Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (81 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“What was that?” T
he sight of a huge part of the tre
e had been snapped back and spli
t in three different places.

you must have fat squirrels around here…what
you feeding them, protein bars?
” I laughed and waved to him and his dad before returning to the house. I watched the car go out of sight and before going inside I saw Ragnar staring at me, giving me a dirty look, so I did a very childish thing…I stuck my tongue out at him and ran into the house. I was still smiling to myself when I walked into the living room.

“I don’t know what you
smiling at? We still have to deal with that!” Libby
pointed to the ceiling.

“Let me handle it
” I said as I left the room to go and talk to my cousin
. I had a good mind to pick up F

s baseball bat from under the stairs
on the way
but thought that was way to
mafia. No
I was going to have to use my pow
ers of persuasion and hell,
maybe then if she didn’t listen she could
‘Say hello to my little friend!’
I smiled at the thought but my smile soon faded when I reached my…oh no, now it was
It was open so I knock
and walked in anyway
not waiting for a response.

what do you think?
” T
he question was aimed at the changes to my room as now she had moved everything to how she wanted it. My bed was sideways and my desk had been stuff
in the corner
out of the way. She had even moved my rug and rolled it up to lean against the wall. She had also removed my purple blankets and pi
llows. Sh
e had
dug out some yellow ones that w
ere spare in the chest that was no longer at the bottom of my bed but pushed to the far wall. I wondered how she had the strength to do all of this.

“Umm yeah…it’s great
I guess
” I said unconvincingly.

, I needed the room for my yoga.
I can’t function without an early start and exercise, you should try it sometime
” Yeah like kick-boxing! I could just see myself doing a round house kick to
a certain somebody’s

I do a lot of hiking
” I lied, what I really wanted to say was “I have loads of crazy wild sex so don’t have much energy for much else
” but I refrained.

yeah it shows
” She looked me up and down an
d wrinkled her nose like I smelled
. God forgive
I hated her!

well anyway
I wanted to invite you to the club tonight
” I can’t believe I even found the words but they were out now and I couldn’t take them back. My one consolation was that I was giving Libby some time out.

that guy
been kind of seeing,
be there?” I wanted to growl as a malevolent smile crossed her lips.

, w
ell he does own the place
” I said trying to get one back over her but it didn’t work
she just enlarged her smile and tapped a finger to her lips. I was getting inpatient so I put a hand to my hip and said


I think it should be fun. In that case
I should have a shower now and shave my legs…you never know
I may get lucky!” This was her way of implying she could steal Draven from me
but I didn’t bite.

“Let’s hope so
” I said before going to tell Libby the good news.
For me
it was more like a Greek tragedy.
Well at least I couldn’t say my l
ife was boring!
I was trying to find other silver linings in having my cousin here but that was the only one I could come up with, so I rubbed my forehead like I had a migraine on the way and found Libby in the kitchen.

“Is her majesty happy with her bed chamber?” Libby asked and I almost laughed, that was until I remembered I had to spend the entire evening with her. 

moved it around and everything.
” Libby looked even more furious so to distract her I told her the good news.

“Well you don’t have to worry about her tonight

“Why’s that? You put arsenic in her tea
” I smiled at the idea.

nothing that drastic, but you will be happy to know you have a Hilary free evening
” Her eyes lit up and
could have
sworn I heard the baby say a hallelujah

“No way! You’re the best…I love you …I love you
” She was dancing me round the kitchen and I couldn’t help but grin even though my doomed fate was lingering upstairs. Just then Frank came in wanting to know what all the commotion was about.

“Oh baby
the greatest news
” His eyes lifted and he mirrored his wife’s smile at once again seeing her so happy.


re on our own tonight honey!” As soon as she said it he let out a big “
!” and
give the air a victory arm pump
out of excitement. Then like kids, they high fived each other. I would have loved to have joined in but at that point my dread doubled. I turned towards the
window and the shiny sports car
pulling up the drive confirmed my fears.

Now it was my time to introduce Draven to my boyfriend stealing cousin…


This was not going to go well.





























Chapter 36 

Seducing Draven.



I wanted to rush out of the front door and run into Draven
arms like something out of a movie but I didn’t want my
insecurities to be on display. Draven would pick them up straight away and my mental barrier felt more like a ruin than a fortress. I was scared to what I might reveal.
My thoughts
were disrupted by a voice from

Libby! Is there any reason the pipes make that noise
only I need a bath and…” Hilary was calling down when she heard the car. At that point I threw all caution to the wind and ran out of the front door. There I found Draven
getting out of a sleek silver
and looking as gorgeous as ever.

He wore dark jeans and a
dark grey T-shirt but the most amazing addition to this ensemble w
as the black
leather biker jacket that fitted his every muscle
making his shoulders look mammoth and powerful. I couldn’t help but stop and t
ake a breath at the picture of the
man before me. His hair was pushed back off his face and curled slightly
round his neck giving me a brilliant view of his incredible black eyes. He had a bit of stubble giving him a roughness I adored and when he saw me his eyes ignited with a passionate fire.

I bit my lip but couldn’t wait any longer. I ran straight for him and threw my arms up and around his neck taking him of
f guard. It was difficult given
the height difference so he helped me by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me up to him. There I found eager lips and for a moment all my problems melted away in our kiss.

He didn’t want to let me go and as far I was concerned he could have me. I leaned down to his ear
and he shuddered at my breath on his neck. I inhaled deeply and could ha
ve drowned in the mix of Draven

s scent and leather.

“Take me away with you
” I whispered and
when he pulled m
y body back so that he could see
my face.

are you alright?” He was concerned and I mentally scorned myself for making him worry. He set me down as gentle as a rose on a lover’s bed and gazed intensely into my eyes as if searching out the answers from within. I closed my eyes and concentrated on guarding my thoughts of desolation as I had
already started to feel Draven

presence in my mind. I felt him trying to distract me by running his fingertips down my back and up to my neck. I co
uld almost hear him frown and
when I opened my eyes I was proven right, thankfully that frown meant he hadn’t accessed anything he had been hoping for.

“I’m fine
but I did miss you
” These words made the frown soften and soon a smile replaced it.

“That’s always good to know
” I put my head down
against his chest and held him around the waist giving him a much needed hug. He knew there was something wrong but I was just glad that he knew the right thing to do now was to just hold me tightly and say the words that made my heart beat for him.

“I love you Keira

I could have stayed like this till the end of time but when I heard the front door open I knew our time was up.

“I hate to tell you this but we seem to have an audience

He sounded amused and when I
let out a sigh in
to the i
nside of his jacket he laughed
making his body
vibrate. I knew what I was going to be
turning around to face before
I broke away from Draven

s hold. There
, in the door
was my cousin leaning casually against the frame looking at her nails trying to seem unimpressed with our embrace. I grabbed Draven’s hand and we both started walking towards her.

“Time to tame the Hell Cat
” Draven commented secretly while we were still out of earshot. This had been perfect timing as for once in front of my cousin I wasn’t faking my smile.

“Well, well
what do we have here the
n, where did she pick you up, at
the tall
dark and handsome catalogue?” Ok, so there went my smile! 

“Dra…Dominic this is my cousin Hilary…Hilary this is
” I couldn’t help the way I emphasised the word


hoping she got the message
but to her that probably meant nothing but fair game.

“It’s nice to meet you Hilary
” Draven said politely and for once I was wishing for his Demon si
de to be seen. That should do the trick

it’s more than nice
” She replied in a seductive tone which sounded more like she was impersonating a man with a cold.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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