The Twilight Before Christmas (28 page)

Read The Twilight Before Christmas Online

Authors: Christine Feehan

Tags: #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: The Twilight Before Christmas
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“Somehow I think you’re right. Danny was treated and released also. He’s bruised from head to toe, but he didn’t have a single major injury.” There was elation in Matt’s voice. “He’s hoping Inez will upgrade his part next year in the pageant due to his, quote, ‘heroism.’ It was pretty dicey, Kate. Thanks for all you did.”

“We all did it. I could never have managed without my sisters. I’m so glad your brother is fine. The pageant just wouldn’t be the same without him in his annual role as the shepherd. Speaking of the pageant—” She broke off as her sisters burst out laughing.

Matt’s head went up suspiciously. He was beginning to know the Drake sisters, and their laughter heralded trouble for him. He was certain of it.

“Inez sent over a costume she made for the third wise man. A king,” Kate said brightly. “She asked if you would be willing to fill the role at the last minute and of course, with Inez being so distressed, we said we were certain you’d want to help out.”

He stiffened. “I’d rather be boiled in oil.”

“Acting runs in your family,” she pointed out.

He held up his hand. “You can’t look at me with those eyes while you’re weak and tired, it’s unfair tactics.”

“I know, Matthew,” she said. “I’m trying not to, but Inez is such a good friend, and I couldn’t bear her being so upset. The pageant is important to the town after all the near accidents. We need to get our confidence back.”

“And I have to be in the pageant in order for our town to do that?” He raised one eyebrow skeptically.

“All you have to do is walk through the town. No lines, nothing awful. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Does wanting to be boiled in oil instead sound like I want to do this?”

She turned her face into his chest. Pressed her lips against his skin.

He growled, deep in his throat. The growl turned into a groan. “I can see what my life’s going to be like. I’ll do it. This one time. Never again.”

“Thank you.” She kissed him again. “I just want to go home with you and sleep in your arms,” she said, uncaring that her family could hear her. “Let’s go home, Matthew.”

Matt kissed her gently, her lips, her throat, bringing her hand to his mouth as elation swept through him. She had said, “Let’s go home.” He lifted her with ease. “I’ll take good care of her,” he promised her family.

Sarah nodded. “We have every confidence that you will, Matt.”



All deeds are now done, forgiveness is mine,

As two people share a love for all time.


“We’re going to be late,” Kate said, evading Matt’s outstretched hand. “We promised the committee you’d be on time. We didn’t make rehearsals, and everyone’s worried you’re going to mess up their play.”

“I wasn’t the one who agreed to wear that silly-looking robe Inez made.
agreed I’d wear it! Is it my fault they lost a couple of their stars to a scandalous affair?” He stalked her through the house, one slow step at a time.

Kate laughed and dodged around the table, putting a chair between them. “You theater people are always involved in scandals.”

He moved the chair out of the way and proceeded to back her into a corner. “I’d be more than willing to cause a scandal. Just let me get my hands on you.”

“I don’t think so. Inez is probably watching her clock and tapping her foot. I’m not about to get a lecture about the benefits of being on time. Put on your costume!”

“I am in my costume. What king travels by starlight from one country to another and wears a satin bathrobe with cheesy lightning bolts sewn all over it? And I doubt very much if he sat on that camel naked under the robe.”

Kate held her stomach, laughing so hard she could barely manage to squeak through a small opening he’d left beside the counter. “Somehow I think Inez might object to the idea that you were running around naked in her kingly robes. I, however, am rather intrigued by the idea.” She backed down the hallway, holding her hand palm out. “Seriously, Matthew, she’ll reprimand you in front of the entire town if you’re late.”

She was nearing the entrance to the bedroom. His silver eyes gleamed with anticipation. “If you think that’s more humiliating than wearing this damned robe, which, by the way, is two sizes too small, you’re sadly mistaken. I think Bruce had the affair with Sylvia just to get out of wearing it.”

She pressed her hand to her mouth to keep an undignified giggle from emerging. “I think it looks dashing on you.” He was right; the robe looked utterly ridiculous on him. His huge muscles strained the material so that it stretched tight over his wide shoulders and back. Instead of reaching the ground, it was halfway up his calves, and the front gaped open to reveal… She laughed. “I think it has interesting possibilities.”

He spread his arms wide and rushed her, using an old football tackle. She screamed and turned to run, but he caught her up and carried her across the floor to the bed, where he unceremoniously dropped her. The kingly robe made its way to the floor. “I’m the king, and I demand my rights.”

Kate pushed one hand against his chest to fend him off. “You have no rights. Inez has you under contract, and you’re supposed to be
on time.
Do you want the entire town waiting for you?”

“I wouldn’t mind in the least.” He caught her legs, pinning her to the bed, stopping her from scooting away from him. “I think everyone should wait on me. I have this tremendous need to see your breasts. Why don’t you unbutton your blouse for me?”

“It doesn’t have buttons, oh mighty King.”

“Who the hell cares,” he growled. “Get rid of the shirt.”

“I think that robe went to your head.” Excitement raced through her, curled heat in her deepest core. She drew the blouse obediently over her head so that her full breasts spilled over the fine white cups of her bra. “Is this what you’re looking for?” She slid her hand over her skin, drawing his attention to the taut peaks.

Matt reached to draw the zipper of her jeans down. “Exactly like that.” There was a husky catch to his voice, the playfulness slipping away as he tugged the material from her body. He left her sexy little thong. “Every time I see that thing, I want to take it off with my teeth,” he admitted, and bent to the task.

Kate enjoyed the feel of his hands on her body. Big hands. Capable. Nearly covering her buttocks as he lifted her hips and teased her skin with his teeth. Just that fast she was swamped with heat, her body flushed and alive and in desperate need. The thought of the Christmas pageant went out of her head, and much more erotic thoughts took its place. His mouth was everywhere, his tongue teasing and dancing, his teeth pulling at the only barrier between him and his goal.

She felt the sudden release as the material parted, the cool air mingling with her own heat, then the plunging of his tongue going deep while she nearly came off the bed, air bursting from her lungs in a wild rush. It was only his hands holding her down that kept her open to him while he made certain she not only was prepared for him, but that she hungered for him. Laughing, he slid his body over hers, settling over her soft form, gripping her hips to pull her to meet the hard thrust as he joined them together.

“I think that kingly robe works just fine,” Kate managed to say, in between gasps of pleasure.

“Maybe I’ll keep it if it gets this kind of results,” he teased. He began to move, a slow assault on her senses, driving deep, needing her body, needing to feel the way she welcomed him. The heat and fire. Flames licking over his skin. “I love watching you when we make love,” he admitted. She was so completely abandoned in the way she gave herself to him.

Kate loved the way he watched her. There was desire etched into the lines of his face. There was hunger in the depths of his eyes. There was steel in his body and a fine hot heat that made her flame, catch fire, and burn with passion. “I love making love with you,” she told him, sliding her arms around his neck to draw his head down to hers.

“That’s a good thing, Katie.” His teeth nibbled at her chin, her full bottom lip. “Because I think we’re going to be spending a lot of time doing just that.”

Kate gave herself up to the sheer glory of his body driving so deeply into hers. The pressure built and built, and she dug her fingers into his shoulders, holding on as they soared together in perfect unison.

He lay over her, fighting for his breath, trying to slow his heart rate.

“You’re laughing,” she observed. “I told you, your entire family laughs at me.”

“I can’t help it, Kate. And I’m laughing at me. I feel like one of those sappy men who run around with a big grin on his face all the time. I feel like grinning all the time around you, and it’s so idiotic.”

Kate’s answering smile was slow. She rubbed her face against his chest. “I’m just beginning to realize how much I mean to you, Matthew.”

He kissed her tenderly, his hands framing her face. “I adore you. Why else would I ever put that horrible robe on in front of the entire town?”

Kate looked smug. “And you know what I’ll be thinking about when you come walking down the street looking sexy and kingly.”

“I’ll tell you what you’d better be thinking, Katie.” He took a deep breath. “You’d better be thinking, ‘here comes the man I intend to marry.’” He feathered kisses along the corners of her mouth. “Marry me, Kate. Spend your life with me.”

She looked up at his beloved face. Her fingers slid through his hair in a loving caress. “I don’t climb mountains or swim seas, Matthew. I sit in the corner and read books. I’m not at all brave. You have to be very sure that it’s me you want.”

“More than anything in the world, Kate. You. With you I have everything.”

“Well, I guess that kingly robe is lucky after all.” She kissed his throat, his chin. Found his mouth with hers and poured heat and fire and promises into her kiss.

He responded just the way she knew he would, his arms wrapping her close, his body coming alive, growing hard and thick deep inside her. He made love to her slowly, leisurely, as if they had all the time in the world and the entire town wasn’t waiting on them. He made a thorough job of it. Kate felt like the most important person in the world. And the happiest.

They lay on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs, fighting to breathe. She turned her head to look at him. “I’m thinking you should wear that robe more often, Matthew.”

He snorted his derision and glanced at his watch. “Kate! We’re late.”

“I told you we were late.”

“Not this late, we’re holding up the parade.” He hastily leaped off her, looking around for his clothes. Kate laughed at him through the entire drive to the park where the members of the production were assembling. He caught Kate by the hand and ran across the lawn to the pavilion.

“Where have you been?” Inez demanded, gesturing toward the huge crowd assembled along the streets. “We’ve all been waiting for you.”

Danny added, “you didn’t answer your cell phone.” He shook his head, hands on his hips, clucking like an old hen. “You aren’t even in that lovely costume Inez made for you. What have you been doing?” He wiggled his eyebrows at Kate.

“Are you feeling all right, Danny,” Kate asked.

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