and Congress
and cybersecurity
and executive war powers
and FISA
influence in
intelligence politicized by
and Iraqi weapons
and leaks
and NSA
Office of Legal Counsel
and Office of National Intelligence
and privacy concerns
questions of illegality in
and terrorists
and warrantless surveillance
and wiretapping
CALEA (Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act) [1994]
Cantigny conference
Card, Andrew
Casey, William J.
Center for Democracy and Technology
Center for National Security Studies
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Cheney, Dick:
as defense secretary
and information warfare
and McConnell
as vice president
Cherry Vanilla World
Chertoff, Michael:
and airport security procedures
and British security threat
and Cantigny conference
and Homeland Security
private counseling firm of
hackers in
missile sales to
spy network of
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency):
and Al Qaeda
analytic shortcomings of
and bin Laden
and British terrorist threat
changing after 9/11
communications hotline
counterterrorist center
emergency measures in
and foreign espionage
and interagency rivalry
invalid data from
and Iran-Contra
and Karic
laws governing deployment of
leaks from
nonproliferation center
prisons and interrogations run by
as risk averse
terrorism as low priority for
and terrorist funding
and TIA
U.S. persons targeted by
Clancy, Tom,
Clear and Present Danger
Clapper, James
Clark, Bill
Clarke, Richard
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Clinton administration
and Balkans
and FISA warrants
and privacy laws
and wiretapping
Clipper chip
Coast Guard, U.S.
Cohen, William S.
Comey, James
Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative
Congress, U.S.:
and Able Danger
antiterrorism laws in
Blue Dogs in
and Bush administration
and electronic surveillance
and FISA
and Gang of Eight
and Iran-Contra
and NSA
overlapping executive powers
Congress, U.S.:
political enemies in
and privacy of U.S. persons
Protect America Act
and terrorist detention
and TIA
Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG)
“Counterterrorism Technology and Privacy” (McCormick discussion)
Craxi, Bettino
Crisis Management Center
Crisis Pre-Planning Group (CPPG)
Cruise, Tom
Customs Bureau, U.S.
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency):
Evidence Extraction and Link Discovery
and Genoa
Information Awareness Office (IAO)
Information Systems Office
and Spinnaker
and TIA
Defense Department:
and Able Danger
and black budget
and information warfare
intelligence budget controlled by
and interagency rivalry
and privacy law
and situational awareness
Systems Analysis Division
and TIA
see also
Pentagon, U.S.
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Delta Airlines
Dempsey, Jim
Dennis, Steve
Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
Disruptive Technology Office
Dolphin, Glenn
Downing Assessment Task Force
Edwards, Don
Edwards, John
Egypt, and
Achille Lauro
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) [1986]
Emanuel, Rahm
encryption technology
Enemy of the State
EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center)
Executive order 12333 (twelve triple three)
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation):
bureaucracy of
and ChoicePoint
data not shared by
and domestic spying
emergency measures in
false accusations by
Financial Review Group
and FISA
and Karic
and NSA
terrorism as low priority for
and terrorist interrogation
and terrorist threat
and TIA
wild-goose chases of
and wiretapping
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
Feinstein, Dianne
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
First Data, Colorado
FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) [1978]
changing language in
and Congress
and emergency surveillance
and Executive order 12333
and foreign/domestic wall
and immunity from civil suits
McConnell's attempts to update
passage of
and Protect America Act
and September 11 attacks
sunset clause in
and warrantless surveillance
warrants under
and wiretapping
FISA Amendments Act
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Flint, Lara
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Intelligence Court of Review
Fourth Amendment
Freedom of Information Act
Freeh, Louis J.
FutureMAP (Futures Markets Applied to Prediction)
Gang of Eight
Gates, Robert
and Aum Shinrikyo
building support for
bureaucratic reluctance to use
purposes of
Spinnaker as
Genoa II
Gentry, Tony
Ghorbanifar, Manucher
Gibbons, James
Gidari, Al
Giuliani, Rudy
Goldman Sachs
Goldsmith, Jack
Gonzales, Alberto:
as attorney general
and Congress
and executive powers
and global telecommunications
and illegal domestic spying
and immunity from civil suits
as president's lawyer
and U.S. soldiers in Iraq
and warrantless surveillance
Goss, Porter
GRiD Compass (computer)
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba
Gulf War (1991)
Hadley, Stephen
Hall, Wilma
Hamilton, Lee
Hamre, John:
and Cantigny conference
and Center for Strategic and International Studies
and Chinese spy network
and data-mining tools
and IDC
and TIA
Harman, Jane
Harper, Jim
Hart, Gary
Hasenfus, Eugene
(money moving)
Hawley, Kip
Hayden, Michael:
Air Force career
and BAG
as CIA director
and defense of government secrets
and early-warning system for terrorism
and FISA
Hayden, Michael:
and foreign/domestic intelligence wall
and National Intelligence Office
and NSA
on prisoner interrogation
and public relations
and Qwest
and September 11 attacks
and technology upgrades
and TIA
and warrantless surveillance
Heath, James
Heritage Foundation
Hicks & Associates
Highlands Forum, Carmel Valley, California
Holloway, James
Homeland Security, Department of:
and Allen
and British terrorist threat
and Chertoff
and cyberdefense
and data-mining projects
Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee
information sources of
mission areas of
Hoover, J. Edgar
Human Identification at a Distance
Hurricane Katrina
Hussein, Saddam
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Information Awareness Office (IAO):
logo for
media attacks on
mission of
and privacy study
and TIA
Information Dominance Center (IDC)
and Able Danger,
Able Danger
and Al Qaeda
and Army Intelligence Command
and China
and Karic
and link charts
and privacy law
renewal of clearance
and TIA
and U.S. Central Command
and USS
Information Systems Office
Inouye, Daniel
Institute for Defense Analysis
black budget for
budget cutbacks in
central control of
covert forces in the field
dark arts of
and Executive order 12333
failures of
flow between governments
foreign/domestic wall of
and Gang of Eight
information overload in
information retrieval in
and information warfare
and interagency cooperation
and interagency rivalry
master database for
metadata in
and minimization
and mission creep
misuse of
from open sources
outdated tradecraft of
politicization of
private industry mining of
recommended actions
restrictions on gathering, storage, and use of
systemic overcollection of
and technology
on U.S. persons
warrantless surveillance
watching the watchers
Intelligence and Security Command
and cybersecurity
e-mail records
financial news on
free space of
hackers on
intelligence drawn from
junk spam/noise of
link charts from
open sources on
and privacy
propaganda spread via
protection from government control
and Qwest
IOWA center
and Iraq
Ministry of Information and Security
regime change in
and Russian mobsters
U.S. arms embargo
U.S. hostages in
Iran-Contra affair
and CIA
commission report on
and Congress
and Israel
and North
and Poindexter
and Reagan
and trial
and U.S. hostages
British policy in
information warfare in
insurgents in
intelligence gap in
and Iran
Kuwait invaded by
opponents of war in
rules of engagement in
rumors of weapons in
Saffron in
U.S. invasion of
U.S. technology in
IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
Achille Lauro
and Iran-Contra
and missile sales
Palestine vs.
U.S. policies about
Israeli Defense Force (IDF)
Italy, and
Achille Lauro
Jackson, Michael (Homeland Security)
Japan, Aum Shinrikyo attacks in
JCAG (Joint Counterintelligence Assessment Group)
Johns Hopkins, Applied Physics Laboratory
Johnson, David
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System
Jonas, Jeff
background of
and data privacy
and debtor matching
and Highlands Forum
and IBM
and Las Vegas casinos
and NORA
JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command), and
Achille Lauro
Justice Department:
and ChoicePoint
and intercepted e-mails
and legality of procedures
and warrantless surveillance
and wiretapping
Karic, Dragomir
Keller, Bill
Kennedy, Joseph P.