The Virgin's Secret (7 page)

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Authors: Abby Green

BOOK: The Virgin's Secret
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Angel just looked at him, barely believing the direction their conversation had taken. She didn't see the point in revealing the reality of her dismal relationship with her father. He'd believe that as quickly as he'd believe her intentions had been honourable this evening.

So many things were impacting upon Angel at once, not least Leonidas Parnassus' cold and calculating words. She wanted to shout out that she didn't want him, that she didn't desire him, but her mouth wouldn't formulate the words. And in all honesty she was afraid of his reaction if she did say that. She was still smarting from what had happened in the study. She was far too vulnerable to him.

Feeling so cornered and impotent finally woke her from the stasis that had gripped her. He couldn't force her to do this.
‘I'll gain nothing from this liaison because I won't do it. You couldn't
me to be your mistress.'

Feeling panic escalate, right then Angel thought that even if he called the police and they charged her with trespass it had to be a better option than facing what he spoke of.

He looked at her steadily from under hooded lids. A flash of cynicism twisted his features for a moment. ‘You're absolutely right. I wouldn't pay you. But you'll do it because you can't
The desire between us is unfortunate, but tangible. You went up in flames in my arms just now, and you owe me after this stunt tonight.'

Derision laced his voice. ‘Despite your words, as soon as you're in my bed you'll try and seduce as much out of me as you can. Playing hard to get might be a part of your repertoire, but I don't do games, Angel, so you're wasting your time.'

All Angel could feel was mortified heat enveloping her at remembering how she had come apart in his arms, literally. She made a jerky move towards the door, praying that he wouldn't touch her. She stopped when she felt safer. Leo hadn't made a move to stop her, but it didn't make her feel reassured. She turned back to face him and tipped up her chin.

‘I won't be doing it because you're the last man on earth I'd willingly sleep with.'

She turned around, but just when she was about to put her hand on the doorknob she heard him drawl from behind her, ‘Do you really think I'm about to let you walk out of here?'

Angel hated herself for not just turning the knob and walking out. She turned around again and tried to inject confidence into her voice. ‘You can't stop me.'

Leo stood tall, legs spread, hands in pockets. He smiled, but it was feral.

‘Yes, I can.'

Angel felt hysteria rising. She backed up to the door and felt for the knob in her hands behind her back, ready to run.

‘What are you going to do? Kidnap me? Lock me away?'

Leo made a disparaging face. ‘You've been watching too many Greek soap operas.'

He walked towards her then, and Angel gripped the doorknob even tighter, her whole body tense. He stopped a few feet away.

‘Quite apart from the fact that I caught you in the act of stealing, and could call the police in for that alone, I will let it go—because I don't want our relationship to be mired in any more controversy than it's already likely to be when the press finds out.'

Angel blurted out, ‘But we won't
a relationship, and I wasn't—' She stopped abruptly. Obviously Leo hadn't watched long enough to see her take the will
of her pocket. Which would mean that she'd have to explain how she'd got it. So either way it was still theft, albeit not by her. She was back to square one: damned by the actions of her father and her own impetuous desire to rectify matters.

Angel longed to toss her head and tell Leo she'd prefer to see the police, but she realised that she couldn't do that. It would cause the whole thing to explode in the press and she couldn't do that to Delphi. The noose was tightening.

Leo merely stood there and rocked back on his heels for a moment before saying, ‘We do have a relationship, Angel, it started the evening of the party. And since then I've found out quite a wealth of information about you.'

Angel's hands were gripping the doorknob, shock still reverberating through her. ‘What kind of information?'

‘Well,' Leo started almost conversationally, ‘I found out
that you went to art college and studied jewellery design. And yet at no point since leaving college have you made any attempt to leave home, which can only point to a close relationship with your father.'

Angel bit back the explanation. It was her sister she was close to, her sister she cared for, and her sister she had tried to create a stable environment for, because they'd never got it from their parents. After Damia's death, when Angel had come home from school in Ireland, she and Delphi had turned to each other for support.

A look of mock sympathy came over his harsh features. ‘But since the collapse of Tito's business you've had to make ends meet by working for that catering company, and now working as a chamber maid for the Grand Bretagne. Tell me,' he said musingly, ‘it must be hard, changing the sheets for people who were once your peers… I did wonder why someone as educated as you had resorted to menial work, but then I realised that you obviously want to avoid any unnecessary investigation into your disgraced name. No doubt you figured that you'd re-emerge on the social scene and find yourself a rich husband once the Kassianides name had lost some of its notoriety.'

Angel could feel the colour draining from her face at having it confirmed that he knew where she worked, and why she'd taken those jobs, albeit not quite for all the reasons he'd so cynically outlined. She thought of her dreams to set up a jewellery-making studio as soon as she had enough money. She thought of the aching disappointment she'd had to keep to herself every day that she hadn't yet been able to realise that dream.

‘You have it all wrong. So wrong.'

He ignored her, and she could have had no warning for what he was to say next.

‘Most interesting of all, perhaps, is that I also know that Stavros Eugenides and your sister are so-called sweethearts and want to marry, but his father won't let them.'

Angel's legs nearly gave way. ‘How do you know that?'

He ignored her question. ‘I will ask you this—is it important to you that your sister marries Stavros Eugenides?'

Angel felt sick inside. Her brain clicked into high gear and she shrugged minutely, trying not to let it show how hard her heart was thumping. She knew instinctively that if Leo guessed for a second just how important it was he'd go out of his way to not let it happen.

She tried to smile cynically, but it felt all wrong. ‘They're young and in love. Personally I think it's too soon. But, yes, they want to marry.'

‘I think you're lying, Angel. I think it's of the utmost importance to you and her that they get married. After all, why would you have gone to speak on their behalf with Dimitri Eugenides otherwise?'

Angel found herself starting to tremble violently. How on earth did he know this? Was he a magician?

‘I—' But she got no further.

‘I think that your sister is looking to get herself a rich husband just before you lose everything. If she can get engaged before the truly pathetic state of your father's affairs becomes public then she'll be safe. And you, by proxy, will be taken care of too.'

Angel shook her head, as much in negation of what he said than anything else.

Leo grimaced. ‘In some ways I can't blame you. You're two poor little rich girls, just trying to survive. Unfortunately you don't seem to be aware that most of the world has to work to make a living to get through life.'

Angel shot into action and launched herself at Leo, her two hands aiming for his chest, but before she could hit him he'd caught them in the tight grip of his own hands.

Angel glared up, incensed to be feeling so weak and ineffectual. ‘You have no right to say those things. You know nothing about us.
—do you hear me?'

Leo looked down at Angel for a long moment, slightly stunned by the passion throbbing in her voice. He could see the twin thrusts of her high breasts against the thin material of her top. Immediately his body responded. Who was he kidding? His body hadn't cooled down one bit since the study. And yet how dared she stand there and speak to him as if he'd just insulted her grievously?

With ruthless intent, he drew her in closer to his body. There were two twin flags of colour high in Angel's cheeks. Leo caught both her hands in one of his and caught her neck with his other hand, drawing her close. The tension spiked between them. He lowered his head, his mouth close to hers, and had to bite back a groan. She smelt so…so clean, and pure. With a hint of enticing musk. Just enough to make his body throb with need. This woman, she knew exactly what she was doing.

‘I haven't finished with you, Angel.'

‘Yes, we have finished. I'd like to go now.'

Leo could hear the tremor in her voice. Her breath tantalised him. He longed to crush her sweet, soft mouth under his again, but something made him hold back.

‘We haven't finished because I'm not done telling you what I know. I can offer you something that despite your lofty protestations I don't think you'll be able to refuse.'

Angel finally jerked away from Leo's hands and stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest. The fact that he knew
so much and could turn her upside down with just a touch was devastating. ‘There's nothing you could say that I want to hear—'

‘I can persuade Dimitri Eugenides to give his blessing to a wedding between his son and your sister.'

Angel's mouth was still open. She shut it again abruptly. She hated what she was giving away, but she had to ask, ‘What…what do you mean?'

‘Ah,' Leo mocked. ‘Not so sure now that they're too young to marry?' A look of unmistakable triumph came into his eyes.

He was right, damn him, but for all the wrong reasons.

‘Just tell me what you mean,' Angel bit out, vulnerability clawing through her.

‘It's very simple. Dimitri wants to do business with me. The last time I was here he told me about the romance between his son and your sister, and thought he'd please me by telling me how much he disapproved, knowing of the history between the families. It had little significance for me at the time. Now, though, it has become…more significant. I can guarantee that as soon as it becomes apparent you're my mistress he'll be tripping over himself to make amends, terrified that I'll remember his less than favourable remarks. I can make it a condition of that business that he allows Stavros to marry your sister.'

Angel shook her head even as her heart fluttered with hope. ‘He won't allow it, he hates our family.'

Leo waved aside her concern and said arrogantly, ‘He'll do whatever I ask, believe me. The man is desperate to enlist my favour.'

Without really thinking, Angel found a chair nearby and sank into it. Her brain was buzzing. With a click of his fingers
Leo had honed in on the one thing that Angel wanted most in the world—to be able to make things right for Delphi. She looked up at Leo, standing there like a marauding warrior, legs planted wide apart.

She didn't care what he thought; she just knew she had to do whatever it took. She stood up again. ‘I presume your condition for doing this is to make me agree to become your mistress?'

Leo's mouth thinned, and a hint of anger came into his eyes. ‘Don't try and dress this up into you being the unfortunate victim. We both want each other, Angel, you just seem determined to deny it.'

‘But essentially you won't help Stavros and Delphi unless I agree to go to you?'

Leo shrugged insouciantly. ‘Let's just say that then I would care even less what happens to them than I do right now. Why would I put myself out like that unless I was getting something in return?'

‘Me,' Angel said flatly, but with an awful telltale quiver of physical response in her belly. She couldn't even tell herself that she was immune to or disgusted by Leo's offer, and she hated herself for it. Her conscience pricked her.
could she walk away from this opportunity for her sister and Stavros to be happy, no matter how it was coming about?

Angel's mind became very clear as she saw all her options dwindle away. Delphi was the best part of three months pregnant, and wouldn't want the ignominy of everyone knowing that on her wedding day.

‘If I agree to this, I have a condition of my own.'

Leo's eyes flashed a warning. ‘Go on.'

‘I want Delphi and Stavros to be married as soon as it can be arranged.'

That look of cynicism that Angel was beginning to recognise all too easily crossed Leo's face again.

‘Don't think that by having them marry as soon as possible it'll indicate the end of our affair, Angel. I won't let you go until I'm good and ready.'

Angel's belly quivered again. How would he react when he discovered she was a virgin? He didn't strike her as the kind of man to entertain novices in his bed.

Leo was looking at her assessingly. ‘But I don't see why I can't fulfil that request. Not when you're mine from this moment on.'

Angel felt the colour drain from her face.

Leo didn't like the way Angel had just paled so visibly. He strode over to where she stood and snaked out a quick hand to caress the back of her neck again. He felt the silken fall of her hair over his skin, and it made his voice rough with suppressed desire. ‘There's no time like the present. I'll have my car take you home, so you can pack some things and be brought straight back here to me.'

Just like that.


than three hours later, Angel stood in the hall of her own house, a suitcase at her feet. When she'd finally left the Parnassus villa she'd been aghast to see that dawn had been breaking, it had made her feel acutely disorientated. By some miracle her father wasn't at home; Angel's more and more harried looking stepmother informed her that her father had left the previous evening for London, to try and beg a loan from his cousins. Angel had been dreading the inevitable showdown with him, for undoubtedly he'd know that she'd taken the will.

She'd gone into her sister's room and woken her up and told her what was happening, while omitting the real reason why Leo was asking her to move in with him. Delphi had been understandably concerned. ‘But, Angel, they
us. They must do. What do you mean, you just happened to meet him and he swept you off your feet? It's all so fast and you never said anything…'

Angel hated lying to her sister. She'd smiled tightly and explained how they'd met at the party, and how she hadn't wanted to say anything in case their father found out. ‘Delph, I didn't want you to be worried. I wasn't sure what to expect
myself, wasn't even sure if he'd come back to Athens. But he has…' Here Angel had flushed hotly, remembering his kiss in the study. ‘And he wants me to move in…I know it all seems weird and too fast and unlikely…but just trust me, please? I know what I'm doing.'

Delphi had completely misread Angel's acute embarrassment as being infatuation, but even so it had only been after more grilling that she'd finally seemed satisfied with Angel's answers.

When Angel had taken a deep breath and told Delphi about Leo's link to Stavros' father, and what he'd promised to do for them, and seen her ecstatic reaction, she'd known then that she had no choice but to follow her fate.

As if she'd had a choice anyway. Leo could still call the police and accuse her of stealing. No court in the world would believe her over him, with the evidence he had. But, apart from that, she couldn't jeopardise Delphi and Stavros' happiness now—their bid for independence and the future security of their baby.

For the first time Delphi had sounded grown up. ‘Angel, you don't have to be responsible for everything, you know. Just doing this for us is enough. I'll be fine here, I promise. It's time you got to live your own life.'

Angel might have laughed at that if she hadn't known that she would be in danger of it turning to tears. She wouldn't be free to live her life now until Leo had decided he'd had enough of her. Her only hope was that her woeful inexperience would be enough of a turn-off for him that he would be content to use her like some kind of trophy mistress until he deemed she'd paid her dues.

But why, when she thought of that, did her womb contract with what felt like disappointment? Angel quashed that thought down ruthlessly. Her mind was just playing tricks.
She'd just made a call to the hotel where she'd worked and resigned her job; there was nothing left to do. She took a deep breath and picked up her small case. It was time to go.


‘Won't your father be here at the villa too?'

Leo had led Angel into a palatial bedroom, the sheer understated luxury of which had made her eyes goggle. Her father's taste had always been seriously lacking, he being the kind of person who believed trappings like gold taps were the sign of a rich man.

Leo was in the act of showing Angel where a door connected with his room, and she'd blurted out the question as much to disguise her panic as anything else. Now he turned and leaned nonchalantly against the doorjamb.

In the few hours since she'd left the villa and returned, she was disgusted to see that Leo looked as if he'd had a full night's sleep and was as rested and vibrant as anyone had a right to be. She felt sticky all over, with gritty eyes, and still dazed from everything that had happened.

The rumble of his voice brought her back. ‘My father is staying on the island indefinitely. His doctors have advised no stress, and Athens means stress because he's incapable of staying away from work. Even now.'

Angel winced at the bitter edge to Leo's voice, and was reminded uncomfortably of what he'd revealed about their relationship. Irrational guilt assailed her. She could say nothing to that; any murmur of sympathy or empathy would be shot down in an instant. Anyway, Leo was ignoring her, revealing another room.

Angel had seen the
bathroom, as big as her bedroom at home, and now Leo was pointing to an empty walk-in wardrobe. She came closer and looked in warily.

Leo sent a cursory look up and down her body and Angel fought not to cringe. She was still in the same clothes.

‘I'll have a stylist come to consult with you tomorrow, and sort out a full wardrobe. We can't have you looking anything less than a bought woman from now on, can we?'

Angel caught a flash of the huge bed she'd been ignoring in her peripheral vision and it scared her silly, making her say flippantly, ‘Knock yourself out. Fill that wardrobe and I'll be only too happy to act out the part.'

He pushed himself off the door, coming close enough to have Angel's panic and pulse zoom skywards. He smiled lazily. Cynically.

‘I don't think it'll take too much acting. Your Skittishness is intriguing me. I would have expected you to be ecstatic that I've chosen you as my mistress. You forget that I come from New York…the natural habitat of the mercenary, gold-digging socialite. Your black soul won't surprise me, really.'

Angel searched for words, but to her chagrin couldn't get them out in time. To her consternation, Leo merely looked at his watch then, and said crisply, ‘I have to go to the office. Why don't you get some rest? You look tired.'

And then he was gone, and she was alone. Angel walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't just look tired. She looked shell-shocked. Feeling incredibly weary, and more than a little numb, she stripped off and stood under a steaming hot shower for a long time.

And then she got out, dried her hair, shut the curtains, crawled into the softest bed she'd ever felt, and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.


The first thing Angel knew was a gentle rocking. And then a voice. A deep, soulful voice that she found herself instinc
tively turning to. She smiled. The rocking became more forceful, and so did the voice.


She wasn't dreaming. In an instant she was awake. Wide awake. Looking up with big eyes at Leonidas Parnassus, who was far too close to her, sitting on the bed, his face inscrutable. It all rushed back. She wasn't in her own bed; she was in his home and had agreed to become his mistress.

Angel grabbed for the sheet and pulled it up, even though she was dressed in pants and a vest. She scrabbled back as far as she could go, away from him. She felt exposed at having been caught sleeping. How long had he been there?

Leo stood up from the bed and Angel asked huskily, ‘What time is it?'

He consulted his watch. ‘It's 8:00 p.m.'

Angel sat up in shock, still holding the sheet. ‘I've been asleep
all day

Leo nodded and went over to pull the curtains back, so Angel could see the sun starting to set in the sky. She felt completely disorientated—jet-lagged, almost. Leo started to walk out of the room, barely glancing at Angel now. ‘Dinner will be served in twenty minutes. I'll wait for you downstairs.'


While he waited for Angel, Leo stood at the huge French windows of the less formal dining room. The doors were opened out onto the terrace—the same terrace he'd brought Angel out to on the night of the party. He could scarcely fathom that he'd been in Athens for barely twenty-four hours and already had Angel in his home. Yet bizarrely it felt right.

Just now, when he'd woken her, he'd seen something that had reminded him of that first evening they'd met. For a moment before she'd woken she'd almost turned to him, with
a soft smile around her mouth, and that enticing beauty spot at the corner of her lip had made him want to bend down and kiss it. Made him want to do so much more. When she'd opened her eyes, though, he'd noticed slight shadows still lingering.

Her hair had been sleep-mussed, tangled over one bare shoulder, where the strap of her vest had fallen down. She'd looked incredibly sexy, yet unbelievably vulnerable, and he had felt a niggle of unease at how quickly things had progressed from him finding her creeping through the villa. He'd pushed the unease aside. Even those three hours waiting for her to return had been torturous. He'd actually been nervous that she wouldn't return. That, despite everything he had on her, she would defy him. Leo noticed his hands had gone into fists now, just thinking about it. He forced them to uncurl.

He thought of how she'd looked when she'd returned, with shadows like bruises under her eyes…

She'd come into his family home to steal from them.

With more effort than he liked to admit, Leo pushed down the concern. A tight coil of desire held him in its grip. Tonight he'd have her, and he'd no doubt that within a very short space of time she'd prove to be as dismayingly predictable as every other woman he'd ever met, ultimately using emotion arising from intimacy, thinking that she could manipulate him.

He heard a noise at the door and turned around slowly. It was time for Angel to face the consequences of her actions.


Angel's skin prickled when she was shown into a dining room by a smiling housekeeper and saw Leo standing with his back to her. The windows were open and the curtains fluttered on the breeze. She had no idea how to act in this situation. No idea
what was expected of her. She felt acutely lonely all of a sudden.

Leo turned around slowly, and the impact on her senses was nothing short of cataclysmic. She'd not really noticed what he was wearing in her room; she'd been too shocked and groggy. But now she saw that he was dressed in a pair of lovingly worn and faded jeans, which clung to him like a second skin. The material stretched over powerful thighs and long, long legs.

A black polo shirt made the brown of his eyes seem even darker, his skin seem even more olive. His shoulders were almost too broad for the material, and huge biceps bulged from beneath the short sleeves.

‘Come and see the view, Angel.'

I'm already looking at it
, she felt like blurting out slightly hysterically.

Knowing she was in a situation she couldn't get out of, her fate sealed by her own stupidly impetuous actions and her wanting to make everything all right for Delphi, Angel walked over to Leo, very self-conscious in her plain black shift dress. Hair pulled back. She coloured when she saw his gaze drop. She'd viewed him on Google him in a moment of weakness and seen exactly the kind of woman he went for: invariably tall, blonde, soignée.
A million miles from herself.

‘Very demure,' he murmured when she came close.

‘If I'd known casual was okay I would have worn jeans too,' she said stiffly, her gaze resolutely fixed on the view of Athens spread out below them. Not even that spectacular vista could distract her from the man beside her.

‘I like to be casual at home, Angel, so here you can wear what you want…even go naked if you wish,' he finished softly.

Angel coloured even more at his mocking tone, wondering what on earth he saw in her. ‘I don't think so.'


She heard him pour some wine into a glass, and then he was offering it to her. She took it—anything to try and give her some courage.

‘What do you think of the view—it's amazing, no?'

Angel snuck a quick look up; Leo was staring out, his profile to her, showing that he had a slight bump in his nose, and she could see the faint raised line of the scar over his lip. Hurriedly she looked back, afraid to be caught staring.

‘Yes, it's truly beautiful.' Amidst everything, she thought of something else, and looked at her watch to check the time. ‘Actually, any minute now…yes, there. Look—' Angel lifted her hand to point to where the evening lights were coming on to illuminate the Acropolis, far below in the distance.

She heard Leo's intake of breath and couldn't look at him, for some reason afraid of what she might see. It was always a magical sight, and one that took her breath away too. Was it having the same effect on him? She felt a lurch to think that she'd grown up seeing it as an everyday occurrence but he hadn't.

‘I've seen the lights before, but never the moment when they come on like that.'

Angel murmured something inarticulate feeling unaccountably guilty. She turned with more than a little relief when the housekeeper bustled in with their food, and Leo turned too, indicating for her to precede him to the table.

Leo watched Angel walk in front of him, took in the glossy hair tied back in a low, careless bun, the long, elegant neck. And looked down to where her bare legs were slender, yet shapely enough to make his heart kick and his pulse throb.

Her palpable air of nervousness had caught him unawares as
she'd stood beside him. He had to question why she was feigning it
when they both knew where they stood. She'd been nervous before, in the study, but that had no doubt been because she'd no idea how he'd react to catching her red-handed.

He'd certainly not been prepared to have her point out a sight she must have seen a thousand times before, which must be wholly unremarkable to her but had taken his breath away, seeing it for the first time. In any other instance he would have considered it a sweetly considerate gesture.

She wasn't acting the way he'd imagined she'd act in this situation. He'd expected a certain initial belligerence, or even defiance at having been caught and manipulated so spectacularly. Or he'd imagined that she'd want to make the most of the situation and take advantage of becoming his mistress. Leo had yet to meet a woman who didn't see the advantage in becoming his mistress, so for her to be feigning this nervous skittishness was going to get her nowhere fast.

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