The Sword of Michael - eARC (9 page)

Read The Sword of Michael - eARC Online

Authors: Marcus Wynne

Tags: #Fiction, #science fiction, #General, #Action & Adventure, #Space Opera

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This is how it begins.

In a depossession, there is a process that the possessing entity—lost human soul, soul fragment, thought form, dark force entity, or sorcerer—goes through at the same time that the possessed human and the depossessionist does.

There’s an awareness of the Light, a reaction to it, an activation or disturbance with the entity or being. I saw with my shamanic vision the movement of something dark within and beneath the surface of Tony’s energetic body.

Like a shark beneath the surface.

And like sharks, there are always a few pilot fish, attendants, smaller entities. They are the first to come forward, pushed that way by the larger presence beneath. Where there’s one, there’s many.

“I call on the Angels of the Crossing,” I said.

In the Other Realms where I watched from my vantage point with a foot in two worlds, a portal opened—a sturdy wooden gate cross-reinforced with massive metal flanges—guarded by two warrior angels with swords of flame. And through that door came the Light—the brilliant Light of the Creator.

Lost souls, lost humans or other-dimensionals caught in the energy matrix of a human will often leave, spontaneously, and go to the greatest source of Light…and there is no greater source of Light, other than the direct presence of Creator God, than the Light that shines through the Portals of the Crossing.

The ripples the reaction causes in the energetic shield can be seen by the naked human eye; a darkness comes and goes across the face, especially in the ocular cavity around the eyes. I saw those come up and depart, some of them human, some of them not, transforming as they entered the Light and returned as their True Selves…one turned and raised her hand, whispered
Thank you…
as she vanished.

Those are the easy ones.

All that’s required is to open Sacred Space, invite in the Divine Helpers, call for the Portal to be opened, and hold Space while the clearing occurs.

The not-so-easy ones are those who fear the Light; those who’ve been deceived by The Three Lies: They are not of the Light. The Light will hurt them. They can never enter or return to the Light.

All lies of the Dark Forces, for we all come from the Light.

Remember what I said about the Father of Lies?

The Three Lies are the first of his children.

“Tony, can you hear me?” I said.

“Yes,” he said, his voice soft and dreamy. “I can hear you, Marius.”

“I’m going to ask you to help me help you, okay? I’m going to scan down through your body, with you, starting at your head and working down through your face and into your neck, all the way down through your body…what I need you to do is stop me when you identify any discomfort or pain, anywhere in your body…can you do that for me?”


“Let’s start at the top of your head, the very top…”

“It feels as though there’s something there…”

“If it had a color, what color would it be?”

“Dark, muddy, brown…”

“If it had a shape, what shape would it be?”

“Like an upside down bowl.”

“If it had a sound, what sound would it be?”

“Fingernails scraping on cardboard.”

“And if it had a voice…what would that voice sound like?”

“Harsh, bitter…”

“Okay, Tony,” I said. “I want Tony’s True Self to step aside…Tony, I’m going to speak directly to that shape with the harsh and bitter voice, and I want you to listen to what that shape says, and just tell me what it says, whatever it says, no matter how it sounds…can you do that for me?”

Tony hesitated, then said in a soft voice, “Yes. I can do that.”

“My name is Marius Winter,” I said. “I am a son of the Light and I am here in the Service of the Light. Who are you?”

“It says it doesn’t know,” Tony said.

“Where do you come from?”

“Far away.”

“What color is the Light in the world it comes from?”

A long pause. Then, “It says there is no Light where it comes from.”

“You come from the Dark?”


“What is your purpose here?”

“To block.”

“To block what?”

“Energy. Light.”

“Your work here is done,” I said. “You are released, with gratitude, for the lessons you have brought to all of us, and you are free now to return to the safety and the comfort of the Darkness…

…another Portal swung wide open, a black hole as dark as the space between black holes on the outermost edges of the universe…a black hole that sucked light into it…

…and it was gone.

“Tony?” I said. “Is it gone?”

“Yes,” he said, voice full of wonder. “It’s gone!”

The deeper activation was even more visible now; ripples of tension, dark and light, played across Tony’s face; muscles twitched in his arms and legs and stomach.

Jolene raised her hands as though offering invisible twin chalices to the sky; Sabrina and Dillon followed suit. A mighty band of energy traveled through their hands to me and through me, enclosing the table in a ball of brilliant white light.

Sacred space.

“It’s time,” I said.

My Allies gathered close, and shed their otherworldly bodies to become brilliant spheres of light, joined with me and infused me with their protection and their power; simultaneously them *and* me, I saw through their eyes *and* mine; and then the Merging of the Great Powers with me, the two mighty powers that worked through me and protected me, Mother Mary and Michael, the Merging causing me to tremble with that infusion of power, shook to the core of my mortal self…

…they joined with me to work through me, because the darkest and largest one of all was coming forward…

Tony choked and coughed. Maryka started to move but I held up my hand and she stopped. Tony’s coughing and choking continued.

“I feel like I’m being strangled,” Tony gasped.

“I call on Michael and Uriel to enclose this being in a super bubble of white Light,” I said. “Enclose this being so it may do no harm.”

…asking release the Intention, and its the Intention that mighty helping and compassionate spirits need to work through us…and within Tony, a brilliant light like a massive soap bubble infused with Light surrounded and encased something dark and struggling within his body…

“Tony, let your True Self step to one side,” I said. “You don’t have to speak…”

Tony’s voice changed to something deep and harsh and mocking. “I want him to speak.”

“Silence,” I said. “I’m speaking to Tony and his True Self. Tony, do you want to speak for this being?”

“I’m afraid,” Tony said in his normal voice.

“You are protected,” I said. “You don’t have to speak, but you may if you choose to do so. We will all help you. You are protected.”

It’s always dangerous when you have an ancient and powerful and malevolent being that assumes or tries to assume control of the client’s body. On one hand, when the being sovereign in the body by Divine Law, Tony in this instance, participates in the process, he regains some of the power stolen by the possessing being. On the other hand, with a deceptive and powerful being—and it’s always safe to assume that any being like this can be deceptive, powerful, completely telepathic and not bound to time and space—the practitioner and the client run the risk of losing control or being knocked off the concentration necessary to continue and prevail.

That’s a favorite tool of the Dark Forces.


So we have a being that is telepathic, can see the future, knows what you are thinking before you do, has a host of telekinetic and other powers…what makes you think you’ll prevail?

You’ll prevail because it’s
you doing the prevailing, it’s the Power of the Light and the Compassionate Helping Spirits working
you. It’s not you, anymore than a beat up saloon piano is the music that flows through it. You’re the Instrument and the Player is a Divine Being that is also telepathic, can see the future, knows you better than anyone or anything in the Universe, is not bound to time and space…and Loves you and those you go in Service for more than anything.

Me, I bet on the Light.

“I’ll try,” Tony said.

“There is no try, Jedi,” I said. “There is only do.”

A ripple of laughter from those around the table as well as those gathered round in the Other Realms.

Tony laughed, a lighter sound. “Okay, Obi-Wan. I’m ready,” he said.

I could feel the discomfort of the dark force entity; it hated laughter. There’s a saying “The Devil hates laughter.” So do his minions. Especially those who take themselves too seriously and think that all laughter is mockery of them.

“Okay, Tony,” I said. “Let your True Self off to the side, and let’s see who we have here…”

“He says he wants to speak directly,” Tony said.

“No,” I said. “Through you.”

“Okay,” Tony said. He began, in his voice. “What do you want?”

“Who am I speaking to?” I said.

Tony’s voice changed, became deeper and more precise. “You know who I am, shaman.”

“What is your name?”

“My name is not important.”

“I would think that it would be. You are obviously powerful. You are obviously here with a purpose. Surely so powerful and important a being has a name?”

My guides closed tightly around me, and around me the Legions of Light, surrounding me and infusing me with their power…they only gathered this way when in the presence of something powerful as well…

“I have no need of a name,” the being said.

…and the image of banners arrayed across a vast plain…the Sons of Belial drawn up in all their ranks…

“Nor do I,” I said.

Laughter then, musical and deep and poisonous, from Tony’s throat. “First blood to me, shaman. That ego of yours will be the death of you. Do you still count coup, little shaman? Or do you call yourself a medicine man?”

“I don’t call myself anything other than a Son of the Light,” I said. “What is your purpose here?”

Laughter, soft and amused. “Why, to crush you and yours, of course, Marius. Now, forever, and always.”

A ripple in the container of Sacred Space; a sense…another gathering, a darker one.

“Your work here is done,” I said. “It’s time for you to return to…”

“…where I came from, with gratitude for the lessons I’ve brought you?” Sneering laughter. “You cannot compel me, mortal. I am beyond you.”

“There is nothing beyond Creator God,” I said. “In the name of Creator God and the Light that works through me, I command you to leave now and return to the place where you came from…”

Tony screamed and twisted on the table. Maryka clutched his feet.

“You don’t know where I come from, shaman?” the being hissed. “Look in your heart. That’s where I came from.”

“In my heart is the Light of Creator God,” I said. “You may return to the Light.”

“I AM NOT OF THE LIGHT! I RETURN TO THE DARK! ONLY FOR NOW!” the being screamed through Tony’s mouth. Tony twisted as though he were manacled hand and foot. “I am the FIRST! I will be BACK! We are coming to CRUSH YOU!”

The room shook like a brief earthquake. Dillon rolled forward on the balls of his feet, alert; Sabrina caught his eye and shook her head no. A thick roiling form of black smoke seeped from every pore on Tony’s body, coiling around his head and neck and shoulders, and from within the smoke two red eyes glared at me, glared in turn at each of us holding a point in the Circle.

“I WILL…” the being screamed. It was cut off by the bubble of Light closing in on it, and on either side of the dark form appeared the brilliant white forms of the Heavyweights in the Light, Michael and Uriel, binding him within the Light, and lifting him away, still struggling within the bubble, to the Place of Transformation…

Tony let out a trembling exhale of pent up breath, and sagged back onto the table. He was drenched in sweat. His energetic body was torn and shredded, in need of deep healing…Sabrina and Jolene appeared as they are in the Other Realms: Jolene tall and terrible in her gowns of white, surrounded and attended by the spirits, Avatar of the Goddess; Sabrina, her hair neatly braided, dressed in a white buckskin dress drawn with ochre images, a rattle in her hand—healing energy radiating from them both, and overarching them the Great Mother, Mother Mary as she appeared to me; the Light of the Moon flowing through Jolene and into Tony, filling him, infusing him; the Spirit Guides of Sabrina tending and mending the tears in his energetic being, repairing the body container even as it filled with Divine Light, cleaning out the sludge and residue the possession left behind, lingering like the stench of garbage does even after you empty the can; Dillon as he appeared in the Other Realms, a Warrior Angel, a long spear in his hand, a sword by his side, ready, endlessly scanning for any threat; my guides, all of them, holding the space steady for the healing taking place…

And when that work was done and silently communicated to me from Jolene, I intoned: “Father, Mother, Creator, God, Holy Spirit, Great Spirit, Goddess, I call on you and I call on all the angelic realm and all those compassionate beings who have worked with us and through us on the behalf of Tony, child of God, and we offer up thanks of gratitude and love for the work done here in your name. We are grateful, we are grateful, we are grateful…and we release with our deepest thanks all of the spirits who have gathered here to support this work…may the Circle be opened to the Light of the World and all released…with thanks of gratitude and love.”

We stood back from the table. Tony opened his eyes. Blinked and looked around at us. He looked different. His face was lighter and the bags around his eyes had disappeared.

Tears streamed down Maryka’s face.

I helped Tony sit up. “Just take a minute and settle back into your body. Concentrate on the feeling in the soles of your feet, feel all the parts of your body, start from the bottom and work your way up.”

“Okay,” Tony said. “I feel really…different.”

“You look different!” Maryka said. “It’s a miracle.”

“Thanks to the Creator,” I said. “Now. Tony. Maryka is going to drive you back to her place. You’ll need to drink a lot of water, way more than you think you need. At least two quarts over the next hour or so. Then I want you to get into a very hot bath…”

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