Read The Viking Wants Forever Online

Authors: Koko Brown

Tags: #Black woman white man romance, #vikings norse mythology, #thor, #Time Travel Paranormal, #comic book superhero romance

The Viking Wants Forever (16 page)

BOOK: The Viking Wants Forever
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“Nay,” grasping her chin, he nipped at her bottom lip, “your shutting me out was torture.”

“Same here, Viking.”

His balls were tight, but now the greater pain lay somewhere in the vicinity of his heart. Mouth hard on hers, Eirik maneuvered her beneath him.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he said against her lips, and entering her as soon as her back hit the furs. Without brooking an argument, she clung to him and he sank so deep he was unable to hold back.

Half lifting, half driving her, he moved her across the furs with the sheer force of his penetration. There was no description fit for the ravenous lust he had for this woman. No rules, no instructions to measure this overwhelming desire. One thing was for certain–she was perilous to his peace of mind.

As if a fever possessed him, Eirik indulged his turbulent lust. He was drawn almost against his will into taking her as hard as he possibly could. His hands hard on her hips so she couldn’t move or get away, so he could invade her and subdue her, make her his. Own her, his mind commanded—possess her. The rhythm of his lower body echoed the wild litany as he withdrew then submerged again and again with a hot-blooded urgency, an unrestrained desperation.

Breathing like an animal, he functioned at the most primitive level. Bent on total conquest, total domination he drove into her, harder and faster. Beyond impatience, frenzied, he battered her into the furs, intent on putting his mark on her.

And she met him eagerly, arching up to meet him, moving her hips in an enticing rhythm. Slippery and wet, she clenched him, pulled him deeper. She was a sensual siren to his carnal hunger.  

“Don’t stop...,” she pleaded, her fingernails digging into him, breaking skin. Legs gripping him tighter.

“Never,” he said on a suffocated breath. But Eirik wasn’t completely sure if his answer meant only in the moment or referred to endeavoring to stay in her good graces. Erik grunted. She was a slave. She should be doing everything to please him. Not the other way around. Blessed Odin, if she didn’t have the upper hand! With each stroke, her sleek sheath was strewing a spell over him. His common sense diverted by a wily female milking his cock to madness.

“You have me in a bad way” —In more ways than one—“I am going to come a river.”

“Me too,” She whimpered, breathless, clinging to him. Dark skin misted with sweat, she was breathtakingly beautiful. The woman he’d been dreaming of for weeks. Her body so near release she was shaking, and her honey dripping down his cock.

Driven by his ego, Eirik was determined to see her reach her peak.  He tilted her hips, positioning her best to receive him. With each stroke, his hips brushed her thighs. His ass flexing as he bucked into her over and over, riding her hard. More thrusts, more grinding and then her explosive scream echoed around them. In a wet rush, her sheath squeezed him as if coaxing his heat to flood her.

She held him so tightly, in her woman’s vise, he stopped moving. Erring on the side of caution, Eirik braced himself to withdraw. Childless, he’d always been careful to not spill his seed inside a woman.

“No, no,” she breathed, raising her hips and wrapping her arms around him, drawing him back.

Like lightning, a brutal animal instinct responded to her plea. And his world narrowed to a finite focus—to soak her womb with his seed.

“Witch,” he growled, beginning to ejaculate. “

Chapter Thirteen

orcing one eye open, Reese noted the passing of time. She knew they’d been at it for hours, she had more sore spots than she could count, but the pile of ash and smoldering embers in the fireplace, and sunlight filtering through the gunny sack covering the window confirmed it.

The past few hours had been amazing, but she couldn’t let him think he had her wrapped around his brawny finger. If anyone was going to get whipped, it was going to be him. Resolved, Reese sat up and threw back the covers. When she moved to swing her legs over the bed, a band of steel wrapped around her middle. Shifting closer, Eirik boxed her in.

“Where are you going?” he growled. His breath fanned across her cheek, instantly inflaming her libido, clouding her judgment. Still, her common sense and the threat of cleaning the stables barely trumped temporary gratification. Eirik’s thick cock pulsing inside her was almost worth being elbow deep in manure.

With a regretful sigh, Reese pulled away. Well...she tried to pull away. The hand sneaking between her legs, doing a perfect job of stealing her resolve.

“I have an arm list of chores,” she panted as two fingers slid inside her. “You have no idea what’s done around here before you roll out of bed.”

“There are plenty of things we Vikings do before rolling out of bed.” He dipped his head and latched onto a nipple. He pulled and sucked while his fingers moved in and out of her with an enthusiasm she’d come to expect from him.  They’d made love a half a dozen times before he finally gave her some respite and allowed her to catch a few winks.  

Obviously, his charity toward her had ended as he kissed a path down her belly.

“I’m not leaving.”

Pausing, he glanced up. His ice-blue eyes glittered with a wicked gleam and a wolfish grin curled his lips. “Not for a very, very long time.”

He buried his head between her thighs, and Reese whimpered. He licked and sucked, giving her the most intimate of kisses. “Oh...Viking. You. Are. Dangerous.”

Reese wasn’t quite sure what had awakened her. It could’ve been the shouts of children playing outside or the large Viking softly snoring beside her. Whatever the provocation, she was up. Moving slowly, so as not to arouse him, she edged off the mattress. With little effort, she found her gown and chemise on the floor.

Although she was tempted to get back into bed, Reese lifted the linen chemise over her head.

“,” she whispered. After a twenty-four hour sex marathon, she was rather ripe.

Going off only her memory, Reese walked over to a wooden table in the corner. She poured water in a carved wooden bowl, and then dropped in a clean strip of linen. She picked up a grayish bar of soapstone, and was immediately reminded of the day Eirik and Bjarni found them at the hot springs. When that cock-blocker Leika had her tentacles all over Eirik, and she’d been so choked up with jealousy she wanted to snatch the other woman bald. Even now, the memory of that day threatened her good mood. That’s why getting out of this room, and putting some distance between them was imperative. Stat!

In quick order, Reese soaped the rag and proceeded to give herself a bird bath. Of course, it couldn’t compare to the hot springs, but at least by the time she set the soap and rag aside, she felt refreshed. Whistling softly and thinking herself home free, Reese tossed her chemise over her head, followed by her gown.  She turned toward the door and froze.

“I would pay anything to see you do that again.” Eirik, in all his naked glory and the sexiest head of bed hair she’d ever seen, straightened from the wall. He stood between her and the exit. “Going somewhere?”

“’s almost dinner time...aren’t you hungry?”

“Not for food.” He caught her around the waist and hauled her back to bed.

“Aren’t you exhausted?” she threw out the lame excuse, which didn’t prevent him from throwing her onto the bed.

“Nay.” Chuckling, he straddled her. “I am a Norseman.” He reached out, gripped the collar of her gown. “We are not like the men where you come from. We have a fortitude, an inner will that exhausts others.” With a slight tug, he ripped her garment from top to bottom.

Mouth agape, Reese stared down at the frayed edges of her ruined gown. “Y-y-you just ruined the only garment I own,” she sputtered.

“No clothes, you will be less likely to leave.”

Seeing red, and not considering the consequences, Reese’s fist connected with his jaw.

‘Ow’, she mouthed, recoiling in pain. His jaw had to be made of steel! While she cradled her hand, he stared down at her with a quizzical arch of his pale eyebrows.

“If you wanted me to stay, all you had to do was ask.”

“Norsemen do not ask, we take.” He slid a hand behind each knee, hauled her legs into the air and then pressed forward, sinking balls deep.

Reese groaned as he took her, his weight pinning her to the bed, his cock hammering away inside her.


Out of Control?

And yet, her world was spinning out of control.


Eirik was going to give Reese some respite. He’d even sworn to lay off after the last time. But when she rolled over, a sigh on her luscious lips, and snuggled her pert little backside against him, he couldn’t control the raging heat shooting to his cock.

Unbelievably rock hard and aching for her, Eirik pushed her onto her back and settled between her legs.

“Nooo,” she moaned. Her voice sounded raw and husky from sleep and sex. “I want to sleep.”

Not the least bit deterred by her rejection, he anchored himself inside her. “And I want you,” he rasped, and not quite understanding this insatiable lust gripping his soul. Little else other than an all-out invasion could pull him from this room, from her.

Her lashes lifted and her eyes met his. The same driving need was reflected in their brown depths. Or was he simply wishing?

Feeling like the wind had been knocked out of him, Eirik struggled for breath, desperate for a conclusion. And yet, he did not stop. Bucking his hips, his head dropped to her breast, and he licked a brown nipple. Hard strokes. A suckle that had her arching into him and whimpering his name.

By Odin, she was beautiful with her thick hair wild and untamed. Lips swollen from his kisses. Her dark skinned sporting bruises from his love bites. If he had his way, she would always look this way.

The woman had him by the ballsac and didn’t even know it. Or probably didn’t even care since he’d caught her trying to get away from him not once but twice. Eirik gritted his teeth. Damn woman! He wanted her wild and desperate for him—the way he was for her. And if he had to keep her in this room and in his bed until spring then he’d do it.

Determined to have his way, his thrusts became more dogged, relentless. There were no soft caresses, no gentle kisses. Only lust, all-encompassing and out of control. His cock was so swollen it hurt. And the only thing that seemed to assuage the pain was burying inside her sweet quim.

“Fuck me, Viking...” she panted in his ear. Her nails digging into his shoulders, scoring the flesh, adding fuel to the fire raging through his blood. Fisting his hand in her hair, Eirik lifted her up against him. The bed shifted as he dug in his feet, his hips powering into her. He tunneled into her so fast and deep, she unraveled after only a few strokes—her body shaking beneath him, trembling lips crying out his name.

Eirik fought through the clasp of her quim, desperate contractions that sought to hold him in place. Her tight channel gripping him as he thrust deeper. 

The tingling came first. Deep in his balls, then ripped up his spine, exploding through him like a wave. His body trembling, face buried in the side of her neck and holding her so tightly one would be hard pressed to tell where one began and the other ended, he found Valhalla.

Breathing heavily, body slick with sweat, Eirik lifted himself away and sprawled face down next to her.  

“That was...epic,” Reese panted, still somewhat breathless.

He turned his head the minimum distance and then smoothed his pale blond hair away from his sweaty brow. Reese sighed. He was masculine sensuality personified.

“Does epic mean good?”

“Epic is beyond good. More like awesome.”

“And this ah-some...,” smiling, he reached out and knuckled a nipple, “ that good?”

Reese’s eyelids fluttered. His hand triggered susceptible emotions. Flesh still raw, and the muscles between her legs screaming
Out of Commission
, she wanted him again. Feeling bold, she tiptoed her fingers up his forearm.

“Awesome means magnificent”— she reached his elbow—“borders on extraordinary” — her fingertips scaled a hard bicep — “and stops shy of being miraculous.”

In a flashing movement, he rolled onto his back, taking her with him. He wrapped a thigh around hers. The warm brush of his skin, the rub of the hairs on his legs struck a match against her already rising libido. “So have I crawled under your skin? Stolen your heart?”

“What makes you think I’ve gone soft for you?”

His palm slid downward over the curve of her ass and cupped her sperm-wet backside. “You took my seed. Begged for it.” He rolled with her again, and landed on top. Entwining their fingers, he positioned himself between her legs and pushed upward, wedging the head of his cock between her pussy lips. Reese gasped.

“Are you trying to trap me?” his voice dipped to a rasp. “Bind me to you?”

trying to trap himjust not for the reason he was suggesting. If circumstances were different, and this thing between them not a complete dead end, Reese would’ve entertained the idea. Held her breath and dived in headfirst.

Despite being more than a thousand years old and slightly chauvinistic, Eirik was a great catch. Well off, he owned a large keep, several hundred acres and a small fleet of long ships. He managed to keep a couple hundred villagers safe in a lawless land. And he had a good head on his shoulders. On more than one occasion, she’d witnessed him settling petty disputes, and he was always fair. He might own slaves, but deep down Reese knew with a little prodding his mind could be changed on that front as well.

Lump all of that with being back-breaking brilliant in bed, and she had a keeper on her hands. A complete three hundred and sixty degree turn from the other clowns she’d dated. Like Clyde T. and his bright idea to invent chewless gum. Or, Thomas C.’s rabid devotion to conspiracy theories and his plan to prove aliens had a hand in assassinating John F. Kennedy. Irate over the president’s launching of the space program, and discovering their mine on the moon, they’d framed Lee Harvey Oswald.

BOOK: The Viking Wants Forever
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