The Trouble With Scarecrows (The Trouble With Men Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: The Trouble With Scarecrows (The Trouble With Men Book 2)
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Chapter 18

Neal lay there, scared to move. He stared up at the ceiling, listening to Brenda breath rapidly out of her mouth. He didn’t know her enough to know if she wanted him to hold her or to leave her alone now. But he did know her enough not to presume she was like any other woman he had slept with—but most of them, since Alexandria, had been very temporary relationships. And he hadn’t thought about what they’d wanted after sex.

He wanted to know what Brenda wanted from him. But he also knew better than to ask. She kept him on his toes, and he loved every second of it.

Brenda rolled over to face him. She leaned on her elbow, her beautiful face sleepily smiling an expression that oozed sexual fulfillment. Her usually perfect hair was wild, and she was the sexiest woman he’d ever had in his bed.

“Hey,” she said.

He swallowed. “Hey, yourself.”

“I was wondering if I could have my panties back.”

He started feeling around the bed. “I think they’re here somewhere.”

“Not those. I left some here the other day. You know, that first day we met.”

“Oh . . . those. Didn’t you take them from the laundry room?”

“Like I would go in there.”

“Hmmm. Well, they disappeared.”

“Don’t tell me you wore them and stretched them out and are afraid to tell me.” She laughed.

“Funny. No, maybe they are still in the laundry room. If not, I can run down to Wal-Mart and get you some more.”

“Now you’re the one being funny.” She sat all the way up and began searching the bed until she found the ones from earlier. “Just so you don’t lose anymore.” She sat on the edge of the bed to put them on.

“Wait,” he said and touched her back, tracing her spine.

“It’s late.”

“You’re welcome to stay.”

“Thanks, but that’s okay.”

Neal sat up, his back to the headboard. Brenda sat there for second longer before standing up. He loved the way she moved daintily across the floor, picking up her clothes. He didn’t want her to go. “Are you hungry?” he blurted. What was he doing? He might as well have been on his knees begging her to stay. She was sure to run now.

Brenda’s eyes grew huge and bright. “Starving.”

A few minutes later, Brenda sat on the kitchen counter in one of Neal’s T-shirts as Neal whipped eggs. He liked seeing this side of her, the relaxed, calm, lovely side of her. He wanted to know everything about this Brenda. He wanted to know her favorite food, her favorite color, her tickle spots, her first kiss . . . but he didn’t want to scare her away either, so he tried to keep it casual. “Tell me about your family.”

“It’s weird that you ask.”

“Really? Why?”

“I’ve been thinking a lot about my dad lately. He died when I was a teenager.”

“I’m sorry.” The eggs splattered as he poured them into the hot frying pan.

“Thank you. It’s strange. I mean, sure I think about him every once in a while, but since I moved in here, it’s been constant. I’ve been dreaming about him and earlier . . . well, maybe yesterday this would have seemed crazy but I suppose after tonight, not so much.” The toast popped and Brenda jumped down from the counter and started buttering.

“You can’t stop there. What happened?”

“I thought I saw him at the restaurant. His ghost, I mean. But that can’t be possible, can it?”

Neal shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess I haven’t actually let myself think about all of that.”

“He didn’t look like all those other dead people. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I imagined it. Ghosts! I mean really, the whole thing is ridiculous.”

“I agree. It’s all crazy.” Neal retrieved the eggs with his spatula, put them on a plate, and then turned to Brenda. “But what did you imagine he said?”

She set the knife down and turned around, leaning on the counter. “Nothing. It doesn’t matter. You know, I consider myself a pretty rational, sane person. So maybe, I don’t know how, but maybe this was all some kind of elaborate trick. Like one of those prank shows.”

“I don’t know. I don’t see Zadora being behind something like that.” Neal immediately wished he hadn’t said Zadora’s name because now Brenda was frowning.

“I know she’s your friend, but the bottom line is I don’t feel comfortable around her. I don’t feel comfortable with her in my house.”

“Can we talk about it later? Believe me, I know we have a lot to talk about, but for tonight, can it just be about us?”

“Sure.” She smiled and leaned over and kissed him. “You’re right.”

“I am? I could get used to that.”

“More like, enjoy it while you can.” She nudged him playfully in the side on the way to the refrigerator. “Okay, so why don’t you tell me about you. Where’d you grow up?”

“Aldine, actually. Do you know where that is?”

Brenda closed the refrigerator with her hip, the gallon of milk in her hands.

Neal loved the way she’d made herself at home, like this was a normal routine.

“I do,” she said. “North side of Houston, right? I think I lived there in the sixth grade.” She laughed. “And maybe in the eighth grade.”

“You moved around a lot?”

“Yeah. I’ve lived in all of the major Texas cities: San Antonio, Austin, Pasadena, El Paso for a couple of months. What about you?”

Neal turned toward the stove to flip the bacon. “I grew up in the same boring house. Born and raised, same house, same parents. I have a sister, but when I moved out she was still pretty young. But Rocky was like a brother. He lived a couple of blocks down the way.”

“Right, Rocky,” Brenda said from behind him, and the change of tone wasn’t lost on Neal.

Neal put the bacon on a napkin-lined plate and turned the burner off. “I take it you didn’t swoon.”

She exhaled in a way that told Neal she wanted him to know she had something on her mind. When Neal turned around, Brenda was facing the counter, so he turned her around to face him.

“What’s wrong? Did he hit on you? Because, frankly, I don’t think he can help it.”

She shook her head. “I’m not trying to pretend that I’ve never used someone for sex or that I thought every man I’ve ever slept with would lead to a relationship. And shit if this isn’t difficult for me.” She hadn’t made eye contact, and Neal’s curiosity was killing him.

She cleared her throat. “I’m just going to say it, even though it goes against every tough bone in my body. Rocky told me everything. He told me about how the scarecrow thing isn’t a real thing.” Her eyes flashed up at him. “He told me how it’s a ploy to get women into bed. A sex lure.”

The realization of what she was saying opened Neal’s eyes to the way she’d been acting. “Oh, you thought, you think . . . No. No. No. That didn’t even cross my mind.”

She frowned and shook her head. “It’s fine. I got a little bent out of shape, but I had no right. We’re both adults, and I do what I want. Even if I had known, I probably would’ve slept with you anyway. And I did know last night and see, we had sex. And that’s okay. I’m not going to get all possessive or think this is a long-term relationship. I don’t do that. Anymore. So I don’t . . .”

“Brenda. Brenda!” Neal held her hands. “Take a breath. I’m not Rocky, not even close. Okay, so my motives weren’t exactly innocent, but they had nothing to do with that. I promise.”

Brenda stared into Neal’s eyes, and he’d never seen her so vulnerable. It was like he was seeing her for the first time.

A deep warmth ran through his body. “But if I’m going to be honest, I’ve wanted you from the first moment I laid eyes on you. You’re beautiful, intelligent, and strong. That’s why I want to be with you. But I would never trick you into bed. Like I said last night, I like you, and I would never hurt you.”

“I like you too.”

He shrugged his shoulders, a little afraid to come completely clean, but since he was already there . . . “I do want to have a relationship. I would like to see where this goes. You fascinate me.” He whispered, “You make my heart beat faster.”

Brenda nodded and bit her lower lip. “Okay.” She smiled.

“Okay.” He tilted his head. “So can we eat?”

“Yeah.” He wrapped his arms around her, snuggling her close, and gave her a squeeze. Brenda hummed a little sigh that made him realized she felt comfortable there, and he couldn’t ask for more.

Chapter 19

Brenda opened her eyes and frowned. Sunshine streamed in from the window, spotlighting the fact that she had woken up in Neal’s bed. She wasn’t sure what she thought about that.

Neal’s bed . . . Larry’s bed. The one she’d bought for Larry, for them. Last night had been the first time she’d slept in it, and it hadn’t been with Larry. “Huh,” she said after a moment, after the old feelings of hurt and disappointment didn’t appear.

Neal snored steadily beside her, his back to her. She smiled. He was quite the man. The night had been unexpected. Well, she had known all along how much she wanted Neal, she just hadn’t wanted the power struggle. But after being with him, she realized it wasn’t a power struggle at all. It was more of an equality that she had never experienced. He didn’t want to control her, but she knew she couldn’t control him either . . . and she didn’t particularly want to. That would take some getting used to.

He had said he wanted a relationship. Last night that had been the most wonderful thing she’d heard in a long time. But now, after a night’s sleep, she wasn’t so sure how that would work out.

She imagined him at one of her office parties. He would have nothing in common with anyone. And some people might even make thug remarks because of his tattoos. But who cared what the older generation at her office would say? The younger crowd would get it. The women would drool, and the men would be envious . . . until they talked to him. Perhaps she could keep him hidden until after he had finished culinary school. That way when they asked what he did for a living, which would be their first question, he could say chef . . . not student.

But she was getting ahead of herself. She still wanted to take this slow and be cautious. Why the hell was she even thinking about introducing him at office parties as her boyfriend? They hadn’t even been on a real date.

Neal stopped snoring and became quiet. He brought his hand behind him and started patting around on the bed until he found her.

She giggled. “I’m still here.”

“Good,” he said and rolled over to face her.

He looked adorable, all sleepy-faced with a little crease on his cheek indicating a sound sleep. “Good morning,” he growled.

“Good morning.” Brenda rubbed Neal’s chest and then traced her finger along his arm. “What’s up with all the tattoos?”

“You don’t like them?”

“I . . . don’t know. I guess they’re interesting.”

He smiled. “Interesting? Is that right? Well, I won’t say all, but most of them have a special memory associated with them.”

“Really? Even this scorpion? Wait, don’t tell me. You almost died in the desert from a scorpion bite.”

Neal licked his lips and frowned slightly, his mood obviously turned to somber.

“Something like that. I’ve got to get up. The plumber is coming by in an hour.” He went to sit up and Brenda held his arm.

“Oh no you don’t. Let’s hear it. What’s the secret meaning?”

He exhaled and dropped back down to the pillow, looking up at the ceiling. “No secret meaning.” He turned toward her and leaned on his elbow. “It’s Alexandria’s sign, Scorpio.”

“Did she at least appreciate it?”

“She never saw it. I had it done after she was out of my life. It’s a reminder: don’t get stung.”

“I see. Well, that’s depressing. I hope at least a few of them hold good memories.”

“Hmm, oh yeah . . .” He bounced his eyebrows up and down. “Do you want me to tell you about this one?” He pointed to the back of his shoulder where Brenda remembered seeing a pin-up-style big-breasted woman in a superhero outfit.

She playfully shoved at him. “I think I’ve heard enough for the day.”

He leaned over and kissed her. “Let me know if you change your mind. It’s quite a story.”

“I’m sure it is. Hey, weren’t you in a hurry to get dressed?”

Neal picked up his phone from the nightstand. “Yeah, I guess I am.” He kissed her again and then climbed out of bed.

She couldn’t take her eyes off of him as he moved like a body builder to the bathroom. Strong shoulders tapered down to his waist and then to a nice, tight little butt. He was gorgeous. The most gorgeous, manliest man she’d ever been to bed with or had a relationship with for that matter. Larry was his own kind of handsome, but Neal, well, he was scrumptious, and he made her feel scrumptious. She sighed.

Suddenly, guilt for all the work he was going to have to do crept into her mind. She couldn’t put a halt to it now, but she could help. It might be kind of fun working together on a project. As soon as she kicked Zadora out, they would have the entire house to themselves. She smiled. She was so . . . happy. What a concept. But that was exactly how she felt. It had been such a long time, she’d almost forgotten what it felt like.

Brenda slipped out of bed as soon as she heard the shower and tiptoed into the bathroom. She yanked open the shower curtain.

Neal didn’t flinch. He had his face in the water. “It’s about time.” He held out his hand and directed her in front of him, under the hot water.

“Whoa,” Neal said as the water drenched her hair and face. “You have no idea how you’ve made my fantasies come true.” He pulled her close and kissed her, running his hands over her wet body, exploring her with vigor, like they had never been intimate before.

At that moment, she didn’t care what the world thought, and that both excited her and scared her to death.

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