The Tigress of Forli (48 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lev

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Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza:
Special Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and for the Museum Area of the city of Florence–Cabinet of Photographs •
Sixtus IV Appoints Bartolomeo Platina Prefect of the Vatican Library:
Courtesy of the Vatican Museums • Detail from
The Purification of the Leper:
Courtesy of the Vatican Museums • Fresco fragment from the
Sala della Piattaia:
With the permission of the Ministry for Heritage and Cultural Activities—Special Superintendence for the Archaeological Heritage of Rome • Etching of the tomb of Hadrian: © Stapleton Collection/Corbis • © The Trustees of the British Museum • Detail from
Miracle of Saint James the Elder:
Alina ri Archives–Anderson Archive, Florence • Alinari Archives–Alinari Archive, Florence •
Portrait of Caterina Sforza de' Medici:
Raffaello Bencini / Alinari Archives, Florence • Fortress of Ravaldino: Alinari Archives–Alinari Archive, Florence •
Portrait of Isabella d'Este:
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna •
Portrait of a Man:
Musei San Domenico, Municipal Art Gallery of • Special Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and for the Museum Area of the city of Florence–Cabinet of Photographs•
Portrait of Cosimo de' Medici:
Special Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and for the Museum Area of the city of Florence–Cabinet of Photographs.


Acciajuoli, Donato,

Acqua Vergine,

Adrian, Messer,

"Agnus Dei," given to Caterina during pregnancy,


Albanese, Pietro,

Alberto (caretaker of Caterina's house in Florence),

Alexander VI Borgia (pope),

in Cesare Borgia's assurance to Caterina,

Lucrezia Borgia as daughter of,

and Caterina as prisoner,

persuaded to free Caterina,

praise for Caterina when leaving,

and Caterina's bloodthirstiness after Giacomo's murder,

as Caterina's enemy,

and attack on Forlì,

deposes Riario family and orders surrender of Forlì,

frustrated by Caterina's resistance to siege,

death of,

and decoration of apartment walls,

Florence threatened for aid to Forlì,

Ottaviano and Cesare attempt negotiations with over Forlì and Imola,

Savonarola's criticism of,

and triple alliance captures,

Alia, Guglielmo d',

Alfonso of Aragon (duke of Calabria, later king Alfonso II of Naples),

Alfonso (duke of Calabria, the younger),

Anna (Jewish friend in Rome),

Anne of Beaujeu,

Anne of Brittany,

Anterigoli, Giuliano degli,

Apollonia (founder of the Muratte),

Appiani, Antonio,

Aretino, Pietro,

Armor, by Missaglia family of Milan,

Arranged marriages, in Renaissance world,

Artillery, of Cesare Borgia's army,

Artisan conspiracy,

Attendolo, Muzio,

Augustus (Roman emperor), Sixtus's attempt to emulate,

Auton, Jehan de,

Avignon, popes' residence in,

Babone, Matteo,

Bagnacavallo, Domenico da,

Bagno, thermal baths in,

Bande Nere,

Barone (amateur executioner),

Battle of Campo Morto,

Battle of Fornovo,

Battuti Neri,

Bauman, Lisa Passaglia,

Belvedere (Caterina's initial place of imprisonment),

Bembo, Bonifacio,

Benci, Giovanni,

Benedict, Saint,

Bentivoglio, Francesca,

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