Read The Templar Chronicles Online

Authors: Joseph Nassise

Tags: #Contemporary fantasy, #Urban Fantasy

The Templar Chronicles (8 page)

BOOK: The Templar Chronicles
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With his gun held out before him in a shooter’s stance, he took a deep breath and entered the room, a look of confidence on his face and fear in his heart.


Cade knew the man standing in his kitchen with a pistol at his wife’s head. Not personally, but he knew him nonetheless. He’d just spent the last five hours staring at his likeness in a police sketch, for he was wanted in connection with several recent homicides.

What Cade didn’t understand was what the hell the Dorchester Slasher was doing in his home, threatening his wife.

Cade’s arms moved slightly, and his aim settled on the center of the intruder’s forehead.


“What do you want?” Cade asked calmly.

“What do I want?” the intruder cackled.

The hairs on the back of Cade’s arms stood at attention.

Cade’s gun never wavered.

“Look. I can get you whatever you want,” he said, indicating the radio on his belt. “All you’ve got to do is tell me what it is and let the woman go. We can work this out.”

“Aren’t you even curious, Officer Cade?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Aren’t you curious? About why I’m in your house? Why I shot your partner and am holding your wife hostage?” He giggled. “ Aren’t you curious about why I’m going to kill you both?”

Gabbi’s eyes widened.


Cade pulled the trigger and put a bullet through the right side of the Slasher’s forehead.

The shot twisted his body back and away from Gabbi, as his finger tightened on the trigger.

The gun went off.


Gabbi gasping, her eyes wide with shock. Cade walked over and put his arms around her, holding her tight. From out in the hall he could hear Jackson calling his name.

“We’re in here. We’re okay,” Cade called back.


One minute the Slasher was lying on his back, the next he was standing beside them. Before any of them could react, he grabbed Gabbi with one hand on either side of her head. Wrenching her away from Cade, he shoved his face against hers.

An inky blackness swelled forth from the corpse’s mouth, enveloping Gabbi’s face. Cade could hear her screaming, and beneath that a wet lapping sound, like a dog drinking from a bowl of water. He forced himself into motion, intent on getting that horrible thing away from his wife, and though he knew he was moving with his usual agility, each second seemed to pass with excruciating slowness. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Jackson’s hand reaching for his weapon, taking what seemed like hours to move only a few inches.


The thing released his wife, casting her away from itself across the room, her face a mess of raw flesh and blood, the outer layer of skin torn off. As she fell Cade could see her eyes were fixed and staring, and he knew in that second that he had lost her. His hand reached for his weapon as the corpse in front of him began shaking violently.

A crack suddenly appeared in the thing’s forehead, starting at the bullet wound and flowing like rainwater down across its face. As Cade dragged his weapon free of its holster, the corpse’s hands moved with dizzying speed and shoved its fingers into either side of the crack on its face.

Pulling sharply in either direction, it split its own skull in two, revealing the thing that lingered beneath.

For just a moment a face could be seen, with eyes a deep crimson and teeth gleaming blood red in the room’s light. A malevolent smile crossed its face as it pulled the corpse’s flesh down and away from its own form. A hint of wings could be seen as it sought to drag itself free from the fleshly remains in which it had been hiding.

Cade’s hand came up, the pistol in it centering once more on its target. Peripherally, he could see Jackson’s weapon doing the same.

Cade never had a chance to pull the trigger.

With the flick of its hands, the thing was free; the rest of the bodily remains flung away in either direction. One long clawed hang swung around and locked on Cade’s, trapping his gun in its iron grip. The other slapped itself against the side of his face.

An inky black cloud of darkness flowed out of its hands and onto Cade’s skin, burning his flesh with the intensity of molten steel.

In the back of his mind Cade could dimly hear himself screaming in agony and could feel the flesh on his face and hand melting away.

In front of him, those eyes glowed with intelligence and an awful, inhuman glee…


Cade awoke.

He sat upright, the sound of his heart pounding in his chest. It sounded loud enough to him to be heard by his men in the forward compartment. He could feel the sweat running down his neck and pooling in the middle of his back beneath his shirt.

As he tried to center his thoughts, something moved in the darkness of the compartment.

He reacted the second he sensed the intrusion, moving out of the chair and into a crouch before it, balanced on the balls of his feet.


Just a word.

One simple word, spoken in a voice no louder than a whisper.

But a word that had all the power in the world when spoken by the woman he had loved more than life itself.

“Gabbi?” he asked, in a hoarse whisper.

When the figure did not respond, Cade reached beneath the shade of the lamp on the table next to him and turned on the switch.

In the sudden light, Cade discovered that he was alone.

The figure, if it had ever been there, was gone.


Logan climbed the cellar stairs, the howl of the revenant below causing a smile to dance upon his lips. They’d taken several of the Templars captive, on the off chance that they might be able to reveal something of importance. When they’d refused to answer his questions, he’d had them all slaughtered, then resurrected one at a time as revenants.

His questions were posed again.

Unfortunately, they’d been telling the truth. None of them had known anything of value.

Snatching them hadn’t been completely in vain, however, as they were providing some merriment for Logan’s acolytes, an experience that would only bond them even more securely to him as their leader.

As he moved through the house, headed for his nightly audience with the Other, he considered where the plan had taken them so far. The sheer audacity of it all was exhilarating. To steal one of the most powerful artifacts of Christianity right out from under the noses of those who had been tasked to guard it throughout the ages was a thrilling accomplishment. To do it with the help of one of their own was even more exquisite.

His smile grew wider at the thought.

Leaving the house, he crossed the grounds swiftly, a dark shadow against a darker background, with just the light of the moon to guide his way. Behind him only a slight disturbance in the dew-wet grass marked his passage.

Seconds later that, too, faded from view.

As he neared the old chapel, his pace slowed noticeably. The door stood slightly open to the night air, as he had known it would, just as it was every time he came here.

An unspoken invitation

The chapel had once been holy ground, but that was years ago. Any vestige of God that might have once inhabited the place had long since fled. Countless ceremonies and blood sacrifices had seen to that.

The Necromancer stepped through the door and moved down the center aisle to the edge of the raised altar platform, continuing around the side to its end.

He waited in silence a moment, until a form moved out of the deeper darkness at the rear of the chapel behind the altar, back where the sacristy had once been. It did not come fully into the light; indeed, had never done so in the months since it had first unexpectedly taken up residence here. Once, the Necromancer had gotten a brief glimpse of the creature, a quick vision of a humanoid form, but that had been all he’d seen before it had retreated into the darkness it seemed to prefer. He hoped never to repeat the experience. Summoning his courage, Logan began. “The search for the Spear continues, though we have recently begun to narrow the area of interest. The one they call the Heretic has been assigned to the case, just as you predicted, and is even now following the trail we have laid out for him.”

“Good.” The voice was deep, guttural, and it danced along his nerve endings like grease on a spit, grease that pops and cracks with searing heat as it drips into the fire. “You have done as I have asked, then?”

The Necromancer nodded, knowing from past experience that the other could see him quite clearly despite the cloying darkness of the chapel’s interior.

A sound came from it then, a sound that might have been a laugh though not one that could ever have been produced by human vocal cords. When it had exhausted its good humor, it went on. “Set out the bait. It is time we caught our prey.”

“As you wish.”

The Necromancer bowed curtly and backed out of the chamber, never taking his gaze away from the thing that stood before him.

Despite their temporary partnership, the Necromancer had no delusions about the nature of his ally.

It would destroy him on a whim, just as it had decided to aid him.

He had come too far, was too close to his goal, to allow that to happen. He would give it no reason to doubt him.

Not until he was ready.


The four members of Echo’s command team arrived at the Cincinnati International Airport around 6 A.M. local time. A rented Ford Explorer was waiting for them in the private hangar where the pilot parked the aircraft. Their destination was about an hour’s drive north, and after transferring their gear into the vehicle the team wasted no time getting under way. Cade and Olsen climbed in back, with Riley behind the wheel and Duncan riding shotgun.

Cade stared out the rear passenger window. He couldn’t get the echo of Gabbi’s voice out of his head, calling out his name the night before.

But Gabbi was dead and, as far as he knew, at rest. In the five years since her passing he’d never once encountered her in the Beyond, never had even a single hint that her spirit still languished there. He’d long ago come to the conclusion that she had passed on to whatever version of an afterlife someone of her sweet grace deserved. And yet…

And yet you hope it was her, don’t you? You hope it was because you miss her and because every single day living without her seems to be a waste. No matter what it would mean to her, to be trapped in that half state of existence like the phantoms you encounter in the Beyond, you still want to believe, don’t you?

Grudgingly, Cade had to admit to himself that it was true. Every morning when he awoke to find himself without her was another day in which his heart broke anew.

Cade’s own views of heaven and hell had been drastically altered when he first looked into the Beyond. It would have been impossible for them not to have changed. Raised as a Catholic, he’d believed in an afterlife based on one’s faith in the Savior and had scoffed at notions of ghosts and goblins as far back as he could remember.

His encounter with the Adversary had changed all that.

If he had not discovered the Order when he had, he probably wouldn’t have survived. His pain, confusion, and fear would have driven him over the edge. The Templars had helped him resurrect a framework around his beliefs; allowed him to hang on to the cherished notion that his wife’s soul had moved on to a better place. Those aware of the existence of the Beyond suggested it served as a sort of Purgatory, pointed out that a woman as faithful and true as his wife would never choose to stay in such a place. Gradually, they taught him that Man was not alone in the world, that there were beings of darkness and destruction that walked among Man every day. At least in part, the Order had convinced him that some of his older notions of faith and justice still held sway, that the Templars were the earthly equivalent of a group of guardian angels, appointed by the Church to protect Man from creatures such as the Adversary.

And so he had joined them.

But what if it was Gabbi?
Cade asked himself.
What then? What did that mean for your cherished beliefs? What if she really was out there? What if she had been there all this time and you hadn’t noticed, wrapped up as you are in your hunger for vengeance?

Cade couldn’t allow himself to contemplate an answer. If it weren’t for his desire for revenge, he probably would have followed Gabbi and ended his life long before this. It would have been simpler that way.

But a vow is a vow and you’ve still got to fulfill yours. While the Adversary lives, the hunt is still on,
the voice in the back of his head whispered.

The hunt is still on.

Putting the question of Gabbi’s appearance on the back burner for the time being, Cade turned his attention back to the issue at hand.

“All right, Olsen. Take us through it.”

As Nick pulled out his PDA and called up the information, Cade noted approvingly that Duncan gave his teammate his undivided attention. Cade knew without a doubt that Riley was listening as well, despite the fact that the big man didn’t take his attention off the road.

“Okay. Initial reports show we’ve got a similar situation to the one we just left in Connecticut — an attack late at night, signs of a heavy firefight, no survivors.” Nick began. “Two major differences from Ravensgate. This time, the small cemetery on the grounds was disturbed. Most of the graves were torn up and the contents strewn about. Whatever they were looking for, they were certainly thorough”


Olsen shook his head. “No. And that brings us to the other issue. When the general alert went out last night, each of the commanderies was required to report back to the Preceptor. Templeton did not respond, and so a team was sent out to investigate. They found the place abandoned.”

“What do you mean, abandoned?” asked Duncan.

Olsen turned to face him. ”While we’re assuming the commandery staff are dead, we’re not entirely positive. Despite the signs of a major confrontation, there wasn’t a single body left at the scene.”

BOOK: The Templar Chronicles
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