The Tiger-Headed Horseman (17 page)

BOOK: The Tiger-Headed Horseman
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As Lily fought her way through the crowd she glanced above them to the flags that caged the square. Taking in the carefully designed imagery, Lily almost tripped over. She was not certain but she thought she could see the roaring head of a tiger sitting on the back of a horse. She began breathing shallowly. Her palms became hot despite the freezing temperature. Suddenly she burst out of the crowd. Landing on the pavement, she sat looking up at the flags. Lily now had space and time to assess the flags. She had not been mistaken. Atop the body of someone she presumed to be Tengis was the head of a fierce tiger animatedly roaring to the sky. Unless Lily was mistaken, she knew that she had unearthed something important, something that related to Chinggis's words: the real words of Chinggis, not those she had just been forced to listen to. She raced back to Danyal's yard faster than she had ever run before.

‘People say they like change,’ said Danyal a little later as he poured her a cup of delicious coffee, ‘but they don't, not really. They just want to be told what to do and how to live their lives. They just want to belong to the group; they don't want to stick out from the crowd or be noticed. So long as whoever is telling them what to do lets them lead a life that is in some way acceptable then the people will support them. They don't like people that are different; they certainly don't like anyone who doesn't belong to Baatarulaan, so you need to be extra careful. Imagine coming home dressed like that!’ Lily looked down at herself – she had lost all of her disguise and the traditional herder
clothing beneath, worn to ward of the cold, was revealed for all to see. She knew that wearing a deel would make her utterly conspicuous.

‘I saw a tiger on a horse,’ said Lily. ‘Can you tell me anything about that?’

‘That man disgusts me!’ answered Danyal. ‘He has taken the insignia of Chinggis, the horse, as his own and had the gall to place himself atop our only true emperor. How can he even think of doing that? It is despicable. He clearly sees himself as the new emperor. He thinks he is working with or joined in some way to Chinggis and that together they will forge a new empire. An empire free from Khadism. Now that this shiny new stuff is around, everyone wants a piece of it. From what I can see it's nothing more than a piece of rock but the way that Tengis has been flashing it about it has become invaluable overnight. I don't trust that guy. As for his so-called Ten Recommendations – fluff and nonsense! That Tengis has no substance. He is nothing but a tailored marketing machine, too young, too big for his own boots, too powerful too soon with too little sense of realism. All he's done is ask questions about Khadism. One idiot can ask more questions than ten wise men can answer. How he's done what he's done I have no idea but he has won the support of everyone, especially the elite few. They're scared he will incite theft of their property. They may account for a fractional percentage of Baatarulaan inhabitants, but they hold almost all of the wealth and certainly all of the power. They truly are fat cats.’

For the second time that day Lily checked herself. She wasn't certain but she felt as though the feline factoids that she had heard must surely relate in some way to the words she had received via Elder Chuluun. She made a note to check the scroll when she was alone that night.

‘What can we do about it?’ implored Lily. ‘What I saw tonight
was dreadful, truly terrible. If Tengis manages to take over from the Khadists, why don't the people realise that all they'll be doing is swapping one corrupt regime for another? Why isn't anyone trying to do something positive?’

‘Well, we are . . .’ said Drudger before Danyal cut him off mid-sentence. Lily looked at them both perplexedly.

‘We have known one another a mere day,’ said Danyal, ‘I need to know that I can trust you, even though my heart tells me that I can.’

‘Of course you can!’ said Lily. ‘Anyway, you have more on me than I on you. You might be harbouring me but I'm the one that faces arrest simply for being a herder.’ Danyal and Drudger nodded to one another secretly agreeing upon something unseen and unheard.

‘There is a group that is making a stand against both Khadism and New Chinggism,’ said Danyal. He sat down on a stool opposite Lily wearing a serious face and looked deep into her eyes. ‘We are but a few but we have the backing of a secretive and powerful city magnate. We operate outside the boundaries of society, dwell beneath the surface of the city and have faith in matters some deem beyond the realms of reality. If you are introduced to our brethren, you can never leave them; no matter where you are, you will always be one of us. We will always be with you even when you do not see us. We are secretive to others but openly transparent among ourselves. We fight against tyranny and have been fighting against it for almost eight hundred years. My family were all members of the order, as were Drudger's. We both come from a long line of fighters. We might not look like much but we know more than anyone can possibly imagine and thankfully infinitely more than anyone ever suspects. Are you willing to learn more?’

Lily nodded eagerly. Anyone that was against Tengis and the Khadists had to be good news; nothing could be worse.

‘Follow me,’ said Danyal.

Lily dutifully followed Danya and Drudger downstairs, out into the yard and into the stable, where Lucky lay snoring. Quietly moving aside some hay they unearthed a trapdoor. Drudger opened the trapdoor and disappeared down inside. Danyal beckoned Lily to follow. She hesitated.

‘Where are we going?’ she asked. Leaving the Steppe had been difficult, growing accustomed to Baatarulaan had been demanding; being asked to go underground for the first time was almost too daunting a prospect.

‘Trust me,’ said Danyal. He reassuringly placed his hand on Lily's shoulder. She glanced across at Lucky who lay obliviously dreaming of the Steppe.

‘Where are we going?’ repeated Lily. She really did not feel comfortable about entering a secret underground tunnel with two men she had only known for a short while. Danyal smiled at her knowingly. He knew exactly where they were heading. He turned and faced her, a broad smile beaming across his face. It immediately relaxed Lily. Even before he spoke she felt comforted. She could tell that wherever they were going it was a good place filled with friends who would help them. He started to speak:

‘We're going to Millie's.’








The passageway was far longer and far darker than Lily had expected. She thought about her faithful horse Lucky who was sleeping somewhere far above her. He was the only link she had back to her life on the Steppe. Everything else in Baatarulaan was alien, particularly its politics and religions. Subjects she was unwittingly taking a crash course in. Drudger led the way carrying a flaming torch above his head. Danyal stayed near Lily to make sure she felt safe. The flickering light set spectral shadows dancing across the walls. It was damp and cold but at least the stench of Baatarulaan was locked firmly outside. Other than their footsteps the only sound was a million water droplets falling nonchalantly from the tunnel roof and splashing in an ordered, almost orchestral manner on to the muddy puddled passage below.

‘Not much further!’ shouted Drudger.

He was right. There was a short ladder leading up the side of a wall where he stood. Climbing it, he knocked hard on a wooden hatch in the passageway ceiling. Lily had no idea who Millie was but she knew she was heading to meet her. She trusted Danyal and, despite his shady personality and dodgy dress sense, even Drudger seemed to be earnest. Presently they heard a knocking from above. Listening carefully to the pattern of sound Drudger responded with a series of knocks – some hard, others soft. The trapdoor was lifted and the murky passageway flooded with light from above.

‘Right ho?’ asked an invisible voice from above the trapdoor.

‘Left ho ho,’ replied Danyal. A hand was thrust from the light and Danyal took it. Lily felt uneasy. ‘We are with friends,’ said Danyal as he was pulled out of sight into the luminosity. Lily saw his hand reaching down towards her from beyond the trap-door. ‘Please, you have to trust me.’ Danyal pulled Lily into the light. Drudger followed closely behind and shut the darkness behind them.

Lily peered around at her new surroundings as her eyes readjusted to the light. She was in a splendidly furnished home. The room into which they arrived appeared to be a hallway, though she wasn't certain – she had never been in a real hallway before. It did have a staircase, though. In front of her a particularly fanciful one swept widely upwards before splitting left and right towards the top to a mezzanine that overlooked the hall. An impressive front door that looked heavily fortified stood guard behind her. Around the walls were large tapestries that hung behind enormous urns containing plants, walking sticks and umbrellas. A heavily designed chandelier hung overhead. Lily guessed that it had to contain over a hundred candles.

The arm that had helped pull them into the room belonged to a stocky broad man who wore a bushy beard and broad grin. The man wore a garishly coloured shirt, baggy shorts and sandals, even though it was freezing outside. He laughed a good deal and when he spoke had an accent Lily had never heard before.

‘All right but?’ asked the man in his strange brogue.

‘But what?’ replied Lily. The man laughed and ruffled her hair before shuffling off to stand beside the tallest boy Lily had ever seen. He didn't have a beard but his hair was shaggy and unkempt. Both men shared a joke that seemed to be about Lily and laughed privately. Four others entered the room and clapped their arms around the tall boy and man with the odd
accent. The tall boy proceeded to poke them in the stomach, using his height and superior strength to his advantage. All of the men and boys were young, strong and each had either a beard or a shaggy head of hair. The tall boy continued to annoy his compatriots. Lily felt that the tall boy was very childish. The man with the interesting twang scratched himself in a peculiar fashion. Although they looked quite unruly, there was something about these fellows that Lily found both fascinating and comforting. She sensed that they would look out for her if looking out for was ever required.

‘Lily,’ said Danyal, ‘please can I introduce you to the Hairy Hordes.’

‘Hello,’ said Lily. She thought their name was amusing and tried not to laugh as she looked at the furry rabble in front of her. ‘How do you do?’

‘At your service, ma'am,’ replied the Hairy Hordes as one. ‘It be a pleasure to be making your acquaintance, so it be.’

‘And I yours,’ said Lily. She had never heard six gruff people speaking in unison before. It sounded almost musical.

The tall boy punched the man with the weird burr and they all immediately began play fighting. The rolled around on the floor punching, kicking and pulling at one another. In any other setting, Lily would have been frightened but their fighting was accompanied by raucous laughter. Lily looked to Danyal and Drudger, who both shrugged their shoulders and smiled.

‘Boys!’ echoed a woman's voice from upstairs. ‘Settle down and behave!’ The Hairy Hordes instantly stood quietly to attention. The voice was not cold but was strict; it wasn't a harsh voice but it conveyed strength. Lily craned her neck looking for its owner.

Presently a lady appeared and began slowly and gracefully to descend the staircase. She wore a long green dress that trailed two steps behind her. Upon her head was a tall felt hat that
folded upwards in layers and was studded with emeralds. One delicate hand covered in a satin glove that swept up a thinly toned arm carefully touched the banister; the other cradled a small bundle of grey fur that much to Lily's surprise began to move. A slender cat with deep-green eyes yawned nonchalantly. The Hairy Hordes stood erect, trying their best to control themselves and not punch the man next to them. Drudger also stood to attention, respectfully holding his chin higher than he had lifted it since Lily had met him. Danyal stepped forward enthusiastically.

‘My lady,’ said Danyal, ‘how are we this fine day?’

‘All is as good as it can be,’ replied the lady. ‘Is this the girl?’

The lady gestured towards Lily.

‘My lady,’ said Danyal, ‘may I present Lily. She is one of us. She has come from outside. She has bravely ridden across the exteriors to Baatarulaan. She knows the dangers but believes, as we do, in justice.’

‘How do you do?’ asked the Lady. Lily began to curtsey although didn't know why. ‘No, no, none of that please.’

The lady took a gentle hold of Lily's elbow and brought her closer to her. Lily noticed that the lady was considerably more mature than she had first thought. She had exciting dark eyes set in a face that seemed to hold a millennium of wisdom. The cat purred gently in her other arm. The lady let the cat down and it curled itself around Lily's ankles. ‘Don't mind Jasmine; she's really quite gentle. My name is Millie. So you're a shaman?’

‘I prefer shawoman, if it's all the same,’ said Lily. ‘You have a lovely home. It is much grander than anything I have ever seen before.’

One of the Hairy Hordes began to snigger. Millie shot him a glare and his smirking was immediately stifled.

‘Thank you, I like it,’ said Millie, ‘it's not what I'm used to but
it's home. I see Jasmine likes you. She has exquisite taste, so I am sure we shall become the very best of friends.’

‘I hope so,’ replied Lily. She really did. Millie was an intimidating character and Lily was sure she wanted her on her side; the thought of Millie as an enemy filled her with dread.

‘Come,’ said Millie, ‘let us walk. Danyal, please, come too.’ She offered Lily her left arm and Danyal her right. The three slowly ambled off into the house. Behind them the Hairy Hordes pounced on top of Drudger who eagerly began bashing them around the head. ‘Boys will be boys,’ Millie commented indulgently. ‘Let me show you around.’

Millie gave Lily a tour of her home. She explained the many stories that lay behind the multitude of portraits, paintings and tapestries that adorned the walls. Millie's family was an ancient and illustrious one. It dated back to the time of Chinggis's reign. Her foremother had been Chinggis's agriculture and industry advisor. Over the centuries Millie's family had nurtured their skills. They still provided the majority of food and fuel for Baatarulaan but had long ago pledged their allegiance to the Chinggists. Canvases depicted enormous fields of corn beneath transparent roofing; mills and production units were embroidered into huge wall hangings. There were many corridors each filled completely with works of art that showed in detail the extent of Millie's heritage and current commercial dealings. Lily was awestruck. She quickly realised just how important, influential and rich Millie was.

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