The Training of Toby (Masters of the Mansion Book 2)

BOOK: The Training of Toby (Masters of the Mansion Book 2)
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©The Training of Toby

©Masters of the Mansion Series

Copyright © 2013 Suzanne Steele

Published by Suzanne Steele

All Rights Reserved

This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the Author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This book contains fictional acts of BDSM. It is not, in any way, to be used as a manual for safe, sane forms of BDSM by current practitioners in the lifestyle. This book is not, in any way, a teaching manual. All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced. It may not be used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author.

Cover photo © Dollar Photo Club

Cover Copyright © Suzanne Steele

Edited by Corey Amador

Cover Design by Mayhem Cover Creations

Formatting by Suzanne Steele

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To the reader

The men I write about are Alpha males in every sense of the word. They are the men society warns us about. They are dominant males with controlling tendencies. They are the men you know you should stay away from, yet
you are drawn like a moth to a flame.

If you are looking for a sweet romance, you won't find it here. What you will find is dark passion.  Many times my heroes carry what would be considered an obsession for the women they love. Each and every character I write about has demanded their voice be heard. I have been true to that calling and I have stayed true to their personalities, which at times the reader may not always agree with. They are dark, they are gritty, and many times their love is dysfunctional but, nonetheless, it is real.

Stalk Me…


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The Killer

The killer watched the object of his obsession as the young man stood talking to his friend on the corner. The darkened side street provided the cover he needed for his voyeuristic pleasure. He had been watching for quite some time, looking forward to the moment he would finally come face to face with his addiction. Like any true predator, he loved the thrill of the hunt. He didn’t always want to kill, but they forced him to at times. Why couldn’t they understand how much he had done for them? The endless hours he’d spent planning and seemingly insurmountable obstacles he’d overcome just to be with them meant that he couldn’t allow their rejection to go unpunished. Maybe this one would be different…

He wondered about people. He pictured the masses and thought about how they wake up in the morning, thinking about what they would wear, what their schedule held for the day, and how they needed to leave early enough to grab that gourmet coffee they just had to have.

It was different for him. When he woke up, he thought about the hunt. He thought about the object of his obsession, Toby. Well, this time it was Toby. There had been others before him, so many others.

Like any serial killer, his life ran in nasty little cycles and his were always the same. First and always, he would fixate on someone. Sometimes all it took was an innocent smile or a simple, harmless comment and he was hooked. In a matter of seconds, that person would go from complete stranger, to unsuspecting victim, and the hunt would begin. It was so easy nowadays with the Internet too. He’d read somewhere that the rise in stalking cases had gone up astronomically since the introduction of PCs. He’d spend his time daydreaming about that perfect moment when he was able to meet them and how wonderful it would be when they realized they were just as enamored with him as he was with them. Unfortunately, it hasn’t happened like that yet. It never failed; something always went wrong and they would reject his advances. That’s when things got really ugly.

Why didn’t they realize how much he had done for them? Did they not know how many people he had to remove out of his way in order to get to them? How dare they not appreciate his love for them! That was when love turned into something very, very ugly. But was it love in the first place? Could something so dark and depraved be called love, or was it just some form of deviant obsession? He didn’t know and, truth be told, didn’t give a fuck. Right now, there was only Toby. The killer took great pleasure in the fact that the boy had no idea he was being watched and had been for over a month. From the cover of darkness, the killer silently observed as Toby smoked his cigarette and talked with his friend, just waiting for the perfect time to strike.


Toby pulled his hoodie up to use it as a shield, trying to block the rain that was mercilessly pelting down on his face and body. He wouldn’t even be out here, standing on the corner of 4
and Magnolia, if it wasn’t for the fact that he was completely out of options. He’d be homeless in just a matter of days.

“I hate that I’m having to hustle to make a living but I really don’t have a fucking choice,” he spoke to himself more so than his best friend, Allyn, who was standing out there with him. “I’m two days away from getting kicked out of my dump of an apartment.” His friend’s voice pulled him out of his melancholy state.

“Look, I know you’ve never done this before, but it’s a hell of a lot better than living on the street.”

“I’m not gay, dude. I don’t know what to do.”

“Just give blowjobs instead of letting a john fuck you. You can do that, can’t you?”

“Geez, did you hear anything I said? To each his own but, like I said, I’m not gay and I don’t know what to do.”

“Half of the working boys out here aren’t gay. They’re just trying to keep a roof over their heads like you. Being gay isn’t part of the job description, sucking cock is.”

“Yeah, but why can’t it be eating pussy?”

“Because that’s for the high dollar hustlers, not the street boys like you and me.”

Toby tossed the cigarette he was smoking and eyed the black Cadillac that pulled up. Allyn made his way over and he found himself being glad his friend was taking this one and not him. Allyn talked to the guy for a bit. The man looked like he was one drink away from being inebriated. What the fuck was he doing behind the wheel of a car?

Great… not only do I have to deal with turning a trick, I might have to do it with a drunk too.

As fate would have it, the john crooked his finger in Toby’s direction, signifying that he wanted him to get in the car. Reluctantly, he made his way over.

“Get in.”

Toby got in, grateful to be out of the rain at least, but it didn’t help loosen the knots in his stomach. He hated drunks and he sure as hell didn’t relish the idea of being in the car with one.

“Are you going to shut the door?” the man asked, leering at Toby as if he were a piece of meat hanging in a butcher’s shop window.

The lecherous look on the john’s face, coupled with his bloodshot eyes and the stench of day-old liquor on his breath, only magnified the sick, empty, hollow feeling in Toby’s gut. He shut the car door, trying to ignore the fact that his hackles had risen. He looked over at the man and directed him to make his way up the road and turn right. His apartment was only two blocks away and from the looks of this guy, Toby was glad they didn’t have a long drive ahead of them. He was nervous enough about turning his first trick and didn’t need the fear of being in a car with a drunk driver behind the wheel to add to it.

Living in this neighborhood is how he met his best friend, Allyn. He was a good guy and had already informed Toby that he would’ve let him live with him but, at present, he was living with his sugar daddy and there wasn’t room for another tenant.  Allyn was gay and he was the one who introduced Toby to hustling, though he doesn’t work the streets anymore. He’d only come out here tonight to show him the ropes. Though he and Allyn had nothing in common sexually, their time on the streets, and the dangers experienced therein, had forged a friendship between the two of them.

He directed the john to pull into the parking lot and that’s when the shit hit the fan.

“I can’t do this.”

“What the fuck do you mean you can’t do this?”

“I mean I can’t do this. Look, I’m not even gay, dude.”

The contempt in the man’s eyes made his unhappiness with Toby’s decision to back out of his commitment all too clear. He could already see the rage boiling in the man and he was certain the alcohol in the guy’s system was only compounding the issue.

“Look, you little prick tease,” the older man snarled as he grabbed Toby’s upper arm.

Toby was shocked by the amount of strength the older man had. His bloodshot, blue eyes and unkempt five o’ clock shadow were deceptive and had led him to believe that he could fight off the john if need be. He instinctively grabbed for the door handle in an attempt to escape. This was getting out of hand and the man was becoming more agitated by the second.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he sneered in a half drunken slur.

“Anywhere but here!” Toby jerked his arm away. There was no way in hell he was going to let this drunk asshole into his apartment. It was bad enough that he had to fight his way out of the car. His feet hit the pavement and he darted into the dim hallway that housed the stairs leading up to the second floor. On shaky legs, Toby made it upstairs but his hands were trembling so badly, he fought to get his key into the lock.

Loud footsteps and slurred cussing warned him that the man hadn’t given up on his desire to follow through with the date.

Toby knew the man was off-kilter due to his alcohol consumption. The man’s drunken state gave him some extra time but his heart was still beating rapidly in fear. That fear was also seriously hindering his ability to get the apartment door unlocked and any extra time he gained from his sobriety advantage was quickly dwindling.

He feared he was going to be forced to kick the man down the stairs more than he did the man doing him any kind of harm. He could imagine the horrific scenario of having to tell the cops that he had propositioned the man and then changed his mind, only to kick him down the stairs when he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

The john was now standing at the top of the stairwell, weaving, as he attempted to focus on Toby. Finally, just when he was certain he was, once again, going to be forced to fight the man off, the door opened. As if by some miracle of mercy, Toby made his way inside, unscathed. He quickly locked the deadbolt and chain and leaned against the door, breathing a sigh of relief.

What the fuck had he been thinking? Even though he knew he only had two days before the landlord was going to throw all his stuff out on the street, he just couldn’t bring himself to sleep with someone, anyone, for money. The more he thought about it, the more certain he was. It wouldn’t have mattered even if it had been a woman threatening him and leering at him from the top of the steps. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. It made him feel cheap. It made him feel dirty, and the fact that he was getting kicked out of his apartment in two days, did nothing to change the sick feeling that he got in his gut. When he thought about sleeping with a stranger for money, his nausea only intensified.

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