The Three (18 page)

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Authors: Sarah Lotz

Tags: #Fiction / Thrillers / Suspense, #Fiction / Dystopian, #Fiction / Occult & Supernatural, #Fiction / Psychological, #Fiction / Religious

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For the discovery of Kenneth Oduah, a seven-year-old Nigerian passenger travelling on the Antonov cargo and passenger plane that crashed into Khayelitsher [
] Township, Cape Town, South Africa on 12 January 2012. It is believed that Kenneth left the children’s home where he was taken after the crash and may currently be living on the streets of Cape Town.

According to his aunt, Veronica Alice Oduah, Kenneth has a large head, very dark skin and a crescent-shaped scar on his scalp. If you think you know of his whereabouts, please contact or call +00 789654377646 and leave a message. Normal rates apply.

Chiyoko and Ryu.

(Translator Eric Kushan notes that he has chosen to use the Japanese term
in the transcript below, instead of the rough translation ‘families of the bereaved’ or the more literal translation, ‘families left behind’.)

Message logged @ 16.30, 05/03/2012

: Where have you been all day? I was getting worried about you.

: Six
came today.

: All at once?

: No. Two came together in the morning; the rest came separately. So tiring. Mother Creature is always saying we have to treat the families with respect. I know they’re in pain, but how does she think Hiro feels having to listen to them all day?

: How
he feel?

: It must be really boring for him. They all shuffle up to him and bow, and then they all ask the same thing. ‘Did Yoshi, or Sakura, or Shinji or whoever suffer? Did they say anything before they died?’ Like Hiro would know who these people are! It creeps me out, Ryu.

: That would creep me out, too.

: If they come when MC is out, I tell them to go away. MC always lets them know that he’s still not speaking,
not that this seems to make any difference to them. But today, while MC was in the kitchen preparing tea, I did an experiment. I told them that he does actually talk, but he’s very shy. I told them that he’s always saying that there was no panic or horror as the plane went down and that no one suffered except for the American woman and the two survivors who died in hospital. Was that evil of me?

: You told them what they wanted to hear. If anything, it was kind.

: Yeah, well… I only said it because I wanted to get them out of the house. I can only serve so much tea and wear my ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ face for so long. Oh, I meant to tell you. You know that most of the
who come here to see Hiro are ancient. Well today a younger woman came. Younger as in she could walk without a stick and didn’t look shocked when I didn’t serve the tea in exactly the right way. She said she was the wife of the man who sat next to the American.

: I know who you mean… Keita Eto. He left a message, didn’t he?

: Yeah. I re-read it after she left. It basically said that before he got on that plane he was suicidal.

: Do you think his wife knew how he felt before he died?

: Well she certainly knows now.

: That must hurt. What did she want to know from Hiro?

: The usual. If her husband had acted bravely when the plane went down, and if he’d said anything else apart from what he’d left on the message. She asked this in a matter-of-fact manner. I got the impression she was really just curious to
see Hiro rather than wanting reassurance. Like he’s some kind of exhibit. It made me mad.

: They’ll stop coming soon.

: You think? Over five hundred people died in the crash. There are hundreds of families who might still want to see him.

: Don’t think like that. At least now they know why the plane did crash for sure. That might help.

: Yeah. Perhaps you’re right. I hope it gives the captain’s wife some peace.

: She really got to you.

: She did. I’ll admit that I think about her often.

: Why do you think that is?

: Because I know what it’s like. To be shunned, to have people saying terrible things about you.

: Did that happen to you when you were in the States as well?

: You really like digging for information, don’t you? But to answer your question, no, I was not shunned when I lived in the States.

: Did you make friends there?

: No. Just acquaintances. You know I find most people dull, Ryu. That includes Americans. Although I know you admire them.

: I do not! Why do you think that?

: Why else are you so interested in my life there?

: I told you, just curious. I want to know everything about you. Don’t get mad. _|7O

: Ai! The attack of the ORZ again.

: I knew that would cheer you up. And just so you know… I am very happy that the anti-social ice princess thinks I am worth talking to.

: You and Hiro are the only two people I can stand being around.

: Except you’ve never met one of us and the other one doesn’t talk back. Do you prefer that? The silent treatment?

: Are you jealous of Hiro, Ryu?

: Of course not! That’s not what I meant.

: It is not always necessary to talk to make yourself understood. You’d be amazed how much emotion Hiro can express by just using his eyes and body language. And yes, while I admit it’s soothing to talk to someone who can’t answer back, it’s also frustrating. Don’t worry, I am not about to choose the Silent Boy over you. Besides, he’s taken a liking to
Waratte Iitomo!
Apron of Love
, which I know you would never do. I hope it passes.

: Ha! He is only six.

: Yeah. But those shows are for moronic adults. I don’t know what he sees in them. MC is worried what the
authorities will say if he doesn’t go back to school soon. I don’t think he should go back. I hate the thought of him being with other children.

: I agree. Children are cruel.

: And how can he defend himself if he can’t even speak? He needs protecting.

: But he can’t stay away forever, can he?

: I need to find a way to teach him how to protect himself. I don’t want him to go through what we went through. I couldn’t bear it.

: I know.

: Hey. He’s right here now, sitting with me, do you want to say hello?

: Hello, Hiro!

: Nice! He just bowed back at you. MC says she also wants to take him back to the hospital to get him checked out again. I keep fighting her on this. What is the point? There’s nothing physically wrong with him.

: Maybe he just doesn’t have anything to say.

: Yeah. Maybe that’s it.

: You heard what the Americans are saying? About the fourth child? The one in Africa?

: Of course. It’s stupid. MC says an American reporter called here yesterday. A foreigner who works for the
Yomiuri Shimbun
. They are as bad as Aikao Uri and her alien crap. How can a minister’s wife be so foolish? I take that back, I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m worried that she will ask to come and see Hiro.

: Yeah. ‘Take me to your leader, Hiro.’

: !!! Listen, Ryu. I just want to say, I appreciate you listening to me.

: Where did that come from?

: I’ve been meaning to say it for a while. I know it can’t be easy putting up with my ice princess ways. But it helps.

: Um… Chiyoko, there’s something I need to tell you as well. It is difficult, but I need to get it out. I think you can guess what it is.

: Hold that thought. The MC is screaming something at me.

Message logged @ 17.10, 05/03/2012

: Android Uncle is here! He didn’t say he was coming so MC is freaking out. More soon.

Message logged @ 02.30, 06/03/2012

: Ryu. Ryu!

Message logged @ 02.40, 06/03/2012

: I’m here! Sorry, sleeping. Your message beep woke me up.

: Listen… got something freaky to tell you. But you have to promise to keep it to yourself.

: You really have to ask?

: Okay… Android Uncle brought Hiro something. A gift.

: What? Don’t leave me in suspense!!!

: An android.

: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

: It gets better. It’s an exact copy of Hiro. It looks just like him, although his hair is different. You should have heard MC scream when she saw it.

: Are you serious? A robot version of Hiro?

: Yes. Android Uncle says he was making it before Auntie Hiromi died. It is really really disturbing. Even freakier than his own surrabot. And that’s not all.

: There’s more? What could be weirder?

: Wait. Android Uncle brought it here because of
what MC had told him about Hiro refusing to speak. He thought it might help him. You know how AU’s android works, right?

: I think so. He uses a camera to film his facial movements and they get relayed via computer to the android’s sensors.

: Full marks! It took ages for AU to set it all up. While MC and I watched, he focused the motion-capture lens on Hiro’s face and told Hiro to try and say a few words. Hiro moved his lips–whispering, really–and then the android said… wait for it… ‘Hello Daddy.’

: !

: MC almost fainted. It looks so real. There’s a mechanism in its chest that makes it look as if it’s breathing. It even blinks every so often.

: Can you imagine what would happen if you filmed that and put it up on Nico Nico???

: Aiiiii!!! The reporters would go insane!!!!

: But if he’s talking… won’t the investigators want to know what he saw during the crash?

: What does it matter? They have their answers now. You read the transcript of the pilots’ last words. The authorities know what caused it. The best thing we can do is wait and see if this is going to help Hiro communicate with us. And it seems to be working. Guess what he said at dinner?

: What????

: Because of AU showing up, MC decided she was going to make his favourite natto dish.

: Gross.

: I know. I hate it too. I gave Hiro his bowl, he looked down at it, moved his lips and then his android said, ‘I don’t like it, please may I have some ramen.’ Even MC laughed. MC asked me to put him to bed, and then I sneaked down to listen to what she and AU were saying. Father was out as usual.

: And???

: MC was saying that she’s worried about Hiro not going back to primary school–about what the authorities will say. AU said he would use his status to make sure that Hiro won’t have to go back for a while, at least until he is talking normally and won’t cause too much attention. AU went on and on about how we must keep what’s happening with the android quiet. MC agreed.

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