The Warlords Revenge (4 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Morgan

BOOK: The Warlords Revenge
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The man pulled his knife away from her and put his hands up. “Please, don't cut me,” he begged.

“Get up!”
growled, kicking at the man's feet.

The man stood and spun around to face
and Jane rushed to her feet and backed away from them.

once again brought the blade of his sword to rest against the man's cheek. “Drop the knife.”

The man released his grip and the knife fell to the ground with a dull thud.

leaned in close to him and said, “The next time you attack someone on the road, remember
face.” He struck the back of the man's skull with the hilt of his sword, collapsing him to the ground.

Jane looked at
, bewildered. She'd thought for sure he'd kill the man. Why hadn't he?

rifled through the man's pockets and found some money that he stuffed into one of his boots. He also stowed the man's knife in his boot and then turned to her.

“Are you harmed?” He looked her up and down, a pinched expression on his face.

“Not any more than I'm used to.” If things kept on as they were, she'd be dead in no time at all.

“Good.” He gave a sharp nod. “We'll keep moving.”

She hesitated as he sheathed his sword and gathered the horse's reigns.


It was the only word echoing through her mind, the only thought she could latch onto.

“Let's go.” He held his hand out to her.

Jane couldn't move.


But how foolish would that be? He had his horse, weapons, strength and speed. All she had was a possible concussion. The opportunity to escape was gone.

He swung onto the horse and rode over to her. “Did you hear what I said?”

There were a thousand places she'd rather be than stuck on that horse again. With him. Throwing a good fit would make her feel better. She'd curse him until she was blue in the face. Get in a few well-aimed swings. Anything to ease this pressure swelling up in her. She was about to burst.

snatched her arm roughly and began dragging her up to him.

“No!” Jane wrenched away. “I've had enough of being pushed around! I can't take anymore!” She stomped her foot, forcing back tears. “I don't want to be hit anymore, or dragged, or thrown from horses, or have knives shoved in my face!” Her chin quivered but she held back the tears. “No more running for my life, no more bruises, and I don't want to be raped!” She held her breath as she said the last part. She had no intention of saying the thought out loud.

His stern expression didn't change as he stared silently at her. What a fool she must seem. Throwing a fit wasn't very ladylike or well-mannered. However, it had improved her mood. She drew in a deep breath, quieting her outrage.

“Please ...” He held out his hand again. “Let's get going before we run into anyone else out here.” His harsh expression softened.

This was a subtle improvement. When he wasn't scowling at her, he was extremely handsome.


Under different circumstances, she'd probably throw herself into his arms and be open to receive a kiss.


She accepted his hand and let him hoist her into the saddle, keeping her eyes forward as she adjusted her position in his lap. She could feel that hardness in his trousers stirring once again, but she was used to it by now. The fact that he hadn't used it on her–
in her
–was yet another surprise. He appeared to be full of them.

“Feeling better now?” His lips brushed her ear, sending a wild shiver through her.

Wholly unexpected. Jane gulped, nodding emphatically.

“I've never known a woman with such a fetching temper.” He chuckled. “I almost wanted to kiss you back there.”

Her cheeks blushed as she thought about his luscious mouth on hers. “Almost?”

“I changed my mind when I remembered you're a Stewart.”

Right back where they'd started. It was going to be a long ride.

By the time they stopped at another inn, it was after dark. Jane's stomach was growling and her frustration was growing. She realized she was becoming rather fond of
, despite his harsh manner and intimidating air.

She was learning that he was also smart and patient, and once in a while a sense of humor came through his grim demeanor. And though she entertained thoughts of possibly going along with what he planned to do to her, he appeared to despise her more than ever with each passing moment. It was for that reason she had to stay focused on escaping him.

“You're certainly taking your time with that food,” he commented from the bath.

Jane tore her gaze away from the mesmerizing flames in the hearth and looked at him. Beads of water trickled down his muscular chest. The scar on his face was hardly visible in the low light. What if he were her lover, instead of her doom?

She shrugged her shoulders and ate another piece of chicken, washing it down with a sip of the wine he'd ordered. Of course she was picking at her food. Stalling. If he thought she was going to bathe with him, he was wrong.

“The water will get cold if you wait too long.”

“I don't mind.”

“I do,” he rasped. “I'm no' partial to a cold bath.”

“Then get out.”

Jane felt his patience snap from across the room.

“Woman,” he growled. “Remove your clothes and get in this bath.”

“I will when you've finished.”

“I won't be finished until you've bathed with me.” His eyes told her he wanted to do more than bathe with her.

“Then I guess you'll get used to the cold,” she shot out, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I think it's the least you can do after I saved you from those road bandits.”

Her mouth fell open. “If you hadn't kidnapped me, it never would have happened.”

“With your family, it would have happened eventually.”

She leapt to her feet. “I
you!” she fumed. “I'll die before I bathe with you!”

“Come on ... “ He crooked his finger. “Get in.”

“You know,” she said, as her eyes drifted to the closed door. “I could leave right now.”

“You wouldn't make it to the door,” he assured her. “And when I catch you, I'll make you do more than bathe with me.” His blue eyes glittered with anticipation.

Jane thought it best not to push her luck, pitiful as it was. Getting away from this man with her virginity
in tact
was her primary concern. If all she had to do was bathe with him, then she would.

Storming over to the bed, she sat and began pulling off her boots. It felt good to finally have them off. Her stockings were next and she massaged her feet, getting the blood circulating again. She glanced over at
. Interest flickered in his blue eyes. It was better than the disgust she normally saw there.

She unlaced her dress and stepped out of it, folding it neatly over the back of a chair. Approaching the tub, she drew off her shift and then sank down in the warm water.

“Are you happy now?”

He took one of her hands. “No' yet.” He slapped the bar of soap into her palm.

“Why do you want me to do this? I can't believe you'd want my hands on you.”

“I don't.”

His admission made her cringe. What was so wrong with her? Her family had been awful, but she couldn't help that. Jane liked to think she took after her mother. It was only after she died that everything had gone downhill.

“But I do want you to serve me,” he said. “The more humiliated you feel, the happier it makes me.”

She bit down on her lip, trying not to let his cruelty upset her.
Just get it over with
. Then she could sleep and dream of a world without him in it. A world where she was free.

She rose up on her knees and lathered the soap between her hands. His eyes were glued to her naked breasts as she began scrubbing him, feeling the hard muscles of his arms and chest and the soft dark hairs beneath her touch. A part of her was thrilled by having his eyes on her. Maybe she could use her dreadful situation to learn about men, to have a better understanding of what she was doing or what they would expect of her. That was one way to turn it around.

When he cupped one of her breasts in his hand, she scooted away, but he circled an arm around her waist and dragged her back to him.

She let the soap slip out of her hand and tried to force him away from her. “Let me go.”

“Ah, lass, now you've dropped the soap.”

“Please, let me go!” More urgent this time.

“For a kiss.” He wrapped his other arm around her and held her tight against him, with her breasts sliding across his soapy chest and his solid erection pressing into her stomach.

Heat singed her cheeks. Just a tilt of her head and she could press her lips against his. She’d at least done this before. She brushed a soft kiss over his lips and quickly pulled back.
How nice
. She smiled.

In a sudden movement, he cupped his hand behind her head and crushed his mouth over hers. Her first instinct was to back away as she braced her hands against his chest. But he wasn’t hurting her. Just kissing her. His lips were firm and warm and his kiss smooth, expert. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and lightly stroked hers.

She felt herself going warm, feverish. Soon her fingers were digging into his chest, curling in the soft hairs covering his skin as she gave in to his kiss, parting her lips and seeking his tongue with her own. She moaned at the pleasure and he broke away from her. Panting, he ran his thumb across her jaw, over the bruise he’d left there.

“I won’t hit you like that again if you give me no reason to.”

Was that some sort of an apology?

He ran his fingers over her neck. “And I didn’t mean to choke you so fierce.”

What was this? He was being warm with her, and it made her melt.

He gathered her wrists and brought them to his lips, brushing soft kisses over the reddened marks. “I didn’t realize how tender you are because you fight like a hellcat.”

He was right about that. “If you don't try to hurt me, I won't fight you.”

His lips found hers again. He kissed her lightly at first, then they fell into a rhythm with each other, and Jane finally knew what it felt like to get lost to a kiss. He cupped one of her breasts again, gently squeezing, then flicked his thumb back and forth over her nipple. The delicious sensation shocked her. She gasped and pulled away.

“Did that hurt, lass?” His voice was rough.

She shook her head. “No.”

“Then don't fight. Let me touch you.”

His look was not one of hatred or violence, but pure lust. Bending to his will could be more dangerous than she thought, not because he might harm her, but because she might lose control, and her virginity along with it.

He covered both her breasts with his hands and took her mouth in another kiss as he kneaded the flesh, his strong hands so gentle, spreading warmth through her. She looped her arms around his neck, curling her fingers in the ends of his hair. His hard shaft pulsed, and the low groan he let out told her he liked the touch. Breaking their kiss, he lowered his head to her breasts and began licking and sucking at her nipples, circling them with his tongue.

She'd never imagined such pleasure could be derived from something like this. Passion flooded her, the heat smoldering through her body. When one of his hands brushed over her hip and then around to cup her bottom, squeezing the flesh as he pulled her closer, she thought she should stop him. When he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth again, flicking it with his tongue, she gave a small, shuddering cry. How would she stop when she'd never felt anything so heavenly?

He closed one of his hands around the nape of her neck and began fondling her sex with his other. Jane immediately squirmed away from him, now finding the strength to put an end to this erotic foray, but his hand at her neck held her firm.

“No!” She pounded her fists against his chest. “Stop!”

He rubbed his fingers over her sensitive flesh, sending amazing pleasure through her. “Do I hurt you?” He pressed a finger over her clit and gently worked her swollen nub.

,” she moaned. The pleasure disarmed her, capturing her.

“I want to keep touching you, lass.” His finger delved through her sex, pushing up into her.

.” She closed her eyes and let her head fall back to rest against his hand. “
, touch me.” Jane knew she was about to cross a line with him, but she had to know his touch. Whatever the price.

His hand tightened around the back of her neck, holding her in place, while he pumped his finger into her. She cried out, arching her back as pleasure swelled from her core, overwhelming her. She had no idea it was supposed to feel so good. Higher and higher she went, until a sudden fear gripped her. She pushed against
chest again, trying to slow him down or stop him.

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