The Sweetest Love (Love Conquers All Book 5) (9 page)

Read The Sweetest Love (Love Conquers All Book 5) Online

Authors: Victoria Wells

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: The Sweetest Love (Love Conquers All Book 5)
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Chapter 17

Brenda frowned as she listened to Sister Della from her bible study class rant on and on about how inconsiderate her son was to stand her granddaughter up. Coming to her son’s defense, she cut the woman off, trying her best to hold on to her rising temper. “My son
a gentleman,” she snapped.

“Ha! Some gentleman! He could have called my Dana to cancel before she showed up to that restaurant!”

Brenda threw her husband the nastiest look she could muster. The nerve of him to sit there and laugh at her! It was bad enough she was on the phone sparring with this old dragon. She didn’t need her husband’s teasing.

Switching the phone to the other ear, she stomped off into the kitchen.
Lord Jesus help me!
she prayed, snatching the potholder off the countertop to keep from burning her hand as she checked the fried potatoes cooking on the stovetop.

“What’s wrong with that son of yours? I tell you what’s wrong with him. You turned him into a momma’s boy after your Abby died. You should have
paying attention to that boy from the beginning. Instead you spoiled that child like doing so was going to make her better.” Sister Della took a breath. Clucking her tongue, she insinuated, “You done ruined that boy for any good decent woman.”

It’s a wonder the glass lid didn’t shatter when she slammed it back down on the pot. Sister Della had gone too far. She could just imagine the older woman nodding her head and pointing her finger as she spouted off at the mouth.

“Now you listen to me!” Brenda shrieked.

Nelson bolted from his comfy recliner at the hysteria coming from the kitchen.

“You self-righteous, half-holy, mean old goat! Don’t you dare judge me until you’ve walked in my shoes!”

No one knew the hell of guilt she lived in knowing she had unintentionally slighted her child. How it killed her to know she had hurt her first born. And how even to this day, she was trying to make it up to him because nothing was more important to her than his happiness.

Brenda swatted Nelson’s hand with the potholder when he attempted to take the phone from her.

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to watch your baby slowly die and there isn’t a thing you can do about it? Or how you hurt your own child and didn’t even know it?” When the older woman didn’t answer, Brenda shrieked even louder, “Do you? Answer me!”

“Come on baby. Give me the phone.” Nelson coaxed as he gently pried the phone from her tight grasp. He needed to get her off the phone, and fast before Brenda started cussing like a drunken sailor.

Still fuming, Brenda released her grip on the phone. She followed her husband as he guided her to a chair at the kitchen table.

Not bothering to tell the woman on the other end goodbye, he clicked off the phone and sat opposite his wife. Reaching across the table, he lovingly took her hands in his. “You okay, baby?”

Brenda angrily shook her head. “No, I’m not okay, Nelson! That old woman almost made me cuss her the hell out!” she irritably snapped.

Nelson chuckled.
Baby you pretty much did.
“What did she say? I haven’t seen you this worked up in years.”

The last time she was this angry was the time she went down the street to Kat’s house – the neighborhood Jezebel – and snatched her out her front door for spreading lies about her and her family. It had taken Nelson and three other men to pull her off the woman.

He listened as she gave him a play by play of the conversation. All he could do is shake his head. How many times had he told her to stop playing matchmaker for their son? He was certain it was more than a hundred times. But she wouldn’t listen, she was determined to see him happy and settled down with a nice girl.

“Well aren’t you going to say anything?” she snipped, annoyed by his silence.

Nelson shrugged a broad shoulder. “Baby, what do you want me to say?” He held snuggly on to her hands to keep her from snatching away.

“Something! Anything!” she hissed.

Gazing over at the love of his life, Nelson smiled. Not just any smile. It was a smile that told his wife of more than three decades that she was the most precious thing in the world to him. It was a smile that told her to get ready for a night of some serious loving. It was the same smile that caused the once shy seventeen-year-old girl to do things with him that no good church girl would ever do.

Heat crept up her neck and fanned out across her face from blushing so hard. After all these years of marriage, he still made her feel like a teenage girl in love. That is until he had to go open his big mouth.

“Maybe this’ll teach you to mind your business and leave that boy’s love life alone.”

Brenda snatched her hands back as if his fingers had become hot like coals. Standing, she angrily shoved the chair under the table. “You’re sleeping in the guestroom tonight.”

“Get on my nerves,” she mumbled under her breath. She didn’t want to admit he was right. It was past time for her to leave Adam alone and stay out of his love life. He would settle down when he was good and ready.

Throwing his head back, Nelson let out a bark of laughter. Standing, he followed her to the sink. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he nuzzled the side of her neck. “Woman, I’m sleeping in my bed.” He moved up a little higher, nuzzling her ear, “Next to you.”

Brenda wanted to be mad, but couldn’t help from giggling. He always knew the right buttons to push to quell her anger. “Leave me alone, Nelson West. I have to get this fish fried for dinner.”

Her hands slid up his wide chest when Nelson turned her in his arms. “The fish can wait,” he whispered.

Smiling up at her husband, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “They sure can,” she agreed, welcoming his sweet kisses.

“You sure it’s okay?” Roxy nervously questioned Adam.

“I’m sure,” he answered.

He rang the doorbell instead of using his key. He wanted to see the surprised look on his parents’ face when they opened the door. He knew they would be happy to see Roxy.

Kissing her right temple, he reassured her, “Mom and Dad are going to love having you for dinner.”

Roxy smiled. As a child she had so many warm memories of being in this house. Nelson and Brenda West had always made her feel welcomed and treated her like one of their own children.

“Well, isn’t this a sweet surprise.” Brenda smiled as she opened the door. “Come on in here and give me a hug.”

Roxy was too glad to oblige the older woman. “Hi Ms. Brenda.”

Brenda gave her a tight squeeze before letting her go. “Hi yourself! What brings you by?”

Adam hugged his mother and answered for Roxy. “She’s here with me Mom. I hope you don’t mind.”

Playfully slapping him on the arm, Brenda chastised him. “Boy, you know Roxy is family. She can come by anytime she wants.”

“That’s right,” Nelson confirmed as he sauntered into the room.

Roxy’s face lit up. Mr. Nelson hadn’t been home the last time she stopped by. Seeing him was an added bonus to the evening. Going over to him, she kissed his smooth shaven cheek before giving him a big hug. “Hi Mr. Nelson. It’s so good to see you.”

Nelson’s hug was just as affectionately warm. “Same here sweetheart.”

Grabbing his son’s hand in a firm handshake, he slapped him on the back. “How’s it going son?”

Adam’s eyes shifted to Roxy before returning to his father. “Good. Real good.”

“That’s wonderful son,” Nelson smiled seeing the blatant interest in his son’s eyes.

“Come on back to the kitchen with me Roxy,” Brenda said, taking the younger woman by the hand. “I was just about to start frying the fish.”

“Okay,” Roxy said laughing not having much of a choice as Brenda was dragging her away.

Dinner with the Wests had felt like old times with the exception of Abby not being there. As usual, Ms. Brenda’s cooking was phenomenal. The fried fish was nice and crunchy on the outside and soft, moist and flaky on the inside. The fried potatoes and onions, cabbage, and cornbread were sinfully tasty.

Any jitters she may have felt was easily relieved. Adam’s parents hadn’t questioned why she had showed up with him for dinner. The older couple was genuinely happy to see her. And she was happy to see them, too. During dinner Roxy made a promise to herself she would make time to visit the older couple more often.

Roxy thought she would fall out her chair when a woman named Evelyn showed up for dinner as Adam’s date. She surreptitiously dipped her head to hide a giggle as Brenda profusely apologized for the blunder.

She had to give Evelyn kudos. She had laughed it off, stayed and enjoyed the scrumptious meal. Declining dessert, she thanked Brenda for dinner and left just as unassuming as she entered.

Adam excused himself to walk Evelyn to the door. He returned to his seat, glaring at his mother. He loved his mom dearly, but this had to end, especially since he now only had eyes for Roxy.

“Mom, do not set me up on any more dates,” he said, trying to hide his blustering irritation at this whole matchmaking business.

“I’ve told your mother a hundred times you’re capable of finding your own woman,” Nelson interjected, hoping his wife was done with her scheming.

Brenda had enough sense to look remorseful for all the meddling she was guilty of doing. “It won’t happen again, baby. “Spooning up a scoop of bread pudding, she smiled at Adam. “Your father is right. I know you’ll find the right girl.”

“I’m sure I will Mom,” Adam smiled, reaching under the table and intertwining his fingers with Roxy’s. Playfully winking at his mom he said, “Maybe I already have.”

That remark made Brenda perk right up. “Oh, is that so? Who is she?”

“Brenda.” Nelson warned, giving her a stern look.

“What? I only asked a question,” she replied, having a nerve to look innocent.

“Didn’t your son just tell you in so many words to mind your business, woman?”

Brenda gasped, clearly embarrassed by her husband’s rebuke. “He said no such thing, Nelson West!”

Roxy giggled at the older couple sparring back and forth. They were too funny.

Brenda rolled her eyes and turned to Roxy for support. “Roxy, do you see anything wrong with me wanting my son to find a nice girl to marry and give me some grandbabies?”

Nelson snorted and Adam sighed.

“Well… uh… no… not really,” Roxy answered, feeling like she was about to step into a very sticky situation.

Brenda beamed triumphantly. “See, my Roxy agrees with me.” Standing, she began clearing the table. “That’s alright. You don’t have to tell me who she is. All I know is she better be as sweet as my Roxy.”

The butterflies in Roxy’s belly fluttered like crazy when Adam gently squeezed her hand. “Trust me Mom, she is.”

Chapter 18

Pulling off from the curb, Roxy waved goodbye to the older couple, standing in the doorway. She didn’t stop waving until they turned the corner.

Nelson and Brenda waved back until the car disappeared.

Closing the door, Nelson commented to his wife, “I’m so proud of you.”

“For what?”

“For not letting on that Roxy is the girl Adam’s interested in.”

Brenda gave her husband a sassy smirk. “See, I’m not such the meddler you think I am.”

Yeah right,
Nelson thought to himself as his wife beamed up at him with pride.

Brenda wanted to shout for joy. Admittedly, she briefly wondered why Roxy was with Adam. But she didn’t give it a second thought; she was just so glad to see her again, and so soon. It was the quick, secretive glances that kept passing between the two that put her on high alert.
Lord, help me keep my mouth shut,
she chanted in her head over and over again to keep from asking how long they’ve been seeing each other. The last thing she wanted to do was to make Roxy uncomfortable and have her son chide her for putting her nose where it didn’t belong.

Nelson chuckled as he took his wife by the hand and headed upstairs to their bedroom. “I know it nearly killed you not saying anything. Don’t think I didn’t see the wheels spinning in your head wondering how—”

Brenda cut her eyes at her husband. He was going to stop messing with her! “I have two words for you, Nelson. Guest bedroom.”

She squealed in delight when he lifted her in his arms. “Baby, I do my best work in the guest room.”

“Thanks for taking me to dinner with you, Adam. It was good seeing your parents again.”

Briefly taking his eyes off the road, he glanced over at Roxy. “No need to thank me. They enjoyed having you over.”

Roxy began shaking her head and laughing. “Did you have any idea your mom was going to invite a date to dinner for you?”

Adam chuckled. “Hell no!”

Slowing to a stop at the red light, he again glanced over at Roxy. He had to give it to her; she had handled Evelyn’s popping up like a real trooper. She had been polite and even engaged in conversation with the woman.

Reaching over, he picked up her hand and kissed it. “I’m sorry if you felt uncomfortable.”

Roxy giggled, waving his concern off. “No harm done. If anything I felt sorry for Evelyn.” Shaking her head, she said, “Your mom is a hot mess. But she loves you and only wants what she thinks is best for you.”

“Exactly. What
thinks is best for me,” he pointed out.

“Oh, don’t be like that,” Roxy teasingly scolded.

“Like what?” he said, pulling off from the green light.

“She’s a mom and of course all moms think they know what’s best for their children.”

“I bet your mother isn’t throwing men in your path every chance she gets,” he snorted.

Laughing, Roxy said, “Thank God!” If anything Reba schooled her to be cautious when it came to men and matters of the heart.

Yes, thank God
. He didn’t know how he would handle having men coming at her all the time. The thought of it made him grip the steering wheel tighter. Needing to change the subject, he inquired about Roxy’s upcoming plans for the week. With another week of vacation he wanted to spend some time with her.

“Nothing much,” she told him as he pulled his car into the parking lot of her apartment building.

“What’s nothing much?” he smoothly asked as he shut off the ignition.

“I’m meeting my sisters for dinner Wednesday after work.”

Adam nodded his head. “Are you nervous?”

“Yeah… a little bit,” she admitted. Letting out a deep sigh, her eyes showed her fears when she glanced at him. “What if they blame me and my mom for breaking up their parents’ marriage?”

Turning to face her, Adam gently stroked the velvety skin on her soft cheek with the back of his knuckles. “Baby, try not to think that way. Neither you nor your mom was the blame for that marriage breaking up. The bastard lied to your mother and his family. Trust me, Ms. Reba wasn’t the first woman he ran around with on his wife.”

He probably was right. From what little bit her mother had told her about Harold Avery, he wasn’t a very trustworthy character. But that didn’t mean her half-sisters would see their father for who he really was. For all she know they could worship the ground he walked on. And if that was even a remote possibility, meeting them face to face had her edgy as all get out.

Getting out of the car, Adam walked around to the passenger side. Opening the door, he helped Roxy out. Taking her hand, they walked and talked the short distance to her building.

“I’m just anxious to get this over with,” she confessed.

He didn’t like the creases that had formed between her eyes from frowning with worry. The overwhelming need to protect her from anyone that would cause her harm weighed heavy on him. She had no control over being put into this twisted situation. And he wasn’t about to sit by and allow anyone to mistreat or hurt her over a situation she hadn’t created.

She had refused his offer to go with her to meet her father. But it wouldn’t hurt to again offer his support. “Would you like for me to go with you?”

Stopping in front of her studio apartment, she pulled out her keys before turning to him. Her heart did a double beat when she looked up into sincere eyes full of tenderness and concern. They had agreed to take things slow and enjoy getting to know each other this time around as adults. But the way he was looking at her had her feeling things she shouldn’t feel at this stage. And it wasn’t lost on her that he had suggested again to be by her side.

“I think I’ll be alright,” she told him as she turned the key to let them in.

He didn’t wait for her to bathe the room in light. Pulling her into his embrace, he held her tight. Nuzzling her ear, he whispered, “You sure?”

“Yes,” she breathed out, loving the feel of being in his arms.

Moving to her lips, he placed butterfly kisses on and around her mouth. “You know I’ll be there for you?”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she whispered against his firm mouth, “I know.”

Slipping her tongue into his mouth, she explored every nook and cranny. He tasted so good. This was the sweetest kiss ever. Delving in deeper she just had to show him how much she appreciated his desire to protect her.

Adam’s large hands slid down her back cupping her firm, luscious bottom. Pulling her closer to rest against his huge erection, he deepened the kiss. He knew he was in trouble when Roxy let out a faint whimper and pressed herself closer to his hard body.

Roxy’s head was spinning, making her delirious. Adam’s hands ought to be outlawed. Somehow he had eased her blouse out of her skirt and unbuttoned the delicate fabric. They were moving too fast, but she couldn’t stop him. She didn’t want to stop him. His touch felt too good. Expertly, he had the front clasp of her bra open, freeing her perky breasts.

She groaned in disappointment when he ended the kiss. This disappointment was short lived.

The moonlight filtering through the window gave him enough illumination to take in the softness of her exposed flesh. “You’re so beautiful. I just have to touch you.”

He didn’t ask for permission nor did he need it. Goose bumps danced along her sensitive flesh as he began lightly stroking her breasts. The hidden treasure nestled between her labia began to throb as he paid attention to her puckered nipples.

His eyes had longingly gazed upon her partially naked beauty. He’d caressed her smooth velvet, cinnamon skin. Now he wanted to taste her. Drawing a chocolate tip into his mouth Adam suckled, savoring the taste and texture of her skin.

Roxy’s eyes closed and her head lolled back. It was a good thing Adam was strong. His thick arm corded with muscles securely tightened around her waist as all the strength left her legs from her knees buckling.

Sweeping her up in his arms, he navigated in the dark the short distance to the sofa. His mouth never left its task of pleasuring her as he sat with her on his lap.

“Adam,” she moaned when his suckling became tender nibbles, taking the throbbing between her legs to a full-blown, rippling pulsation. She let out a whimper of protest when he released her nipple. She rewarded him with a breathy sigh of satisfaction when he treated the other breast to the same sensual torture.

The bulge in his pants was like a rock against her bottom. Wiggling her lush derriere, her eyes went wide when his member throbbed in response. Roxy gasped in delicious surprise when his teeth clamped down on her nipple.

“Be still,” he growled. Adam knew he was only going but so far with Roxy tonight. He wasn’t going to rush her into something she wasn’t ready for. But if she kept wiggling in his lap, it would be hard not to give her what she was obviously asking for.

“Sorry, I can’t help it.” Roxy murmured, desperately trying not to move. Didn’t he know his masculine body was stirring things in her that she had never felt for
man? Granted, she wasn’t a virgin, but she didn’t have a ton of experience, either. These stirrings were something excitingly new.

The tiny tingles in the pit of her belly, the goose bumps all over her flesh, the throbbing, tender aching of her nipples, and pulsing between her legs were assaulting her all at once. Now the only thing she needed was to feel him deep inside of her.

The few times she engaged in the act of sex, it was more so out of curiosity. Never before had her two previous partners pushed her to the point of wanton passion. Never had they pushed her to the point where she would be reduced to begging for it.

“Adam, please make love to me.”

Oh man. Why did she have to go and ask him to do something like that? His body was willing, but his mind told him he couldn’t. Sure, he’d had a meaningless fling or two, where he and the other woman mutually used each other’s bodies for carnal pleasure. But Roxy wasn’t that type of woman.

What is he doing?
Roxy thought as he gently lifted her off his lap. “What’s wrong?” Self-consciously she pulled her blouse close to cover her exposed breasts.

Rubbing his hands over his close cropped head, he blew out a ragged breath. This couldn’t happen, not like this. “Roxy, nothing’s wrong. I just don’t want to rush into a sexual relationship with you.”

Moving over, Roxy put some distance between them. She was glad the room was dark. Her face felt feverish and red from embarrassment. She had come on to him and he was turning her down – flat out rejecting her.

When she didn’t say anything, he asked, “Are you okay?”

Roxy nodded her head, although she wanted to scream she wasn’t okay. Here he had her body all worked up, hot and bothered. What was she supposed to do now with all this sexual frustration? What was she supposed to do with all this built up tension that needed releasing?

“You don’t seem okay,” he challenged quietly.

“I’m just a little embarrassed,” she admitted in a tiny whisper. Wasn’t she supposed to be the one telling him she didn’t want to rush into having sex, and not the other way around?

Adam slid closer to Roxy, closing the small gap she’d placed between them. Taking her hand, he kissed it before he intertwined their fingers. “Don’t be embarrassed.”

“You probably think I’m a ho or something,” she blurted out.

Frowning he denied her claim. “That’s not true. I just think we both got a little carried away.” Lifting her chin, he tenderly kissed her soft lips. “Believe me; I want to make love to you. But we agreed to take things slow. Roxy, I really want to get to know you before we go there.”

Roxy nodded her head in understanding. “I know we did. And I want to get to know you, too.” Smiling she said, “I guess we did get a little carried away.”

“And I apologize for that. I should have kept my mouth and hands to myself.”

Oh no you shouldn’t have!
Although he was leaving her all hot and bothered, she thoroughly enjoyed his touch.

Turning to face him, she playfully poked him in his chest. “Yes, you should have kept your body parts to yourself. I don’t need you corrupting me,” she teased.

“Corrupting you! Yeah right!” Roxy was aghast as he taunted, “Ooh Adam baby, make love to me.”

Picking up a throw pillow she began swinging. “I did not!” she screeched so loud her neighbors probably heard her through the thin walls.

Adam’s deep baritone laughter bubbled from deep in his chest as he blocked each soft blow. “You did, too.”

Whack!… “Take it!”… Whack!… “Back!”… Whack!… “Adam!”… Whack! She demanded, laughing in between whacks to his head.

Wrestling the pillow from her, he pinned her to the sofa. Leaning forward, he tenderly kissed her lips. “I’m sorry. I take it back,” he whispered against her moist lips.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him. “Good. Now get out before you make me corrupt you again.”

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