The Vampire Dimitri (30 page)

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Authors: Colleen Gleason

BOOK: The Vampire Dimitri
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“I know better than that, Corvindale. I know you better than you realize,” she said, lowering her voice still further, watching him steadily. “And you've lost the power to hurt me like you might wish to, because I know why you do it.”

He'd become very still. “Is that so?” was all he trusted himself to say.

“You're just like the beast from that fairy tale, locked away, cold and angry and afraid to allow anyone close to you, or to divert you from your research. But you've missed everything that's important. And this,” she said, spreading her hand to encompass the events of the last night, “is…was…a bit too close for you. I'm sorry for that.”

“Miss Woodmore,” he said, barely holding on to the fury he managed to dredge up, just able to keep the truth of her
words from penetrating, “you have no idea of what you speak. The only thing I care about,” he said, his lips and jaw tight, “is freeing myself of this.”

He turned sharply so that she could see the back of his left shoulder.

Maia's sudden intake of breath was audible and he felt her body still next to him. “My God.”

Dimitri knew what she saw: the horrible Marking of the devil spreading down like black roots over his shoulder. When he'd first awakened to find himself signed thus, the lines had been narrow, like fine cracks in shattered glass. But over the years of his abstinence, his disregard for Lucifer's will, the lines had grown thicker and darker as they welled with pain. Now they rose from his skin like slender black-red veins, writhing and twisting with agony, pounding and pulsing with his every defiance of the devil.

“This is the Mark of my covenant with Lucifer,” he said, keeping his voice steely. “I'm damned, Maia, damned and tied to him, and because of that, I cannot—I don't
—anything or anyone in my life. I want to be left alone. I want to be

She hadn't taken her eyes from his shoulder, and when she reached to touch him, Dimitri moved away.

“Now,” he said, taking control of his voice, changing it from the desperate tones of a moment ago to one matter-of-fact and calm, “this is what will happen. You're going to leave here, Maia, you're going to go to your chamber and dress and pretend you were on a walk and forgot your appointment with Bradington. And you're going to marry him as planned. And you're going to forget about all of this.”

“I can't do that, my lord,” she said, surprising him with the formal use of address.

“You must. There is nothing I can do for you, nor that I
want to do. I've allowed you to invade my house, my den and now my bedchamber—” she tensed at that comment, and, gratified that it had hit the mark, he went on “—but I'm finished now. Lerina's visit last night has me concerned that she has some other plans. And I've done everything I can to ensure that you wed Bradington without a hint of scandal. That is all I can do for you.”

Her mouth had tightened. “I cannot do that, Corvindale. Did you not hear me?”

“Yes, you—”

“I cannot, Corvindale,” she interrupted in a stiff voice, “because, much as I desire to leave your vile presence, I cannot walk from one end of your house to my chamber in the other dressed like
.” She flung the bedcoverings away from her naked torso.

He caught his breath before he realized it, then looked away. But the image was burned into his brain, the delicate shape of her body, the shadow of her collarbones, the high handfuls of breasts tipped with tight pink nipples, the hollow of her waist and curve of hips, and the peek of a slender white thigh.
Remember it.

“Very well,” he said in a strangled voice. “I'll arrange it for you, Miss Woodmore.”

She was shaking her head, her full lips flat and mutinous. “I will return to my chamber, but I don't see how I can marry Alexander when I'm in love with you.”

He stilled as something sharp darted through his gut. “You're even more foolish than I thought if you believe that, Miss Woodmore.”

“That is one thing I believe we must agree on, my lord. I am foolish.”

“And regardless of what you might think you feel, Miss Woodmore,” he said, “love has nothing to do with whether
you wed Bradington or not. Is it not all about the match? The income, the family, the title? Whatever you might think you feel has no bearing on your reputation or your marriage.”

Something glinted in her eyes and he thought for a startled moment that his feisty Miss Woodmore might be tearing up. But she blinked and the shininess was gone.

“Nevertheless,” she said, “I will tell him the truth. And either he'll wish to go forward with the wedding, knowing that not only do I not love him, but I don't come to him untouched, or he'll drop me and our engagement will be broken.”

“There will be a scandal,” he said, despite the fact that he would
that Bradington didn't drop her. “Your reputation will be ruined.”

“Please refrain from stating the obvious, Lord Corvindale,” she said in a parody of an admonishment he'd once given her. “I'm willing to risk it. I will not live a lie with Alexander. He needs to know the truth. And that is why I felt compelled to tell you the truth of how I feel, even though I knew precisely how you would react.”

“You don't understand, Maia,” he said, keeping his voice cold so that it wouldn't break. “I'm immortal. I live forever. And when I die…I belong to the devil. I belong to him even now. I have nothing to give. That,” he added nastily, thinking of Wayren and her stories, “is what makes me different from the fairy-tale beast. I own nothing of myself. I have
nothing to give.”


fter his icy pronouncement, Corvindale swept out of the chamber into his adjoining dressing and bathing room, leaving Maia sitting alone on the bed. Numb.

Moments later, she heard the door open onto the hall from that room, and then shortly after that, he returned, stalking into the bedchamber, his hands filled with garments. He was dressed simply in an untucked shirt and trousers.

“I suppose you'll need assistance dressing,” he said, placing the clothing on the bed with surprising gentleness. She'd expected him to throw them.

“No,” she said, snatching up a chemise. She refused to ask how he'd obtained the garments. It was impossible to imagine that the earl would have gone into her chamber and dug through her wardrobe and drawers. “I don't need your assistance.”

The chemise floated down over her shoulders and hips.

Maia disdained the corset and drawers and pulled on the simple day dress he'd provided. Fortunately the empire-waist style allowed for her to go temporarily without the corset.
She would thus be able to return to her chamber and then get properly dressed with Betty's help, appearing as if she had just returned from a walk if anyone encountered her in the meanwhile.

Then she could go down and have a difficult conversation with Alexander.

After she found a way to cover her vampire bites.

Once his grudging assistance was refused, Corvindale turned away and stood in front of a curtained window, his back to her, while she finished dressing.

As she did so, Maia reflected on the amazing fact that she was in the earl's bedchamber, alone with him and dressing after spending several hours wrapped in his arms. Naked. And now he would hardly acknowledge her presence. They'd talked so coolly and calmly about everything that had happened, as if it were a story that had unfolded on the pages of a book instead of
them. In real life.

Looking at the bedraggled mattress, she gave a little shudder of remembered pleasure tinged with regret. She would never forget the feeling, tumbling onto his nude body, warm and hard, rough with wiry hair and firm with planes of muscle, his arms closing around her. His mouth taking from hers.

She belonged there.

“The only time I loved a woman,” he said suddenly, still turned away, “I gave everything for her. My heart. My life. And, quite literally, my soul.”

Maia's movements were arrested as she bent to pick up the unused bundle of clothing. Her heart thumped. She had so many questions. “Lerina?”

“God and the Fates, no. Do you think I'm completely mad? Her name was Meg. It was because of her that I…that I am what I am today.”

“You made a pact with the devil for her?”

He nodded, fingering the heavy drapes that still cloaked the window. “I thought I was saving her life. Our lives.”

“What happened?” Maia asked, imagining that she'd died of old age in his arms as he remained forever young.

“She left.”

“I'm sorry.”

“I was, too.”

Something soft swelled in her chest and it was all Maia could do not to reach for him. Even with his back to her, she could see the tension in his shoulders. She imagined she could make out the black lines of the horrible marking on his skin, the writhing black veins as thick as rose stems, through the cotton of his shirt.

“Did you love Lerina, too?”

“I've loved no one since.”

Maia swallowed.
Including me.
“I'm sorry for that, too, Corvindale.” She held the bundle of clothing to her chest and paused.

He shifted as if he meant to turn, then stopped suddenly and remained with his back to her, his fingers curling around the edge of the curtains. “You're aware that my given name is Dimitri.”

“Yes. I see no reason to use that appellation,” she said stiffly. Lerina had, calling him “darling Dimitri” with such a false, sugary tone that Maia had felt ill. Aside of that, they weren't intimates. Not any longer.

“I wasn't suggesting that you do, Miss Woodmore.” His voice softened a bit as he continued. “My mother was a Romanian princess who married my father the earl, and she named me Dimitri Gavril. She called me Gavril.”

Maia's lips twisted, for she understood why he'd told her.
“Gavril, or the Greek, Gabriel. I believe it translates as ‘man of God.'”

As she looked at his dark head, held high, his shoulders broad and straight, and the hint of the black markings of the devil beneath his white shirt, she knew the irony must be that much more bitter to him.


“If you please, advise Mr. Bradington that Miss Woodmore is here to speak with him,” Maia said to Alexander's butler, Driggs, as he took her umbrella.

“The master has been indisposed since last evening, miss,” Driggs told her gravely. “I shall attempt to rouse him.”

She swallowed her nervousness as Driggs gestured for her to wait in the small, private parlor. Alexander had left Blackmont Hall the morning after the “mix-up” with their appointment to go for a walk. And he hadn't returned that afternoon, nor the day after.

The fact that he hadn't done so left an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of Maia's being, and now today, when she finished dressing, eating as much dinner as she could stomach—which was to say, not very much at all—she decided to take matters into her own hands and call on him directly.

Calling on a gentleman wasn't done, unless one were chaperoned, but in the case of one's fiancé, it was much more permissible. Still, Maia didn't particularly want to be noticed and so she was grateful for the heavy rain and dark clouds that gave her an excuse to hide under an obstructing umbrella as she hurried up the short walk to his front door. For that same reason, she'd ordered a hackney instead of taking one of Corvindale's carriages. And, conscious of the warnings of both Dewhurst and Corvindale, she'd left Blackmont Hall through the back, servants' entrance, well-cloaked and
hidden under a hood. Anyone waiting for an opportunity to abduct her not only wouldn't see her leave, but if they did, she would be assumed to be a maid or other servant.

Now inside, listening to the pouring rain, she adjusted her skirts neatly across her knees. They were weighted by their damp hem, which just skimmed the tops of her water-speckled slippers. They'd be ruined, but the state of her shoes was the least of her worries.

How was she going to tell Alexander?
was she going to tell him?

Did he suspect something, and that was why he was indisposed? No, certainly not. How could he suspect anything?

He must simply be unwell, which explained why he wouldn't have come to call. Poor Alexander, always the gentleman. Likely attempting to keep her from getting his sickness. Perhaps…she hoped he wasn't ill over worry for her. That would be simply too much for her to bear.

The parlor door opened suddenly, and Maia jumped at the unexpected noise.

“Alexander,” she said, calming her nervous heart and rising promptly to her feet. She scanned him closely, looking for signs that he had been ill or sleepless.

“Maia,” he replied, smiling at her. He didn't appear to be unwell, his Scottish heritage showing in a handsome face shaven and faintly ruddy as it always was. His gray-blue eyes scanned her with appreciation and his chestnut-colored hair and sideburns were combed and pomaded as if he'd dressed for her. “I am so delighted to see you. I meant to call on you today, but I'm afraid I must keep an appointment this afternoon. Perhaps you would join me, and we could talk in the carriage? I believe we have much to catch up on.”

“Yes,” she replied, feeling a bit off center, as if nothing had happened. Perhaps, in his mind, nothing had.

In his mind.
A very cold feeling settled over her.
Had he come and persuaded Alexander that nothing was amiss? Had he enthralled her fiancé to force him into marrying her, regardless of what she told him?

Could he even do that?

Maia firmed her lips. She would have to have a word with the earl. Again.

“Very well, then, my dear,” he said, offering her his arm as he opened a large umbrella. “I promise our appointment won't take long at all.”

He held the covering up and over as they fairly ran through the downpour to his waiting carriage. The rain came down so hard that it splashed up and under the umbrella, soaking the bottom third of her frock.

“There's something I must tell you,” Maia said, gathering up her bravery as well as her heavy skirts as she settled into the carriage across from him. She was breathing heavily from the short dash. “There's something we must talk about.”

Even if Corvindale had been here, or somehow talked to Alexander, she would still tell him what she needed to tell him, and deal with the earl later.

“I have things to talk with you about, too,” Alexander said as he latched the door and knocked on the roof of the vehicle. “Things have changed.”

That was when she realized something was wrong. It was the way he said it, the way he was looking at her. There was an odd note in his voice, a strange inflection that sent a prickling along the backs of her arms.

“What do you mean?” she managed to say as the carriage lurched off speedily.

He smiled at her, displaying a gleaming white set of fangs.

Maia barely stifled a shriek. “Are those real?” she asked,
trying to keep her voice—and her mind—steady. Impossible. Her mind tried to scatter, but she forced herself to focus. This was not the time to panic.

In response, he settled eyes on her that glowed red. “Why do you not come here and find out?” He leered, patting the seat next to him.

“Alexander! How did this occur? What happened?” Her heart was a runaway in her chest, her palms damp beneath her gloves, but she remembered to keep her gaze averted.

“I had a visitor on the day you forgot about our engagement to take a morning walk. It was all very odd, for she asked me to come for a drive in her carriage, that you wanted to meet clandestinely.”

“Mrs. Throckmullins. Lerina,” Maia said, her heart sinking.

Alexander nodded, a funny smile twitching the corners of his mouth. “Yes, indeed. It didn't take me long to realize that she wasn't taking me to meet you, but that she had another plan in mind. She's quite annoyed with Corvindale, and as it turned out, I wasn't at all adverse to her suggestion that I join her race. It was either that, or she was to kill me. When confronted with immortality or death, I didn't find it a difficult choice.”

“But you…you've given your soul to the devil,” she said. “You chose the certainty of being damned for eternity.”

“But I shall live forever,” he said. “And in the care of Lucifer. Thus that event will never come.”

Maia shook her head. “Alexander, no, you—”

“Enough of that.” He moved, suddenly shifting to the other side of the carriage next to her. “I see that you've already been introduced to the particular pleasures of my new race,” he said, grasping her arm with one hand to keep her next to him. With the other, he lifted the thick choker
she wore to hide the nearly healed scars from Corvindale's bites.

“Release me,” she said, trying to keep her head. The carriage door was on the other side of Alexander, and it was latched. She'd have to get past him, and get it unhooked in order to jump out—and the carriage was going at a very rapid pace. Her insides heaved unpleasantly as a chill blanketed her. “My brother will have your heart on a stake if you harm me. If Corvindale doesn't get to you first, which I assure you, he—”

“Ah, yes. I've heard about your attachment to Corvindale.” His smile had been relatively benign, but now it hardened. “I presume that is how you obtained these marks.”

Before she could react, he turned, his weight shoving her into the corner of the seat as he lunged onto her. Maia drew in a breath to scream, but he clapped a hand over her mouth and plunged his fangs into her shoulder.

She jerked at the pain, arching up, clawing with gloved fingers and fighting at him, trying to twist away from his smothering hand. She felt the release of blood from her veins, the feel of his lips over her skin, the heavy, hard weight of his body pressing her down, down into the dark corner of the carriage as the wheels rumbled beneath them.

He groaned, his chest heaving against her as he gulped the blood from her flesh, his hand tight, pressed roughly into her mouth and cheeks. One of her arms was trapped between them and the back of the seat, but the other one she whipped free, flailing desperately at him, pulling at his hair, scratching ineffectively at his arm.

Alexander pulled away after she managed a particularly loud cuff against the side of his head, over his ear. Eyes blazing red, blood gathering at the corners of his mouth and staining his teeth, he shifted, releasing her mouth and
grabbing both of her arms. He captured her wrists with one strong hand, forcing them down between them, where his weight held her arms captive between their torsos.

“Alexander,” she gasped, trying, hoping that she might somehow penetrate whatever frenzy had seized his mind, “Corvindale and Chas will kill you. Let me go.”

“I can't do that, my dear Maia,” he said, his tongue swiping around the corners of his mouth to get the last bit of blood. “I have my orders. But there isn't any reason why I cannot sample you. I never expected it to be this pleasurable.” He bent again, and she tensed, expecting him to shove his fangs into her once more, but this time, he covered her mouth roughly with his.

Tainted with blood, he tasted like copper, and something dark and ugly. He was hard and brutal, his fangs scraping against her mouth and cutting her lips as his tongue thrust and stroked. She twisted and fought more, tears of frustration and fear leaking from the corners of her eyes.

Corvindale. Chas. Hurry.

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