The Thoroughly Compromised Bride (3 page)

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Authors: Catherine Reynolds

Tags: #Regency Romance

BOOK: The Thoroughly Compromised Bride
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“Lends you countenance, in fact, does she?”

“Exactly so!”

Before he could reply to this. Aunt Emily returned from seeing Lord Braxton out, and they all sat down as she said, “What a pity that Lord Langley could not come with Margaret—not that I am not excessively happy to see you, Charles—but I do hope that he is not indisposed!”

“Oh, as to that, I believe him to be as hale and hearty as ever. He always is, you know,” Charles replied.

“Oh! Then I collect it is pressing estate business that prevents his being with us.”

Charles laughed. “My dear lady, he never troubles himself with such matters. He has an excellent agent to handle all that for him. No! The only circumstance to prevent his being with us, I fear, is an excessive dislike of Bath, and a sad disinclination to do anything which might interfere with his own pleasures!”

“Oh!” said Emily, disconcerted by such frankness.

“You will have us believe, sir, that you hold an aversion to your brother-in-law,” Elizabeth remarked.

“No, no!” he assured her. “I like him quite well. He is a most agreeable fellow.”

“Well, it was kind of you to stand in for him,” she said.

“Not at all!” he replied. “I could wish to leave you with that happy impression of me, but in the interest of honesty, I must confess that it was not kindness that induced me to give escort to my sister and niece. Margaret bullied me into it!”

Elizabeth smiled. “I find it hard to believe that you can be bullied.”

“How perceptive of you. Miss Ashton. In general, you are quite right, but when you know my sister better, you will see how it came about.”

“Oh!” cried Emily. “I am very sure that Margaret would not wish to force upon you anything which you might not like! I am persuaded that you are quizzing us!”

“Just so, ma’am,” he answered her gravely, but with a tell-tale quiver at the corner of his mouth.

Such subtleties were lost on Emily, and happy to have been reassured on that point, she asked, “Will you be making a long stay in Bath, Mr. Carlyle?”

“I had not planned on doing so,” he replied, and glancing at Elizabeth he continued, “However, now that I am here, it seems a shame not to stay.. .and enjoy all its attractions.”

Elizabeth was furious to feel herself blushing, and was glad that the next few minutes were spent in nothing more than polite social conversation before Charles left them.

When he had gone, she asked her aunt, “Why did you not tell me that Lady Langley’s brother would be with her?”

“Oh, did I not?”

“No, my dear, you did not.” Elizabeth paused for a moment, then asked, “Do you know him well?”

“Well, no, for he is much younger than Margaret, and was away at school for much of the time when we were growing up.”

“He seems a most interesting man,” Elizabeth remarked casually.

“Yes,” said Emily uncertainly, and then added in a worried tone of voice, “Do you suppose that Lord Braxton may be right about him? I
heard.. .but nothing disrefutable. Oh, Elizabeth, it would be too mortifying to find that I have introduced you to a...a...”

“A loose screw?” supplied Elizabeth mischievously.

Emily’s eyes rounded in shock. “No, no! Oh, you mustn’t say such things! But, indeed, it would be very wrong in me to countenance an acquaintance between you and a... a man of unsalivary reputation!”

Elizabeth, who had not, since the death of her father, enjoyed anyone’s company half so much, declared firmly, “Nonsense! I wish you will tell me how you might have avoided introducing us, and I saw nothing in him to take exception to. He seemed the perfect gentleman.” She quickly suppressed a twinge of conscience at having twisted the truth a little before adding, “At any rate, he is Lady Langley’s brother, so we cannot very well cut him. It wouldn’t be at all the thing to do! Besides which, I don’t imagine that he’ll remain here for long. A man such as he must find our small entertainments very dull stuff indeed.”

She knew a feeling of disappointment at this thought, but her aunt appeared most relieved, and agreed happily, “Oh, yes. I feel sure you are right!” And, reaching for her tambour frame, she dismissed Mr. Charles Carlyle from her mind, a feat Elizabeth found much more difficult to accomplish.

When, later, the subject of the concert was again brought up, Elizabeth consented to go, not even asking herself why it now seemed so desirable. However, an evening that should have been at least mildly enjoyable turned out to be strangely flat. All the while she listened to the music and made polite conversation, her eyes sought a tall, masculine figure with broad shoulders and a pair of keen, laughing blue eyes. It was to no avail, for he did not appear.

On the return journey to Upper Camden Place, where she and Aunt Emily were escorted by Lord Braxton, Elizabeth was unusually quiet, merely giving the briefest of answers when any remark was addressed to her. She was feeling a vague sense of dissatisfaction, and a lowering of spirits which she was at a loss to understand. Upon arriving home, she immediately excused herself and retired to her bedchamber.

She had planned and ordered her life exactly to her liking, never once regretting any of it. Before ever being launched among the ton, she had known that she would never marry where there was no love, and though she had received several very flattering offers, she had felt nothing more than mild liking for the men who had made them. So she had already considered the very real possibility that she might live out her life as a single woman even before that fateful house party, and had accepted that prospect with equanimity. Afterwards, of course, the matter was no longer one of choice, but of necessity, and still she had not been at all dismayed by it. Over the years she had seen enough marriages to feel that she was not missing anything. Few, if any, appeared happy enough to warrant relinquishing all control of oneself to some man. Fortunately, being comfortably circumstanced, she could afford to carve out a life of her own design. So why a future that had appeared entirely satisfactory and comfortable—even desirable—should now suddenly look rather bleak and dull was beyond her ability to fathom.

By this time she was out of reason cross with herself for falling prey to this fit of the dismals, and at last, climbing into bed, she muttered, “Oh, the devil take it all!” And after a moment, she added, “And Charles Carlyle, too!”

She was attaching entirely too much importance to the man, she decided, and deliberately turned her thoughts to other matters until, at last, she fell asleep.




Awakening the next morning with the sun shining in her window, and feeling marvelously refreshed and cheerful, Elizabeth did not question the cause of her good spirits but was merely thankful that her mood had lifted, and after a leisurely breakfast, she went to change into clothing more suitable for the out-of-doors.

She entered the morning room a short time later, pulling on her gloves. She was clad in a walking dress of light blue; a velvet pelisse of darker blue, trimmed in fur, covered it; and a matching velvet bonnet with ostrich-plume trim, its high poke lined with gathered silk, was tied under one ear. She looked entirely charming.

As she stepped lightly across the room to her aunt, Emily looked up from her stitching in surprise, exclaiming, “But you cannot be going out! Have you forgot? Margaret is coming this morning.”

Elizabeth leaned down to kiss her cheek. “No, dear, I have not forgot, and, indeed, I am going out,” she replied. “Lady Langley will be here all winter, and I will have any number of opportunities to visit with her, but I am persuaded that after six years the two of you will have all manner of things to talk over. You will enjoy a comfortable coze without me here to interfere.”

“Oh, no! How can you think you would be interfering?” Emily protested.

Smiling and shaking her head, Elizabeth raised her hand to stop the other’s objections. “No, don’t try to change my mind. It’s quite made up. I am going to do some shopping and then look in at the Pump Room. Have you any errands for me while I am out?”

Emily capitulated. “No, dear, but you are not going alone, are you?”

Throwing both hands up in mock horror, Elizabeth cried, “Good heavens! I wouldn’t dream of it! I shall take Jennings with me.”

With a small sniff, her aunt complained, “It’s all very well for you to laugh, but you know that you have not enough respect for the proprieties!”

“Yes, I know, best of aunts; I am a sad trial to you, am I not?” And with that, Elizabeth made her exit, and was soon leaving the house, properly accompanied by her maid.

She set a brisk pace until they reached Milsom Street, where she visited several shops, purchasing new gloves, stockings, some ribbon and a delectable bonnet which she had no need of, but which she could not resist. After leaving the last shop, she informed Jennings pleasantly but firmly that she would no longer need her, and instructed her to carry the packages home. Jennings, who had been with her mistress since her emergence from the schoolroom, was reluctant to leave her unattended but knew better than to waste breath in argument. So with a loud sniff of disapproval, and saying only, “Yes, Miss Elizabeth,” she turned, and made her way back to Upper Camden Place alone, while Elizabeth proceeded to Stall Street and the Pump Room.

Surveying the room rapidly, she soon spied her friend, Mrs. Gilbert, sitting at the far end with several other ladies, and Elizabeth began threading her way through the various groups crowding the room, stopping frequently to exchange greetings with those residents who were well known to her. She was still some distance from Mrs. Gilbert when a hand on her elbow caused her to look up quickly, a rebuke on her lips, only to draw a sharp breath as Charles Carlyle smiled down on her warmly. She lowered her eyes swiftly, hoping to hide the unexpected rush of joy she felt upon seeing him. “Damnation!” she muttered under her breath. Was she destined to gasp and blush like a schoolgirl each time she met him? What a silly wet-goose she was!

Leaning towards her with laughter in his eyes, he said, “I know how very eager you are to join your friends, but pray stay with me for a while.” Placing her hand on his arm, he began to stroll with her towards the other end of the room.

Glancing up at him teasingly, she enquired, “What brings you to our famous gathering place? Have you come to drink the waters, sir?”

“Good God, no! I came in the hope of seeing you.”

Surprised, she declared, “What a bouncer! You couldn’t possibly have known that I would be here this morning.”

“True, but I was prepared to haunt the place until you did appear, however long it took.”

“Now that’s doing it much too brown! You must know that you have only to call in Upper Camden Place to see me, if that is your object.”

“Do you doubt it? I assure you, it is an object with me to see you as often as I may. But in Upper Camden Place I must always share you with your aunt.”

Flustered, she could think of no answer to this, but he continued, “By the way, did you know that you sometimes use language and terms that one hardly expects from a gently nurtured female? Never tell me that your aunt taught you that manner of speaking!”

She could not help laughing. “Oh, dear! If you knew how funny that is! But no, of course she did not. Papa taught me.”

“Your papa taught you?” he asked in some surprise.

“Well, yes, I’m afraid he did. You see. Papa always wished for a son and heir, but when Mama died—while I was still a baby—he decided to make the best of things, and treated me more like a son than a daughter.”

“Good God!” he ejaculated. “Was he blind?”

“No, of course not! And I did have Aunt Emily and Nurse Sedgewick to teach me how I should go on as a female, but the thing is that Papa never watched his tongue when I was about or reprimanded me when I picked up some of his words and expressions. Indeed, he thought it excessively amusing and always laughed. And you must know, those habits can be the very devil to break. Oh! I beg your pardon! What must you think of me!”

He laughed. “Yes, you show a sad want of conduct, my girl!”

“I promise you, I shall try much harder to be careful in the future.”

“Well, I hope you are not too successful,” he said, his eyes still alight with amusement, “for a find it extremely diverting. Tell me, what other interesting habits did your papa teach you?”

“Well, I dislike people who brag excessively, but I must own that I am a bruising rider, and no mean whipster, either. But I fear Papa was quite disappointed at my lack of aptitude in all matters to do with sports, and try as I would, I could
develop a taste for port!”

He gave a shout of laughter, drawing the curious stares of those about them, and lowering his voice, he said, “You delightful girl! What will you say next?”

With a rueful grin she answered, “Well, there is no telling, so pray, do not egg me on!”

He merely chuckled, and they continued slowly round the room in silence for several minutes until he drew her to an abrupt halt. Following his frowning gaze, she saw Lord Braxton bearing down upon them with determination writ clearly on his face.

“Ah, fair lady,” he cried effusively, availing himself of her free hand. “Seeing your lovely face this morning has brightened my day immeasurably!”

“Good morning, my lord,” said Elizabeth, pulling her hand from his.

Charles acknowledged his presence with a slight nod, and murmured, “Braxton.”

Lord Braxton directed a stare replete with loathing at Charles before turning once more to Elizabeth. “Miss Ashton, I am sure you will understand me, and be in perfect agreement when I say that I believe it would be best if I were to return you to your aunt.” He cast his eyes about the room as he asked, “But where is Miss Godwin? I do not see her anywhere.”

Elizabeth’s chin came up obstinately as she informed him, “My aunt is at home, sir. I came alone today.”

“What?” he responded, his eyes swinging back to her face. They seemed very nearly ready to pop from his head, and so absurd an appearance did he present that she quickly averted her face in order not to succumb to the bubble of laughter that threatened to escape her throat. Unfortunately, her stricken eyes met Mr. Carlyle’s, and they both burst into laughter.

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