarf tighter around her neck.

“It’s called Extreme Music. Playing music in crazy weather.” Jane was tapping her foot. She pulled a long drag on her cigarette.

“What’s next? Marathon concerts in Death Valley in August?”

“That’s not a bad idea. Not bad at all.”

Stella listened to the music. The band was mediocre. “When can we go?”

“I’m not leaving until the concert ends.”

Stella sighed. “I’m not staying that late.”

“Why did you come?” Jane was eyeing a blonde man in leather.

“I wanted to see you and...”

“And what?” Jane was still gazing at the blonde man’s backside. “Talk about what?”


Jane averted her gaze and looked at Stella. “What about him?”

“I’m seeing him tonight.”

“What!” The blonde man looked at Jane, but Jane didn’t notice.

“I know. Crazy, right?”

“This is so amazing. Are you ecstatic?”

“Not really. More confused.”

“Confused about what?”


Jane rolled her eyes. “Forget about him. He’s not even into you.”

“Not true. He suggested to Dragon Lady, Gwen, the bitch at the office, that I should apply for a legal secretary position. I think he wants me to be his secretary.”

“You’re better than that, Stella.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have talent. You don’t need to be anyone’s secretary.”

“You’re missing the point. Ben wants me to be closer to him. I think it’s an invitation. A subtle one.”

Stella blew smoke rings. “I say stick with the men who are more obvious in their desire for you. If you want my opinion, which you obviously do, let yourself swoon with Campbell and forget Mr. Uptight Ben.”

Stella crumbled a dead leaf in her hand. “I hate winter.”

“You hate desire.” Jane blew more smoke rings and went back to staring at the muscular buttocks of the blonde man.

The hired car showed up five minutes early that evening. It was a different driver. The new driver was tall, thin and white haired. He smiled graciously at Stella. He stuck his head into the backseat after Stella had climbed in.

“Are you comfortable, lovely lady?”

“Yes, yes. Thank you.”
Lovely lady huh
, thought Stella with a smile. She had tried on nearly every outfit in the closet until she had settled on a floral print dress, red silk scarf and red ballet flats. Stella looked like the sweet confusion of spring, bright against the dullness of winter. She leaned back and enjoyed her second chauffeured ride through the city.

Chapter 7

Campbell was nervous. He stood on his balcony, bracing against the cold and was gazing down at Park Avenue. He was waiting for Stella to arrive. He couldn’t understand why he was so jittery. He had had plenty of women walking through his condo. Beautiful women. Models. Actresses. Women with supreme sexual confidence. Women with lineage. Women with power careers. And then there was Stella. A woman who had set something deep inside him on fire. She was struggling to be someone, to find her way in life, to accomplish something with the talents she was given. She obviously wasn’t experienced in passion. She intrigued Campbell. She wasn’t technically his type. Not physically perfect. Not a woman who would trigger envy in other women and lust in men. Not like Krissie, the ex-girlfriend who dumped him for his boss. She was ravishing and as fierce as a leopard. But she hadn’t truly wanted Campbell despite her eagerness to ride him into oblivion each night. She wanted his things, his money. No. She wanted more than what he had and what was in his bank account. She wanted a man like Devin Roberts. There were a billion reasons why she wanted Devin over Campbell.

“I love your cock,” she had whispered to him over and over again. Despite the athleticism of the sex, Campbell held back.

“You’re a bitch goddess,” he told her over and over again. He knew she was more hungry for money than him. He knew and he allowed her to take from him. But not everything. He held back. There was something he held back. He even held back with Skye, the brilliant red-headed, mermaid like beauty of his youth. There was something at the core of him that he held back from all women. Until Stella walked into his home and a crazy tenderness mingled with desire took root. He remembered her very clearly the night he was drunk. She was sitting at the bar, with an upright back and she kept massaging her right ear lobe. She had taken off her large earring and massaged her ear lobe like it was a purring cat. It was an ordinary act but it caused a fissure in Campbell’s stoic demeanor. He wanted to kiss her at that moment but instead he jabbered about vodka.

The bellman buzzed. Campbell closed the balcony door and pressed the intercom.


“A Stella O’Malley is in the lobby for you, sir.”

“Send her up.”

Campbell checked his image in the hall mirror. He was wearing white button down, brown tweed trousers and brown Italian leather shoes.

“Be cool, Campbell. Be cool.” His image in the mirror was immaculate and unwavering.

The doorbell rang. Campbell opened the door. Stella stood in front of him looking fearful. She was wide eyed and sweet looking. Almost like a doll. But then he saw her round, heavy breasts straining against the light fabric of her dress and he felt an instant jolt of unlikely desire. 
Not a doll
, he thought.
A woman

“Hi.” Stella’s voice was small.

“Come in. Come in.”

Stella walked in. The lighting was once again muted and there was the soft lilt of jazz music in the background. The condo was warm and impeccably stylish.

“Let me get your coat.” Campbell reached for Stella’s coat and his finger brushed the nape of her neck. Stella turned around quickly and stared at Campbell openly.

“Thank you for inviting me,” said Stella.

“Thank you for accepting my invitation.”

Stella and Campbell stood staring at each other. Neither seemed sure of what to say or do. Anxiety was destroying Stella’s composure.

“I...I...” Stella couldn’t seem to articulate any words.

Campbell moved closer to Stella. She raised her hands and pushed on his chest.

“Keep your distance.”

Campbell grabbed hold of Stella’s hands and kissed the palms.

“You’re impossible,” whispered Stella. She leaned forward and let her lips hover near his mouth.

“You smell wonderful.” She breathed in his  scent. Stella took her left hand from Campbell’s grasp and gently stroked his cheek and chin.

“I’m flawed,” said Stella. She pulled back from him. She kicked off her flats and unzipped her dress. Campbell stood and watched her. Stella stood before him in her panties and bra. “I’m flawed.” She then unhooked her bra. Her nipples hardened under his gaze. “I’m flawed,” Stella said again.

Campbell looked at her appraisingly. “You’re beautiful.”

He knelt before Stella and pulled her close. His fresh stubble scraped her stomach. He reached his hands up and cupped her breasts. “Let me show you how beautiful you are.”

Campbell’s hand slipped between her thighs. His fingers sought that brilliant, sensitive spot that made her shiver in ecstasy. Stella instinctively spread her legs wider. Campbell’s finger traced a circle around her clit, but then with silky slowness he let his finger slide inside her. Stella moaned. Campbell then licked her stomach, kissed her pubic hair and then lowered his head even further until his tongue was lapping at her spot. Stella felt her knees become weak.

“I’m going to pass out.”

Campbell groaned and continued lapping while his finger jutted rhythmically inside her.

Stella let her hands brace against Campbell’s shoulders.

“You have to stop.” Stella was out of breath and so near the edge of something she had never experienced before.

Campbell responded by lapping quicker and harder and Stella felt an intense heat

spreading through her body that she screamed out and then with a profound swiftness she felt her groin contract and screamed even louder, once again, and then she shuddered and fell into Campbell’s arms. Her knees buckled and she felt her body become a mass of quivering jelly.  Campbell cupped her shoulders and eased her back against the Oriental carpet.

“I’m done.” Stella smiled.

Campbell lay on top of her. “We’re just getting started.” He smiled and kissed her

neck. “But the night is still so very young. I’m famished. Let’s eat.”

“Oh, but it’s so nice and cozy in here.”

“We aren’t leaving. I ordered in. Just needs to be heated. The bathroom is down the hall and to the right and there is a fluffy, blue robe begging for your body.”

“Really? Begging?”

“Really.” Campbell stood up and then reached down and pulled Stella up by her arms. He kissed her on her lips and headed to what she assumed was the kitchen. Stella padded down the hall to the black and white bathroom. On a hook by the towel rack was a blue robe that was wonderfully soft. She slipped it on, ran the water in the sink and looked at her image in the mirror. Her eyeliner was smudged and her blonde hair was mussed.

“I look like I have just had a sexual encounter.” Stella smiled. She found she couldn’t stop smiling.

She found Campbell in the kitchen. He was plating chicken marsala, pasta and bruschetta, and whistling. He looked boyish and excited.

Campbell looked up. “There you are. Just in time.”

Stella took a seat at the kitchen table. He poured her a glass of red wine and then placed a plate in front of her.

She was hungry. She jabbed a fork into the pasta and chewed. “It’s delicious.”

“Why thank you. It’s amazing what magical things dialing fingers can bring forth.”

“And typing fingers. I put in an order for groceries and they appear at my door.”

“Ah, how magical.” Stella and Campbell laughed.

They began eating in the silence induced by hunger.

“This evening didn’t start out like I had imagined.”

“How did you imagine it?” Campbell looked serious, but his eyes were dancing.

“More subtle. Dinner, conversation and then...”

“Then?” Campbell had a large smile on his face.

“Then a kiss.” Stella smiled wistfully.

“I could kiss you now.” Campbell leaned in and kissed her on her lips. She looked at him expectantly.

“Too chaste?” He leaned in again and pulled her face toward him. His next kiss was long, tongue imbued and sloppy. She felt heavenly. Like she was floating.

“Now, that’s a kiss,” uttered Stella.

Campbell untied her robe and delicately grazed her nipples while his tongue battled with hers. She sighed and leaned back in the chair.

“Unbelievable,” whispered Stella. She felt warm and tingly. It was as if an electric current were zipping through her.

Campbell stood. His cock was jutting in front of Stella’s face. His cock was thick and throbbing and Stella instinctively took it into her mouth.

“You’re so hard,” she whispered before plunging his cock deep into her mouth. Campbell groaned, deep and loud. Stella pulled back and licked the top of his cock. She grazed her teeth over the bulging head. She felt bold, sexy and brave.

“Fuck me,” she said. Stella didn’t know where those words came from. She wasn’t sure about the source of her boldness. Campbell took her hand and pulled her toward him.

“The bedroom.”

“No. Here. Take me here, Campbell.”

He pulled off her robe. He pushed her onto the floor, roughly.  She gasped and lay on the floor with her legs open.

“Do you want me Stella?”

“I want you Campbell.” She wanted him so badly. He slid up her body and wound his hand around her hair. He pulled her neck back and then, with no hesitation, plunged deep inside her. Stella gasped.

“Oh my god,” uttered Campbell. He wasn’t expecting the drowning pleasure that greeted him. He bucked wildly and was wholly conscious of her moans and screams. He rammed into her. He wanted all of her. He was still aware of her pleasure and sensing that she was drowning enjoyably in sensation he kept thrusting. Thrusting until he heard a strangled cry from her.

“Campbell,” she exhaled.

He wanted to comfort her, but instead felt the piercing stab of an orgasm overtake him. He collapsed onto Stella and they gripped each other, like old lovers satiated by pleasure.

He took her hands and led her to the bed. They lay down and clung to each other.

“Thank you,” whispered Campbell.

“For what?” asked Stella.

“For being wonderful.” He smiled and kissed her forehead.

“Why?” Stella sat up. “Why me?”

“What?” Campbell smoothed her blonde hair.

“Why did you choose me? You could have any woman.”

“I want you. You’ve cracked me like an egg. Oozing and gushing.”

“I’m not beautiful.” She pulled the sheet around her.

“You are though. Maybe not classically beautiful. Maybe not a model. But I want you.”

“Not classically beautiful? Not a model? I knew it. I was a fuck. A roll in the hay. You’ll be dating a model by tomorrow.” Stella got out of bed and covered herself with the bed sheet.

“Wait. What are you talking about?”

“You’re an ass.”

“What? Stella...I think you are pretty. I desire you. What more do you want?”

She stared at him through the haze of fresh tears. “I want to be the most beautiful woman in your eyes. That's what every woman wants.”

Campbell said nothing and lay back onto the bed. After retrieving her clothes, Stella left the condo and headed into the bright Manhattan night.

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