The Sweet Spot (30 page)

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Authors: Ariel Ellman

BOOK: The Sweet Spot
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“The whole building,” Sebastian replied, still studying Sawyer with a thoughtful expression. “He’s going to move the fish market down to the wharf.”

“Why?” Sawyer asked softly. “He’s been here for ages. It’s a great location and he’s always hopping.”

“The wharf is great too, can’t go wrong with a fish market on the waterfront,” Sebastian replied, holding Sawyer’s gaze.

“But why move now when he’s already established?” Sawyer persisted.

“I don’t know.
You got some insight you want to share Mackenzie?” Sebastian asked mildly.

“Why are you asking me?” Sawyer whispered guiltily. “How would I know?”

“Well, he dropped these off when he stopped by to offer us the place,” Sebastian held up the pair of panties that Sawyer had left on the floor of Bobby’s office earlier in the day.

“Fuck off O’Reilly,” Sawyer replied with a snarl, grabbing her underwear out of his hands and stalking off toward to her room.

“He’s a good guy Soy,” Sebastian called after her. “Stop fucking with him.”

“Stop fucking
him, or stop fucking
?” Sawyer called back to Sebastian tauntingly, stopping in her tracks.

“Aren’t they the same thing?” Sebastian replied quietly, his eyes flashing with anger.

“He’s a big fucking boy O’Reilly,” Sawyer retorted. “And let’s not forget who’s been chasing who for the last goddamn year.”

“That’s right Mackenzie, he’s been sniffing around you for a fucking year because you’ve been leading him on for that long,” Sebastian replied angrily as Ani came out of the bathroom.

“I’ve been leading him on?” Sawyer gasped. “I’m the only one who has been upfront about the whole thing!” she exclaimed. “I’m a fucking lesbian. I like to eat pussy. I have a goddamn mural of a naked spread-eagle woman on my wall that you fucking painted for me!” Sawyer yelled.

“Then why do you keep fucking him Soy?” Sebastian asked quietly.

“Bast,” Ani interjected softly, slipping an arm around her sister’s shaking shoulders. “Leave her alone,” she scolded her husband, shooting him an annoyed look.

“Whatever,” Sebastian muttered, standing up and walking over to Ani. “I’m actually going to meet Bobby for a drink anyway baby,” he murmured, pulling her against him and kissing her softly. “You okay if I go out for a little while? He wanted to talk details about selling the building to us.”

“Sure, I’m fine,” Ani replied, kissing Sebastian back. “I’ll probably be asleep when you get back though,” she grinned ruefully. “I’m not that exciting these days.”

“You’re perfect,” Sebastian murmured against Ani’s neck, pressing her tightly against him. “And if you’re sleeping, I’ll just wake you up,” he whispered promisingly in her ear.

“I’m so over you two,” Sawyer sighed in resignation beside them. “Even seven months pregnant, I know Ani is getting more action than I am.”

“Probably,” Ani agreed with a teasing grin as Sebastian swatted her on the ass before walking away.

“What’s the secret?” Sawyer asked her sister, walking over to the cappuccino machine that was a housewarming gift from Bobby.

“We love each other Soy,” Ani replied as she gazed after Sebastian’s retreating back tenderly. “I know you love to mess around, and you’re still young, but eventually you’re going to want to settle down with a girl and build a life together. You’re going to be thirty next year,” Ani chided her sister. “Don’t you want someone special to come home to each night, someone who makes your heart race and loves you even on your worst days?”

“I don’t know,” Sawyer mumbled, avoiding her sister’s eyes as she poured milk into the cappuccino machine.

“What’s going on with you Soy?” Ani pressed.

“Nothing,” Sawyer replied, uncharacteristically closemouthed.  “I’m going out,” she suddenly announced, walking out of the kitchen and leaving her cappuccino behind, untouched.

Sawyer dressed in what she liked to call her catnip clothes, a black stretchy dress that clung to the curves of her body and barely covered her ass, a pair of funky hot pink high-heeled sandals that wrapped up her calves and tied just below her knees, and no underwear.  She mussed her choppy pink locks up with a little mou
sse, sprayed some Juicy Couture perfume between her breasts and thighs and made up her sapphire eyes with deep blue eyeliner and silver glittery eye shadow.

“Damn mama, someone’s not messing around tonight,” Ani whistled from the kitchen when Sawyer walked out of her room.

“Don’t wait up…..” Sawyer replied saucily, sauntering over to the door.

“Oh, I’ll be asleep before I even finish my ice cream,” Ani laughed back, waving her ice cream cone at her sister as she walked out the door.

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