The Swiss Family Robinson (35 page)

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Authors: Johann David Wyss

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #General, #Classics, #Family, #Adventure, #Young Readers

BOOK: The Swiss Family Robinson
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* * * * *



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* * * * *

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* * * * *


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Works bound in Morocco—

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* * * * *


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* * * * *


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Price One Shilling each,


* * * * *

Under the above title it is proposed to publish, at short intervals, a Series of interesting works on Biography, History, Travels, &c., in which they lay a claim to the whole meaning of their title—to the very fullest extent and influence of that large and potent word, POPULARITY!

* * * * *



HISTORY OF AMERICA, Vol. I. By Bancroft.



LIFE OF SIR ROBERT PEEL. With portrait by Harvey.

THE BERBER. By Dr. Mayo.

KALOOLAH; an Autobiography. By Dr. Mayo.

ELDORADO; or, The Gold Regions. Two Vols. By Bayard Taylor.

TYPEE; a Residence in the Marquesas. By Herman Melville.

OMOO; or, Adventures in the South Seas. By Herman Melville.



Washington Irving’s Complete Works,

consisting of

LIFE AND VOYAGES OF COLUMBUS. Two Vols. By Washington Irving.

CONQUEST OF GRANADA. By Washington Irving.

TALES OF A TRAVELLER. By Washington Irving.

TOUR ON THE PRAIRIES, Abbotsford, and Newstead Abbey. By Washington Irving.

THE SKETCH–BOOK. By Washington Irving.

KNICKERBOCKER’S History of New York. By Washington Irving.

BONNEVILLE’S (Capt.) ADVENTURES. By Washington Irving.

TALES OF THE ALHAMBRA, and Legends of Spain. By Washington Irving.

ASTORIA. By Washington Irving.


OLIVER GOLDSMITH; an Autobiography. By Washington Irving.

LIFE OF MAHOMET. By Washington Irving.

BRACEBRIDGE HALL. By Washington Irving.


SALMAGUNDI. By Washington Irving.

* * * * *

Also, the above Works, bound in Eight Volumes, cloth lettered,

forming the

Complete Edition of Washington Irving’s Works,20s.


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