The Trial of Henry Kissinger (23 page)

Read The Trial of Henry Kissinger Online

Authors: Christopher Hitchens

Tags: #Political, #Political Science, #General, #Biography & Autobiography, #Statesmen, #United States, #History, #Political Crimes and Offenses, #Literary, #20th Century, #Government, #International Relations, #Political Freedom & Security, #Historical, #Biography, #Presidents & Heads of State

BOOK: The Trial of Henry Kissinger
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Komisar, Lucy 149

Koppel, Ted 4,39

Korda, Michael 1-2,5

Kornbluh, Peter 69, 149

Korry,Ed 51,57,62

on Kissinger's tactics 65-6

Kubisch, Jack B.

on Pinochet 67-8

Kurds vii

Laird, Melvin 29,36

opposes bombing strategy 38

Laitin, Joe 134,139,145

Lake, Anthony 38

Landau, Saul 149

Lansdale, Colonel 24

Laos 7

bombing of 30, 34-6, 38

Lapham, Lewis 150

Leigh, Monroe 95,101-6

Leighton, Bernardo 68

Lester, Major General James A. 28

Letelier, Orlando 68,70,76,119,129,149

Li Peng 129

Liechty, C. Philip 99

Lifschultz, Lawrence 47, 51, 52, 53, 149

Lord, Winston 47

MacArthur, General Douglas 27

MacArthur, Rick 148

McCloskey, Peter 39

McCone, John 111

McGovern, George 119

MacMaster, Brian 64

McNally, Sir Tom 87

McNamara, Robert 29-30

civilian casualties in Vietnam 31

Makarios, Archbishop Mihail 49,119, 129

overthrow 79-89

received in Washington 86

The Truth 85

Malik, Adam 100

Marcovich, Herbert 19,21

Marshal, General Arturo 62

Mascarhenas, Anthony 46,51

Maw,Carlyle 101,104

Mayaguez 23-4

Mesta,Perle 113-14

Metcalf,Ben 150

Milosevic, Slobodan 123

Mitchell, John 142

covert operations 114-15

on Forty Committee 17-18

furious with Demetracopoulos 113-14

hands money to Pappas 111

and Kendall 56

Kissinger listens to 36

Paris peace negotiations 10,13-14,134-5

Mobutu, Sese Seko 107

Moffitt, Ronni Karpen 68,76,129

Morgan, Thomas 86

Morgenthau, Henry 44

Morris, Roger 33,38

on Kissinger's power during Watergate 78

on Mujib 50

study of Bangladesh policy 53

Moss, Frank E. 115,117

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 96

A Dangerous Place 92

Mujibur Rahman, Sheik 45-6

overthrow 50-54

Mustaque, Khondakar 51,52,53

Nairn, Allan 95,149

Nasser, Gamal Abdel 34

National Security Archive 149

Naughton, James 28

Nehru, Jawaharlal 49

New Statesman, The 150

Nixon, Richard M.

alarmed by Allende's election 55-6

Allende overthrow 65

author's response to Kissinger's defense 141-5

and Bengali massacres 46-7

Cambodia 34-40

defended by Kissinger and Scowcroft 137-9

dislike of India 49

and Greek junta 111-12

losses in Vietnam 23

and madness 133

and Pinochet 3

RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon 10

sabotages Paris peace negotiations 6-16

state of mind 134

wiretaps 42-3

North Korea 78

Novak, Robert 112,113

Nuremberg and Vietnam (Taylor) 25-30

O'Brien, Larry 111-12

O'Reilly, Anthony J.F. 121


Bengali massacres 44-8

Panayotakos, Constantine

In the First Line of Defense 117-18

Papadopoulos, Charalambos 118

Papadopoulos, George 109

Pappas, Thomas A. 85,115

and Demetracopoulos 111-13

Pike, Otis ix Pinochet, General Augusto 119

and CIA 74-6

first days of rule 67-8

international law 129,130

and Kissinger 69-71

and Thatcher 74

US files on 2-4

Pinto, Constancio 93

Podhoretz, Norman

reviews Kissinger 4

Portugal and East Timor 90, 99-100,107

Prats, Carlos 68

Qiao Guanhua 88

Rashid, Major 51

Raskin, Jamin 150

Rebozo, Bebe 36,136

Reynolds, Major General

Russel B. 28

Richardson, Elliot 140

RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon (Nixon) 10

Robertson, Geoffrey 150

RockefeUer, David 56,122

Rockefeller, Nelson

and Kissinger 11,14,19

Rogers, William 36,114

opposes bombing strategy 38

Rosenthal, Benjamin 112,114

Roufogalis, Michael 109,111

Rowstow,Walt 10

Rusk, Dean 10

Ryan, Patrick 67

Saddam Hussein ix, 123

Sampson, Nicos 84-6

Schanberg, Sydney 39,40

Schaufele, William 104

Schlesinger, James 134,140

Schneider, General Rene 72,119,129

murder 63-6

US organizes death of 56-66

Scowcroft, General Brent 121,132,147

author's response to 141,142

defends Nixon 137-9

Shawcross, William

Sideshow 133

Shimkin, Alex 32,33

Sihanouk, Prince 37,38

Sisco, Joseph 17,101-6,116

Sitton, Colonel Ray 37-8

Soekarno, Achmad 49

Solarz, Stephen J. 53-4

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander x Stevenson, Adlai 34

Stoga, Alan 123

Stroessner, Alfredo 68,69

Suharto, General 91,95,107

overthrow 125 Sullivan, William 39-40 Summers, Anthony 142

The Arrogance of Power (with Swan) 13,132-41

Swan, Robbyn The Arrogance of Power (with Summers) 13,132-11

Symington, Stuart 17

Szalai, Jennifer 150

SzulcTad 33

The Tangled Web (Bundy) 14

Tasca, Henry 83, 114

plot against Demetracopoulos 115-16,118,119

Taylor, General Telford 34

Nuremberg and Vietnam 25-30

Teruggi, Frank 68 Thatcher, Margaret 74

Thieu, Nguyen Van 12,23,137,142

and Nixon 8,9-10

Tigar, Michael 150

Tito (Josip Broz) 49

Toll, Barry A. 140,145

Torres, Juan Jose 68

The Truth (Bonanos) 85

Turkey and Cyprus 78-80,81,86-9

Valenzuela, General Camilo Allende overthrow 62,63-5

The Vantage Point (Johnson) 14

Viaux, General Roberto 73

Allende overthrow 57-8,60-66

Videla, Jorge Rafael 68,69


civilian deaths 28-33,40-43

collapse of war 23^1

Johnson's bombing halt 21,41

justifying the war 21

Kissinger's early visits to 19-21

Paris peace negotiations 6-16,22-3

Paris peace talks 132-3

Vlachos, Angelos 118

Vos, Sarah 150

Wallace, George 13

Walters, General Vernon 74

Watts, William 36

Webster, William 112,147

Weiner, Tim 2-4

Westmoreland, General William 36

The White House Years (Kissinger) 22

Wimert, Colonel Paul M. 64-5

Witcover, Jules 14

Woods, Rose Mary 115

Yamashita, General Tomoyuki 25,28

Years of Renewal (Kissinger) 4,69-70, 78,79

Years of Upheaval (Kissinger) 4, 77, 79

Yiounis, Lt Colonel Sotiris 118


Kissinger's business in 123

Zia al-Haq, General Mohammad 53 Zumwalt, Admiral Elmo 49

Table of Contents






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