The Tycoon's Secret - Baby for the Billionaire - Book Four (Baby for the Billionare) (18 page)

BOOK: The Tycoon's Secret - Baby for the Billionaire - Book Four (Baby for the Billionare)
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Without saying anything, he gently pulled her into his arms, being careful so he wouldn’t crush the small baby between them. Without hesitation his head descended capturing her lips in a kiss.

His tongue glided enticingly across her gaped bottom lip, before he gently bit down on the soft pink flesh. He drank in her soft sigh before releasing her as he took a retreating step.

“You shouldn’t have left,” he whispered for her ears only and her eyes widened.

He watched the emotions flicker across her face as she realized the anger behind his desire. She was starting to realize he wasn’t as calm as he was portraying.

“I…uh, well, I…” she stuttered, having a difficult time with her words.

“Exactly,” he said with a satisfied grin on his face. He found his anger simmering down, placed on the back burners as he held her. He’d missed her, more than he’d even be willing to admit even to himself.

Sierra, I think you’ve been holding out on us,” Bree said with a laugh. “You’ve just made me want to drag my husband off for some alone time,” she added with a wink, causing a becoming shade of red to infuse Sierra’s cheeks.

Damien turned and gave Bree a smile before looking back at Sierra who looked quite shaken. He was a bit concerned for the baby in her arms, at the shell-shocked expression in Sierra’s eyes. He gently took hold of the infant before she dropped her.

Damien felt warmth spread through his chest as he looked down into the soft grey eyes of the innocent face looking back at him. She was just so small. He found himself unable to look away, taken in completely by her sweet little features.

“I can take her so you two can have some time to talk,” Jennifer said as she walked up and held out her arms.

With reluctance, Damien handed over the baby, bemused at his desire to continue snuggling the little one.

“You seem like a natural,” Jennifer said as she smiled at him.

He’d held his best friend’s children and found himself always happy to do so, but something was shifting in him, some desire to have his own – something he’d never really thought he’d want. He told himself it was just a desire to make sure his name lived on – make sure his parents lived through him, and then their grandchildren.

When he’d thought Trinity would be alone in raising the baby she carried, he’d offered to marry her, and would’ve been the best dad possible for her child, but he hadn’t wanted to be a father at that time, he’d just wanted to do the right thing for his best friend.

Now he found himself wanting a child, wanting to ensure his life wasn’t for nothing, that he’d somehow continue living, even after he was gone. He tried shaking off the thoughts, but they were planted in his head, and weren’t going away. He shook of the disturbing images as he focused once again on Sierra.

“Let’s take a walk,” he said, putting his arm around her back. He finally realized she hadn’t said one word to him. He wanted to know what was going through her mind. He also needed to make sure she never ran from him again – not without facing his wrath.

Silently, she allowed him to pull her from the room. He led her out the back door and looked around. He wasn’t sure where they were. He just started walking further from the house.

“What the heck was that?” Sierra finally asked, gaining her voice. Good. He liked her with some fire.

“What?” he asked, wanting her to have to spell it out.

“The kiss. Now, they’re all thinking we’re…we’re…well, that we’re a couple,” she spluttered, confusion and anxiety heavy in her tone.

“Aren’t we a couple, Sierra? Before you ran away, I seem to recall one heck of a week in bed together,” he said, his voice low, making her have to step closer to hear him.

“We’re not a couple, Damien. I work for you, though who knows what I’m supposed to be doing. Our week together was, well, I don’t know what it was, but it’s not continuing. I just got out of one prison, and I refuse to step into another,” she said as she started pacing.

Damien froze as he looked at her. She didn’t reveal much about herself, was very secretive of her life, so her little slip gave him a small piece of insight into her past. She considered her life at home a prison. That was interesting.

“I want you, Sierra. I am so hard for you right at this moment that I’m having a difficult time thinking of anything else, which is lucky for you, because I’ve been alternating between wanting to ring your neck, and wanting to slam you against a wall and screw you until you never even consider walking out again. I want to take you in my arms, press you against that tree and ravage your body until you’re begging for mercy. Do you really think we can go back to a normal employee, employer relationship?” Damien whispered.




Sierra gaped at Damien, her heart thundering in her ears. She couldn’t believe what he was saying to her. His lips were turned up in a confident smile, his eyes burning into hers, and his body tense.

Her eyes traveled down his flat stomach and stopped on the bulge in his trousers, confirming his words. She gulped before her eyes jerked back up to his.

His smile grew even
wider at what must be a surprised expression on her face.

What was she supposed to say to a comment like that?

What killed her most was how badly she wanted him, too. She wanted him to take the choice away from her, to lift her in his arms and take her against the tree, exactly how he’d said. She didn’t want the time to think about it, didn’t want to make the right choice and deny him, and herself.

“I…uh, don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said a bit breathlessly, with reluctance. Her lips were still tingling from the kiss in the kitchen, her body continuing to burn with unfulfilled desire. Why was she saying no to him?

Because she knew it was the right thing to do.

She had just escaped her overbearing father. It wouldn’t do her any good to get into an unstable relationship with a man who made her father look weak. She’d never survive it. If Damien were to control her, abuse her like the man who was supposed to be her protector already did, she’d never survive. She didn’t know how she’d survived all the years with her dad, as it was.

“Why isn’t it a good idea, Sierra? We obviously burn for each other. We explode when our bodies connect. Why not explore it, enjoy one another? We’re going to be together for a long time, so it will happen no matter how much you try and deny it. You can’t fight this thing between us. You can’t fight me and win. I always win, Sierra – always!”

It was terrifying how much she wanted to fold. She understood what he was saying, found herself wanting to cave to him. Why fight it? It was inevitable. She knew they’d sleep together again, as surely as she knew she’d take another breath of air.

Her shoulders firmed as she glared at him.
! She didn’t know that. She was done with men controlling her, taking away her free will.

“You know what, Damien? I think you’ve been handed things so often in your life that everything has been easy for you. You just assume all outcomes will be in your favor. Well, not this time. I’m not going to lie and say I hated the sex, but I most certainly can live without it. It was good, sure, but not the end-all everyone’s always talking about. Why don’t you do us both a favor and stop playing whatever game this is your playing and just get out of here,” Sierra told him, adding a smirk to the end of her small speech for added affect.

When she saw the fire ignite in his eyes, she thought she may have pushed it a bit too far. He took a menacing step toward her, and panic flared.

With a surge of adrenaline rushing through her, Sierra decided not to wait for his response. She turned and started running back to the house. When she was less than twenty feet from the back steps, an arm snaked around her middle
, slamming her into the rock solid wall of Damien.

“Oh, Sierra, you were very smart to run, very smart indeed after making a comment like that,” he whispered, his hot breath slithering down her neck.

He flipped her around so she was looking into his flaring eyes, his expression determined. Suddenly, he was lifting her in his arms as he strode around the house.

Before she thought to cry out, he was tossing her in his car and then they were driving down the pavement. She looked back at the house with longing as it faded into the distance. What had she just done?

Chapter Nineteen


The silence was stifling as Damien pulled out of Bree’s driveway. He had to get her alone. He felt like if he didn’t get her into his bed again, he’d explode.

He didn’t need her. He’d proven that. He could easily insert himself into the lives of the Anderson’s without suspicion. Heck, there was a fundraiser event coming up shortly he’d be attending with them. He’d already made contact, so he could drop Sierra off at home, and then drive away. No harm done.

Except, he knew that wasn’t true.

Even the thought of leaving her with that man who called himself her father caused an ache in Damien’s chest. He couldn’t do it.

He tried telling himself it was because she still had a job to do for him, but he knew better. It was so much more than a job, just as it had been from the moment he’d laid eyes on her - started studying her, decided she’d be perfect for what he wanted.

If only he could figure out exactly what it was that he wanted her for.

“I can’t believe you would do that. Bree is going to hunt you down and –”

“And what, Sierra? You play hot and cold, do things
however you like, want everything your way. Well, this is the real world, and its time you learn that actions have consequences. If you push me, I’m going to push back,” Damien thundered as he made a sharp right turn.

“Where are you taking me? I demand you return me at once!”

“Not going to happen.”

“Stop this car right now or I swear I’ll jump out of it,” she threatened as she reached for the door handle.

Damien’s emotions were sliding on a thin sheet of ice. He could already feel it begin to crack beneath him. His anger was consuming, but his need was overwhelming. He saw a sign for a park, and swerved into the parking lot, needing to pull over before he ended up crashing the vehicle.

Damien turned in his seat, looking over Sierra, her flushed cheeks, heaving chest and rage filled eyes. His arousal jumped at how badly he wanted to pull her onto his lap. He had to end the torture, had to sink inside her – now.

“Why keep fighting me, Sierra. You want this just as badly. I’m not forcing you. I’m not demanding anything you don’t want to give, so why don’t you stop playing games and tell me what you want?” he said, his voice dropping an octave.




Sierra felt his words all the way to her core. She did want him, desired him in a way that had to be unnatural. She just couldn’t think when he spoke to her like that, used that tone of voice.

“You have to stop, Damien. This is wrong.”

“Why, Sierra? Are you afraid of the passion between us? I’ve thought of little else but you for the past two weeks, because each day that I wake up, I smell your scent and it sends desire coursing through me. I come in at the end of the night, wanting to find you waiting for me, hungry, aching with need. If you want to play games, that’s fine by me – I’ll play all the games you want.” His tone was melting her. She was falling quick.

“I don’t want to play games. I…I need air,” Sierra told him as his hand moved to the handle.

“Where are you going?” he demanded, all seduction leaving his tone.

“Wherever I feel like,” Sierra snapped. Exhilaration filled her as she realized he was the first man she’d ever so openly defied.

“You’re not leaving. We haven’t finished this,” he said, his voice oddly calm, though the anger fueled his words.

“You can’t stop me.”

“Sierra, I swear if you run off –” He suddenly stopped as if trying to compose himself.

Sierra felt a twinge of alarm at the implied threat of his command. Old habits die hard. If she’d ever argued like this with her father, he would’ve beaten her to a pulp. She knew Damien wouldn’t hit her – she didn’t know how she knew, but she just did.

Sierra didn’t give him a chance to finish the rest of his statement. She opened the door and jumped from the car. Not taking any chances, she started running toward the trailhead straight ahead.

For a few brief moments she thought she’d actually achieved her goal – that she’d gotten away. At least she did until she heard footsteps quickly approaching from behind only seconds before Damien’s hand snagged her around the waist and lifted her in the air.

She thought about crying out, but she didn’t have a chance. Within seconds she was cradled against his chest and his mouth descended.

She didn’t even have time to take a breath of air before his mouth sucked all protests away. He kissed her long and hard, his tongue quickly slipping inside her mouth and tangling with hers. She felt the movement from Damien’s footsteps, knowing he was going somewhere but she was lost in the moment and couldn’t focus on anything else but being in his arms again.

“You make me burn. One minute I want to throttle you, and then the next I want to make you submit to me. Just remember, Sierra, I love a good chase. You can run from me anytime you want, because I’ll always catch you. Lucky for you, the punishment will be mutually satisfying,” Damien said with a wicked gleam in his eye before he set her down and gripped her blouse.

BOOK: The Tycoon's Secret - Baby for the Billionaire - Book Four (Baby for the Billionare)
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