The Two-Income Trap (41 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Warren; Amelia Warren Tyagi

BOOK: The Two-Income Trap
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Falling from Grace,
p. 105.
William Buckley Jr., “On Going Broke,”
The Washington Times
(July 2, 1999), p. A14.
Teresa Sullivan, Elizabeth Warren, and Jay Lawrence Westbrook,
As We Forgive Our Debtors: Bankruptcy and Consumer Credit in America
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1989). The study examined court records for 1,529 randomly chosen debtors filing in all the judicial districts of three states—Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Texas—in 1981.
Teresa Sullivan, Elizabeth Warren, and Jay Lawrence Westbrook,
The Fragile Middle Class: Americans in Debt
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000). The study examined both court records and a one-page questionnaire for 2,400 randomly chosen families filing for bankruptcy in all the judicial districts of five states—California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas—in 1991.
Melissa Jacoby, Teresa Sullivan, and Elizabeth Warren, “Rethinking the Debates over Health Care Financing: Evidence from the Bankruptcy Courts,”
New York University Law Review
76 (2001): 375. The study collected questionnaire data from a random sample of 1,455 families who filed for bankruptcy in eight federal judicial districts: the Northern District of California, the Northern District of Illinois, the Eastern District of Kentucky, the Southern District of Ohio, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Middle District of Tennessee, the Northern District of Texas, and the Eastern District of Wisconsin in 1999.
Because one focus of the 2001 study was the relationship between home ownership and bankruptcy, the Northern District of Texas (Dallas) was chosen over the Western District, which included San Antonio. It was the belief of the researchers that the housing market of Dallas was more typical and provided a more accurate representation of an urban center. San Antonio’s housing market was considered
atypical for two reasons: proximity to the Mexico border and the fact that San Antonio is home to three major military installations. Each debtor must file in the district where he or she is a resident (legally defined), but some districts have more than one office to accept filings. So, for example, if the debtor resides in the Northern District of Illinois, he or she can file in Chicago or Rockford, a suburb, although very few are filed in Rockford. The researchers sampled only in the big cities, which is where the overwhelming majority of bankruptcies are filed in four of the five districts. In the Central District of California, the researchers sampled only Los Angeles, but in that district a larger proportion of cases are also filed in outlying areas. As we note in the text, this may result in a bias toward larger cities and an underrepresentation of rural and small-town areas.
For a discussion of this phenomenon, see Teresa A. Sullivan, Elizabeth Warren, and Jay Lawrence Westbrook, “The Persistence of Local Legal Culture: Twenty Years of Evidence from the Bankruptcy Courts,”
Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
17 (1994), reprinted in Charles J. Tabb,
Bankruptcy Anthology
(Westbury, NY: Foundation Press, 2002).
Mean bankruptcy filing rate per 1,000 adults, 1990-2000. SMR Research Corporation,
The New Bankruptcy Epidemic: Forecasts, Causes, and Risk Control
(Hackettstown, NJ, June 2001), pp. 181-187.
The 1970 occupational codes have been used in all of the preceding Consumer Bankruptcy Projects. They are also still widely in use as the last “pure” occupational codes used by the Census Bureau. They have been used in major studies such as the General Social Survey. Since the 1970 census, the Bureau has adopted sets of codes that incorporate industry as well as occupation, but several “walkovers” are available that permit correspondence from one set of codes to another.
Added Worker Effect
Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic
(de Graaf)
African Americans
American Association of University Professors
American Bankers Association
American Council on Education
Assets, Protection of
As We Forgive Our Debtors
repossessions of
Banking industry
See also
Citibank; Deregulation of lending industry; MBNA; Credit cards
Bankruptcy (fig.)
of African Americans
bankruptcy bill in Congress
best predictor for
in business
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
and children
and collection threats
and debt
debts not forgiven in
and disability coverage
and divorce
fraud concerning
and health.
See also
Health issues, health insurance
of Hispanics
and immoral debtors
and jobless
and medical bills(fig.).
See also
Health issues
National Bankruptcy Review Commission
number of families filing (fig.)
men with child support/alimony obligations filing
and parenthood
period before filing
process described
reasons for filing(fig.)
restricting right to file
single mothers filing (fig.)
stigma of
and two-income families.
See also
Families, with two incomes
women filing.
See also
Women, bankruptcy
See also Consumer Bankruptcy project;
As We Forgive Our Debtors; Fragile Middle Class,
Bidding wars
and public schools
and working mothers
Biden, Joseph
Birth rates
Boston, pubic schools and housing
Boucher, Rick
Breneman, David
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Bureau of Labor Statistics.
See also
Consumer Expenditure Survey
Bush, George W.
California bankruptcy data collection
Campaign finance reform
Chase Manhattan
Chicago bankruptcy data collection
Child care.
Day care
See also
Child support; Day care; Education;
Child support
and bankruptcy
deadbeat dads
increasing amounts awarded
and joint custody
and Share-the-Pain model
Chronicle of Higher Education
Church Women United
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Clothing expenses
Columbia University
Community Reinvestment Act
Computer expenses
See also
Bankruptcy, bankruptcy bill in Congress; Bankruptcy, National Bankruptcy Review Commission; Campaign Finance Reform
Consumer Bankruptcy Project (2001) (fig.)(fig.)
summary of core and supplementary samples(table)
Consumer Expenditure Survey (fig.)(fig.)
See also
Automobiles; Clothing; Computer expenses; Cutting back on spending; Food; Vacations
of automobiles
of bringing up children
of college education
of credit card companies
of creditors to repossess
of divorce
of housing,
Homes, prices
of preschool
Credit cards
aggressive collection tactics
and families in financial trouble
and layoffs, child support, and health insurance lapses
percentage increase in debt
pre-approved offers
profits for companies
replacing credit card debt with mortgage debt
See also
Chase Manhattan; Citibank; MBNA
Credit counseling
Credit, democratization of
Credit protection insurance
Credit reports/ratings
Crittenden, Danielle
Cutting back on spending.
See also
Dallas bankruptcy data collection
Day care
Deadbeat dads
and death of debtor
debt explosion
discharged by courts during bankruptcy
not forgiven in bankruptcies
personal responsibility for
splitting after divorce
See also
Bankruptcy: Credit cards; Mortgages; Student loans
de Graaf, John
Deregulation of lending industry.
See also
Banking industry; Interest rates, regulated/deregulated; Regulations, reregulating lending practices; Usury laws
Disability insurance
costs of
discretionary income before and after(fig.)
divorced fathers.
See also
Child support; Deadbeat dads
divorced women.
See also
Mothers, single mothers
divorce explosion of the 1970s
and joint custody of children
and two-income families
See also
Child support
Domestic violence
Duke University
age of children starting school
college education
private schools
public schools
school choice
voucher programs
of women
Elderly people
and long-term care insurance
See also
Political contributions
Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Equal opportunity
Failing schools.
See also
Education, public schools
Falling from Grace
with children (fig.).
See also
without children
family values
of a generation ago
managing money in
marital problems in.
Marriage, marital problems
with one income (fig.)(fig.) (fig.).
See also
Families, with stay-at-home mothers
politics of the family
risk concerning (fig.)
single parent.
See also
Mothers, single mothers
with stay-at-home mothers
with two incomes (fig.)(fig.) (fig.)
Family and Medical Leave Act
Family Research Council
Fannie Mae
See also
Child support; Deadbeat dads
Federal Housing Administration
Federal Reserve
Federal spending
agenda for women/single mothers
See also
Women’s movement
Financial planning
emergency backup plans
Florida bankruptcy laws
Focus on the Family
restaurant meals
spending on
Foreclosure rates.
See also
Homes, foreclosures
Fragile Middle Class, The
Frank, Robert
See under
Fresno, California, public schools
Friedan, Betty
Gephardt, Richard
Gore, Al
Grapes of Wrath
Great Depression
Harvard University
Hatch, Orrin
Health issues
and filing for bankruptcy
health insurance
See also
Disability coverage
Herring Hardware
Himmelstein, David
of African Americans and Hispanics
age of
appliances/furnishings for
bidding wars for
of divorced fathers
down payments
See also
Foreclosure rates
of Hispanics
home equity and bankruptcy
home equity loans
home ownership
being “house poor,”
housing and joint custody of children
housing market and public education voucher system
regulation of housing market
and school quality
single mothers owning
size of
spending on as proportion of family income
vacation homes
See also
Housing and Urban Development, department of
Hyde, Henry
Illinois bankruptcy data collection
Income, discretionary(fig.)
before and after divorce (fig.)
See also
Families, with one income; Families, with two incomes
Income gap between single/married parents
See also
Credit protection insurance; Disability coverage; Health issues, health insurance; Long-term care insurance
Interest rates
exported from state to state
and inflation rate or prime rate
and late payments
lowered by Federal Reserve

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