Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (8 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“Oh sorry, Keira please tell me, why is six afraid of seven” Well at least he was smiling

“Because seven, eight
nine!” I bit
my lip waiting for his response and thankfully the car started to shake and fill with the sound of his laughter. He stopped just as we pulled up outside the house.

“That was adorable
” He said taking my hands in his after I turned the key and cut the beast.

“Are you alright?” I asked cautiously.

“Yes I am. I am very very happy and when I didn't know what it was to be this it feels I mean
well.... it still takes me back but most of all it makes me terrified at the thought of ever losing it. Of ever losing you
” His eyes glazed over making them look so deep you could have drowned in them. He brought my hands up to his mouth and kissed them over and over before saving his last kiss for my willing lips.

“Well lucky for you I have never been this happy too and I ain't going anywhere!” Just as I finished this last word he was out of the car and round to my side opening my door and pulling me out in
those solid arms I love so much. He kicked the door shut and the sound made me jump but he just held me tighter to him.

“I just love that cute Northern English accent of yours but most of all
...” h
e carried me to the porch steps before he continued and placed me on the second step so I was at the right height. He leaned in to kiss me but before he got there he finished his sentence.


“I love you my Keira




Chapter 4

First D



Ok, this was the thing with having a ridiculously handsome boyfriend,
has had hundreds of years to perfect the art of kissing, you can't help but feel a little self conscious about your own ability. He seemed to enjoy it but I
didn't know if the reason he kissed
me so much
was down to how good it was
or the fact that he thinks I
the practice. Either way I wasn't complaining but I
was kind
of hoping
for the first.

Once he had finished kissing me he ran his thumb over my lips ever so slowly but I still couldn't open my eyes. This was the other thing about Draven, he was
, to say the least
....intense. Those black
deep set eyes would stare at me with no idea about what it did to me, or maybe he did know and
didn't care. Draven was the type of man that if he wanted to stare freely at someone then he would, without giving it much
. Like the first night I saw him at the club. He was walking up to the staircase that leads to the VIP when he saw me. He stopped right in front of my table and with a club full of people
fascinated with his every move
, he
stopped dead
and stared
at me at length
, without a care in the world
. I had looked away first because as much as I love Draven he still kind of scares me. Don't get me wrong I know he would never hurt me but I can't help feeling a fear at the power that lies beneath his flawless skin.

I opened my eyes to see Draven smiling at me.

“I hope my kiss wasn't sending you to sleep
” He said knowing full well that was impossible.

“Quite the opposite actually
.” I said before going on tip
toes to kiss him on his nose and I laughed when he
wrinkled it up. I turned on my hee
ls and fished around for my keys out of my jeans pocket.

“I gather I don't have to invite you in like I would have to a Vampire?” I said giggling but he just frowned and said

“You watch too many movies Keira

“Buffy actually
” I said as I threw my keys into the bowl by the door and wiggled out of my jacket but Draven had already grabbed the shoulders and was pealing it off me. I had never had a guy take my coat off for me. It was nice that he was a bit of an old fashioned gentleman. I just didn't know how old.

“Buffy?” He asked revealing he r
eally wasn't a TV watching kind
of guy.

“Yeah you know Buffy the Vampire slayer, she kicks arse! Do you even watch Telly?” He laughed at my question and I loved the sound of it in this large old house.

“I don't really get the time but I am intrigued at how a human would destroy a Vampire, especially a woman
” I was in the kitchen when he said this and I was only glad that I wasn't handling a sharp implement.

“What? Don't tell me Vampires are real?” No way
he must be teasing me! No frigin way!

“They are very real but not in the way the media portrays them. They are Demons that have been created by infected blood,
which genetically changes their
demon attributes. But they have many weaknesses and are fairly easy to kill
” He said all this as though he had been giving a lecture on Demon kill zones!

“Oh ok
that's a little hard to take
” I was leaning over the sink when I felt Draven behind me.

“I'm sorry but you did ask. Maybe next
time I should try and.... sugar
coat it.”

“I guess I shouldn't be surprised at anything any more. Would you like a drink?” I asked trying not to forget my manners, even though the word Vampire still hung in the air like a cartoon bubble over my head. My mum would be proud.

“I am fine
thank you my sweet” He said this in my ear, which sent sparks up and down my spine. I was ready to strip naked and throw myself at him! Instead I filled the kettle and clicked it on. I got down a big mug that had
my home team Liverpool
on it and popped in a teabag.

“Did Frank inherit this house?” Draven asked and I was surprised with the question. Where did that come from?

“Umm yeah he did

his uncle?” Ok how did he know that? I nodded and he could clearly see the confusion on my face.

“I have been coming here for a long time Keira and I know the name of every individual that lives here, why a
re you surprised?” He had got
the carton of milk
for me before I had time to turn.

” I finished making my tea without answering him. For one
I didn't know why I had been shocked, it's not like I was ever normal myself and now I had a supernatural boyfriend. I smiled when I said the word in my mind and Draven as usual didn't miss it.

“Seeing you smile just makes it even harder not to kiss you
” He said taking my hot mug away and lifting me by the waist with one arm wrapped around me, pulling me up to reach his face.

“I take it you like kissing me?” I asked being brave when he had placed me back down and handing me back my tea.

“Kissing you is like making love without getting naked
.” He said as if
he meant every word.


teasing me! I know I am not that good
” I had been told once that I wasn't a great kisser because I never relaxed.

“Why would you ever think that?
” He didn't look happy at my spoken thoughts. I walked in the living room and he followed but when I sat down on the arm chair he shook his head and nodded at the s
pace next to him. It wasn't that
I didn't want to be next to him but I didn't want him thinking that I was always
clingy but
it seems
he doesn't think like I do.

“I got told once that I don't relax enough to be a good kisser
” I said shamefully and just shrugged my shoulders
as if
it was no big deal

“The boy was a fool! It was a boy wasn't it?” He asked in earnest and I nearly choked on my tea!

“YES of course it was!” I said laughing out loud.

“I was just checking, you might be inclined towards both sexes

like that sort of thing?” I lowered my eyes to stare at my tea while I went the colour of tomato soup.

“With you NO, I do not share!” He said watching me carefully before continuing.

“Kissing you makes it hard to stop, like taking a drug, I get lost in your taste and once I have had that taste, I become addicted. It is like I can feel every fibre in your body speaking to me and the only way to communicate back is by using my lips on yours and my tongue to fe
el you.” Well I certainly hadn’t
my kissing described like that before, that was

“Thank you
” I said shyly but he tilted his head to one side and made me look at him.

“You do not need to thank me for explaining the truth about how I feel. Sex with you is very much the same feeling only I use something else to communicate, other than my tongue” He said in a
naughty way and
was soon apparent that he was getting aroused by the topic. His hands started to find my skin and I had to concentrate on how to breathe. I hated the fact that I was going to have to stop it because there was conversation that we needed to have. I pulled his hands back from around me and pushed him away, which made him growl and me jump.

“Now stop that!” I said pulling my light brown eyebrows together in a frown.

“Then give in
to me” He said in a hoarse voice that sounded desperate for his drug.

“First, we kind of need to talk about something

worry?” He asked,
turning back into his smooth velvet voice so as not to offend me.

“This is an important one and one we should have had sooner
” I was going red just thinking about trying to form the words. Words I wish I didn't have to say!

“I should have mentio
ned this earlier but we have
made love five times now

“Soon to be six
” He remarked,
making me blush.

here it is....I'm not on the pill!” I blurted out but his reaction was the complete opposite to the one I had imagined. He was laughing
at me

“I gather this new worry is due to the

aby safe

comment your mother made to you earlier
” He couldn't keep his face straight, so I guessed that it wasn't something
was worried about.

“So I take it this is something we don't need to do anything about?” Did that make sense?

“You mean contraception
” Again with the roaring laughter.

“I'm so glad you find this funny
” I said sarcastically turning away from him.

“I don't mean to but you have to see it from my side, I have never needed to have this conversation before. It's a real human moment for me
” Well when he put it like that, I could kind of see his point....kind of.

“So Angels and Demons don't....reproduce?”

“We can but we are different to humans. We can cont
rol it
” As soon as he said this,
my heart sank. Did he not have orgasms?
I had been pretty sure that I could feel umm… stuff down below afterwards.

“How is that possible? I don't understand, how can you enjoy it if you don'
” Again he wasn't making this easy for me, when he kept looking at me like I was a child asking about the

irds and bees


here do babies come from

“I will explain.” He playfully gripped my chin before continuing.

“When two of our kind has sex
it is not as intense as it is with a human, as I have recently learned first hand. We can control every aspect of our bodies including whether or not the sperm
” He was looking at me
waiting for me to ask q
uestions about something I didn’t
understand but so far
in a weird way
I understood.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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