The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (122 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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Whatever my thoughts I must have been reacting because Draven had tighten
his grip just before the point of it being painfully br

“Try not to struggle my girl” He said and though the words were kind they came through as firm and determined. Was I making this hard on him? I decided to relax or at least try to. Of course when the energy travelled up my arm and seem
to disappear in my heart I let out a sigh. I wanted it back, that strength
it gave...almost like a taste of
a drug so rare I didn’t know whether I would ever feel it again. And then I realised that it wasn’t the first time I had felt its presence. When I thought about it, it was actually a common occurrence. I thought about the aftermath of every time we had sex and yes there it was...only a diluted variation. I wondered if Draven would know about this?

This energy he seemed to transfer into me, this power of his that he would force into me making me feel a little stronger before collapsing in to an ecstasy induced slumber. That was what was kind of happening now, the feeling you get when you know you don’t have long before you erupt into the most blissful abyss of an orgasm. I don’t know how it happened. It came out from somewhere deep within me that was like a creature lurking in my belly waiting to show itself in all its ferocity. One minute I was feeling like Supergirl and the next my legs were quivering with the need to sink to my knees and curl up and convulse. And then BAM, the last stage hit me and I did just that! I came so violently, I lost my legs and let
body give way to gravity. Of course Sir Isaac Newton didn’t account for the Draven’s of the world to be there to defy it. He had caught me in his arms and was gently lowering me to the ground instead of letting me fall and no doubt injuring me further. Although that last bit of the experience it would have been worth a bump to the head! 

No surprises, I was panting. I could now completely understand why he hadn’t wanted Vincent to do that to me. Not only did my hand feel fine but as a result my body felt like someone had injected me
sunshine. I felt fantastic. Draven still had his arms around me as I seemed to be in a crouching position by the wall. I sure was glad no one at that moment decided to get some fresh air, or they would have encounter
more than they bargained for.

“Are you alright?” Draven’s voice hummed in my ear causing the last exotic shudder come racing up my spine. I jerked in his arms making him pull me in tighter. I could only nod at his question. I think he could tell I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to form words, so he just smoothed back my hair and held his lips to the back of my head. His other hand held my face under his chin and he only relaxed when our breathing was in sync. I pulled back to look at him.

“Did you know that would happen?” I asked.

“I did” He said unquestionably.

“Right, well next time you do that I think we should be on a bed
” I said full of lightheaded humour.

“Next time?” He raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“Tell me Keira, are you planning on joining a fight club any t
ime soon or are you just referr
ing to your utter lack of self preservation and inability to take care of yourself.” He was jesting with me I know but I acted insulted.

“Let me get this

saying you don’t think I can take
of myself?” I said putting my hands on hips after he had helped me up, an action that didn’t help my case.

“If the s
” He said looking blasé with a smidgen of amusement.

“Well I have made it this far and I’m still in one piece
” Now I was smiling because I knew what his comeback would be.

“Ah yes, thanks to a few patch
ups by yours truly.” His eyes li
t up at the challenge giving of little sparks of purple. That was the thing with Draven’s eyes. Real strong emotions brought out their true colour. Of course when he was turned on they were at their brightest.

“Well that’s nothing, just like having an MOT in my case. Besides I don’t have health insurance and I don’t have the money to pay for the health care here so I
guess you’re good for some thing
” I couldn’t help but laugh at his expression,
shock mixed with the need for a
cunning come back.

“Oh is
all I’m good for?” He grinned at me making me bite my bottom lip.

“Umm...I guess you’re a good kisser
” I teased again making him growl.

“Oh and the sex isn’t bad
” I continued trying so hard not to laugh it almost hurt. His growl got deeper and I could see the playful beast in him come to the surface.

“You know I will have to punish you for all those statements you just made
” He said stalking towards me and pin
ing me to the wall. His arms looked tensed and like they wanted to rip their way through the black material that encased them. He held each hand flat against the wall behind either side of my head. He ducked his head to my level but only reached as far as my forehead. I couldn’t help but gulp.

“Oh that’s ok
because I don’t think you

very good at that either
” I mocked laughing but I was soon shut up by the slap I received to my backside. I screeched out “AHH!”

“Hey!” I said looking up to see his evil grin and cocky eyes. It hadn’t really hurt but just shocked me. If truth be told it actually felt quite nice, in a sexual way. Not too hard but firm enough to be told.

“You were saying?” He said like he
won a round and was back in the control he was used to having.

“Haven’t you ever heard about Karma?”

“Yes and I believe you just received it, although my guess is that you enjoyed it so maybe it doesn’t count, or maybe you just need an increased dose
” He replied dropping his hand by his side and pulling it back as if ready to do it again. I pushed my bum against the wall and held it with both hands saying

“Don’t you dare!” At this he roared with laughter, throwing his head back as it came thick and fast. Then like lightening he had both my back cheeks in two hands and raised me up so I slid up the wall to his level.

“I will have my way with you!” He said
, his
voice guttural and thick with lust.

“Not now you won’t
” I said being smug, although I wished that he could. My want was burning a hole inside me the size of Texas!

“And why is that my Vixen?” He said, spoken like a true lover.

“Because Karma has come round to bite you in the arse
” I put my hands on either side of his face and turned it to whisper the last part in his ear...

Karma, because
you have guests












Chapter 54

People Bring
New Hate.



He groaned unhappily and I laughed in his locked embrace. His hands still had their firm hold on my undercarriage and his need to have me was pressing deep.

“You think being K
ing would mean I could do what I want, when I WANT!” He shouted this last part towards the door and it was one of my first glimpses seeing Draven being spoilt. I couldn’t help it...I laughed again.

“And may I enquire
it is you find
so amusing?” He sounded pissed off but one look at my smiley face, it was hard for him to stay that way.


acting like someone is about to take your favourite toy away and send you to your room
” I said through half bursts of giggles. He gave me a grumble and a dark look before easing into a half smile.

my favourite toy, my doll
and I do not ever want to let you go.”

“But you must
” I said in a sigh.

“Must I?” He raised an eyebrow, one of Draven’s regular expressions that made my toes curl.

“Well, like I said, you do have guests
” His hands inadvertently held on to me tighter, making me groan.

“Make more noises like that and I never will
” He warned in my ear and then began kissing my neck to prove his point. I loved how Draven never wanted to leave me. I loved the hold I had over him. This was my power and although compared to Draven’s, it was at the lower end of the scale, it was still there and it was still m
ighty. Or so his growing erection
told me!

He worked his way round from my neck and kissed me deep and intense. As if
he was
on an expedition to discover every last bit of my mouth. He didn’t have his hands free as they were still holding me up from behind but I could tell where they wanted to be. I
on the other hand
wrapped my arms up and around his neck, this being easier, as now we were at the same height. I ran my fingers through his hair, which I knew made him crazy. I grabbed handfuls and tugged slightly at my impatience to have more of him, Hell
I wanted every last bit of him. All there was to give. He moaned in my mouth as he fought with himself to keep control. What was I doing? I knew we needed to be back inside but this game was just too damn good to give up playing. It was a bit like taunting a wild beast through the bars of a cage, any minute now they would rip through the steel like hot claws through butter and I wouldn’t be able to hold him back. Most of me didn’t want to. I would have given anything to shut down that part of me that was screaming reason. I knew I was keeping Draven from something important and I knew I would have loved to have continued to be selfish but that wasn’t who I was. So I, very reluctantly, let go of his soft, midnight hair and tried to put an end to his raging desires and mine. No surprises he released a low growl.

“What it is you do to me! You burn my soul and set alight my veins, only to do
wse them out in the sea
s of your reason. If only I had your will, I would be the strongest being alive
” This last bit of his declaration sounded bitter. He let me slide down the length of him and the strain in his suit pants looked almost painful. If only he knew how painful it was for me to see it and to know it would be hours before I could embrace it with my own body of want.

if you think for one second this is easy for me, then you don’t know me at all!” I said in a hoarse whisper.

“Good to know
” He replied with a grin before adding

“Very well then, if I must, then I must

“I’ll be waiting
” I said raising my eyes as though I was some helpless little puppy he was about to leave. Ok so I wasn’t making this very easy on him. He looked down at me and traced the line of my jaw with a feather light touch.

“What did I ever do to deserve such beauty in my life, I will never know but I will be thankful of it for the rest of my days
.” He said with
closed eyes and I looked down at the complement, flushed and embarrassed.

“You will get used to it one day and see the beauty in yourself, as I do but for now,
I will content
myself with the delectable rose blush that blooms in place of its pride.” He was smiling and I was turning from
to a less poetic beetroot. Now he was laughing at the changes in colour, obviously enjoying my responses with a little too much enthusiasm. I pushed him lightly and in a playful manner then giving him a coy smile.

I do believe you are stalling

“Guilty as charged but given the inducement, do you blame me
” He winked and I giggled like a school girl. He was
such a flirt, no flirt wasn’t
the right word, it wasn’t a strong enough word
, more like sexually dangerous and downright sinful.

“Right, time to go and play host

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