The Tale of Krispos (9 page)

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Authors: Harry Turtledove

BOOK: The Tale of Krispos
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He stood, more smoothly than Gelasios had. They walked out into the sunlight together. The men of the village raised a cheer to see Phostis returned to health. Somebody called, “And Tatze would have been such a tempting widow, too!” They all laughed, Phostis louder than anyone.

Krispos came out behind the two older men. While most of the villagers were still making much of his father, Idalkos beckoned to him. The veteran had been talking with the commander of the Videssian cavalry force. “I’ve told this gentleman—his name is Manganes—something about you,” he said to Krispos. “He says—”

“Let me put it to him myself,” Manganes said crisply. “From what your fellow villager here says, Krispos—do I have your name right?—you sound like a soldier the imperial army could use. I’d even offer you, hmm, a five goldpiece enlistment bonus if you rode back to Imbros with us now.”

Without hesitating, Krispos shook his head. “Here I stay, sir, all the more so since, by your kindness and Gelasios’ healing magic, my father has been restored to me.”

“As you wish, young man,” Manganes said. He and Idalkos both sighed.


summer afternoon to find his mother, his sisters, and most of the other village women gathered round a peddler who was showing off a fine collection of copper pots. “Aye, these’ll last you a lifetime, ladies, may the ice take me if I lie,” the fellow said. He whacked one with his walking stick. Several women jumped at the clatter. The peddler held up the pot. “See? Not a dent in it! Made to last, like I said. None of this cheap tinker’s work you see too often these days. And they’re not too dear, either. I ask only three in silver, the eighth part of a goldpiece—”

Krispos waved to Evdokia, but she did not notice him. She was as caught up as any of the others by the peddler’s mesmerizing pitch. Krispos walked on, a trifle miffed. He still wasn’t used to her being out of the house, though she’d married Domokos nearly a year ago. She was eighteen now, but unless he made a conscious effort not to, he still thought of her as a little girl.

Of course, he was twenty-one himself, and the older men in the village still called him “lad” a lot of the time. No one paid any attention to change until it hit him in the head, he thought, chuckling wryly.

“Dear ladies, these pots—” The peddler broke off with a squeak that was no part of his regular sales pitch. Beneath his tan, blood mounted to his cheeks. “Do excuse me, ladies, I pray.” His walk toward the woods quickly turned into an undignified dash. The women clucked sympathetically. Krispos had all he could do not to guffaw.

The peddler emerged a few minutes later. He paused at the well to draw up the bucket and take a long drink. “Your pardon,” he said as he came back to his pots. “I seem to have picked up a touch of the flux. Where was I, now?”

He went back to his spiel with almost as much verve as he’d shown before. Krispos stood around and listened. He didn’t intend to sell pots, but he had some piglets he was fattening up to take to market at Imbros soon, and the peddler’s technique was worth studying.

Not much later, though, the man had to interrupt himself again. This time he went for the woods at a dead run. He did not look happy when he returned; his face was nearer gray than red.

“Ladies, much as I enjoy telling you about my wares, I think the time has come to get down to selling, before I embarrass myself further,” he said.

He looked unhappy again through the bargaining that followed. The breaks in his talk had weakened his hold on the village women, and they dickered harder than he would have liked. He was shaking his head as he loaded pots back onto his mule.

“Here, stay for supper with us,” one of the women called. “You shouldn’t set out on the road so downcast.”

The peddler managed a smile and a low bow. “You’re too kind to a traveling man. Thank you.” Before he got his bowl of stew, though, he needed to rush off to relieve himself twice more.

“I do hope he’s well,” Tatze said that evening to Phostis and Krispos.

A scream jerked the village awake the next morning. Krispos came running out of his house spear in hand, wondering who’d set upon whom. The woman who had invited the trader to stay over stood by his bedroll, horror on her face. Along with several other men, Krispos ran toward her. Had the wretch repaid her kindness by trying to rape her?

She screamed again. Krispos noticed she was fully clothed. Then, as she had, he looked down at the bedroll. “Phos,” he whispered. His stomach churned. He was glad it was empty; had he had breakfast, he would have lost it.

The peddler was dead. He looked shrunken in on himself, and bruised; great violet blotches discolored his skin. From the way the blankets of the bedroll were drenched and stinking, he seemed to have voided all the moisture from his body in a dreadful fit of diarrhea.

“Magic,” Tzykalas the cobbler said. “Evil magic.” His hand made the sun-sign on his breast. Krispos nodded, and he was not the only one. He could imagine nothing natural that would result in such gruesome dissolution of a man.

“No, not magic,” Varades said. The veteran’s beard had been white for years, but Krispos had never thought of him as old till this moment. Now he not only looked his years, he sounded them, as well; his voice quivered as he went on, “This is worse than magic.”

“What could be worse than magic?” three men asked at once.


To Krispos it was only a word. By the way other villagers shook their heads, it meant little more to them. Varades filled them in. “I only saw it once, the good god be thanked, when we were campaigning against the Makurani in the west maybe thirty years ago, but that once was enough to last me a lifetime. It went through our army harder than any three battles—through the enemy the same way, I suppose, or they would’ve just walked over us.”

Krispos looked from the veteran to the peddler’s twisted, ruined corpse. He did not want to ask the next question: “It’s…catching, then?”

“Aye.” Varades seemed to pull himself together. “We burned the bodies of those that died of it. That slowed the spread, or we thought it did. I suppose we ought to do it for this poor bugger here. Something else we ought to do, too.”

“What’s that?” Krispos said.

“Fast as we can, ride to Imbros and fetch back a priest who knows healing. I think we’re going to need one.”


’ prayers to Phos rose with it. As he had four years earlier when the Kubratoi came, Stankos set off for Imbros. This time, instead of a mule, he rode one of the horses captured from the wild men.

But for his being gone, and for the black, burned place on the village green, life went on as before. If other people worried every time they felt a call of nature, as Krispos did, they did not talk about it.

Five days,
Krispos thought. Maybe a little less, because Stankos was on a horse now and could get to Imbros faster. Maybe a little more, because a priest might not ride back with the same grim urgency the Videssian troopers had shown—but Phos knew that urgency was real.

The healer-priest arrived on the morning of the sixth day after Stankos rode out of the village. He was three days behind the cholera. By the time he got there, the villagers had burned three more bodies, one the unfortunate woman who had asked the peddler to stay. More people were sick, diarrhea pouring out of them, their lips blue, their skin dry and cold. Some suffered from pain and cramps in their arms and legs, others did not. Out of all of them, though, flowed that endless stream of watery stool.

When he saw the victims who still lived, the priest made the sun-circle over his heart. “I had prayed your man here was wrong,” he said, “but I see my prayer was not answered. In truth, this is cholera.”

“Can you heal it?” Zoranne cried, fear and desperation in her voice—Yphantes lay in his own muck outside their cottage. “Oh, Phos, can you heal it?”

“For as long as the lord with the great and good mind gives me strength,” the priest declared. Without stopping even to give his name, he hurried after her. The healthy villagers followed.

“He’s called Mokios,” Stankos said as he trooped along with the rest of them. “
my arse is sore!” he added, rubbing the afflicted portion of his anatomy.

Mokios knelt beside Yphantes, who feebly tried to make the sun-sign when he recognized a priest. “Never mind that now,” the priest said gently. He pushed aside the villager’s befouled tunic, set hands on his belly. Then, as Gelasios had when healing Krispos’ father, he recited Phos’ creed over and over, focusing all his will and energy on the suffering man under his fingers.

Yphantes showed no external wound, as Phostis had. Thus the marvel of watching him grow well again was not there this time. Whether or not it was visible, though, Krispos could feel the current of healing pass from Mokios to the villager.

At last the priest took away his hands. He slumped back, weariness etching lines deep into his face. Yphantes sat up. His eyes were sunken but clear. “Water,” he said hoarsely. “By the good god, I’ve never been so dry in my life.”

“Aye, water.” Mokios gasped. He sounded more worn than the man he had just healed.

Half a dozen villagers raced to be first to the well. Zoranne did not win the race, but the others gave way when she said, “Let me serve them. It is my right.” With the pride of a queen, she drew up the dripping bucket, untied it, and carried it to her husband and Mokios. Between them, they all but drank it dry.

The priest was still wiping water from his mustache and beard with the sleeve of his blue robe when another woman tried to tug him to his feet. “Please, holy sir, come to my daughter,” she got out through tears. “She barely breathes!”

Mokios heaved himself upright, grunting at the effort it took. He followed the woman. Again, the rest of the villagers followed him. Phostis touched Krispos on the shoulder. “Now we pray he can heal faster than we fall sick,” he said softly.

Mokios succeeded again, though the second healing took longer than the first. When he was done, he lay full length on the ground, panting. “Look at the poor fellow,” Krispos whispered to his father. “He needs someone to heal him now.”

“Aye, but we need him worse,” Phostis answered. He knelt and shook Mokios. “Please come, holy sir. We have others who will not see tomorrow without you.”

“You are right,” the priest said. Even so, he stayed down several more minutes and, when he did rise, he walked with the shambling gait of a man either drunk or in the last stages of exhaustion.

Krispos thought Mokios’ next healing, of a small boy, would fail. How much, he wondered, could a man take out of himself before he had nothing left? Yet in the end Mokios somehow summoned up the strength to vanquish the child’s disease. While the boy, with the resilience of the very young, got up and began to play, the healer-priest looked as if he had died in his place.

But others in the village were still sick. “We’ll carry him if we have to,” Phostis said, and carry him they did, on to Varades.

Again Mokios recited Phos’ creed, though now in a voice as dry as the skins of the cholera victims he treated. The villagers prayed with him, both to lend him strength and to try to ease their own fears. He sank into the healing trance, placed his hands on the veteran’s belly. They were filthy now, from the stools of the folk he had already cured.

Once more Krispos felt healing flow out of Mokios. This time, however, the priest slumped over in a faint before his task was done. He breathed, but the villagers could not bring him back to himself. Varades moaned and muttered and befouled himself yet again.

When they saw they could not rouse Mokios, the villagers put a blanket over him and let him rest. “In the morning, the good god willing, he’ll be able to heal again,” Phostis said.

By morning, though, Varades was dead.

Mokios finally roused when the sun was halfway up the sky. Videssian priests were enjoined to be frugal of food and drink, but he broke his fast with enough for three men. “Healers have dispensation,” he mumbled round a chunk of honeycomb.

“Holy sir, so long as it gives you back the power to use your gift, no one would say a word if you ate five times as much,” Krispos told him. Everyone who heard agreed loudly.

The priest healed two more, a man and a woman, that day. Toward sunset, he gamely tried again. As he had with Varades, though, he swooned away before the cure was complete. This time Krispos wondered if he’d killed himself until Idalkos found his pulse.

“Just what my father worried about,” Krispos said. “So many of us are deathly ill that we’re dragging Mokios down with us.”

He’d hoped Idalkos might contradict him, but the veteran only nodded, saying, “Why don’t you go on home and get away from the sickness for a while? You’re lucky; none of your family seems to have come down with it.”

Krispos made the sun-sign over his heart. A few minutes later, after seeing that Mokios was as comfortable on the ground as he could be, he took Idalkos’ advice.

He frowned as he came up to his house. Being near the edge of the village, it was always fairly quiet. But he should have heard his father and mother talking inside, or perhaps Tatze teaching Kosta some trick of baking. Now he heard nothing. Nor was cooksmoke rising from the hole in the center of the roof.

All at once, his belly felt as if it had been pitched into a snowdrift. He ran for the door. As he jerked it open, out came the latrine stench with which he and the whole village had grown too horribly familiar over the last few days.

His father, his mother, his sister—they all lay on the floor. Phostis was most nearly conscious; he tried to wave his son away. Krispos paid him no heed. He dragged his father to the grass outside, then Tatze and Kosta. As he did, he wondered why he alone had been spared.

His legs ached fiercely when he bent to lift his mother, and when he went back for Kosta he found his arms so clenched with cramps that he could hardly hold her. But he thought nothing of it until suddenly, without willing it, he felt an overpowering urge to empty his bowels. He started for the bushes not far away, but fouled himself before he got to them. Then he realized he had not been spared after all.

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