The Sybian Club (5 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Sybian Club
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After the first introductory party was such a huge success, the next two had been even bigger. Word of mouth was spreading like wildfire, and Tasha was getting dozens of emails a day. She could barely keep up with it all and her day job, too. Max had told her just last week, if it kept up this way, she could kiss corporate life goodbye and do this full time if she wanted. She couldn't imagine anything better.

"Oh... oh... God... what...!" Ashley's voice from behind the door. Tasha cocked her head, listening, waiting. There was a kind of humming that went along with the machine, and she could tell it was Ashley, "Mmmm... mmmmmm...mmmmmmm!" It was sort of a sweet sound, like a little kid eating ice cream and exclaiming its creamy goodness after every lick. Tasha smiled.

"Oooooo wooowwwww!"

Wow? Tasha wondered? Or "Ow?" She listened carefully, the sound of the machine growing louder.

"Ohwowohwowohwow!" The words were running together and Tasha still wasn't sure if it was the sound of pleasure or pain. Sometimes it was hard to tell the difference!

"Oh my God! Oh! Something's happening!" The woman sounded panicked and Tasha stood, putting her hand on the doorknob.

"Are you okay?" she called, rapping gently on the door. "I'm here."

"Something's happening!" the woman said again, moaning loudly. "Oh nooo oh what's happening! Please! Help me!"

Tasha opened the door, peeking around to see Ashley sitting completely naked on top of the machine. Her breasts were full and bottom heavy, the areolas dark and enormous, her nipples as large as nickels in the center. They were swaying as she rocked, the dark, thick hair of her pussy glistening, a stark contrast against the flesh-colored strip resting on top of the Sybian. She was still wearing her glasses, Tasha noted with a smile, but her eyes were closed tight behind them.

"It's okay," Tasha crooned, closing the door behind her and coming to stand next to the woman. "It's probably just the first time you're going to have a g-spot orgasm..."

"No," Ashley gasped, reaching out for Tasha and clasping her hand. "I never have... never..."

"Never...?" Tasha let the woman squeeze her hand as she moaned and rocked up on the machine, her breath coming fast and hard. Suddenly, it occurred to her what Ashley was trying to say. "Never... had an orgasm? Ever?"

"Nooooo," Ashley half-moaned, half-lamented, squeezing Tasha's hand in rhythm now. "Never... ever... have... oh my God!"

"It's okay," Tasha murmured, her heart racing as she watched the woman rolling her hips on the Sybian. "Just let it come... let it come..."

"Please!" Ashley moaned, her eyes opening in panic. "Oh, help me!"

Tasha stood on the stool next to the table, bringing her height up, so she was face to face with the dark-haired woman.

What happened next was just instinctive. Tasha cupped the woman's face in her hands, "Ashley, look at me."

Her eyes were beautiful, a deep, dark brown, and full of wonder and not a little fear.

"Good..." Tasha murmured and leaned in to kiss her. It was a soft kiss, just a connection, something to ground her, and it worked.

"Oooooooohhhhhh," Ashley moaned, relaxing against Tasha, wrapping her arms around her neck. "It feels so good... too good."

"Let it," Tasha whispered into her ear, stroking her hair, the hum of the machine vibrating them both as they embraced. "You're gonna come, sweetie... let it come..."

"Ohhh please," she pleaded, and then her head flew up, her eyes widening and then closing again as she shuddered all over. Tasha held onto the woman as she collapsed against her shoulder again, crying out as her very first orgasm rocked her body again and again. The woman grabbed the controls, turning them way down, her thighs still trembling, a light sheen of sweat glistening on her skin.

"Oh God," Ashley whispered. "I didn't know it would be like that..."

"It just gets better," Tasha assured her, brushing the hair out of her eyes. "Trust me."

The grateful look in the woman's eyes was something Tasha would never forget as long as she lived. Ashley inclined her head and kissed her again, and Tasha smiled.

"Let me show you," Tasha said, turning the controls up again, making the woman moan in response. "A woman's body is an amazing thing... it's about time you got to know yours, don't you think?"

"Yesssssss!" Ashley moaned, her hands moving over her breasts, down her belly, pressing her palm against the dark hair of her pussy. "Ohhhh please, yessss, show me!"

Tasha glanced at her watch and saw that the woman's time was about up. No more appointments today, anyway, she remembered, slowly edging up the rotation, watching the woman's nipples harden.

"Okay," Tasha agreed, running her hand over the same path that Ashley's had taken, down her breasts, her belly, pressing fully over her pussy. "I'll show you."

Ashley's body was trembling so much she could barely keep still. Tasha held onto her, standing on the stool next to the table where the dark haired woman was riding the Sybian. Tasha crooned and cradled her head against her shoulder.

"I can't," Ashley whimpered, shivering all over like someone with a fever. Her body was hot, flushed, like a little heater. Tasha smiled, stroking her hair.

"Yes you can," Tasha murmured, fingering the controls. "Just hold onto me." She had turned them way down after Ashley's first—first ever!—orgasm, giving her time to catch her breath. Now she edged them up a notch. Just the vibration, not the rotation.

"It's like a wave," Tasha murmured into her ear as Ashley squirmed on the vibrating machine and clutched at her. "You just need to learn to ride it..."

Ashley gasped, her hips rocking in spite of her protest. She twisted and rocked, moaning softly and shaking her head. Tasha knew the feeling. You weren't sure if you wanted to try to get away from the sensation or keep going. It was so intense it felt as if your whole body might burst into flame.

"Stay with it," Tasha crooned, stepping back a little to let Ashley ride, but the woman grabbed her, pulling her in tight. "It's okay... I know it's intense."

Tasha started the rotation, just a slow turn, and Ashley's body stiffened in response. Her fingers dug into Tasha's shoulder blades, her breath hot against her neck.

"Please," Ashley begged, and Tasha stroked her cheek, dancing her fingers over her collarbone to find the woman's nipple. Dark and enormous, it was already hard, and Tasha thought it must be sensitive. She was right. The moment she had it between her thumb and forefinger, squeezing and rolling it, Ashley groaned and rocked faster on top of the Sybian.

"Ohhhhh!" Ashley threw her head back, her arms out, arching. Smiling, Tasha fingered her other nipple, pinching the dark, oval areolas gently and pulling forward a little as she squeezed. This made Ashley sigh with pleasure, her eyes closed behind her dark-rimmed glasses.

"Keep riding it... like a wave." Tasha upped both controls, looking down at where the Sybian met the woman's flesh. Her pussy was mashed against the machine, the thick dark hair beaded with wetness. Tasha reached her hand down and parted the woman's lips with her fingers.

"Oh my God!" Ashley's eyes flew open wide, surprised. Her clit was as tiny as her nipples were large, barely a nub and covered with thick folds of pink. Tasha moved to the front of the machine, using her fingers to spread the woman further, pushing back the hood of her clitoris until she could see that little glistening pearl. She had an urge to kiss it.

"Keep riding that wave," Tasha encouraged, looking up at her, all that long dark hair falling into her face. Ashley was biting her lip, shaking her head, but there was no use resisting. Tasha had been there, too, not wanting it to go on, wanting it to go on forever.

"Oh!" Ashley cried out in surprise as her clit touched the slick, humming surface of the Sybian. "Ohhhhhhhhh!"

Tasha smiled. Ashley was lost. She was really rocking, now, her hips shifting back and forth, her pussy lips completely spread over the surface like the wet wings of a butterfly newly opened and drying in the sun. Tasha kept her fingers there, pulling back all the soft, pink folds of flesh, so her little clit could get the most exposure to the rising hum of the machine.

"Oh that's so good!" Ashley cried, fingering her own nipples now. She mimicked Tasha's earlier motion, her hands cupping their heavy weight, squeezing the areola as she came forward to pinch the nipple. "More... more!"

Reaching for the controls with her other hand, Tasha turned the dials. Up, up, up they went, and Ashley's moan grew louder, her breath coming in fast gasps.

"Again!" Ashley cried, just that one word as her second orgasm seemed to shoot through her like an arrow, driving her body into a tight arch, her toes curling upward as she quivered on top of the machine. Her body turned quickly to jelly again, trembling and nearly collapsing.

Tasha stood quickly, her fingers never leaving the woman's wetness, and came to stand next to her on the stool. Ashley quavered against her, still moaning and twisting on the machine.

"Stay with it," Tasha encouraged her, spreading the woman's lips as she squirmed on the Sybian. "There's more."

"Noooo!" Ashley cried. "I can't, no more!"

Tasha lifted the woman's chin off her shoulder with her other hand, turning her face to hers. God, but her eyes were beautiful. Dark and questioning, searching for something. "Yes... you can."

"Please," Ashley begged, swallowing hard. "I don't think..."

Leaning in quickly, Tasha captured the woman's mouth. It was soft, like rose petals, and she tasted sweet. But this was no little kiss, no brief connection, like before. Tasha's tongue pressed past her teeth, forcing past her resistance. She didn't think, she just acted, her mouth slanting across Ashley's, taking the kiss as the hum of the Sybian rose all around them. Tasha could feel her give, she could actually feel it in the way Ashley softened against her, kissing her back, now, their tongues gently exploring.

"Yes," Ashley murmured as the kiss broke, their eyes meeting. Tasha saw a trust in the woman's eyes that made her heart lurch in her chest. "More... more..."

Ashley's hand slipped behind Tasha's head, her fingers lost in the soft black wings of her short, dark hair as they kissed again. The jolt that went through Tasha was electric and she moaned, unable to help herself. She had spent hours listening to and watching clients ride her machine today, which always left her wet and ready for a ride herself. But now, this quiet, shy woman was kissing her so hungrily it was as if she had never been kissed or touched before, and Tasha couldn't take anymore.

"More," Ashley insisted, breaking the kiss only to say the word before pressing her lips to Tasha's again. Ashley's fingers were moving over Tasha's blouse, her dark little nipples hard and noticeable, even through her bra. What she lacked in experience, Ashley made up in enthusiasm, giving up on the buttons and just pulling Tasha's blouse out of her skirt, shoving her bra up over the soft little mounds of her breasts.

"Oh God," Tasha moaned when Ashley began to finger her nipples.

"So tiny," Ashley murmured, moving back and forth between, as if she were testing them.

Tasha tried to fight the ache between her legs, growing even greater as her nipples were tugged and gently twisted in the woman's fingers. The hum of the Sybian made her ache to climb up on it herself. Could two of them fit? she wondered. Tasha's eyes flew open. What was she thinking!?

"Oh my God," Tasha gasped, breaking the kiss, moving her hand away from the woman's pussy for the first time since she had first touched it. "We can't... I'm sorry... this is..."

Ashley looked her, quizzical, her eyes glazed. She was still rocking on the Sybian, the wetness spreading to her thighs.

"This is very unprofessional," Tasha said, swallowing hard. "I apologize."

The woman's lips curled into a smile. She reached her finger out and touched Tasha's hard nipple through her blouse. "I won't tell."

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