Read The Toff and the Deadly Priest Online

Authors: John Creasey

Tags: #Crime

The Toff and the Deadly Priest (18 page)

BOOK: The Toff and the Deadly Priest
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'Department Z' Novels

These Titles can be read as a series, or randomly as standalone novels


  1. The Death Miser 
  2. Redhead 
  3. First Came a Murder 
  4. Death Round the Corner 
  5. The Mark of the Crescent 
  6. Thunder in Europe 
  7. The Terror Trap 
  8. Carriers of Death 
  9. Days of Danger 
  10. Death Stands By 
  11. Menace! 
  12. Murder Must Wait 
  13. Panic! 
  14. Death by Night 
  15. The Island of Peril 
  16. Sabotage 
  17. Go Away Death 
  18. The Day of Disaster 
  19. Prepare for Action 
  20. No Darker Crime 
  21. Dark Peril 
  22. The Peril Ahead 
  23. The League of Dark Men 
  24. The Department of Death 
  25. The Enemy Within 
  26. Dead or Alive 
  27. A Kind of Prisoner 
  28. The Black Spiders 


Select Synopses
Gideon's Day
Gideon's day is a busy one. He balances family commitments with solving a series of seemingly unrelated crimes from which a plot nonetheless evolves and a mystery is solved. One of the most senior officers within Scotland Yard, George Gideon's crime solving abilities are in the finest traditions of London's world famous police headquarters. His analytical brain and sense of fairness is respected by colleagues and villains alike.
Gideon's Night
On this particular night Commander George Gideon has to deal with a couple of psychopaths who trail pain and blood in their wake. One targets infants, and the other young women on London's foggy streets. There's also an explosive gang war in the offing, and one way or another all of these cases are coming to their breathtaking conclusions at the same time. Can Scotland Yard's finest cope with such a nightmarish scenario, with what would ordinarily be months of time consuming police work crammed into just one night?
Gideon's Fire
Commander George Gideon of Scotland Yard has to deal successively with news of a mass murderer, a depraved maniac, and the deaths of a family in an arson attack on an old building south of the river. This leaves little time for the crisis developing at home . . .
Meet the Baron
John Mannering (
The Baron
makes his first appearance in this volume. Lord Fauntley cannot help showing off both his daughter and the security under which his precious jewels are kept. Mannering finds himself attracted to both .... Money is tight and so he plans a burglary, but this fails and unexpected consequnces result. The relationship with Lorna Fauntley flourishes, and a series of high profile thefts and adventures ensure Mannering's future, so he believes, until Lorna equates him with
The Baron
. One of the many further twists in this award winning novel occurs when the police appear to seek Mannering's help, only to have everything turned upside down as the plot develops . . .
Shadow The Baron
John Mannering ('
The Baron
is called in by Scorland Yard's Superintendent Bristow to help catch the mysterious jewel thief '
The Shadow
'. No one know the thief's identity, but he has managed to pull off many high profile robberies. However, as Mannering proceeds to track down the target, he finds the pursuer becomes the pursued . . . ..
The House of the Bears
Standing alone in the bleak Yorkshire Moors is Sir Rufus Marne's
'House of the Bears'
. Dr. Palfrey is asked to journey there to examine an invalid - whom he finds has disappeared. Moreover, Marne's daughter lies terribly injured after a fall from the minstrel's gallery, which Dr. Palfrey discovers was no accident. He sets out to look into both matters, but the discoveries he makes are truly fantastic. A deserted mine, powerful explosive and a submarine all feature in this powerful mystery. The results are even capable of surprising him ...
Inspector West Takes Charge
Extortion is the name of the game, as one victim after another is ruthlessly targeted. Chief Inspector Roger West must now solve the problem, along with a tangle of murders - but the case becomes more frightening as every minute passes.
The Case Against Paul Raeburn
Chief Inspector Roger West has been watching and waiting for over two years - he is determined to catch Paul Raeburn out. The millionaire racketeer may have made a mistake, following the killing of a small time crook. Can the ace detective triumph over the evil Raeburn in what are very difficult circumstances? This cannot be assumed as not eveything, it would seem, is as simple as it first appears .....
Introducing The Toff
The Toff is the Hon. Richard Rollison; the ultimate sleuth who revels in solving crimes. Whilst returning home across the Essex countryside from a day's cricket at his father's Norfolk home, he happens upon an accident that sets him on a new trail. This involves murder, suspense and thrilling action as The Toff applies his mind with its usual precision and thoroughness.
The Toff in New York
'Say, Miss Hall, I hope that brother of yours hasn't run into any trouble.'
But Will Hall had been kidnapped and the Honourable Richard Rollison, known by many by the apt if absurd soubriquet of the
is soon on the scene, but not before a murdered man had fallen into Valerie Hallís arms. There's lots of action in 'millionaire surroundings', with a rich private eye and the NYPD all on the case, whilst the Toff tracks Dutch Himmy, surely the worst man in New York . . . ..
BOOK: The Toff and the Deadly Priest
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