The Tangled Series Complete Digital Boxed Set (Bad Boy Rock Star, Millionaire, and MMA Fighter Bundle) (61 page)

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“Uh, seriously, I don’t think anyone will notice anything above her collarbone.”

“I need a nurse!” hollered one of the customers, standing up and waving cash. “You’re giving me a heart-attack, Betty.”

Krystal snorted. “Nurse Betty looks like she’s going to have one herself, lugging those monsters around.”

Betty wore a nurse’s uniform and three-inch stilettos that made her legs look like they went all the way up to the clouds. From the way she moved around the stage, it was obvious she’d been doing it for a long time, but had lost interest in it a couple decades ago.

“Men are such pigs,” said Krystal, as another guy leaped onto the stage and grabbed the stripper’s boobs with both hands. She began to holler and the man’s buddies pulled him down, roaring with laughter. I hoped, for her sake, that the bar paid her decent benefits.

“I hope Tank gets out here quickly,” I muttered, as we made our way around the back to the bar.

“You waiting for Tank?” asked the bartender, a pretty woman in her thirties. She had long black hair and wore a Harley tank with denim shorts that barely covered her crotch.

“We are. Two light beers, please,” said Krystal. She turned to me. “That okay?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

Her eyes widened as she looked past me. “Shit,” she mumbled under her breath.

I turned and noticed a group of bikers watching us from their table. One of them was bald and had a long scar on the side of his face. He looked like he was in his forties and had some kind of tattoo under his eye. A teardrop. When our eyes met, he smiled, raised two fingers and wagged his tongue between them.

I quickly looked away. “Seriously, what a gross asshole. Does he actually think he’ll get lucky doing that?”

“He gets laid all the time, whether a chick wants to or not, I hear. In fact, those guys are Devil’s Rangers,” said the bartender, sliding our beers over. “Believe me, though, you don’t want to have anything to do with them. The only reason they’re here is because Slammer needed to talk to Mud, their Prez.”

“Who’s Slammer?” I asked.

“That’s Tank’s dad,” said Krystal. “The president of the Golden Vipers.”

“Yeah,” said Misty. Her eyes narrowed. “Shit, looks like you’re going to have company. I’d better go and get Tank before that guy steps out of bounds.”

When I turned around, I found myself staring into the soulless eyes of the Devil’s Ranger who’d been sticking his tongue out like a dipshit. He was almost a foot taller than me and smelled like pot.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said in a raspy voice. “You looking for some company?”

I wanted to tell him I’d rather find my company under a rock, now that we were forehead-to-chin, but he was a little frightening up close. “Uh, no,” I answered, trying to appear more brave than I felt. “But, thanks.” I looked away, hoping he would now

He chuckled. “Name is Breaker. Why don’t you come and join us at the table?”

“Thanks, but I have a boyfriend,” I lied, turning to face him again.  

“Good for you,” he said, smiling darkly. “That wasn’t the answer I was looking for, though.”

I really didn’t like this guy and he was now seriously pissing me off. “Sorry, but I guess you won’t like this answer either.
,” I said firmly, surprising myself. “I’d rather stay right here and drink this beer with my friend.”

“You’re kind of bitch, you know that?” he said, his eyes hardening.

I forced myself to smile as sweetly as possible when I noticed the vein throbbing in his forehead. He looked like he was about ready to explode. “Sorry. Look, neither of us wants any trouble. We just want to be alone, you know?”

His eyes flickered over Krystal. “You two dykes? Is that it?” 

My smile fell. I seriously hated that term and if we were lovers, it wasn’t his business anyway. “Not that it’s any of your business, but no we are not.”

“That’s good,” he said, undressing me with his eyes again. “A body like yours needs to be fucked by a real man, not a rubber strap-on toy. Although,” he laughed, “I wouldn’t mind watching you play with one.”

I looked at Krystal and said, “Wow.”

“Speaking of ‘wow’. You ever felt the rumble of an engine between your legs?” he asked, leaning closer to me.

“No,” I replied, wondering why I was still answering him.

“Let’s go pop that cherry then,” he answered. “I’ll take you for ride on my Harley that will make your pussy drool.”

I burst out laughing. “Oh, my God. Are you really that classy?”

“Anyone walks into a place like this shouldn’t expect classy,” he said. “That goes for stuck-up bitches, too.”

I gritted my teeth and forced myself not to reply. I could tell from his expression that he was hoping I would. Daring me to. I looked toward the entrance, hoping to get the bouncer’s attention, but he wasn’t at his station.

“We’re waiting for Tank,” said Krystal in a shrill voice.

He ignored her. “I know Blondie is Tank’s. I’ve already been warned. But, nobody mentioned you, sweetness. You’ve got no patch either. You’re free territory. I say we go do a little exploring.”

I laughed, trying to make light of everything, even though I was seething inside. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone?

“You like that one, huh? I’ve got something else for you, too,” he said, grabbing his crotch. “Now, drink the rest of your beer and we’ll hit the road.”

“Do I have to spell it out for you?” I said, totally disgusted. “I’m not interested.”

Breaker’s nostrils flared. “I don’t think you understand who you’re talking to.”

“An asshole is who I’m talking to,” I snapped. “Now, fuck off.”

His buddies at the table snickered. 

The man’s hand snaked out and he grabbed my arm roughly. “You fucking cunt. Let’s go. Now.”

Krystal sucked in her breath. “Oh, my God.”

I pulled my arm away from him in shock. The guy was treating me like one of those whores she had told me about. As big and bad as he looked, nobody treated me like a slut that was up for grabs. “Leave me alone,” I said through my clenched teeth. “Before I call the bouncer over here.”

He laughed coldly. “The bouncer? Good luck with getting help from that pig.”

Before I could respond, two other guys stepped next to us, one being Tank.

Breaker took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Hey, Tank. Looks like the meeting is over, huh?”

“Almost. What’s going on, Breaker?” asked Tank, picking at his teeth with a toothpick.

“Just havin’ me some fun,” said the man, smirking. “You said we should relax and enjoy ourselves. So, that’s what I’m trying to do.”

“Not with my girl, you’re not,” said a deep voice.

I turned to find myself staring up at a pair of icy blue eyes and a smile that wasn’t meant to be friendly.

Breaker’s eye narrowed. “Thought Brandy was your Old Lady, Raptor.”

So this was Raptor?

I could see why Krystal found him fascinating. He was certainly good-looking, with his square jaw, full lips, and muscular frame. His blond hair was long and pulled back into a ponytail, exposing his ears, which were both pierced. For some reason, he reminded me of a model I’d seen recently in a pricey cologne ad. I’d been drawn to his eyes, thinking they must have been Photo-Shopped because of the dazzling color. That guy had nothing on Raptor, however. His eyes sparkled like the bluest of tanzanite. Bluer than anything my mother had ever sold, and she was a jeweler. They were so stunning that it was hard to look away.

“You thought wrong,” answered Raptor.

“Yeah. That ship has sailed,” said Tank, smirking. “And… I wouldn’t bring her up anymore.”

Raptor slid his arm around my waist and pulled me in tightly. “As I was saying, Breaker… this kitten is mine, so I suggest that you go find your own.”

Chapter Two





I had to do something with my hands before I grabbed Breaker and killed the bastard, so I pulled the chick against me and gave him a look that said ‘fuck you’. He was a complete psycho and had we been alone, I’d have made sure he never touched a woman again. Rumor had it that he’d raped and beaten Slammer’s Old Lady’s daughter. It was what tonight’s meeting was about. But, the Devil’s Rangers were denying his involvement. Things were getting ugly in the back of the club, but apparently, they were just as ugly in the front.

“As I was saying, Breaker… this kitten is mine, so I suggest that you go find your own.”

Breaker looked at me like we wanted to bash my skull in and I stared back at him, daring him to fucking try it.





Part of me was annoyed that they were treating me like a possession. The other part liked the way Raptor’s arm felt around my waist and the smell of him – leather and a trace of cologne. A good cologne. As I leaned closer to get a better whiff, Raptor looked down and our eyes met.

I laughed nervously. “Uh, new cologne, honey?”

He stared at me for a minute and then his lips twitched, as if he was fighting a smile. He turned away and they continued their testosterone-fueled banter, although, I really wasn’t paying much attention. I was too intrigued with the guy holding me. I had to admit, he
sexier than hell and I liked the way my breasts molded against his side as he held me in place. Either I was ovulating or Krystal was right, it had been way too long since I’d had sex and the heat he was generating was making me warm in all the right places. 

Breaker looked from Raptor and then to me, his eyes narrowing. “If she’s yours, I’d suggest you patch her before someone snatches her up,” he sneered. “Or, better yet, let me know when you’re done with her. She might like to know what a real man feels like between her legs.”

I felt Raptor stiffen up, but he kept his composure. “Believe me, now that she’s had a real man in her honey-hole, your junk would feel more like a sliver off of my timber.”

Normally, I would have rolled my eyes at such immature banter, but I had to admit, the thought of Raptor in my honey-hole was interesting.

“I suggest you remember who you’re talking to, Raptor,” he said, clenching his jaw. “And show some fucking respect.”

“You are the last person who should be preaching about respect. You make a move on my woman and then bust
chops? What the fuck?” he replied.

“He got you there,” said Tank, stepping closer to us. It was obvious he was now getting annoyed with the situation and he was definitely a force to be reckoned with. The guy was built like the Incredible Hulk. “Listen, the meeting is almost over, so I suggest you go and enjoy the show. Delilah is up next and she’s not only available, but willing to party after the performance.”

Breaker looked at me again and smiled. “I’ll be seeing you again, sweetness. I promise. ” Then he walked away, his gang watching us carefully from their tables, all of them giving us the stink-eye.

“Fucking worms,” mumbled Tank, staring back at the table. “Every last one of them.”

“I’m so glad you showed up,” said Krystal. “That guy wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. I thought he was going to drag Adriana out of the bar there for a second.”

“You and me both,” I said, shuddering at the thought. Even looking at him now, I could tell the thought wasn’t too far from his mind.

“We should probably take both the girls somewhere in back,” suggested Tank. “Before Breaker finds some liquid courage at the end of that bottle he’s drinking. When he’s drunk, he’s as mean as he is stupid.”

“He should be taught a fucking lesson,” said Raptor, still glaring at the other group of bikers.

“I agree but, we can’t. Besides, the old man might be giving us the thumbs up to deal with him later,
you know what I mean.”

Raptor relaxed. “True. Okay, let’s go.”

“Where we going?” I asked, finishing my beer.

“I’ll show you,” said Raptor. Then, before I could do anything about it, he picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and slapped my ass. Hard.

“Hey!” I hollered as he carried me toward the back of the bar. It felt like my butt-cheeks were on fire. “What in the hell are you doing? That hurt. Put me down!”

“Sorry, darlin’,” he said, a smile in his voice. He caressed my butt, sending warm tingles into my pelvis. “Does this feel better?’

“Quit touching my ass and put me down,” I hissed. “Now.”





I smiled, enjoying not only her reaction, but the way her ass felt under my palm. It was deliciously round and firm. I had to force myself not to keep squeezing it. I had to admit, she was a hot little number. I could see why Breaker wanted her. My dick was already half-cocked at the thought of fucking her now myself.  I headed toward the back of the club, to the break-room. I knew Tank wanted to fuck Krystal before she headed out and so I’d have a few minutes of alone time with the brunette. From the way she was staring at me earlier, I could tell she was definitely interested. I wondered if she’d be interested in getting on her knees and opening that sweet little mouth. The thought of her glossy pink lips wrapped around my cock was enough to try and test those salty waters.





We went through a hallway and he kicked one of the doors open.

“What is your fucking problem?” I snapped. “Are you even listening to me?”

He dropped me into an oversized recliner and took a step back. “You’re welcome.”

I glared up at him. “For what? Treating me like a cave-woman?”

He grunted and smiled. “Cave-woman? Look, I had to do that. To show everyone in the place that you’re mine, Kitten.”


“But, I’m

“You know what the fuck I mean. You should be thankful that I did what I did.”

“I’ve had guys flirt with me before. I don’t need your help telling them to get lost.”

He waved his thumb toward the doorway. “That bastard who was trying to get in your pants is a fucking animal. Hell, he’s worse than an animal. He would have taken you somewhere later, then beaten and raped your ass if I wouldn’t have helped you. And when I say rape your ass, I’m not just talking figuratively. He would have torn it to shreds.”

I stared at him in horror. “Krystal or the bartender would have called the cops if he’d have tried doing something like that.”

“The cops wouldn’t have done shit,” he answered. “In fact, it would be all over before Krystal had a chance to do anything and Breaker wouldn’t leave any witnesses. Hell, Krystal is in just as much danger as you.”

I sucked in my breath. “Are you saying he’d have killed us?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time. They don’t call him ‘Breaker’ for nothing. It should be pronounced ‘Break Her’.”


“Oh is right,” he replied, walking over to an old refrigerator humming in the corner of the room. He opened it up and began rummaging through it. “Dammit, someone’s been drinking my beer.”

“You keep your own stock of beer in the break room?”

“Sometimes. When I find out who’s been helping themselves, I’m going to kick their ass.”

“So, back to that guy, Breaker. Has he served time before?”

“Yeah. For assault and rape.”

I swallowed.

“So, do you want a beer?” he asked, holding out a brown bottle.

I looked at the dragon tattoo on his forearm and the skull ring on his finger, reminding me that Raptor wasn’t exactly the boy-next-door either. “No. We have to get going. Uh, where’s Krystal and Tank?” I asked, looking toward the doorway. Obviously, they hadn’t followed us.

He grunted. “I’m sure he has her bent over his old man’s desk. Giving her a private birthday gift.”

I sighed. “Great. I guess we’ll be here longer than I thought.”

“Yup.” He opened up his bottle of beer and took a swig. “You sure you don’t want one?” he asked, licking his lips. “It’ll give you something to do.”

I sighed. “Sure, I’ll take one.”

He opened up the refrigerator again, and pulled out another bottle.

“So, what, you’re going to babysit me?” I asked as he handed me the beer.

“Yeah, you want to sit on my lap, little girl?” he asked, winking at me. “I’ll read you a couple of stories. You ever hear the one about Moby Dick?”

My eyes widened. “Is that how you pick up girls? Seriously?”

“Who said I was trying to pick you up?” he answered with a cocky grin. “I was just trying to lighten the mood. You seem a little tense.”

“I’m not,” I lied.

He sat down on a beat-up leather sofa that faced the television, which was as old as the shag carpeting. “Relax and have a seat,” he said, patting the cushion next to him.

“I’m fine,” I said, setting my purse on the counter by the coffee machine. I looked around the room. There was a metal table in the corner and a vending machine. “So this is the break-room,” I said, trying to make conversation.

“That’s what they call it. How old are you, by the way?”


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