The Texan's Reward (14 page)

Read The Texan's Reward Online

Authors: Jodi Thomas

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: The Texan's Reward
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stocked for the rest of your journey.”

“I’m afraid I’m on a long quest,” the preacher whispered as Wednesday climbed in the buggy with his food.

“You’ll have all you can carry,” Jacob promised. “It’ll be the least I can do to thank you. Now, if we hurry, we can

be home in time to have our knees under the table for the blessing.”

Brother Aaron patted Jacob’s shoulder. “You’re a fine man. I’ll follow you.”

Jacob rode far enough ahead of the buggy that Wednesday’s chatter buzzed around him, but he could not make

out the words. It didn’t matter. In the hours he’d been with the little mother-to-be she’d repeated everything

she knew at least three times. He knew all her brothers’ and sisters’ first names, but she wouldn’t tell him their

last. She also claimed she didn’t remember what town was closest to their farm since her family moved often.

They stopped hourly for Wednesday to run over to the bushes, but stil made it to Nell’s just after sunset. When

he saw her sitting on the porch, all he could think of was how she always ran toward him when she’d see him

ride in. He’d grab her and swing her up and around, both of them laughing. When she’d been little, she hadn’t

weighed a thing. When she’d come home from school, she’d been a tall, striking lady, but she still ran to him.

She didn’t run now, and his heart ached as he jumped from his horse and hurried up the walk toward her.

Nell smiled. “About time you got back.”

He swung one leg over the porch railing and covered her hand with his. “You miss me?”

“Not a bit, but Marla’s been tossing food out since you left. Every meal she cooks thinking, like an old cat, you’re

bound to show up.” She leaned closer to him. “You didn’t get the shooter, did you?”

He shook his head. “I picked up something along the way and had to turn around.”

Nel glanced at the buggy pul ing into the yard.

Jacob laced his hand in hers, thinking about how easily they’d always touched. He’d hardly been aware of it until


She tightened her fingers as the preacher stepped out in his black funeral coat with his Bible clutched against his

chest. “You’re not rushing me, Jacob. I told you I want time to make up my mind about marriage.”

He laughed. “I wouldn’t think of it. I met Brother Aaron along the road, and he helped me transport the little

lady I came across in the woods.”

The reverend helped Wednesday out of the wagon and offered his arm.

“Who is she?”

“She’s lost. Her parents kicked her out. Near as I can tel , she has nowhere to go and no one to help her.”

Nell grinned. “But you. You always were a sucker for trouble.”

“No more than you. I remember you picked up every stray that wandered near this place when you were a kid.

You even had a hospital for bunnies in the barn until one Sunday Fat Alice was short a few chickens for dinner.”

Laughing, Nell agreed. “I cried for a week.”

They watched Wednesday slow her progress up the walk.

Nell leaned close to him and whispered, “She’s afraid.” Jacob brushed his cheek against her hair, wondering

when it started smelling so good. “She should know not to be afraid of you. I told her all about you.”

“She’s not afraid of me. She’s afraid I’ll turn her away.”

Nel gripped the railing and stood. “Welcome.” She smiled through the pain. “Won’t you both please come in?

Supper is almost ready.”

Jacob swung his other leg onto the porch and put his arm around her. He held her against his side so he could

take some of the weight off her legs.

Nell straightened, no longer fearing she would fall as Jacob made the introductions. Then, without asking, he

lifted her and carried her into the house. The preacher helped Wednesday up the steps and fol owed.

Jacob held Nel as she introduced Brother Aaron and Wednesday to the housekeeper, Gypsy. “Marla’s in the

kitchen. You’l meet her when we al gather round the table.”

Wednesday’s eyes were huge as she tried to look at everything in the room at once. “I’ve never seen so many

books,” she said as she peeked into first one alcove, then another. “I reckon that’s why you got Mr. Harrison

here for a bookkeeper.”

Nell smiled. “I’ve had lots of time for reading lately.”

As soon as Gypsy said her hel os, she went to the porch and rol ed Nel ’s chair to the dining table. In an almost

angry tone, she announced they would wait no longer, dinner was final y ready to be served.

Nell laughed as Jacob carried her to where her wheelchair waited at the head of the table. “The only person a

hooker hates more than a lawman is a preacher,” she whispered. “The lawman might fine her, but the preacher

will get her run out of town.”

Jacob turned his head so that his words brushed Nel ’s ear. “And both are here for dinner tonight.” He smiled,

deciding he liked having these conversations with Nel , like this, so close. But he couldn’t help wondering why

she wasn’t yelling at him. Usually by the time they’d been together for five minutes one of them was angry.

He frowned. Come to think of it, the one angry was usually him.

Lowering her into her chair, he saw Randolph Harrison come out of the kitchen with a huge platter in either

hand. “He’s still here?”

“You asked him to stay, remember?” Nel winked. “And he’s proved a great help.”

Jacob forced a nod at Harrison as the man pulled out a chair for Marla.

“Thank you for staying, Harrison.” Jacob offered his hand. “I’m much obliged.”

“It was my pleasure.” Rand’s handshake was firm, but his eyes were guarded. “Miss Nell has offered me a job

until she decides on my proposal.”

Before Jacob could get started on reasons Harrison should withdraw his offer, Nell told him of Farrow’s visit. The

conversation turned to the threat on Nell’s life and why Farrow wanted the Stockard place. They all talked as the

preacher ate and Wednesday dozed in her chair between bites.


AFTER SUPPER, NELL ASKED MARLA TO SHOW THEIR new guest, Wednesday May, upstairs to one of the empty

rooms. The girl seemed sweet and naive, but Nell didn’t miss the fear in her eyes every time someone came

through the door. More had happened to her than she told Jacob.

In one way, Wednesday reminded Nell of herself. Every now and then the girl would look around the room until

she located Jacob. Whether he liked it or not, he was her hero. Her place of safety. Just like he’d been for Nell all

these years.

Until her mother died, Nell couldn’t remember a soul paying any attention to her. She’d wandered around,

learning early to stay out of everyone’s way, including her mother, who drank more hours than not each day.

The men who visited her mother cal ed Nel Two Bits because for a quarter she would disappear.

She remembered thinking that her life probably wouldn’t change much when she moved in with Fat Alice. But

Nell hadn’t planned on Sheriff Parker and Jacob Dalton taking an interest in her or on Fat Alice taking her

responsibility as guardian to heart. Like all kids, she fought the changes, but Jacob was always there to set her

back on the straight and narrow.

“Want me to carry you up?” Jacob broke into her thoughts. He loomed tall as a tree in front of her. He stood

with his feet wide apart, his right hand resting on his gun belt, an inch from his Colt. Nel wondered if the stance

had become habit or was a precaution he always took when he sensed danger near.

“No.” She didn’t want the day to end. A new nurse had telegrammed that she would arrive tomorrow on the

noon train. Like all the others, she’d fuss over Nell and remind her not to overdo, and watch her like a hawk. But

for tonight Nell tasted freedom.

She glanced around the room. Harrison had returned to his desk to work on the books. He’d had little peace to

concentrate in the two days he’d been here. With three women in the house, one was always thinking of

something she needed him to do. Nel had to give him credit. The man never complained. She also thought he

looked a bit healthier after two days of food. She wouldn’t ask about his past. It was enough that he planned to

make the best of his future.

Marla was either still upstairs or she’d returned to the kitchen by the back passage. If so, she wouldn’t come out

until time for bed. If she did, she might have to talk to someone. So, for a few minutes, the house seemed quiet.

“Where’s Gypsy?” Like a cat, Gypsy usual y found her favorite chair and napped until bedtime.

“While you were saying good night to Wednesday, I shook her shoulder and told her to go to bed.” Jacob smiled.

“Her snoring was keeping me awake.”

“And the preacher? Where did he disappear to?”

“Brother Aaron drove into town, saying he needed to check out the number of sinners about.”

Nell smiled. The preacher reminded her of a painting she’d seen once of Moses. All he needed was a staff and a

few inches’ length on his black coat. “He’l have no trouble finding them this time of night. Parker’s always

complaining about how the town is fil ing up with trouble. Maybe, with spring, they’l find work and be gone.”

Jacob looked restless. “I’m surprised we’re alone. You’d think with al the strays you manage to pick up that

you’d never have a minute’s peace.”

“Me, picking up strays?” Nel winked at him. “I seem to remember you brought the last couple in.”

He didn’t argue as he poked at the fire. After a long silence, he said, “I was hoping to get to talk to you, just you

and me, but I can’t think of the words, and I’m too tired to start an argument.”

They were alone for the first time since he’d offered to marry her. She needed time to talk him out of the idea of

the two of them. If he could understand her reasons, maybe they could stil manage to be friends. Nel couldn’t

imagine what life would be like without Jacob to lean on. But, like him, she knew if either of them brought the

subject up, they’d start yel ing at one another, and she didn’t want that either tonight. Tomorrow would be soon


“How about we declare a truce for tonight?”

“I’d like that.”

He paced over to the window, then stirred the fire again as if it were cold. He was not a man who took to

indoors easily.

“Would you take me for a walk?” Nell startled him. “I’d like to see the stars from somewhere other than my

porch or window.”

He nodded. “I think that sounds like a fine idea.” Without a word, he wrapped her shawl around her shoulders

and lifted her out of the chair.

“I’m not sure where to touch you, Two Bits. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Nel laughed. “As long as you don’t drop me, we’re fine.” She rested her head on his shoulder as he stepped off

the porch and into the night. The sliver of a moon offered just enough light to see the path that led behind the


“Want to go to the windmill?” he whispered against her ear.

When she’d first moved in with Fat Alice, there had been so many rules, Nel had been fighting mad most of the

time. Her ranger would come by the front porch, lift her onto his saddle, and head for the windmill. While his

horse drank, then grazed on the buffalo grass growing knee deep by the runoff tank, she’d tel Jacob her


Her ranger, she thought. That’s what he’d always been. She didn’t have to answer. He’d known the windmil

would be the perfect spot.

The blades flashed silver across the moonlight as he climbed the incline. Water was piped downhil to the house

and the garden from this spot. In the spring there were always butterflies and flowers around. But in winter,

when the temperature dropped to below freezing, someone would have to climb the hil and break the ice on

the tank where extra water ran off so the animals could drink. For Nell, it seemed an ever-changing place. She’d

even had a bench built near the trees so she would have a calm place to read. But by the time the bench was

finished, she’d learned she might never have the strength to climb the hil .

“I always liked this place,” he said as he lowered her to the bench. “In daylight, you can see the town with al the

people moving around, looking like toys, but at night the campfires and flickers from windows remind me of a

bunch of fireflies.”

“Those first few days after I was hurt, I used to dream about sitting here.” She pul ed her shawl tighter.

“Cold?” he asked as he straddled the bench and moved against her back.

His knees were so high, she used them as armrests. As she leaned back against his chest, his warmth surrounded

her. Though they always hugged and sometimes touched, she never remembered him holding her as close as he

did now. She could feel his heart beating against her shoulder.

For a while, they just enjoyed the night. The stars came out. The long whistle of the train blew below,

announcing the last stop for the night. A voice carried on the air, sounding like a call, as if some mother was

standing at her open door a half a mile below and yelling for her child to come in for the night.

She didn’t want the peace to end, but she didn’t know when she’d get another chance to talk to him alone.


“Hmm.” He moved his cheek against her hair.

“We need to talk.”

“All right,” he answered absently as he watched a bat circle, blinking in and out of the moonlight. “How do you

get your hair to smell like that?”

Nell grinned. He wasn’t going to make it easy. “I order my shampoo from a place in Kansas City,” she answered.

“But that is not what I wanted to talk about.”

He shifted. “I’m sorry to dump Wednesday and the preacher on you. I had to take her somewhere, and the

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