The Ultimate Smut Collection 5 (10 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Dayne,Maxwell Avoi,Delilah Fawkes,Carl East

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My Best Friend's Daddy
, part of her new Sleepover Sluts series!



The Erotic


By Carl East



Being a writer meant that I had to be in front of the keyboard at least four hours a day, sometimes more, depending on whether the words were flowing. In hindsight, I realize that those hours could’ve been spent with my wife before the cancer that ate her away had done its job. Now six months after her death, I still hadn’t written anything new.

As an erotic author the thought of writing about anything remotely resembling sex, was the furthest thing from my mind. I’d lost the love of my life and no amount of time was going to make up for it. I did realize in that time though, that I needed to get away from that house. Too many painful memories mixed with joyous times can send a person mad with grief. With that in mind, I set about looking for a place where I could start over, only it had to be somewhere warm.

I lived in Pennsylvania and there simply weren’t many warm months to be had there. My wife and I had always discussed about going up to California when we retired, so I decided to take a trip up there and do some house hunting. I took the train as I didn’t like flying and rented a car when I got off at the other end. There was one thing I knew for sure and that was I wanted to live in a place that faced the ocean, I figured it might inspire me.

I’d found online before my trip that there was a new housing estate going up in West Berkeley, California. Therefore, I had a pleasant drive along i580 a coastal road, which was very scenic. When I arrived at the show home, I was told straight away that all of the houses had gone and that I was a day late. The only thing they had left was an apartment, which faced the bay. I didn’t really want an apartment but I felt after coming all that way I might as well have a look.

As luck would have it, the agent in charge of showing new clients around was in the office that day and offered to show me it there and then. Apparently, I would’ve had to make an appointment days in advance when the properties first went up for sale, so I thanked her and off we went.

Christy was a middle-aged woman who had been in the property business for twenty years. She told me it was only a block away and that we should walk, which I didn’t mind. On the way, she divulged some interesting facts. One of them was that the apartment building in question had six apartments in total and the other five had all been taken by single women. Therefore, I would be the only male in the block if I took it on.

When we arrived, I could see straight away that I had an exceptional view of the bay, provided the apartment I was about to see had a window that faced the front. The apartment turned out to be on the second floor of three and as luck would have it the woman who had the apartment next to the one I was viewing was placing some trash out when we got there. Christy quickly took the opportunity to introduce me.

“Hi Laura, this is Conrad. He’s here to view the vacant apartment,” she said.

“Oh hi Conrad, pleased to meet you,” replied Laura while offering her hand.

I shook it and said hi, but tried not to stare. She was quite a looker and the thought of her being a neighbor was a very appealing one. Christy unlocked the door and then asked me to step in. On first impressions, I was taken aback, mainly because it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. The front door opened up into what was clearly the sitting room and across from the door was another that led to the bedroom, study and bathroom.

The kitchen was at the back of the sitting room, with a breakfast bar being the only thing that separated the two. The view was very pleasant from the study, which I already knew would be my office, if I took the apartment on. It was carpeted throughout and even had a walk in wardrobe in the bedroom. I had to admit, I liked it. I could see how comfortable I would be here, so I asked about prices.

It turned out that if I took it on I had two choices; I could pay a rent of $2000.00 a month, of which the first two months would be up front. Alternatively, I could buy, which would be $1800.00 a month, but I would have to place the first twenty percent down, of the cost of the apartment. I had the money to buy but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure that I would like it down here and for that reason I decided if I was going to take it on I would be renting it.

We talked for at least an hour before I came to a decision, which was to rent the apartment. I was then taken to the office to fill out all the necessary forms and paraphernalia, before being given a key to the apartment. By the time I got out of there, it was getting dark, so I decided to find a motel for the night, as I didn’t even have a bed right now.

In the morning I got busy, I secured a bed for a start as well as an oven and fridge-freezer. I stressed to them that I needed these things A.S.A.P and why and was grateful that each store I visited were able to deliver my things that same day. Next, I bought myself a good flat screen TV and incidentals like cutlery and cups and plates. I must have spent an hour just shopping for food and waste bags etc, before getting to my new apartment and waiting for the first delivery.

Four hours later, everything had arrived. Each thing was unpacked, setup and ready to go. I’d gotten myself a reclining chair to watch TV from and that was a pleasure to sit on for the first time. I sat back starting to feel the pressure of the day melting away and before I knew it I was asleep. Two hours later, I was awoken by someone knocking on my front door. Upon opening it, I found seven young women waiting for me, one of which was Laura from next door.

“Hi Conrad, we all thought we’d come to welcome you to the block and have brought a few bottles of wine,” said Laura as she held the bottle up in her hand.

“That’s very nice of you all, please come in,” I replied standing to one side as they entered.

Thankfully, they’d all brought glasses, which is something I hadn’t gotten around to buying yet. I also didn’t have many places to sit down, as I’d only bought a couch and recliner that day.

“I’m sorry there aren’t many places to sit, I wasn’t expecting company,” I said.
“Is that a British accent I hear?” said one of them.
“Yes, I was born in England,” I replied.
Just then, Laura decided to introduce everyone to me.

“I guess I’d better make some introductions. This is my friend Amy; we share the apartment next to you. On your right is Carol and Ann, they both have an apartment on the ground floor and these two on your left are Stephanie and Juliet, both of which have an apartment on the top floor.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all, but I’ve got to ask. Why am I the only male in the building?” I replied with a laugh.

“That’s just the way it went, we were all looking for a place nearer to work and I think everyone of us wanted to be near the bay,” said carol with everyone else agreeing with her.

After that, we poured the drinks and talked for the next two hours, which was a pleasant ending to the day. I couldn’t help but notice though that nearly all of them were fascinated by my accent and that each had said something about it. I couldn’t hear an accent myself, but they said it was very distinctive. Yet I could tell they were American when they spoke, as the dialect was slightly different, at least enough to notice. I also had to explain what a few words I’d said meant, such as waste bin, which they all called trashcan. Little things like that were interesting to them.

I was kind of dreading someone asking me what I did for a living, mainly because I didn’t want anyone there feeling embarrassed. Yet when someone did ask, I decided to be up front about it and told them that I write erotic fiction. For whatever reason that interested them a great deal. I was suddenly bombarded, with questions. They wanted to know the type of tales I write. What kind of erotic tales and were they romantic, etc…

I ended up telling them about a few of my best sellers and which ones to look out for. I also informed them that they could look for me by my pen name and to check out a certain book called “Hell’s Gate,” which I knew was popular. The strange thing about that conversation though was that all but two of them had an iPhone and were able to search for the title there and then. I didn’t know whether to feel flattered or embarrassed, but they all promised to check it out and to let me know what they thought of my writing.

When they’d gone, I decided to call it a night and to test out my new bed. I ended up having a wonderful sleep and awoke to a bright new day.




Two weeks later, I was just thinking about going to bed, when I heard a commotion coming from the hallway outside my front door. Upon opening it I found Laura and Amy, who were completely wasted, arguing about who had the key. It turned out that they’d left their key to the apartment in their bag in the taxi, but didn’t find that out until the next day.

So there I am trying to stop them from blaming one another for not having a key, when Laura collapses on the floor. She’d really had one too many and the only reasonable thing to do was ask them into my apartment for a while until they could get organized. The trouble was I couldn’t seem to have an intelligent conversation with either one of them, as they were too far gone for that.

Within minutes of them entering my apartment, they’d both collapsed onto the couch. At that point, I wasn’t quite sure what to do, I mean I guess I could try to break their door open but that didn’t seem like a good choice. In the end, I decided to put them both to bed. I helped Amy up first and walked her to the bedroom. Once there I stood her near the bed, telling her it was time to sleep, in the hopes that she would help me help her.

Unfortunately, that’s not how it was working out. Therefore, I let her collapse onto the bed and unfastened her blouse, followed quickly by her skirt and tucked her into the left side of the bed. I then went out to fetch Laura and did pretty much the same thing. The only problem I had with her was that she wasn’t wearing a bra. At this point, I’d like to say that I removed her blouse with my eyes shut but I’d be lying. I couldn’t help having a good look when I’d gotten her blouse off but quickly removed her skirt thereafter and tucked her into the right side of the bed.

I then went out into the sitting room closing their door behind me and made my bed on the couch. The next thing I know it’s seven thirty in the morning and I’m being awoken by a scream coming from the bedroom. I quickly got up and rushed over to the door.

“Are you alright in there?” I said, not wishing to burst in.
“Is that you Conrad?” I heard Laura say.
“Yes, it’s just me,” I replied. “Can I come in?”

After she said yes, I walked in to find out what was wrong. Apparently Laura had woken up not knowing where she was and from finding that she was almost naked she’d let out a scream. I of course quickly explained what had happened and how I’d put them both to bed to sleep it off. They then quickly got dressed and Amy suggested that they phone the taxi people and ask if a set of keys or a handbag had been handed in. Luckily, for them, a handbag had been handed in, which I later picked up. So all ended well and before they left I suggested that they leave a spare key in a safe place in the future, like a neighbors or something. They both agreed that that would be a good idea. In the meanwhile, I fixed them both a breakfast before taking Amy down to the taxi rank to pick her bag up.

Later that night they both came to my door again and thanked me for what I’d done the night before. One after the other they leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek and to say goodnight. After I’d closed the door, I felt like I’d done some good and was happy with myself. It’s not every day that you can come to the rescue of some damsel in distress, let alone two of them. Thirty minutes later, there was another knock on the door, only this time it was Juliet from upstairs.

“Hi Juliet, what can I do for you?” I said.
She asked me if she could come in for a moment, to which I said yes of course. Once inside she started to talk excitedly.
“I’ve just finished that book of yours, “Hells Gate,” and just had to say thank you for an incredible read, it was unbelievable.

Now here was someone who actually appreciated a good erotic novel, so I asked her if she’d like a cup of tea or coffee so that we could discuss it. It’s not every day that one gets to talk with a fan, let alone meet one. I made her a hot chocolate, as that’s what she wanted and we began to talk.

“My absolute favorite part was when the succubus has a cock coming from inside her, and makes love to the heroine,” she started.

At that point, I realized that she did indeed read the story and that it was quite a pleasure for me to talk to someone about my work.

“I bet you didn’t see the ending coming?” I replied.

“No you’re right I didn’t but I liked the way you left it open for a follow up,” she said. “Will there be one, a follow up I mean?”

“It’s funny you should ask that because I was thinking this morning that a sequel to that one was well over due, I just haven’t been writing for a while. In fact I haven’t written anything since my wife died.”

“Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that. How did she die, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Cancer took her I’m afraid, long before her time I might add,” I replied.
“My grandmother died from cancer, so I know how bad it can get,” she said.
I needed to change the subject so I brought it back around to my book by asking her who her favorite character was.

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