The Truth About Hillary (35 page)

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Authors: Edward Klein

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BOOK: The Truth About Hillary
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Chapter Forty: Hillary from Chappaqua

  1. “In the last several weeks”:
    Raymond Hernandez, “For Mrs. Clinton, Listening Subsides; Her Talk Is Louder,”
    New York Times
    , December 23, 2003.

  2. “Son of a bitch!”:
    American Evita
    , p. 259.

  3. footnote:
    As of November 30, 2004:

  4. “ruinous policies”:
    Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in Ray- mond Hernandez, “For Mrs. Clinton, Listening Subsides; Her Talk Is Louder,”
    New York Times
    , December 23, 2003.

  5. “no-bid contracts to the likes of Halliburton”:
    Hillary Rod- ham Clinton quoted in Ira Stoll, “Hillary Spreads Both Her Wings,”
    New York Sun
    , December 16, 2003.

  6. “tough-minded and muscular”:
  7. “When Tim Russert”:
    William Safire, “Hillary, Congenital Hawk,”
    New York Times
    , December 8, 2003.

  8. “. . . And the . . . no, wait a minute”:
    Transcript of
    The Brian Lehrer Show,
    December 8, 2003.

  9. “I was surprised that she was calling in”:
    Interview with Brian Lehrer, January 20, 2005.
  10. “Well, Brian”:
    Transcript of
    The Brian Lehrer Show,
    Decem- ber 8, 2003.

  11. “Hillary tried to change the tradition”:
    Interview with retired air force lieutenant colonel Robert “Buzz” Patterson, February 2, 2005.

Chapter Forty-one: Shut Out?

Charles Gibson, co-host of
Good Morning America:
Tran- script of
Good Morning America
ABC, July 26, 2004.

Chapter Forty-two: Hedging Her Bets

  1. Does she really think we’re stupid”:
    Interview with a Demo- cratic political analyst who requested anonymity, December 10, 2004.

  2. Many of the members:
    Interview with Robert Sam Anson, March 4, 2004.
  3. After Vince Foster’s suicide:
    Susan Schmidt, Sharon La-


    Fromiere, “Senators Hear 2 Stories On Foster Office Search,”
    Washington Post
    , July 27, 1995. See also William Safire, “3 Scan- dals and Out,”
    New York Times
    , June 24, 1996.

  4. Nussbaum was still on good terms:
    Interview with anony- mous source close to the Clintons, March 12, 2003.
  5. footnote:
    “We’ve never unseated”:
    Transcript of
    On the Record with Greta Van Susteren
    , Fox News Network, Novem- ber 17, 2004.

  6. The delegates were asked:
    Richard Cohen, “The Once and Future Hope,”
    Washington Post
    , November 4, 2004.

  7. “If anyone was disappointed by the switch”:
    Raymond Her- nandez, “Looking at Democrats’ 2008 through 2004 Eyes,”
    New York Times
    , July 7, 2004.

  8. “If he was one of your students”:
    Hillary Rodham Clinton quoted in Raymond Hernandez, “Looking at Democrats’ 2008 through 2004 Eyes,”
    New York Times
    , July 7, 2004.

  9. “I have two overwhelming priorities”:
    Hillary Rodham Clin- ton quoted in Raymond Hernandez, “Kerry’s Choice Could Limit Hillary Clinton’s Options in ’08,”
    New York Times
    , July 10, 2004.

  10. She instructed her advisers:
    Raymond Hernandez, “Kerry’s Choice Could Limit Hillary Clinton’s Options in ’08,”
    New York Times
    , July 10, 2004.

  11. “We know how hard Hillary can campaign”:
    Interview with a Democratic political analyst who requested anonymity, Decem- ber 10, 2004.
  12. “McAuliffe dominates”:
    Rewriting History
    , p. 261.

  13. However, in the event that Kerry won:
    Dick Morris, “The Front,”
    New York Post
    , November 25, 2003.

Chapter Forty-three: Gearing Up

  1. Hillary had been scheduled to deliver:
    Patrick Gordon, “Clinton Recommends U.S. Foreign Policy Shift,”
    Tufts Daily
    , November 11, 2004.

  2. Would Hillary make red-state voters:
    Richard Schwartz, “She’s Not the One. Democrats Need Someone Else for ’08,”
    Daily News
    (New York), November 4, 2004.

  3. “I don’t think you can win an election”:
    Hillary Rodham


    Clinton quoted in David R. Guarino, “Hill at Tufts: Use Bible to Guide Poverty Policy,”,
    November 11, 2004.

  4. “a feat”:
  5. “Her approval rating in New York”:
    Jill Lawrence, “Field’s Wide Open for Next Election,”
    USA Today
    , November 5, 2004.

    Albert Eisele and Jeff Dufour, “Ante Up for the 2008 Race, Already,”
    , December 1, 2004.

  7. “Well,” . . . “it’s [an evolving] map, Sean”:
    Transcript of
    Han- nity and Colmes
    , Fox News Network, November 4, 2004.

  8. “She would make an excellent President”:
    “Clinton says Hillary would make excellent first U.S. female presid
    ent,” Asso- ciated Press, F
    ebruary 28, 2005.

  9. “With the Clintons”:
    Lance Morrow, “Don’t Cry for Me, Oneonta,
    July 5, 1999.

  10. “While Mrs. Clinton lost some of her feminist edge”:
    Ben Smith, “Hillary Hiring Ms. Pac-Man for ’06, Beyond,”
    New York Observer
    , November 29, 2004.

  11. “If you think of politics as a sport”:
    Ann Lewis quoted in ibid.
  12. “If she is our best hope for a woman to be President”:
    Hilary Rosen quoted in Ben Smith, “Hillary ’08: Don’t Ask If— It’s a Go!”
    New York Observer
    , December 27, 2004.

  13. Hillary and her kitchen cabinet:
    Ben Smith, “Hillary ’08: Don’t Ask If—It’s a Go!”
    New York Observer
    , December 27, 2004.

  14. “Upstate [New York]—that’s [like] the Midwest”:
    Clinton backer quoted in ibid.
  15. “Hillary is still a polarizer”:
    Interview with Charles Cook, April 5, 2004.
  16. Team Hillary had one of the best:
    Joe Mercurio, “A Modern Campaign Comes to New York and Wins,” National Political Services, November 9, 2000.
  17. “The National Committee”:

Chapter Forty-four: Nixon’s Disciple

  1. “Again and again”:
    R. W. Apple Jr., “The 37th President, Richard Nixon, 81, Dies; a Master of Politics Undone by Water- gate,”
    New York Times
    , April 23, 1994.

  2. “The supreme irony”:
    Hell to Pay
    , p. 4.


  3. “President Nixon’s ‘enemies list’ ”:
    Ibid., pp. 274–75.
  4. Did “the old Hillary” favor:
    All Too Human
    , p. 298.

  5. “Some children, however”:
    The Psychological Assess- ment of Presidential Candidates
    , p. 387.

  6. “My two cents’ worth”:


  1. “the best conversation”:
    Nixon off the Record
    , p. 167.

  2. “Your health care”:
    Hillary Clinton quoted in “Is Teresa Heinz Bottled Up?”
    New York Post
    , April 7, 2004.

  3. “Had you survived”:
  4. Had I survived:
    “Is Teresa Heinz Bottled Up?”
    New York Post
    , April 7, 2004.

  5. “All of this . . . deliberating”:
    Nixon Off the Record
    , p. 181.

  6. “The kid ran right to [Clinton]”:
    Ibid, p. 172.


Acheson, Dean, 61, 107 Acheson, Eleanor “Eldie,”

61–62, 107

Achtenberg, Roberta, 107

Adams, Ruth, 61

Addington, Ron, 83

Adler, Renata, 81

Afghanistan, 224–25, 241

Ailes, Roger, 98

Allen, Jodie, 227–28 Americans Coming Together,


Ancient Order of Hibernians, 188–89

Anson, Robert Sam, 212 Apple, R. W., Jr., 249

Arafat, Suha, 188

Arafat, Yasser, 180, 188 Army Signal Corps, 16–17 Arzt, George, 189

Baker, Jerry, 54–55

Baker, Peter, 155–56

Baldwin, Alec, 145

Basinger, Kim, 145 Bay of Pigs, 77 Bayh, Evan, 240

Begala, Paul, 33, 115

Belzberg, Lisa, 212

Bennett, Robert, 29–30, 35,


Bennett, William, 29

Bentsen, Lloyd, 119, 165 Berke, Richard L., 20 Berrigan, Daniel, 58

Binn, Jason, 213

Black Panthers, 71, 126 Bloodworth-Thomason, Linda,

24, 39, 49
118, 159

Blumenthal, Sidney, 125–28,

133, 139



Bone, Robert L. “Red,” 38 Bon Jovi, Jon, 2

Bosnia, 254–55

Bradley, Bill, 203

Branch, Taylor, 104, 121

Branegan, Jay, 146

Brassaloria, Kim, 183

Breaux, John, 218 Brehony, Kathleen A., 63

Brian Lehrer Show, The
, 224–30 Broaddrick, Juanita, 88–89, 114

Brock, David, 98

Bronfman, Matthew, 212

Brown-Davis Interiors, 215 Brown, Rita Mae, 58 Brown, Tina, 109, 187 Browning, Dolly Kyle, 84,


Bruck, Connie, 94, 111

Buddy (Clinton dog), 33, 140,


Bullock, Tony, 172, 191–92

Bunch, Charlotte, 58

Burrows, Saffron, 212

Bury, Chris, 120

Bush, Barbara, 20–21, 115 Bush, George H. W., 117 Bush, George W., 210, 218,

237–38, 243

Byrd, Robert C., 207–9

Cadoux, Doris, 183

Calvedt, Sarah, 67

Campbell, Alison “Snowy,” 61 Campbell, Naomi, 212

Carey, Ron, 174

Carlson, Margaret, 143 Carney, Eliza Newlin, 217 Carroll, Maurice, 218

Carville, James, 33, 116–17, 139,


Castro, Fidel, 80

Cattle-futures incident, 37–38 Center for American Progress,


Chally, Cliff, 4

Chaney, James, 75

Chesler, Ellen, 181, 184

Children’s Defense Fund, 69, 93,

133, 219–23

Clinton, Bill

as Arkansas attorney general, 87–88

as Arkansas governor, 22, 93–96

Arkansas governorship defeat, 95–96

at Chappaqua residence, 211–13

Chelsea, relationship with, 92, 94

childhood of, 127

DNA testing of, 136, 138–39 and Hillary Senate campaign,


impeachment, 156

and Jones deposition, 26–31, 33–36

and Lewinsky, 4–6, 34–36,

103–9, 112–13, 135–37

Lewinsky affair, denial of, 34, 129–30, 138–39

meets Hillary, 70–72

post-presidency, 211–13 premarital years with Hillary,

31–32, 41, 68–73

presidential ambitions of, 70 Radio City birthday party, 1–4


scandals during presidency, 37–40

at Yale Law School, 68–73 Clinton, Chelsea, 25, 91–93,

118, 122, 140–41, 204, 255

Clinton, Hillary

in Arkansas, compared to locals, 84–86

body-image of, 24–25

Brian Lehrer Show
call-in, 224–30

cattle-future windfall, 37–38 Clinton affairs, handling of, 4–6, 31–33, 38, 70, 72, 83,

87, 89, 94, 98–99, 110–13

congressional defeat, 86–87 emotional detachment of,

12–13, 50–51, 64, 92,


as enigma, 12–14, 111–12

family/childhood, 47–52 FBI files incident, 39

Foster (Vincent) relationship, 21–23, 236, 250

and fund-raising, 39, 159,

173–76, 196, 215–17

and gender feminism, 177–78 Golden Gavel Award, 214 and health-care reform, 38,

120, 122, 165

high school years, 53–55 kitchen cabinet of, 235–36,


left-wing agenda of, 119–20 left-wing roots of, 57–63,


lesbian acquaintances of, 62–65, 107–8

Lewinsky affair, denial of,

103–4, 124–28, 132–34,


Lewinsky, prior knowledge of, 4–7, 42–43, 103–6, 108–9,


maiden name, use after marriage, 88, 95–97

make-overs of, 97–98, 117–19,

122, 190–93, 250–51

meets Bill, 70–72

and Nixon impeachment, 17, 37, 74–82

pardons granted by, 187–88 pregnancy/birth of Chelsea,


premarital year with Clinton, 31–32, 41, 68–73

presidential ambitions of, 14, 41–42, 73

privacy needs at White House, 15–17

public opinion of, 114–16 at Rose Law Firm, 40, 93

and Senate 2006 race, 246–47

Senate campaign, 149–99

Senate swearing-in, 201–4

Senate victory, 197

as senator, 206–10, 214–31 senators’ relationship with,

203, 206–10

interview, 132–34 travel office firings, 39

and 2004 presidential election, 217–18, 225, 232–39

and 2008 presidential race, 225, 236–37, 240–52

Virginia Kelley (Clinton mother) view of, 85–86, 88

as Washington intern, 66–67


Clinton, Hillary

at Wellesley, 56–67

White House offices of, 106–7 White House redecoration,


Whitewater, 17, 23, 28, 30,

40, 104

at Yale Law School, 68–73 youthful ambitions of, 40–41

Clinton, Roger (brother-in-law), 86

Collins, Gail, 171

Conyers, John, 66, 81–82

Cook, Charles, 247

Cornelius, Catherine, 111

Couric, Katie, 133

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