The Thug

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Bad Boys#1

BOOK: The Thug
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The Thug


Jordan Silver

Copyright© 2014 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved



Cover by Jordan Silver

Cover image fro
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Chapter 1


, he's so thugged out, but I sure would like me some a that."

"Alexandra you better leave that shit alone, you know who that is?"

"Yeah Giovanni something or other, I heard the others talking, so what?"

Bianchi. That's right, I see I have your attention. That is the head of the local outfit, you do not want to mess with that."

"Chill Joseph
, it's not like he'd even notice me anyway, I can still admire from afar."

"You always were a trouble magnet, you better watch it this time
. I'm pretty sure I can't save you from that one and your little virgin ass ain't no match for him anyway."

I slapped my best friend on the back.

"I'm sorry I ever told you that."

, that you haven't lost your V card? Lex we've been together everyday since first grade, when would you have had time to give it up without me knowing?"

"Whatever, it could happen."

I couldn't keep my eyes from straying to the corner where he sat. Something about him just gets to me, and every time I saw him it got worst.

"Oh shit." I turned back around quickly.

"What?" Joseph turned to look back.

"No Joe don't look
, I think he caught me staring at him." Just then the big guy that was always with him came over to the bar and right up to us.


"Excuse me?"

"Gio wants you over there."

I turned to look at the man in question and found myself trapped in his ice blue stare. I looked at Joe for help but he just shook his head quietly. I followed the big guy across the room, until we reached old blue eyes. "Hello Alexandra."

, how do you know my name?"

"I make it a point to know the names of all my future conquests, sit down."


“I said sit Alexandra
; in the future don't make me repeat myself it aggravates me."

"I don't..."

"Yeah, you do, call your boy over, he's looking kinda nervous and nervous people make fucked up decisions. I don't wanna have to nix your childhood friend."

"How do you know that
? how do you know he's not my boyfriend?"

"He's still breathing that's how; if he'd ever had you I would've ended him the moment I set my sights on you."

Oh my word, I'm beginning to think Joe might've been right, maybe he was too much for me.

"I can see the wheels spinning, not to worry I won't hurt you
, unless you try to fuck me over. I'm all man, I like to do the fucking in a relationship, but we'll get to that later. Right now I want you to tell your boy to be cool, that you're all good."

I called Joseph over
, trying my best to put a smile on my face so he wouldn't pick up on the fact that I was scared out of my wits.

"What's up Marino?"

"Uh good evening Mr. Bianchi sir." Shoot, even Joe was trembling in his boots and Joe was a hard ass; why didn't I listen to him?

"I'll be entertaining your friend for the rest of the evening so you can feel free to do whatever." Joe looked at me apologetically before starting away.

"Hey Marino, I'll let the fact that you used fake ID to get into my place slide this time; in the future, you need to see me or one of my crew if you want to drink here. But if you ever get Alexandra involved in something like this again, your father will be childless." He said that so...emotionlessly; I looked at poor Joe who looked like he was about to wet himself.

"Yes sir."

"Hey." I felt tears gathering in my eyes for my friend; he didn't need to humiliate him like that, Joe was a good guy.

"Don't you talk to him like that you big...big...bully." Great Alexandra
, stick your head in the lion's mouth. It didn't help that the whole table got quiet.

I'd forgotten that they were
even there since they'd been doing their own thing, while their boss was laying down the law. I was afraid to look at him, to see what he would do next. I wasn't expecting him to raise his glass in a toast though.

"Salute; bring her." He got up from the table after downing his drink.

The big guy who'd brought me over, took my upper arm and followed behind him. I'm going to die. I looked back at Joe who was looking green, but there wasn't anything I could do, because I soon found myself in the back of a limo with the wolf.

I'd decided that that's what his eye
s reminded me of. A great big stalking wolf that ate stupid little girls like me for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Chapter 2


"Where are you taking me?"

"Home, my home."

"What, what do you mean? I have to be getting home soon
, my dad will come looking for me." He turned to me and took my jaw in his hand.

"No he won't
, he's working overnight as he does every Friday night. And even if he wasn't, he wouldn't come looking for you, because he thinks his good little girl is with her friend and his father, which is where you're supposed to be. Don't lie to me again baby doll, I don't like it." He sure had a lot of dislikes.

"Stop sulking sweets
, once you get to know me it'll get easier."

"Who says I want to get to know you?"

"I do, I could smell your pussy from across the room, calling to me, ‘oh Giovanni won't you come and eat me?’ His rendition of a female in heat was almost comical.

"That's gross."

"Not from where I'm sitting, smelling you, knowing it’s all for me, is the sweetest smell in the world."

He sniffed from my neck to beneath my ear and I felt liquid heat seep between my thighs.

"Hmmm, there she goes, I can't wait to bury my head between those legs of yours and eat the fuck outta you."

Did he really just say that? I can’t believe this. Who talks to someone they’ve practically just met like that? And why can’t I get my stupid body under control?

Granted, up close he packs even more of a punch, and that feeling of being in the presence of a predatory animal was becoming very real, each time he turned those blue orbs of his on me. Like now!

He gave me a lopsided smirk before running his tongue around my ear and I thought I was going to expire right then and there. And when one of his hands came down between my thighs searching, I knew I was in way too deep.

No one had ever touched me like this. The mixture of fear and excitement threatened to choke me, as I fought for my breath. His fingers rubbed me outside of my panties before I felt one of them slip inside and just to the entrance of my opening.

What he did next was a little more than I could take. Taking his finger from my body, he smelt it as he held my eyes captive, before licking it clean. I think I mewled or made some other type of inane noise that I could not withhold, and this only made him laugh harder, as my face heated up.

I squirmed in the seat and tried moving away, but he held me in place. “Uh uh uh, I like you right here.”

I held myself stiff as a board as he put his arm around me, and stared out at the passing lights of the city, as we drove farther and farther away from my home. When would dad realize that I’m gone? How long? What was I thinking? Joe will alert him of course.


I let myself relax with that thought. My father would show up
, and this whole nightmare will be over.

I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my face
, but I refused to answer the pull. My stupid wants had got me here in the first place. What in the world had ever possessed me to think that I could handle a man like him? Was a mystery.

Granted at the time I started lusting after him
, I had no idea who he was, just his first name. But his reputation preceded him and it was one to be feared. Why were all the hot ones always off limits? And this one was more so than most?

Though I didn’t know too much about him other than rumors, what I’d heard was enough to have me questioning what, if anything
, my father could do? He was known to flout authority at every turn and it was rumored he owned judges and lawyers, just to name a few people in high places.

Apart from that
, all I really knew about him, was that he was hot, young and loaded. Girls had been mooning over him for as long as I could remember, before I joined their ranks.

Not once did I ever think I’d come to his attention. It was one thing to gush over him to my childhood friend, and quite another to be the object of his attentions. He was nothing like the silly little girl dreams I’d been weaving in my head that’s for sure. Had I known what I was in for, I maybe wouldn’t have talked Joe into sneaking me into his club so often.




"Up the
stairs, first door on the left; take a shower and hit the sack; I'll be up in a little bit to tuck you in."

We'd arrived at his home,
which was like something out of the movies. How did someone so young own so much? I guess what they said about him was true after all. I wondered how he expected to get around my father? There's no way he'd allow us to become involved.


I hadn't moved; too confused to do anything but stand and stare.

"I don't understand what I'm doing here."

He looked at me like he was trying to gauge my sincerity.

"You're here because it
’s time."

"Time for what? I don't understand
; none of this makes any sense."


"Then I'll spell it out for you; my place is bugged. I've known every time you've been there and I've heard everything you've said concerning me. What? You thought I just saw you tonight and jumped? Nah sweetheart, I'm a man of action yes, but I look before I leap.

I had to do my research
, from the moment I decided to keep you. I knew if I wanted you I'd have to get around your father and there was only one of two ways for a man in my position to do that. Either kill him, or get something on him that I could hold over him." He wore the most sinister smile I’d ever seen on a human being before.

I felt my breath hitch and my blood run cold.

"Not to worry beautiful he'll live...for now. But I did find something on the good chief of police that will make our new life together very easy."

"What do you mean our new life together
, what do you plan to do with me?"

I'm not sure which was w
orse, the silence that followed that question or the hooded look he gave me.

"Get upstairs babe, I've talked enough."


"Alexandra, stairs, now."

I was moving before the word ‘now’ had passed his lips; he sure knew how to get his point across.

Chapter 3



How was I supposed to know which room was his? Did he think I was psychic or something? It didn’t take me long to figure it out. The room was the largest bedroom on this floor
, and it looked like him, sort of. It was all dark woods and antiques, with a massive bed dead center of the room, on a pedestal surrounded by windows in a circular fashion. My mouth ran dry and I swallowed as I thought of climbing into that bed.

Shower, he’d said to take a shower. I made my way over to the adjoining door
, but that one led to a walk in closet that was almost as big as the room. The rows upon rows of hanging suits were mind-boggling. And why are you thinking about this shit when your life is hanging in the balance?

I turned from that door and moved over to the only other and found the en suite bathroom, that had I not been in such a quandary
, I would’ve really appreciated. Especially that huge sunken tub that just screamed comfort and relaxation.

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