The Ways of Mages: Starfire (31 page)

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Authors: Catherine Beery

BOOK: The Ways of Mages: Starfire
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Suddenly the thing inside her


Terana did
t move for a moment. When she finally was satisfied that the earth had stopped its sense of locomotion, she started to struggle. She was
t sure which way was up. Dirt made it very hard to breathe. Her head was starting to hurt.
Please, please, please! Help! Help!
An unbearable weight was pushing down on her. Her lungs burned. Dizziness and weakness began to spread through her body.
I do
t want to die!

Death did
t seem to care for her wishes. Trapped! She could
t breathe. Breathing had never seemed so precious before this. She would never take it for granted agai
If she got out.
Help! Please!
In desperation her mind screamed.
Russy! Wake me up! Pleas

Why could
t this be a nightmare?

It was becoming harder and harder to think. Through the fuzz her mind managed to scream.
Let me OUT!
A faint flicker of blue glimmered. It flashed once and the dirt above her was simply gone. Blown out and away by some force that Terana did
t really want to think about at the moment. 

Gasping and choking, Terana struggled out of her premature grave. Terana dragged herself away from its gaping mouth. Her fear gave way to exhaustion and she collapsed. Dirt in her face was too much of a reminder of her near burial. Trembling, she rolled onto her back. The rain lightly misted her face. Other than that, it was just dark...


The world was gray and black. Flickers of silver blue danced on the edge of everything. Terana blinked several times. She had to be dreaming. Either tha
Terana gulped. The other option was too terrifying to think about. It could be true. She vaguely remembered dragging herself out of the earth. She could
t b

You are not dead
A feminine voice assured her
You are only unconscious. You are not used to using that much power
Terana turned toward the voice and saw an old woman with an owl on her shoulder.

Who are you
The woman smiled at Teran
s question.

A friend
She replied softly.

But what is your name

You will know soon enough, young one. Now is just not the time. You were panicking needlessly and may have drawn unwanted attention. So you know what is happening, your healer friend has checked you for injuries and healed the few he found. They then moved you away from the hill side and laid you under the shelter of some trees. Your wolf is curled next to you, waiting for you to wake
The woman smiled
I think he may be getting impatient. The small one has gone to prepare some things. The healer and the other are talking softly and keeping an eye out. The horse is enjoying the thick grass

So they are okay

Yes. And so are you

Terana thought for a moment
What did you mean by attracting unwanted attention? And how did you know I was panicking? And how do you know all that about my friends? What power? Who are you

Curious young one, are
t you? The answers to your questions you will soon know
The woman smiled in amusement
Your wolf has lost his patience. Goodbye for now, Terana

The woman and the owl faded before Terana could stop them. It was then she heard it...


Chapter Twenty-Seven - Little World


There was a snuffling sound. Something decidedly wet and cool brushed against her arm, climbed to her neck. Soon it found her ear and snorted. Terana groaned and rolled away from where the inquisitive wet thing came from. Grass tickled her nose, making her sneeze. Terana opened her eyes in surprise. She pushed herself away from the prickling grass. She did
t remember grass being where she had been. Just lots of dirt and darkness.

Terana looked up and got a face full of Russy tongue.

She protested. She pushed his head away. Well, she attempted to push him away. He managed to knock her over onto her back. The wol
s eyes glittered with amusement and happiness.  Every so often she could see his bushy tail flying. Mostly, though, she only got to see that reddish tongue of his
Russy! Stop it! Stop!! Russy
For some reason she started to laugh. Which only caused the fluffy incarnate of trouble to lick her more. Then she started to cry. Russy whined a protest to this.

Why do you cry

Asked the voice she came to associate with Russy. It was very bewildered. Russ
s amber eyes reflected the question.  

Her lungs ached in memory of her buria

Ghost dizziness stirred. Terana closed her eyes. The memory was too vivid. Death had been so nea
s eyes flew open. Her arms flew out and dragged Russy nearer. With a yip, the wolf had no choice but to yield. Terana buried her face in Russ
s pelt.

His musky-woodsy scent combined with the sound of his beating heart to drive the memory of the grave away. Dirt did
t have the drum of life.

She was alive.

Terana let him pull away. She rolled to her knees. Placing a hand on either side of Russu's head, she pulled him near again. Gently she place her forehead against his. His amber eyes blinked in surprise. She could also sense just a bit of confusion too. Smiling slightly, she  pulled away a little and bent to kiss his head
Thank you
She whispered. She kissed him again. 

ll never understand women
Terana started and looked around. She and Russy were in a small clearing. Watching them were the rest of their companions. Liam and Kadrean were each leaning against a tree. Tivi was contentedly chomping on the lush grass. His tail swishing every once and awhile. And Zeeve was sitting astride, of all things, a grey squirrel. Complete with a saddle and reins. Zeeve turned to glance at Kadrean and Liam
First they are angry, then happy, then sad. How is a guy to know what to do when a woma
s mood changes

Go with it
Terana replied
Why are you riding a squirrel

t you like it? Tis one of the fastest we have


Yes, Terana. We
Zeeve shook his head
Welcome, Lady, to Zeeveria
Zeeve gestured behind her. Terana looked.  There were four great trees. Terana guessed that Liam, Kadrean, and she could hold hands around one tree and perhaps be able to form a circle.  The trees stood in a half circle. Strung between them were mini rope and plank bridges. Though, the rope looked less like hemp and more like spider silk. Carved into the trees were doors, balconies, and terraces. From what she could tell, the tree city went back a ways. 

Along each of the spider silk bridges and terraces and balconies were people. People the size of Zeeve. Men and women all with the same warm brown eyes as Zeeve. Children (it was incredible how small they were) hung out of windows to peer at their guests. There was complete silence from this massive crowd.

Terana flushed. She had just had an emotional meltdown in front of all of these people. Terana looked away from the city and saw movement in the trees nearer to where she was.  There were other molicis astride squirrels. Nut hulls formed helmets and breast plates. Feather down and cottonwood seed fluff formed plums trailing out of the helmets. Tiny spears with what looked like nasty points and serious faces kept Terana from laughing aloud at the comical picture they made. Nut knights on squirrels.

I thought you were kidding
Terana muttered, stroking Russy.

Kidding! Why would you say that
Zeeve demanded.

m sorry, Zeeve, i
s just when you said Zeeveria I thought you came up with it on the spot. So I would
t feel bad for you

Well, I am a good actor

Terana eyed him
You wanted me to take you home

Zeeve lifted a hand as if warding off a blow
t be angry at me, please. I sense magic. I went to Plarn because I sensed the magic surrounding it, though faintly. I wanted to know wha

What do you mean magic surrounded Plarn
Terana interrupted. A sharp jab made her cry out. Turning toward the source of the pain she saw one of those formidable, yet absurd knights. His squirrel was red and he was gesturing at her with that spear of his. She glared at him, pain sliding toward anger
What was that for
She demanded.

You interrupted the king
He answered.

Terana blinked, the final word sinking in. She turned back to Zeeve who had urged his squirrel closer
You are a king
She asked in disbelief.

Zeeve looked tired
s enough, Veevee. She is a friend
Veevee bowed, turned his red squirrel about and took his painful spear away
m sorry about that, Terana

re a king
She repeated.

Only when
m here. Come, my people have prepared a feast
Zeeve said with a grand gesture.


He was
t kidding when he said feast. Terana soon found out. Molec
s may be small, but they sure did
t eat like they were small. There was so much food laid out on rough tables that Terana could hear the wood groan. Or that might have been her stomac

The feasting tables were set deeper in the glen. She could see them from where she walked as she and the other humans were led around. She stepped gingerly to avoid crushing anyone or thing. Squirrel guards kept pace with them on branches at about Kadrea
s height. One of the guards, Eveen, talked animatedly with Kadrean. When Terana asked Kadrean if he had been to Zeeveria before he chuckled and said many times. The food kept bringing him back. Eveen, who had overheard, laughed.

Oh yes
He chuckled
The womenfolk know how to keep we men in line. You will find no greater chefs in all the world,
m betting

Liam and Terana could only glance at each other as they were led. Eventually they came to an open clearing. Eveen and his men went back toward town. Kadrean turned to them and told them that this was where they would stay for the festivities.

Terana asked.

Kadrean said removing a blanket from one of the saddle bags
Every time Zeeve returns they have a three day feast. I
s called the King Returns Feast
They laid out the blanket and settled down. Terana sat with Russ
s head in her lap. Liam and Kadrean finished unloading Tivi to let him graze. The men then came over and sat down. Time passed as they seemed to wait. Kadrean was watching the bushes near the town. Eventually he started to frown.

Kadrean? What is it
Terana asked.

Well, usually, the women folk would have come by now to offer some of their creations

Is something wrong, then
Liam asked.

I do
t know
Kadrean replied with a slow shake of  his head. In a louder voice he called for Zeeve. Zeeve appeared a few minutes later still atop his squirrel. Eveen and Veevee flanking him. He had a rueful expression on his face.

I apologize, but I cannot convince my people that the Fluffy Mutt wo
t hurt them. They refuse to include you in the feast as long as he is here

Russy raised his head and growled softly a
fluffy mut

That is
t helping your case, mutt
Zeeve said. There was wicked amusement in his eyes. The look found in the eyes of siblings who enjoy a good fight.  Russy snorted and stood up. He looked into Teran
s eyes.

I do
t want to be around squeakers anyway. I will see you later

With that the wolf trotted off.

Where is he going
Liam asked.

Terana swallowed. In broad daylight it was more unnerving to hear Russ
s voice in her head. She was
t sure what to make of it
ll be around
Soon after Russy left moleci women ventured into the glen. They led some men on squirrels dragging large bowls filled with a myriad of foods. There were three such groups. The humans smiled and softly said thank you. They then dug in with their travel spoons.

They could hear music and laughter from the moleci side of the party. Some couples came to their part to show off their fancy dance steps. There were bards who sang a variety of songs. Some of which were hilarious. Others were just ridiculous. Food was forever flowing. Once Terana or the others finished their food, the empty bowl was towed away and a full one replaced it. Large Zeeverian barrels of water, wine, and juice were set before them like little cups.

Terana turned to Kadrean after a very ridiculous song
So why is this place called Zeeveria? Not Molecia? Or something like that

The country is named after the reigning king. Which, by the way is the tallest man when the old one dies
He told her.

I thought kingdoms were passed to the child of the ruler

For we humans, maybe. But Molecis have to be different. They like their king tall

Terana snorted
So, if Zeeve is king, why does he seem to avoid this place

Ah, that would because he is running from custom
Kadrean told her with a smile. Amusement danced in his eyes.

What custom

Zeeve is unmarried right now. So his people want him to choose his queen

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