The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision (25 page)

BOOK: The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision
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Charlene looked deep into my eyes. “I thought you might head toward the falls so I walked in this direction, although I don’t
know if I could have found them in the dark.”

Maya motioned for us, and we all moved out to a clearing where the creek went through the mouth of the canyon. Here the full
light of the moon illuminated the grass and the rocks to each side.

“Maybe we’re going to have another chance,” she said, urging us with her hands to sit down and face each other.

“What are we going to do?” Curtis said. “We can’t stay here long. They’ll be coming.”

I looked at Maya, thinking we should go on to the falls, but she seemed so energized that, instead, I asked, “What do you
think went wrong before?”

“I don’t know; maybe there are too few of us. You said there were supposed to be seven. Or perhaps there’s too much Fear.”

Charlene leaned toward the group. “I think we have to remember the energy we achieved when we were in the cave. We have to
connect at that level again.”

For several long minutes we all worked on our inner connection. Finally Maya said, “We have to give each other energy, find
the higher-self expression.”

I took several deep breaths and watched the faces of the others again. Gradually they became more beautiful and luminescent,
and I caught sight of their authentic soul expression. Around us, the surrounding plants and rocks lit up even more, as though
the moon’s rays had suddenly doubled. A familiar wave of love and euphoria swept through my body and I turned to see the shimmering
figures of my soul group behind me.

As soon as I saw them, my awareness seemed to expand even more and I realized that the soul groups of the others were in similar
positions, although they had not yet merged.

Maya caught my eye. She was looking at me in a state of complete openness and honesty, and as I watched her, it seemed as
though I could see her Birth Vision as a subtle expression on her face. She knew who she was and it beamed outward for everyone
to observe. Her mission was clear; her background had prepared her perfectly.

“Feel as if the atoms in your body are vibrating at a higher level,” she said.

I glanced at Charlene; on her face was the same clarity. She represented the information bearers, identifying and communicating
the vital truths expressed by each person or group.

“Do you see what’s happening?” Charlene asked. “We’re seeing each other as we really are, at our highest level, without the
emotional projections of old fears.”

“I can see that,” Curtis said, his face again full of energy and certainty.

No one spoke for several minutes. I closed my eyes as the energy continued to build.

“Look at that!” Charlene suddenly said, pointing at the soul groups all around us.

Each soul group was beginning to blend with the others, just
as they had done at the cave. I glanced at Charlene and then at Curtis and Maya. I could now see on their faces an even fuller
expression of who they were as participants in the long movement of human civilization.

“This is it!” I said. “We’re reaching the next step; we’re seeing a more complete vision of human history.”

Before us, in a huge hologram, appeared an image of history that seemed to stretch out from the very beginning to what appeared
to be a distant end. As I strained to focus, I realized that this was an image very similar to the one I had observed earlier
while with my soul group—except that in this instance the story was beginning much earlier, with the birth of the universe

We watched as the first matter exploded into being and gravitated into stars that lived and died and spewed forth the great
diversity of elements that ultimately formed the Earth. These elements, in turn, combined in the early terrestrial environment
into ever-more-complex substances until they finally leaped into organic life—life that then also moved forward, into greater
organization and awareness, as if guided by an overall plan. Multicelled organisms became fishes, and fishes progressed into
amphibians, and amphibians evolved into reptiles and birds and ultimately into mammals.

As we watched, a clear picture of the Afterlife dimension opened up in front of us, and I understood that an aspect of each
of the souls there—in fact, a part of all of humanity—had lived through this long, slow process of evolution. We had swum
as fishes, boldly crawled upon the land as amphibians, and struggled to survive as reptiles, birds, and mammals, fighting
every step of the way to finally move into human form—all with intention.

We knew that through wave after wave of successive generations,
we would be born into the physical plane, and no matter how long it took, we would strive to wake up, and unify, and evolve,
and eventually implement on Earth the same spiritual culture that exists in the Afterlife. Certainly the journey would be
difficult, even torturous. With the first intuition to awaken, we would sense the Fear of aloneness and separation. Yet we
would not go back to sleep; we would fight through the Fear, relying on the dim intuition that we weren’t alone, that we were
spiritual beings with a spiritual purpose on the planet.

And, following the urge of evolution, we would gravitate together into larger, more complex social groupings, differentiating
into more diverse occupations, overcoming a need to defeat and conquer each other, and eventually implement a democratic process
through which new ideas could be shared and synthesized and evolved into ever-better truths. Gradually our security would
come from inside us, as we progressed from an expression of the divine in terms of nature gods to the divine as one father
God outside ourselves to a final expression as the Holy Spirit within.

Sacred texts would be intuited and written, offering heartfelt symbolic expression of our relationship and future with this
one deity. Visionaries from both East and West would clarify that this Holy Spirit was always there, always accessible, waiting
only for our ability to repent, to open, to clear the blocks that prevent a full communion.

Over time, we knew, our urge to unify and share would expand until we sensed a special community, a deeper association with
others who shared a particular geographical location on the planet, and the human world would began to solidify into political
nation-states, each holding a unique viewpoint. Soon after would come an explosion of trade and commerce. The scientific
method would be instituted, and the resulting discoveries would initiate a period of economic preoccupation and the great
secular expansion known as the Industrial Revolution.

And once we developed a web of economic relationships around the globe, we would begin to further awaken and to remember our
full spiritual nature. The Insights would gradually permeate human consciousness and we would evolve our economy into a form
compatible with the Earth, and, finally, begin to move beyond the last fearful polarization of forces toward a new spiritual
worldview on the planet.

Here I momentarily glanced at the others. Their faces told me that they had shared this vision of Earth’s history. In one
brief revelation we had grasped how human consciousness had progressed from the beginning of time right to the present moment.

Suddenly the hologram focused on the polarization in great detail. All humans on the Earth were migrating into two conflicting
positions: one pushing toward a vague but ever-clearer image of transformation, and the other resisting, sensing that important
values contained in the old view were being lost forever.

We could see that in the Afterlife dimension, it was known that this conflict would be our greatest challenge to the spiritualization
of the physical dimension—particularly if the polarization grew extreme. In this case, both sides would entrench into an irrational
projection of evil onto the other, or worse, might believe the literal interpreters of the end-times prophecies and begin
to think the coming future was beyond their influence and therefore give up completely.

To find the World Vision and resolve the polarization, we could see that our Afterlife intention was to discern the deeper
truths of these prophecies. As with all the Scriptures, the visions in Daniel and Revelation were divine intuitions coming
from the
Afterlife into the physical plane, and so must be understood as draped in the symbolism of the seer’s mind, much like a dream.
We would focus on the symbolic meaning. The prophecies envisioned an eventual end to the human story on Earth; but an “end”
that, for
would be quite different from the one experienced by nonbelievers.

Those in the latter group were seen to experience an end of history that would begin with great catastrophes and environmental
disasters and collapsing economies. Then, at the height of the fear and chaos, a strong leader would emerge, the Antichrist,
who would offer to restore order, but only if individuals would agree to give up their liberties and carry the “mark of the
beast” upon their bodies in order to participate in the automated economy. Eventually this strong leader would declare himself
a god and take by force any country that resisted his rule, at first making war on the forces of Islam, then on the Jews and
Christians, ultimately casting the whole world into a fiery Armageddon.

For believers, on the other hand, the scriptural prophets predicted a much more pleasant end to history. Remaining true to
the spirit, these believers would be given spiritual bodies and be raptured into another dimension called the New Jerusalem,
but would be able to go back and forth into the physical. Eventually, at a certain point in the war, God would fully return
to end the fighting, restore the Earth, and implement a thousand years of peace where there would be no sickness or death,
and everything would be transformed, even the animals of the world, who would no longer eat meat. Instead, “The wolf shall
dwell with the lamb… and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.”

Maya and Curtis caught my eye, and then Charlene looked up; we all seemed to sense, at once, the core meaning of the prophecies.
What the end-times seers were receiving was an intuition
that in our time, two distinctive futures would be opening before us. We could choose either to languish in the Fear, believing
that the world is moving into a Big Brother style of automation and social decay and ultimate destruction… or we could follow
the other path and consider ourselves the believers who can overcome this nihilism and open to the higher vibrations of love,
where we are spared the apocalypse and can enter a new dimension in which we invite the spirit, through us, to create just
the utopia the scriptural prophets envisioned.

Now we could see why those in the Afterlife felt that our interpretation of these prophecies was key to resolving the polarization.
If we decide that these Scriptures mean that the destruction of the world is inevitable, written unalterably into God’s plan,
the effect of such a belief would be to create this very outcome.

Clearly we had to choose the path of love and believing. As I had seen earlier, the polarization was not intended to be so
severe. It was known in the Afterlife that each side represented a part of the truth that could be integrated and synthesized
into the new, spiritual worldview. Further, I saw that this synthesis would be a natural outgrowth of the Insights themselves,
especially the Tenth Insight, and of the special groups that would begin to form all over the world.

Suddenly the hologram raced forward and I felt another expansion of consciousness. I knew that we were now moving into the
next step of the process: the actual remembrance of how we intended to become believers and accomplish this prophesied utopian
future. We were finally remembering the
World Vision!

As we watched, we first saw the Tenth Insight groups forming all over the planet, reaching a critical mass of energy, and
then learning to project this energy in such a way that the entrenched
sides of the polarization immediately began to lighten and ease, overcoming the Fear. Especially affected would be the technological
controllers, who would remember themselves and give up their last efforts to manipulate the economy and seize power.

The result of the projected energy would be an unprecedented wave of awakening and remembrance and cooperation and personal
involvement, and a virtual explosion of newly inspired individuals, all of whom would begin to fully recall their Birth Visions
and follow their synchronistic path into exactly the right positions within their culture.

The scene shifted to images of decaying inner cities and forgotten rural families. Here we could see a new consensus forming
on how to intervene in the cycle of poverty. No longer would intervention be conceived in terms of government programs or
merely in terms of education and jobs; the new approach would be deeply spiritual, for the structures of education were already
in place; what was missing was the ability to break free from the Fear and to overcome the hellish diversions set up to ward
off the anxiety of poverty.

In this regard I saw a sudden surge of private outreach surrounding each family and each child in need. Waves of individuals
began to form personal relationships, beginning with those who saw the family every day—merchants, teachers, police officers
on the beat, ministers. This contact was then expanded by other volunteers working as “big brothers,” “big sisters,” and tutors—all
guided by their inner intuitions to help, remembering their intention to make a difference with one family, one child. And
all carrying the contagion of the Insights and the crucial message that no matter how tough the situation, or how entrenched
the self-defeating habits, each of us can wake up to a memory of mission and purpose.

As this contagion continued, incidents of violent crime began mysteriously to decrease across human culture; for, as we saw
clearly, the roots of violence are always frustration and passion and fear scripts that dehumanize the victim, and a growing
interaction with those carrying a higher awareness was now beginning to disrupt this mind-set.

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