Read The Taste of Magic Online

Authors: Gina Rosavin

The Taste of Magic (12 page)

BOOK: The Taste of Magic
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"As you wish."


"Stop doing that," she scolded, annoyed he had once more intruded on her thoughts.


"I'm sorry, old habits. Forgive me?"


He seemed to be asking her forgiveness a lot this evening. In return for his passion, she would forgive him anything.


He held out a hand to her. "Come."


She lifted her trembling hand and placed it in his. She had been worried he would try to control her mind, but she knew she had her full faculties about her. She allowed him to pull her close once more. This time she was willing. "I only want you willing, Kat." Before she could respond, he had claimed her mouth, his fingers tugging at her dress zipper. He lowered it off her shoulders and the pink silk whispered to the floor. Standing before him like this, in only her bra and panties, left her feeling helpless and suddenly very vulnerable. She shivered, and fought the urge to cover herself with her arms.


For several moments, he still said nothing, simply let his gaze wander over her before returning to lock with hers once more. The heat she found there warmed her. Despite the intensity of his gaze, the scorching desire was welcome, and she knew her own eyes reflected the same excitement. She relaxed.


"You're exquisite." He drew her into his embrace. She sighed in relief and happiness as his mouth claimed hers, and stole her thoughts. She found herself being pressed back against the pillows as he knelt over her, never once taking his lips from hers. His hands were everywhere, stroking her jaw, her neck, her arms. Though his touch was cool, it was masterful and stoked a fire only he could extinguish. She had never felt longing, desire so intense, as if it threatened to consume her. She reached for him, trying to pull him closer, needing more contact, but he resisted, content to simply let his fingers roam lightly over her.




Her voice was hoarse with passion. Adrian found his usual iron control slipping away. It amazed him she could do this to him. He drew away and gazed down at her. Her heavy-lidded eyes opened, and he had to struggle for control at the dewy passion he read in their inky depths. He had never felt such need before, such intense longing. The heat of her body scorched him, and knowing he had caused the fire only inflamed his senses further.


"Ah, my little pagan, you have cast a spell over me." His words echoed around them, and his hands slid to her hips, his fingers hooking into her panties and pulling them away, baring her completely before him. He itched to touch her velvety skin, to find her most secret places and make her writhe with ecstasy beneath him, to make her cry out in pleasure. All that mattered was her pleasure, to bring her to the utmost heights of rapture. Thank Lucifer he was immortal; he didn't think he would survive the explosion otherwise.


The passion controlling him was stronger than he'd ever known. Perhaps she truly had cast a spell on him. That would explain how this desire enveloped him, reaching into his very soul. He claimed her mouth again, fiercely, hungrily, as if he couldn't get enough of her. He would never get enough of her, he knew that now. He let his hands trail higher, slowly cupping her breasts and savoring the way she bowed against him. With his thumbs, he stroked her nipples and she moaned, her tongue mating with his in a fiery dance. Her hands were everywhere, stroking his back, pulling away his shirt, running along his chest.


When he drew away, he couldn't breathe, couldn't think. All he knew was he had to possess her. Soon. His hand slipped between her legs and stroked her warm, wet depths. She cried out, arching wildly against him as he tormented her, and the sight made the blood in his veins boil. He knelt between her legs, his gaze catching hers as he lowered his head.


"Oh, gods," she moaned, and her fingers were suddenly tangled in his hair, twisting and tightening on his scalp.


He lowered his mouth, flicking her with his tongue, tasting of her essence as she bucked around him. She cried out, he thought it was his name, but couldn't be sure. Lost in her sweet scent and taste, he drove her upward. Her head tossed from side to side, still he kept up his steady assault until she was screaming with delight, her body spasming around him as her release overcame her. He rose above her, covering her mouth and swallowing her cries. He held her quivering body tightly against him as she rode the crest, until the violent tremors ceased and she quieted. He could hold her forever. He stiffened, then shook his head as the odd thought floated by. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled deeply. When she stirred and met his gaze, he was dazed by the passion he read in the depths of her eyes. Without words, she communicated what she wanted. Smiling, he rose above her, claiming her mouth at the same moment he claimed her body.




* * *




Sophie grimaced as Joshua slammed the door behind them. She refused to meet his accusing gaze as she dropped her purse on the floor. She was about to go into the kitchen when he grabbed her and spun her about.


"Do you want to tell me what that was about?" he asked.


"What?" She shrugged free of his grip.


"You let him go! Damn it, Soph, you had him, it could have been finished once and for all, and you let him go!"


She went into the kitchen. She didn't want to discuss how she failed to destroy du Lac when she had the chance. She didn't want to tell him how she just couldn't do it, just couldn't place that stake over his heart and hammer it in, ending the vampire's existence forever. She definitely did not want to tell him why. Not when she'd denied it for so long, only admitting her feeling to herself for the first time tonight. She barely had time to assimilate everything in her own head, how could he expect her to explain it?


"Soph? Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on here?"


She finally turned to face him, her gaze meeting his. The anger and suspicion there made her flinch, but she didn't look away. "There wasn't time. du Lac summoned Vining before I could do anything."


Joshua shook his head. "No way, you had plenty of time. There's more to this, isn't there?"


"I don't know what you mean." This time, she did turn away.


But he was right there, gripping her arms and pulling her close, so close their noses brushed.


"Yes you do. You don't want to kill him, do you Sophie?"


Her eyes widened. "Of course I do. How can you ask me…"


He shook his head slowly as he answered. "There's something you're not telling me, but I don't need you to. It's been right in front of me all along, even when I thought, when I hoped…Soph, you want him, don't you?"


She shook her head, denying what she had just so recently accepted. "No, I don't. I can't!"


"I know all the reasons you shouldn't, but you still do. You always have, even when we were teenagers. I didn't see it then, but I do now. Clearly."


Resignation filled his voice as he let her go. The sadness in his eyes tore at her. Because he wanted her, always had, but she wanted another. No wonder Joshua hated du Lac so much.


"Josh, I…"


"Don't. I think I always knew, but I had hoped you and I could have a future. Do you understand how much I love you, Sophie?' Tears blurred her vision and she wrapped her arms around herself, as if to ward off a chill. Then he was there, his arms encircling her, pulling her near.


His warmth was so nice, so comforting. But the fire she longed to feel wasn't there. She remained silent in his embrace.




Chapter Nine




Adrian smiled as he closed the folder in front of him. The intercom buzzed. He pressed the button.




"Adam Baines is on line two."


His smile broadened as he reached for the phone. "I've been waiting for your call. Have you been able to change Herr Schneider's mind?"


"Yes. He signed the formal approval just moments ago. I'm setting up a press conference with the board for tomorrow morning."


A surge of triumph flared within him. The takeover of KNT had very nearly fallen apart, thanks to Niccolo's underhanded dealings. Wilhelm Schneider had almost been persuaded not to approve the takeover. With the merger completed, he had prevailed. KNT was finally his.


"Excellent. I know the last weeks have been difficult, especially since our confidentiality was nearly compromised. When everything's finalized, I have a new assignment for you. You've proven yourself quite adept at handling such delicate matters."


Adam was very appreciative. "Thank you, Mr. du Lac. I'm glad to have the opportunity."


"You're sure nothing of this has leaked to anyone, not even the employees?"


"As of my last conversation with the board, not a soul is aware of what's been going on. The announcement will take everyone by surprise."


Adrian chuckled. In less than one day, he would be sitting atop the European business world. It would be his name and company they would read about in the papers.


"Good. One more thing. Don't let Schneider out of your sight. He must be present tomorrow. Keep your eyes open for anything or anyone suspicious. And have the paperwork messengered over."


"Immediately, sir. I will see to it Schneider is protected. Who will be your spokesperson tomorrow?"


"I'll be speaking for myself at this conference. I think the time has come." Adrian returned the phone to its cradle and paged Greta. Her voice came over the intercom.


"Get Lucas Bayer in here. Immediately."


He stood and walked to the window. The view was magnificent. And his plans proceeded perfectly. Now that he owned one of the most powerful communications company in Europe, he controlled all of the cable, telephone and digital wireless communications in the area. Plans were already underway for similar takeovers in neighboring countries, until he controlled the communications of the entire continent. Eurocom would be his, and he would be unstoppable. Once the first phase was complete, he would increase his already growing American presence.


There was much work to do before he could expand into the U.S. It was time to restructure his staff there in preparation. His plans called for du Lac Enterprises to be the global company within five years.


Getting a strong foothold in the semiconductor industry was crucial to his success. With that accomplished, his next target, the worldwide computer market, would fall easily. He would be poised to strike. And the world would be his.


The door opened and Adrian turned to face Lucas Bayer. The Swedish born scientist had become important to his success these last few months. His work on a latex imitation skin had progressed nicely and would offer Adrian endless possibilities. It was all he needed to convince the world of his humanity.


"Good afternoon Lucas. I'd like an update on your progress. I need this project complete and ready to go." Adrian resumed his seat.


Lucas nodded and seated himself. "We're almost ready, Mr. du Lac. A few final photographic and video tests are left, just to confirm our results one more time. I am sure we've created the right formula for the imitation skin. It will solve all of your remaining…problems. We've even created a liquid formula that can be used to treat hair, clothing, and other articles, as well."


"I want to watch these tests," said Adrian. "When are you planning on running them?"


"Probably right after lunch. We have several subjects being prepared and will begin when they're ready."


Adrian smiled. "Perfect. As you will soon find out, Lucas, KNT has just become part of du Lac Enterprises family. We've managed to keep this deal a secret, but due to the enormity of the impact it will have, I must attend the press conference myself, instead of using a spokesperson. It is too important a matter to leave to anyone else. I'm counting on this new development."


"When we're finished, no one will have any idea of what you are. You'll be seen in newspapers and magazines, on TV and video. It's the perfect solution. You'll be pleased with the results."


Adrian could hardly contain his thrill. No longer would he need to hide behind representatives or phony excuses of sensitive eyes, or some such nonsense. He imagined the surprise on Sophie and Joshua's faces when they saw him on television or in the newspapers for the first time. There would be no stopping him now.


"You know, Lucas, this is just the first step of my worldwide expansion plan." Adrian couldn't prevent a laugh of delight from escaping.


Loud voices outside his office drew his attention. The doors opened, and Katerina strode in, her eyes blazing with fury. Greta trailed helplessly behind her. Kat strode to his desk and slammed some papers on his desk, oblivious to Bayer's presence.


"What the hell is this?" she shouted.


He glanced down at the papers pinned securely beneath her hand. He lifted her fingers and scanned the first page. Apparently, KNT management had decided to advise the employees of the completion of the takeover and the upcoming press conference. He smiled as he raised his gaze, still holding her fingers. She tried to jerk away. He refused to release her. Instead, he tugged on her hand until she leaned over the desk, her face inches from his.

BOOK: The Taste of Magic
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