The Time Between

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Authors: Karen White

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Time Between
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New American Library Titles by Karen White

Sea Change

The Beach Trees

Falling Home

On Folly Beach

The Lost Hours

The Memory of Water

Pieces of the Heart

Learning to Breathe

The Color of Light

The Tradd Street Series

The Strangers on Montagu Street

The Girl on Legare Street

The House on Tradd Street

the time between




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White, Karen.

The time between/Karen White.

p. cm

ISBN 978-1-101-61411-2

1. Self-realization in women—Fiction. 2. Family secrets—Fiction. 3. Sisters—Fiction. 4. Edisto Island (S.C.)—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3623.H5776T56 2013

813'.6—dc23 2012050076


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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To my husband, Tim.

Thank you for your love and patience for the last twenty-five years.


First and foremost, I thank my readers for your enthusiasm and kind words, and for allowing me into your lives. I couldn’t do what I do without you!

Thanks also to my terrific team at New American Library—sales, marketing, and publicity—who do such a wonderful job of getting my books out there. And to the awesome art department for the remarkable cover on this and all of my books. You always manage to pinpoint the true spirit of a book and create something special every time. And a huge thank-you to my editorial team—Cindy Hwang, Claire Zion, Kara Welsh, and Leslie Gelbman—for your words of encouragement and support. As you know, authors are incredibly thin-skinned, yet you always manage to make me believe that I actually know what I’m doing. Thanks also to my agent, Karen Solem, who has been with me since the beginning.

To Agnes Joo, Gabi Stevens, Edith Stefel, and Walt Mussell for your generosity of time and your patience with my questions regarding Hungarian phrases and terms. Just please don’t ask me to try to pronounce any of them!

Thank you to the lovely people of Edisto Island, especially those at the Edisto Bookstore, for all the terrific research materials, and to our excellent tour guide Dottie from Tours of Edisto. You made the island and all its rich history come to life.

Again, thank you, Diane Wise, RN, MSN, CNM, for your professional insights on pregnancy and childbirth. You’ve helped me with so many books and yet you still cheerfully answer all my questions with patience.

Thank you to my BFFs and critique partners, Wendy Wax and Susan Crandall. I can’t believe you’re still taking my calls after surviving yet another deadline with me. Thank you for all your hard work on my behalf—and my editor thanks you, too!

Last, but certainly not least, thank you to my long-suffering family—Tim, Meghan, and Connor. I might not cook for you, but that doesn’t mean I love you any less.

For time is the longest distance between two places.

—Tennessee Williams

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