The Wizard Heir (19 page)

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Authors: Cinda Williams Chima

Tags: #Adventure, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Young Adult, #Romance, #Magic, #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: The Wizard Heir
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“We're going to be involved, whether we like it
or not,” Ellen said. “You know that.”

Seph scowled. “I don't expect any of you to get
involved. If I have my way, I won't impose on you any longer.”

It was full dark by now. They began walking along the
highway toward the town center. They had walked perhaps a mile when they saw a
car slow down and pull onto the shoulder. It was the black Subaru, with Nick
Snowbeard behind the wheel and Linda next to him.

“Hey! ”Jack said, pulling a set of car keys
from his back pocket. “How'd you start my car?” he demanded in mock
amazement. “Do you even have a driver's license?”

“If I did, they would probably take it away after
tonight,” Snowbeard replied.



They drove to a pavilion in a park along the lakefront
and gathered around a battered picnic table for the debriefing. Snowbeard
kindled a wizard light in the center, casting a soft illumination over all of
the participants.

Linda leaned forward and squinted across the table,
then reached out and gently touched Jack's hand. “What happened to your

They told Snowbeard and Linda about the encounter with
Warren Barber.

“Can you do anything for him, Nick?” Linda

Snowbeard studied the injury, then leaned toward Jack
and gripped him at the wrist and shoulder, careful not to touch the blistered
area. Power rippled between the old wizard's hands, like a cool stream flowing
over Jack's skin. The blisters subsided, though the area was still angry red.

Jack released a long breath and managed a grin.
“Thanks, Nick. That feels a lot better.”

“Less chance of infection now, Jack, but the area
will be very tender for the next few days,” Snowbeard said. He looked at
Ellen. “What about you, my dear?”

Ellen had a necklace of purpling bruises around her
neck, but she brushed off Snowbeard's question. Seph was getting the impression
that she was not the kind of person who enjoyed being rescued.

Jack turned to Snowbeard. “What happened with the
other wizards? Where's the Beamer?”

Snowbeard smiled, rolling his staff between his hands.
"I managed to bore quite a way into the web with wizard flame and
what-not. Then I set off some spectacular fireworks. When the wizards arrived,
we raced off in the car. They, of course, assumed it was Linda and Seph.

“They were young and quite enthusiastic. We led
them on a merry chase, but we never actually made it into the Sanctuary. So I
parked at the mall out by the highway interchange. We went in and lost
ourselves among the shoppers. Your car's still there.”

“How'd you get back to town?” Ellen asked.

“We found a kind family willing to drive
us,” Snowbeard said blandly. “We told them we'd missed the last

“We thought we'd have trouble getting through the
Weirweb, but it was already down,” Linda added.

“So,” Seph said. “What do you think is
going on?”

Linda cleared her throat. “Leicester wants you
back. For some reason. Barber is working for a wizard named Gregory
Leicester,” she explained to the others. “He was Seph's headmaster at
a private school up in Maine.” She slid a glance at Seph and he looked

“Leicester is also on the Council of
Wizards,” Snowbeard added thoughtfully.

“They can't be sure that Seph is here,”
Linda suggested.

“They've seen the Beamer,” Ellen said.
“And they've seen you.”

“They haven't seen Seph, though,” Linda
pointed out.

Snowbeard said, “It occurs to me that there's
nothing to keep them from coming into town for a look around. And, depending on
how you read the Rules of Engagement, they might be able to find a way to get
you or Seph out of town by trickery or force as long as they don't use

“But I can use wizardry to defend myself, right?
Assuming I can find someone to train me.” Seph shrugged.

“I can teach you,” Snowbeard said, looking
from Seph to Linda and back again. “Depending on what you want to

“Great. Thank you.” Seph turned to Jack.
“Um … where did you learn to use a sword like that?”

“My teacher was a wizard named Leander
Hastings,” Jack replied. “He specializes in training warriors. He taught
me how to fight.”

Hastings. “Does
he live in Trinity?” Seph asked.

“No.” Linda answered for Jack.

“I'd love to learn how to fight like that,”
Seph said.

Linda put a hand on his arm. “Seph, you're not a
warrior, you know.”

“Most wizards can get what they want without
fighting anybody,” Jack said. He looked at his watch and shoved back from
the table. “I'd better get home. I've got exams tomorrow.”

“What are you two going to do?” Ellen asked.

“We'll stay at Jack's,” Linda said.

“Shouldn't we call first or something?” Seph
looked from Linda to Jack.

Jack shook his head. “My mom's used to Aunt Linda
showing up unexpectedly. If she didn't show up unannounced, she'd never show up
at all.”

“Don't worry, Seph,” Linda said.
“Believe me, she won't have a problem.”

When they returned to the car, Jack slid behind the
wheel this time, shoving the seat back to accommodate his long legs. Snowbeard
sat next to him, and the others climbed in back.

“Snowbeard lives in an apartment over Jack's
garage,” Linda explained. “He's kind of a part-time caretaker. He was
Jack's wizardry teacher, too. He's been with Jack since he was a baby.”

“If wizards don't need to learn how to fight,
what does a warrior need with a wizardry teacher?” Seph asked.

“I guess you could say I'm kind of a
mongrel,” Jack said, rolling his eyes. “A wizard with a warrior's
stone. Or a warrior with a wizard's body.”

Another long story, apparently.

Jack and Ellen lived two doors apart on Jefferson, a
brick street lined with tall shade trees and huge old homes set back on big,
informal lawns. They dropped Ellen off first. The Subaru coasted to the curb,
and Ellen climbed out and retrieved her sword from the trunk. A shadow detached
itself from the darkness on the front porch of the house and came toward them.

“Hey, Will,” Jack called. “Waiting up
for Ellen?”

“Hey, Jack.” Will leaned into the passenger
window. “When I see Ellen charging out of the house with a big smile on
her face, carrying her sword, I know it means trouble.” He was built like
a football player, maybe a lineman. He had close-cropped dark hair and wore
cutoffs and a tank top.

“Aunt Linda!” Will had spotted her in the
backseat. “I should've known. There must be sorcery afoot!”

“Hi, Will,” Linda said.

“This is Seph McCauley,” Linda went on,
resting a hand on Seph's shoulder. “He's going to be staying at Jack's
this summer.” She said it as if it were a done deal. “Seph, this is
Will Childers, a friend of Jack's. I'm not really his aunt. Jack's friends just
call me that. Ellen moved in with him and his parents last year after Raven's

Okay, Seph thought. Maybe that's the way it is in
small towns, everyone related to everyone else, living in each other's houses.
Maybe Trinity is just one big commune. He would try to relax and go with it.

“Good to meet you, Seph,” Will was saying.
“See you tomorrow, Jack. I'll be by around seven.” Will and Ellen
walked back toward the house.

They drove past two more houses and pulled into a
gravel driveway. Circling around to the back of a hulking Victorian house, they
jolted to a stop in front of an old, detached garage. Jack shut off the
ignition. Linda turned to Seph.

“Jack's mom—my sister—is Anaweir. She doesn't
know anything about this wizard and warrior business. Okay?”

Seph nodded. “Got it.”

Jack retrieved his sword from the trunk. Snowbeard
said good night and slowly mounted a staircase to the second floor of the
garage. A moment later, a light kindled in the upstairs window. Linda and Seph
followed Jack up the wooden steps to the back door of the house, sliding
between two overgrown hydrangea bushes.

We must look pretty scary, Seph realized, suddenly
self-conscious. Though his arm looked much better than it had, Jack was all
muddy and grass stained, and Seph looked like he'd been on the losing side of a
fight. His change of clothes was still in the BMW.

A narrow back staircase ascended into darkness just
inside the back door. Jack put his finger to his lips and disappeared up the
steps, returning empty-handed and without the baldric. Then he called,
“Mom! Are you presentable? I brought guests!”

“I'm in the study,” a woman replied.
“Is it anyone I know?”

“Yes and no.” Linda and Seph followed Jack
into the kitchen. It was huge, with a ceramic tile floor and a large farm-style
dining table. Takeout containers crowded the counter next to the sink, unwashed
dishes stacked next to them.

A tall, strawberry-blond woman entered the room
carrying a coffee mug. It was clear where Jack got his coloring. She wore faded
blue jeans and sturdy, hippie sandals, a sweatshirt carrying the slogan bread and roses. Hers was the kind of
beauty that pretty turns into: fresh-scrubbed and straightforward.

“Hi, Becka,” Linda said.

“Linda! When did you get to town?” Becka
embraced the enchanter, leaning down to deliver a quick, fierce hug. “How
long can you stay?”

Linda looked over at Seph. “I'm not sure.”

“Why do I bother asking? That's always your
answer.” She turned to Jack. “Jack, where have you been? You know you
have exams tomorrow.”

“He was with me,” Linda said. “Sorry.”

Becka finally noticed Seph, still hesitating in the
kitchen doorway. “Oh!” she said, her hand flying to her mouth as she
took in the evidence of his recent beating. Then she smiled and came toward
him, extending her hands. “Hello. I'm Becka Downey.”

“I'm Seph McCauley,” he said. “Pleased
to meet you.” He extended his hand, and she took it in both of hers and
held on to it for a minute. There was something reassuring about the gesture,
as if she were already on his side. And blessedly, she did not ask questions.
About his face, at least.

“Have you eaten?” Becka looked over her
shoulder at the debris on the counter.

“Oh, yes, plenty,” Seph said, feeling
awkward again.

“Then I'll get you something to drink, at least.
I have some soda down cellar.”

“I'll go with you,” Linda offered. Both
sisters disappeared down the stairs.

“You might as well sit down,” Jack said
wryly, pointing to the chairs gathered around the table. Seph sat. Jack pulled
four glasses down out of the cabinet and filled them with ice, then carried
them carefully to the table. He turned a chair around and straddled it, resting
his arms on the back and gazing at Seph. There was an awkward silence. “Is
it just you and your mom?” Seph asked. Jack nodded. “My dad lives in
Boston. They're divorced. I think when they bought the house they thought
they'd be here forever.” He rubbed his chin. “Where are you

“Mostly Toronto,” Seph said automatically.
“But I've moved around a lot.” He was suddenly very tired.

“What are you, a junior?”

Seph nodded.

“Aunt Linda said your parents are dead?”

“She did.” Seph ignored the implied
question, which he couldn't answer, anyway. But fortunately, just at that
moment, Becka and Linda emerged from the cellar with bottles of old-fashioned
root beer, glistening with condensation. They lined them up on the counter and
opened them. As Becka set a soda in front of Seph, she smiled at him and rested
a hand on his shoulder. Seph wondered what they'd been talking about
downstairs. He didn't have to wait long to find out.

“Seph, Linda says you could use a place to stay
this summer. Jack and I would love to have you here. It'll give us an excuse to
finish the wallpapering in the third-floor room.”

Seph felt blood rush to his face. “Really,

Becka plowed on undeterred. “It'll be great.
We'll get to see more of Linda, since I know she wants to spend some time with
you. And Jack can introduce you to his friends.”

Seph glanced at Jack, who probably knew better than to
object. “I don't really want to impose….”

“If it would make you feel better, you can help
Nick with the wallpapering. There's always plenty of work to do around here.
Please say you'll stay.”

Wordless, Seph nodded. Jack's mother was hard to

“Then it's all settled.” She smiled at Seph.
“Why don't you bring in your things?”

Seph looked at Linda for help. She jumped in quickly.
“We don't have much, because we … ah … were in a hurry. We'll get you some
clothes tomorrow, Seph.”

“I bet some of Jack's old clothes will fit
him,” Becka suggested. “The ones from before that growth spurt last
year.” She laughed. “We have clothes in three sizes upstairs. They're
scarcely broken in.”

They changed the subject. Linda asked about Becka's
work, and people Seph had never heard of. Their voices gradually faded to a
kind of buzzing sound. Seph opened his eyes to find everyone staring at him.
He'd actually fallen asleep at the table. “Sorry,” he whispered,
mortified. “It's not that you're boring. Really.”

They all laughed. “Jack, why don't you show Seph
upstairs and help him make up his bed?” Becka suggested. “And you
need to get to bed also. I hope you found time to study before your aunt

Jack carried his glass to the sink, then nodded toward
the back staircase. They climbed the narrow stairway to a landing on the second
floor. Jack scooped up an armload of sheets and towels from a linen closet in
the hall, and they ascended another flight of stairs to the third floor.

There were four rooms on the third floor, three of
which were crammed floor to ceiling with old furniture, filing cabinets, and
boxes of books. The largest room was sparsely furnished with a double bed,
bookcase, and dresser. One and a half walls were papered in a William Morris
print. More rolls of paper and a wetting tray leaned against the wall. There
was a bathroom off to one side. The bed was stripped, and everything was
covered with a fine layer of dust. It was suffocatingly hot and stuffy.

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