The Way of the Knife (55 page)

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Authors: Mark Mazzetti

Tags: #Political Science, #World, #Middle Eastern

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McNamara, Robert, 19
McNeill, Dan, 192
McPherson, John L., 240
McRaven, William, 229–30, 231, 244, 246
Maes, Jeff, 275–76
(game), 186
“Making a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom” (Khan), 309
Mali, 325–26
Mamraiz, Shaheena, 283
Marine barracks bombing, in Beirut, 54
Marines, 17–18
al-Masri, Abu Khabab, 160–61, 173
Massoud, Ahmad Shah, 91–92, 104
Meadows, Richard, 69
Mehsud, Baitullah, 156–58, 227–28
Meyer, Edward, 70, 74
MI5, 166
MI6, 6–7, 40
Mighty Wurlitzer, 175, 176
al-Mihdhar, Khalid, 303
Mike (undercover officer), 163–64, 218
Mikolashek, Paul, 21, 22
Military Assistance Command, Vietnam—Studies and Observation Group (MACV-SOG), 65
Military Liaison Elements, 82
Mogadishu, Battle of.
Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down episode)
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 40, 118, 167
Moscow Rules, 4, 262
MQ-1 Predator, 90–91
Mubarak, Hosni, 26, 254
mujahedeen, 27, 31, 32, 51, 86, 103, 168
Mukhabarat, 26
Mullen, Mike, 192, 290, 293–95
bin Laden raid details relayed to Pakistan by, 288–89
Senate testimony on Pakistan’s role in Afghan insurgency of, 294–95
Wardak bombing and, 293–94
Muller, Scott, 120
Munir, Asad, 74, 168, 265, 286
on Pakistani peace deal with tribal militants, 107–8
working with CIA, 38–41
Munter, Cameron, 290
Davis incident and, 262–64, 273, 274–75, 276
Panetta and, 292
requests veto power and notification of drone strikes, 291–93
Murray, Patrick, 127
Musharraf, Pervez, 28, 33–34, 103–4, 111, 133, 227, 260, 266–67
Bush’s meeting with, 34
drone negotiations with CIA, 109
North Waziristan peace agreement and, 170–72
post–9/11 U.S. demands and, 29–31
purge of Islamists from military, 36
tribal militant attacks in Waziristan and, 105–6, 108
al-Zawahiri orders fatwa on, 105
Muslim Brotherhood, 255
Myers, Richard, 68
Nabhan, Saleh Ali Saleh, 246–47
al-Nashiri, Abd al-Rahim, 118–19, 126
National Intelligence Estimate report on radicalization in Muslim World, 138
National Security Act of 1947, 44
National Security Council, 69, 93, 226–27, 292, 305
Native Echo operation, 185–87
Navy Seals.
Negroponte, John D., 148–49
Nek Muhammad Wazir, 103–10, 156, 227, 266
attacks on Pakistani military, 103–7
drone strike kills, 109–10, 121
Neutrality Act, 240
Newland, Ross, 7, 43–44, 47–49, 59, 88, 99, 100, 239
on drone program, 318
early career of, 47–49
Nicaraguan covert activities and, 51–53
as station chief handling Eastern Europe and Soviet Union, 57–58
New York Times, The,
49, 139, 201
Nicaragua, 15, 50–53
9/11 terrorist attacks.
September 11 terrorist attacks
9/11 Commission, 13, 88, 98, 126
Bush advised to ignore recommendations on CIA powers, 81–82
recommends stripping CIA of paramilitary functions, 81, 313–14
Nixon, Richard, 79, 177
Noriega, Manuel, 72
North, Oliver, 51, 52–53, 54, 211
Northern Alliance, 27, 31–33, 91–92, 104
North Korea, 315
North Waziristan peace agreement, 170–72
Obama, Barack, 5, 57, 197, 214, 215, 216, 253–54, 301, 313
al-Awlaki killing and, 308, 312
bin Laden operation and, 286, 287, 289
closing of Guantánamo Bay prison and, 218, 219
coercive interrogation techniques banned by, 218–19
continuation of Bush drone attacks in Pakistan by, 267
Davis incident and, 3–4, 264
military operations in Yemen approved by, 231
review of covert-action programs, 225–26
Somali operations approved by, 246
targeted-killing program under, 217–20, 221, 226–28, 300–1, 312–15
Obama administration, 207, 211, 253
arms shipment to Somalia by, 242–43
al-Awlaki killing approved by, 305
CIA role in Libya and, 316
Davis incident and, 263–65, 272, 274
magazine and, 309
legal opinions justifying targeted-killing operations, 300–1
refuses to release documents on drone program, 312–13
Obrman, Jan, 181, 185, 188, 197, 204
O’Connell, Thomas, 64–65, 78–81
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 6–7, 45, 300
Ohryzko, Volodymyr, 238
Oil Tycoon
(game), 186
Omar, Haji, 167
Omar, Mullah Mohammed, 31, 32, 33, 157, 210, 269
Operation Cannonball, 164–65
Operation Desert Storm, 154
Operation Eagle Claw, 68–69, 70
Pack, Richard, 204
Pakistan, 33
al Qaeda in, 37–38, 265–66, 269–72
army intelligence, 170
Davis incident and, 1–4, 257–65, 272–76, 290
intelligence service (
Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI))
Kashmir relief aid as cover for sending CIA agents into, 164–65
Lashkar-e-Taiba in, 259–61, 277
Taliban and, 27–32, 112, 168, 170, 269–70
U.S.–Pakistan relationship, 26–32
Pakistani Taliban, 107–8, 157–58, 227
Palestinian intifada, 98
Panetta, Leon, 221–26, 271, 301, 313
Arab Spring and, 253
Blair and, 224–26, 235
in charge of bin Laden mission, 133, 287
Davis incident and, 264–65, 290
interrogation memos and, 221–23
Muntner and, 292
targeted-killings and, 228
Paraguay, 82
Pasha, Ahmad Shuja, 263–65, 268, 273, 274–75, 290, 291, 293
Patek, Umar, 134
Patterson, Anne, 263
Pavitt, James, 12, 13, 90
Black and, 15
Predator drone program and, 91, 92, 97
Pelton, Robert Young, 193, 194, 197, 198, 203
See also
Department of Defense
CIA efforts to undermine spying efforts of, 73–74
division of labor agreement with CIA, 132–34
Field Operations Group (FOG), 69–70
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) (
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA))
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) (
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC))
Operation Eagle Claw and, 68–69
poor communications with CIA, 17–21, 18
psychological operations of, 176–90
Rumsfeld attempts to modernize Defense Department, 19–21
U.S.C. Title 10 as governing authority, 76
Perot, H. Ross, 71
Petraeus, David, 299–300, 308
as CIA director, 301–2
Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Execute Order of, 206–8
Yemen counterterrorism operations and, 229, 232–33
Phillipines, 133–34
Phoenix program, 78
private efforts at combating, 244
Somali, 237–38, 247–48
Powell, Colin, 34, 57
POW rescue mission, in Laos, 71–72
Prado, Enrique, 10, 16, 122–25, 240, 327
Predator drones, 7, 61, 85–101, 218
assassination authority of CIA and, 87, 97–100
al-Awlaki, Abdulrahman killed by, 310–12
al-Awlaki, Anwar killed by, 306–10
in Balkan War, 61, 90–91
Creech Air Force Base as home of, 320–21
Datta Khel strike, 291
debate over development of, 88–94
Djibouti base for, 306–7, 308
effect on CIA of drone program, 317–19
effect on relations with Pakistan, 290–93
escalation of drone strikes in Pakistan in 2008, 265–69
funding for, 91, 95
Habib killed by, 173
al-Harethi killed by, 85–87, 100
institutionalization of drone program, 313
latency problem of, 307
al-Masri killed by, 173
Mehsud killed by, 227–28
Nek Muhammad strike, 109–10, 121
Obama administration refuses to release documents related to, 312–13
in Pakistani tribal areas, 108–10
parallel drone programs of CIA and JSOC, 311–12
in Phillipines, 133–34

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