The Usurper's Crown (75 page)

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Authors: Sarah Zettel

BOOK: The Usurper's Crown
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She kept the cage covered.

By the time they reached Vaknevos, the whole of the palace turned out to greet her. With Yamuna’s death, the spells he had laid with Kacha’s help had broken and the newly freed seized the traitors, or the supposed traitors, and offered them up to her in exchange for forgiveness. They waited in the cells for her judgment, all except one.

The woman Chekhania sailed in chains to Hastinapura, her belly big with Kacha’s bastard. The Hastinapuran ambassador’s head in a jar of honey was her accompaniment.

That left Hung Tse’s army massing at Miateshcha, and their navy gathering its strength in the southern sea. So, she had made her arrangements, and had ridden here to meet with the representatives of Hung Tse. She’d had to come herself, as until she’d had time to investigate what had happened in her absence, there was still no way to know who she could really trust.

The Minister of the North bowed her head in acknowledgment of Medeoan’s arrival. “We thank Your Majesty Imperial for appearing before us. We are certain that this recent misunderstanding between yourself and the Heart of Heaven and Earth can be quickly resolved and appropriate reparation made.”

She looked from one of the ministers to the other. Their faces behind their tattoos were bland, but their eyes were not easy. They were wondering, she knew, why she lived. She should have been dead. She should have been ash and char.

“Ministers of the Heart of the World,” she replied evenly. “I am not here to speak of reparations. I am here to confirm that Isavalta has no lawful quarrel with Hung Tse. Our armies have been removed and disbanded and we hope soon to exchange ambassadors with the Heart of the World. We expect that our Brother Emperor will give similar orders as soon as you carry my word back to him.” She gestured to her chief secretary, who walked to the ministers and handed over a scroll bound with sapphire ribbons and sealed with red wax.

The Minister of the North received the missive in silence.

“We are of course delighted to hear that Your Majesty Imperial has understood that this quarrel previously standing between our empires has no basis in the laws of earth or heaven,” said the Minister of Earth. “But, it is Hung Tse that was attacked and …”

Medeoan did not let him finish. “We will not speak of attacks, Minister. We will not speak of damages or reparations. We have withdrawn. You will withdraw. That is all.”

“It is Hung Tse that was attacked,” the Minister of Earth repeated. “You have acknowledged that this attack was unlawful. That entitles Hung Tse to reparations from Isavalta.”

Medeoan looked to Peshek. Peshek turned to the commander of the House Guard, who handed him the object covered with black cloth that he carried. Peshek set the object in front of Medeoan.

All the representatives of Hung Tse shifted uneasily at their end of the table.

Medeoan pulled away the black cloth, revealing a curved jar of purest crystal. Inside lay a single feather that at first glance appeared to be perfectly formed of shining gold, but if one looked longer and more closely, one saw how lights of orange, red and white played along its length.

She lifted the curved jar from its base. The air touched the feather, and it burst at once into a single gout of flame that burned for an instant, and was gone.

The two sorcerers of Hung Tse let their gaze linger on the now empty jar, and then, slowly lifted their gaze to meet Medeoan’s.

Medeoan replaced the crystal jar on its base, and Peshek lifted it away.

“We will not speak of attacks,” she said. “We will not speak of reparations. We have withdrawn our forces. Hung Tse will also withdraw. That is all.”

Medeoan left the pavilion. Her grooms had her horse waiting for her, and she mounted. Without looking behind even to see if her escort followed, she mounted and rode back across the plain to the encampment that had been made around her banner with the golden imperial eagle on its bright blue field.

At one time, she might have found her tent cramped and uncomfortable, for all its carpets and finely made furniture. No longer. She had known far rougher accommodation. Prathad hurried about, directing the other ladies, all new, and all chosen by her, to take her outer coat, to fetch small beer and refreshment, and to do all else that was needful for the maintenance of their empress.

A shadow crossed the entrance of the tent. Medeoan glanced back and saw Captain Peshek waiting to be acknowledged.

“Come in, Peshek.”

Peshek entered and knelt. She nodded and waved him to a chair, which he did not accept as she still stood.

“Majesty, I do not mean to question your judgment, but was that …”

“Wise?” she finished for him. “Perhaps not, but it will do. They will spend this night trying to understand what has happened to the Firebird and how we came to possess any fragment of it. When they understand that their guardian is no longer free to protect their borders, they will withdraw, and we will have peace.” She sat, slumping as far into her chair as her layers of clothing permitted. She closed her eyes briefly. “That is enough.”

“Yes, Majesty.”

She heard movement and looked to see Prathad setting a tray with wine and dainties beside her. The lady poured two goblets full, handing one to Medeoan and one to Peshek.

Medeoan did not drink. She just looked at the dark depths of the wine. “Lien said Ingrid arrived safely home.”

“Yes, Majesty,” replied Peshek.

“She is carrying Avanasy’s child, Peshek.”

“Yes, Majesty.”

She swirled her cup gently. “I want to send for her, when we know we have found all the real traitors and that our borders are safe. Avanasy’s child should be raised in Isavalta. He should be given the honors due to him as the Avanasyn.”

Peshek was silent for a moment. Then, he said, “I miss him too, Majesty.”

She looked up at him then, and saw how bright his blue eyes were. Lien’s healing had worked well, and his scars were almost completely gone. He was again the handsome, loyal soldier who had taken her to safety when she was so beset.

“His life is part of Isavalta now,” she said. “It is because of him that we have a chance to be safe in our borders. Our task is to see that what he has begun is completed.”

Peshek laid his hand over his heart, his blue eyes sparkling. “I live to serve, Majesty.”

She lifted the wine cup to him and smiled, feeling a thread of warmth working its way through the chill of her soul. “As do we all, Peshek. Isavalta will in truth be the Eternal.”

But even as she spoke those words, Medeoan knew the Firebird, away in its cage, locked in the cells of Vaknevos, heard, and cried out its defiance.

The empress of Isavalta shivered and turned her face away.

Main Characters

Avanasy Finorasyn Goriainavin (AHV-ahn-AH-see FIN-OR-ah-sin GOR-ee-ahn-ay-AH-veen): A sorcerer of Isavalta. Tutor to High Princess Medeoan.
Baba Yaga (BAH-bah YAH-gah): The Old Witch, the Witch with the Iron Teeth.
Bakhar (BAHK-har): Keeper of the Imperial God House.
Black Night: One of Baba Yaga’s mystical servants. Only seen after sunset.
Bright Day: One of Baba Yaga’s mystical servants. Only seen during daylight.
Cai Yun Shen (KAI YUN shen): Niece of Lien Jinn.
Achin Ireshpad (CHAN-drah
AHCH-een AY-RESH-pahd): Oldest son of the ruling family of Hastinapura, former Emperor.
Dieu Han: (DYOO HAN) Dowager Empress of Hung Tse.
Edemsko (EH-DEM-skoh): Emperor of Isavalta, father of Medeoan.
Eliisa Hahl (EH-lee-EE-sah HAHL): Serving girl in the Isavaltan imperial household.
Everett Lederle: Friend and suitor of Ingrid Loftfield.
Grace Hulda Loftfield: Younger sister of Ingrid Loftfield.
Girilal (GEER-ee-lahl): Ambassador from Hastinapura to Isavalta.
Hajek Ragdoksyn Kraichinivin (HAH-jayk RAHG-dohk-sin KRAI-cheen-EE-veen): Keeper of the God House for Demska of the Tears.
Hamsa (HAHM-sah): Bound-sorcerer to Emperor Samudra of Hastinapura.
Harshul (HAHR-shool): Deceased bound-sorcerer to Prince Kacha of Hastinapura.
Iakush Vtoroisyn Gabravin (EE-ah-kush VEET-or-OY-sin GAHB-rah-veen): Lord Sorcerer of Isavalta.
Imperial Voice: Speaker for the Emperor of Hung Tse.
Ingrid Anna Loftfield: A young woman from Sand Island, Wisconsin.
Achin Ejulinjapad (KAH-chah
AHCH-een E-jool-EEn-jah-pahd): Prince of Hastinapura, son of Chandra and husband of Medeoan.
Kseniia (KAH-sen-EE-ee-ah): Empress of Isavalta, mother of Medeoan.
Leonard Loftfield: A young man from Sand Island, Wisconsin, brother of Ingrid.
Lien Jinn (LEE-en JEEN): A sorcerer and pirate of Hung Tse.
lokai (LOW-keye): The fox spirits.
Malan’ia (MAHL-ahn-EE-ah): A fisherwoman of Isavalta.
Medeoan Edemskoidoch Nacheradovosh (MEH-deh-OH-ahn EH-DEM-skoh-EE-doch NAH-cher-AH-DOH-vawsh): High Princess of Isavalta, wife of Prince Kacha.
Minister of Air: One of the Nine Elders of Hung Tse. Personal name: Lok (LAWK).
Minister of Earth: One of the Nine Elders of Hung Tse. Personal name: En Lai (EHN LAI).
Minister of the East: One of the Nine Elders of Hung Tse. Personal name: Nha My (NAH Mai).
Minister of Fire: One of the Nine Elders of Hung Tse. Personal name: Xuan (JOO-ahn).
Minister of Metal: One of the Nine Elders of Hung Tse. Personal name: Shaiming (shy-MING).
Minister of the North: One of the Nine Elders of Hung Tse. Personal name: Ahn Thao (AHN T-h-AH-oh).
Minister of the South: One of the Nine Elders of Hung Tse. Personal name: Quan (KWAHN).
Minister of Water: One of the Nine Elders of Hung Tse. Personal name: Chi Tahn (CHEE t-AHN).
Minister of the West: One of the Nine Elders of Hung Tse. Personal name: Minh (MIN).
Nanabush (NAHN-ah-boosh): A trickster god in Wisconsin, often taking the form of a rabbit.
Ofka (OFF-kah): Lady-in-waiting to Medeoan.
Pa K’un (PAH k-UN): Emperor of Hung Tse.
Peshek Pachalkasyn Ursulvin (PEH-shek PAHCH-ahl-KAH-sin UR-sul-veen): Captain of the Imperial House Guard of Isavalta.
Prathad (PRAH-thahd): Head lady-in-waiting to Medeoan.
Prithu (PREE-thoo): Head gentleman-in-waiting to Kacha.
Ragneda (RAHG-neh-DA): Lady-in-waiting to Medeoan.
Red Sun: One of Baba Yaga’s mystical servants. Only seen at twilight or in the Land of Death and Spirit.
Achin Ireshpad Hariamnapad (SAHM-oo-drah
ACHA-een HAHR-ee-AHM-nah-pahd): Emperor of Hastinapura, father of Kacha, younger brother of Chandra.
Valin Kalami (VAHL-in KAH-LAH-mi): A sorcerer from the island of Tuukos.
Vixen, The: Queen of the
Vladka (VLAHD-kah): Second lady-in-waiting to Medeoan.
Ikshu Chitranipad (YAH-MOON-ah
AIK-shoo CHEET-rahn-EE-pahd): Bound-sorcerer to Chandra.

Place Names

Apostle Islands, The: A chain of islands in Lake Superior off the coast of northern Wisconsin.
Bayfield: A town in northern Wisconsin on the east coast of Lake Superior.
Camaracost (KAHM-ah-rah-KOST): A port town on the southeastern coast of Isavalta.
Dalemar (DAY-leh-MAHR): A coastal fortress in Isavalta.
Devang (DEH-vang): A temple complex in Hastinapura dedicated to the Seven Mothers.
Durah (DUR-ah): An ancient and abandoned temple city in Hastinapura.
Eastbay: The settlement on Sand Island.
Erh Han (ER-hahn): A peninsula between Isavalta and Hung Tse. Called Miateshcha in Isavalta.
Hastinapura (HAHS-teen-ah-POOR-ah): A southern empire sharing a continent with Isavalta.
Heart of the World: Home of the Emperor of Hung Tse. A complex of palaces and official buildings.
Hung Tse (HOONG-SAY): The central empire between Isavalta and Hastinapura.
Isavalta (IS-ah-VAHL-tah): A northern empire sharing a continent with the empires of Hung Tse and Hastinapura.
Ishbushka (ISH-bush-KAH): The hut belonging to Baba Yaga.
Land of Death and Spirit, The: The space between worlds inhabited by ghosts, demons, fairies, gods and spirit powers. Also called the Silent Lands and the Shifting Lands.
Makashev: City near Vyshtavos.
Miateshcha (MEE-ah-TEHSH-chah): See Erh Han.
Padinogen Passage (PAHD-een-oh-gehn): Passage through the mountains leading to Miateshcha.
oblast (OH-blast): An Isavaltan word meaning ‘province.’
Palace of Autumn, The: The women’s palace in the Heart of the World.
Palace of the Pearl Throne, The: Imperial seat of Hastinapura.
Sand Island: One of the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior. Home to Ingrid Loftfield.
Shifting Lands, The: See Land of Death and Spirit.

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