The Virgin Master (41 page)

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Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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smirked. “Something Mr. James could not have
known on the evening he bought Jeremy. Now, Ms. Paxton, do you see Jeremy regularly?”




Mr. James gives you access?”
asked in such an incredulous tone as if to imply that this kind of behavior was not only unheard of, but highly suspicious.




“How much access?”


Terri hesitated, thinking. “Jeremy calls once or twice a week and I take lunch up to him in the office once or twice a month as his calendar permits. I make an appointment with Evan’s, uh, Mr. James’ secretary, Sandy.”


“You have lunch with him once or twice a month? Does Mr. James join you for these lunches?”


“No. I always bring him lunch, too, but Jeremy and I eat in his office and Mr. James allows us some privacy.”


, once again stopped as if stymied, shuffling through his notes.


“Ms. Paxton, how does Jeremy feel about Evan? Without repeating what he may have said, what impression have you formed about their relationship?”


Terri took a deep breath and shot Evan another look. Evan groaned internally. This was it. This is where she killed them. They had never bothered to even try to hide their feelings from her. If Gerald hadn’t made her understand.…


“Jeremy is as content as a person could be under the circumstances. I think he likes Evan, but Evan demands an awful lot from him, too. Not that we’re not all grateful
the alternatives were all so much worse, but still….”


“Ms. Paxton, do you not recall telling Frank Owens that Evan and Jeremy were in love?”




“Frank Owens. Chairman of the Board of James Enterprises. He has sworn in an affidavit that you told him that Evan and Jeremy were truly in love.”


Evan’s heart stopped. She probably had said that very
thing to several people. Evan had told her he loved Jeremy when Terri had a melt-down in Jeremy’s office upon discovering that
they were in a sexual relationship, after Evan had initially assured her that he wouldn’t use Jeremy in that way.


“Hmmm. I don’t think I know anybody by that name.
Anyway, I never would have said that. It’s not really possible.”


appeared flummoxed. He made the mistake many attorneys make when they just become curious and asked a question he did not already know the answer to.


“Why would it not be possible?”


“Jeremy’s straight.  It’s a great trial to him to have
to, uh, service his m
aster sexually. Don’t get me wrong, Evan hasn’t
hurt him, but…it’s repugnant to Jeremy. And when I think he’ll never be with a woman again for the rest of his life; well, it’s hard. It’s something a mother shouldn’t have to think about, but he’s so young. I get the impression that Mr. James has been patient, but firm and insistent on taking what he’s entitled to. None of us contest that he has that right; it’s just unsettling to have to think about it. I’m also certain that Mr. James could not fall in love with a piece of property.”


Evan relaxed. Terri got it. Not only did she have it, but she had contrived a way to make it believable and touching. He loved her
just that much more then he already did. He had missed his mother more than he knew
Terri had filled some of that emptiness in him and during their lunches together, which he looked forward to almost as much as Jeremy, they had become quite close. He had no idea how he would ever make her understand how much her testimony meant to him. And to Jeremy.


cleared his throat. “Jeremy’s straight?”


“Sure. He was engaged to a beautiful woman shortly before our company got in trouble.


I’ve never known him to even think about another man sexually. But slaves don’t get to have gender identities other than what their
aster’s prescribe for them.”


She managed to sound just a little bit bitter and sorrowful, without any hate creeping in.


floundered now. Apparently his briefing on this witness had not matched the actual experience.  Judge Moore interrupted his nervous note searching.


? This witness does not appear to be doing you any good whatsoever on rebuttal. Make a point with her or excuse her.”


“Yes, your honor. I, uh, don’t have any further questions, but I do need to call Frank Owens for


“You want to call a witness to rebut your own rebuttal witness?”


“I know how that sounds your honor, but….”


Sean stood. “Mr.
….you might want to rethink this. I contend that if you call Frank Owens you’re going to be opening the door for a world of hurt.”


and Murrow stared at each other.
cleared his throat.


“Could I have maybe a ten minute recess to confer with my client?”


Judge Moore laughed. “You mean to confer with your witness? Sure.”


After the recess the Hearing Officer surprised everyone by expressing a desire to speak with Jeremy. Due to his injuries, a video link was established between the Hearing Room and Jeremy’s cage. Evan lowered his eyes, afraid the Hearing Officer would see too much in them. He did however get a glimpse of Jeremy’s weary, hopeless eyes.


“Jeremy James. How do you feel about your Master, Evan James


“It should matter to no one how I feel, but since you asked, I feel gratitude.”


“Are you in love with your




Evan believed he covered his wince at Jeremy’s apparent sincerity in disavowing his love.


“Does he treat you well?”


“Very well. I have no complaints.”


“Does he use you sexually?”


“Yes, ma’am.”


“Do you derive pleasure from this as well?”


“No, but he’s easy to please.”


“So, no complaints there either?”




“Do you want to go back to him?”


“Yes ma’am.”


Evan was gratified to note that Jeremy had not hesitated at all before he spoke.


“Mr. James?”


Evan jerked his head up and faced the judge.




“How do you feel about Jeremy?”


“He’s precious to me. I have never
owned anything so
valuable or so satisfying.”


“Are you in love with him?”


“No, ma’am.”


Evan could tell that she knew he lied. He could feel the lie on his face and hear it dripping from his words. She smiled at him.


“Well the record of the evidence shows that these citizen complaints were filed out of malice and in an attempt to accomplish a business agenda having no bearing on any matters that Slave Regulation would have jurisdiction over. I declare the complaints to be null and void and set aside. Mr. James, I hereby remand Jeremy back into your custody and care. You can pick him up any time you’re ready.”


Evan struggled to hide the nearly bone-crushing relief surging through him. He couldn’t suppress a wide grin at the Hearing Officer. Steve shook his hand and told him he was sorry about the whole mess and then Evan and Sean were alone for a minute with the judge. She took Evan’s hand and looked into his eyes deeply.


“I know you lied. I know you love that man and he loves you. But I hate this whole system and I don’t know why in the world we would discourage
asters from loving those who depend on them for their entire existence. And it seems
unrealistic to expect any individual to keep from developing strong feelings for those who share their home and bed. Go get him. Be careful. From
what I can tell, you both have the act down pretty good. I wish you better luck in the future.”


Evan couldn’t restrain himself. He hugged her. Sean clapped him on the back and suggested dinner since it was nearly six. Evan just looked at him and Sean grinned.


“Kidding. Just kidding. I know all you want to do right now is take Jeremy home. Let’s go get him.”




Evan found that they wouldn’t let him go down to detention to get
they had to bring him up to the waiting area. Sean left him there and Evan paced restlessly, nearly
esperate just to make eye contact with his lover. After what seemed hours, but was really more nearly like thirty minutes, Jeremy came limping across the floor on crutches, a guard carrying his laptop and files behind him. Jeremy wouldn’t look at him and followed Evan passively once his
aster took possession of the items carried by the guard.


Evan didn’t want to push Jeremy or start something he couldn’t get into as deeply as he needed to until they were assured of privacy. The short ride home seemed to take forever and Jeremy’s mood cast a pall over the entire vehicle. Evan
frantic by the time he got to the parking garage. He parked close to a door nearest the elevators since Jeremy had to use crutches.


The two men rode up twenty-two floors and then walked down the hall to their apartment. Once inside, Evan heaved a sigh of relief, stacked Jeremy’s personal items from the detention center on the floor and turned to face Jeremy. Jeremy brushed on by him and went to his room, shutting and locking the door behind him.


Evan stood, shocked for a long moment.
This is not happening this way.


Evan dithered for several minutes. Would it be better to let Jeremy get some rest? Wouldn’t he just brood? He had to be in pain. Should he just go in after him? Evan had a key to the door, Jeremy knew that. But it had been kind of a sign of trust to lock the door
. Evidently
he trusted Evan to respect his privacy. But was that
Jeremy wanted? Evan groaned. He needed
to make things right. Jeremy had to know
express publically what he felt.


Not knowing if he was making a decision or just giving
in to his own selfish needs, Evan got the apartment keys from the kitchen and let himself into Jeremy’s room. Jeremy lay on his side facing the wall and gave no indication that he heard Evan enter the room.


Evan turned on the light and walked around the bed so that he could see Jeremy’s face. Jeremy rolled away from him, the best he could, moving stiffly and slowly.


“Jeremy, this is ridiculous. I need you to look at me.”


Jeremy rolled back over and met E
van’s eye dully. “Yes, Master.”


“Shit! Jeremy! What the fuck are you doing?”


Evan sat on the bed, unsure where or how to touch Jeremy.  He lay down facing Jeremy and pressed his forehead into Jeremy’s messy bangs.


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