The Wizards of Langley (51 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey T Richelson

BOOK: The Wizards of Langley
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It will be up to the leadership of the agency and directorate to ensure that the DS&T’s mission involves more than helping analysts sort through data, as well as to make talented individuals realize that there are challenges to be met in the directorate that cannot be matched elsewhere. Robert Kohler does see some hope for the directorate. In early 2001, he noted that Joanne Isham was “trying very hard” and boosting morale, and George Tenet seemed to be listening to her. Kohler was “moderately encouraged.”
It is hoped that in the succeeding years, the reasons to be encouraged will increase, and the next set of wizards will be up to the challenges that will face them.

*Smith declined to be interviewed for this book.

DS&T Components, 1963–2001

(Items in bold type indicate offices established the previous year)

January 1, 1963
Office of Special Activities
Office of Research and Development
Office of ELINT
January 1, 1964
Office of Special Activities
Office of Research and Development
Office of ELINT
Office of Computer Services
Office of Scientific Intelligence
Foreign Missile and Space Analysis Center
January 1, 1966
Office of Special Activities
Office of Research and Development
Office of ELINT
Office of Computer Services
Office of Scientific Intelligence
Office of Special Projects
Foreign Missile and Space Analysis Center
January 1, 1974
Office of Special Activities
Office of Research and Development
Office of ELINT
Office of Scientific Intelligence
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Office of Weapons Intelligence
National Photographic Interpretation Center
January 1, 1975
Office of Research and Development
Office of ELINT
Office of Scientific Intelligence
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Office of Weapons Intelligence
National Photographic Interpretation Center
January 1, 1977
Office of Research and Development
Office of ELINT
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
National Photographic Interpretation Center
January 1, 1978
Office of Research and Development
Office of SIGINT Operations
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
National Photographic Interpretation Center
January 1, 1989
Office of Research and Development
Office of SIGINT Operations
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Office of Special Projects
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
National Photographic Interpretation Center
January 1, 1994
Office of Research and Development
Office of Technical Collection
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
National Photographic Interpretation Center
January 1, 1996
Office of Research and Development
Office of Technical Collection
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Office of Advanced Projects
Office of Advanced Analytical Tools
Clandestine Information Technology Office
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
National Photographic Interpretation Center
January 1, 1997
Office of Research and Development
Office of Technical Collection
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Office of Advanced Projects
Office of Advanced Analytical Tools
Clandestine Information Technology Office
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
January 1, 1999
Office of Technical Collection
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Office of Advanced Analytical Tools
Clandestine Information Technology Office
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Investment Program Office
February 1, 2001
Office of Technical Collection
Office of Development and Engineering
Office of Technical Service
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Office of Advanced Information Technology
Office of Advanced Technologies and Programs
DS&T Leadership

Deputy Director for Research

Herbert J. Scoville
April 15, 1962-June 17, 1963

Deputy Director for Science and Technology

Albert D. (Bud) Wheelon
August 5, 1963-September 26, 1966
Carl E. Duckett (Acting)
September 26, 1966-April 20, 1967
Carl E. Duckett
April 20, 1967-June 1, 1976
Leslie C. Dirks
June 1, 1976-July 3, 1982
Richard Evans Hineman
July 3, 1982-September 5, 1989
James V. Hirsch
September 5, 1989-September 5, 1995
Ruth David
September 15, 1995-September 4, 1998
Joanne O. Isham (Acting)
September 5, 1998-April 1, 1999
Gary L. Smith
April 1, 1999-January 10, 2000
Joanne O. Isham
Jan 10, 2000-

Assistant Deputy Director for Research

Col. Edward B. Giller
June 25, 1962-August 5, 1963

Assistant/Associate Deputy Director for Science and Technology
(Title change from Assistant Deputy Director to Associate Deputy Director was effective May 8, 1973)

Col. Edward B. Giller
August 5, 1963-May 4, 1964
Carl Duckett
May 16, 1966-September 26, 1966
Lloyd Lauderdale
June 5, 1967-March 21, 1969
Donald Steininger
November 1, 1969-June 14, 1974
Sayre Stevens
June 14, 1974-May 17, 1976
Ernest J. Zellmer
June 1, 1976-September 24, 1979
James H. Taylor
September 24, 1979-September 27, 1982
James V. Hirsch
May 2, 1983-September 5, 1989
Gary W. Goodrich
October 16, 1989-December 31, 1995
Peter M. Daniher
January 1, 1996-November 12, 1997
Joanne Isham
November 12, 1997-January 10, 2000
James Runyan
January 10, 2000-

Director, Office of Special Activities (OSA)

James A. Cunningham (Acting)
August 1, 1962-September 4, 1962
Brig. Gen. Jack C. Ledford
September 4, 1962-August 1, 1966
Col. Paul N. Bacalis
August 1, 1966-July 12, 1968
Brig. Gen. Donald H. Ross
July 12, 1968-June 1, 1970
Brig. Gen. Harold F. Knowles
June 1, 1970-July 6, 1971
Brig. Gen. Wendell L. Bevan Jr.
July 6, 1971-August 31, 1974
James Cherbonneaux
Nov. 1, 1974-January 1, 1975

Director, Office of Research and Development (ORD)

Col. Edward B. Giller
November 29, 1962-May 4, 1964
Robert M. Chapman (Acting)
May 4, 1964-March 11, 1965
Robert M. Chapman
March 11, 1965-July 1, 1972
Sayre Stevens
July 1, 1972-June 14, 1974
James V. Hirsch
June 14, 1974-September 22, 1975
Donald L. Haas
September 22, 1975-May 23, 1976
Donald L. Reiser (Acting)
May 23, 1976-October 18, 1976
Frank Briglia (Acting)
October 18, 1976-February 27, 1977
Philip K. Eckman
February 27, 1977-April 1, 1989
Robert A. Herd III
April 1, 1989-July 18, 1996
Russell E. Dressell
July 18, 1996-October 1998

Office of Research and Development abolished effective October 1998.

Director, Office of ELINT (OEL)

George C. Miller
July 30, 1962-June 14, 1971
John N. McMahon
June 14, 1971-May 21, 1973
James V. Hirsch (Acting)
May 21, 1973-June 14, 1974
Robert D. Singel
June 14, 1974-September 22, 1975
James V. Hirsch
September 22, 1975-February 14, 1977

Office of ELINT and Division D merged to form Office of Special Operations effective February 14,

Director, Office of SIGINT Operations (OSO)

Edward Ryan
February 14, 1977-May 30, 1978
D. Barry Kelly
May 30, 1978-September 28, 1981
A. Roy Burks
September 28, 1981-July 15, 1984
M. Corley Wonus
July 15, 1984-March 21, 1989
Joseph B. Castillo
March 21, 1989-August 23, 1993

Office of SIGINT Operations and the Office of Special Projects (1988) were merged to form the
Office of Technical Collection effective August 23, 1993.

Director, Office of Computer Services (OCS)

Joseph Becker
September 16, 1963-June 1, 1966
Charles A. Briggs
June 1, 1966-August 18, 1969
W. Douglas Climenson (Acting)
August 18, 1969-September 1, 1970
John D. Iams
September 1, 1970-April 1, 1973

Office of Computer Services transferred to Directorate of Management and Services and renamed
Office of Joint Computer Support, effective April 1, 1973.

Director, Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI)

Donald Chamberlain
August 22, 1963-June 24, 1973
Karl H. Weber
September 20, 1973-November 22, 1976

OSI transferred to the Directorate of Intelligence, effective November 22, 1976.

Director, Foreign Missile and Space
Analysis Center (FMSAC)

Carl E. Duckett
November 7, 1963-May 16, 1966
David S. Brandwein
May 16, 1966-September 4, 1973

Foreign Missile and Space Analysis Center merged with component of OSI to form Office of
Weapons Intelligence, effective September 4, 1973.

Director, Special Projects Staff (SPS)

Jackson D. Maxey
July 1964-September 1965

Special Projects Staff became Office of Special Projects on September 15, 1965.

Director, Office of Special Projects (OSP)

John J. Crowley
September 15, 1965-November 16, 1970
Harold L. Brownman
November 16, 1970-March 17, 1973

Office of Special Projects abolished and mission assumed by Office of Development and
Engineering effective April 23, 1973.

Director, Office of Development and Engineering (OD&E)

Leslie C. Dirks
April 23, 1973-May 23, 1976
Donald L. Haas
May 23, 1976-August 28, 1978
Bert C. Aschenbrenner (Acting)
August 28, 1978-November 20, 1978
Stephens Crosby (Acting)
November 20, 1978-January 22, 1979
Bernard Lubarsky
January 22, 1979-March 8, 1982
Robert J. Kohler
March 8, 1982-August 17, 1985
Julian Caballero Jr.
August 17, 1985-October 3, 1993
Edmund Nowinski
October 3, 1993-October 16, 1995
Dennis Fitzgerald
October 16, 1995-

Director, Office of Weapons Intelligence (OWI)

David S. Brandwein
September 4, 1973-July 29, 1974
R. Evans Hineman
July 29, 1974-January 6, 1975
Ernest J. Zellmer
January 6, 1975-June 7, 1976
R. Evans Hineman
June 7, 1976-October 22, 1979
E. Wayne Boring
October 22, 1979-February 25, 1980

Office of Weapons Intelligence transferred to Directorate of Intelligence, November 22, 1976.

Director, National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC)

Arthur Lundahl
May 4, 1973-July 21, 1973
John J. Hicks
July 21, 1973-May 1, 1978
Col. Lorenzo W. Burroughs (Act.)
May 1, 1978-June 29, 1978
Rutledge P. “Hap” Hazard
June 30, 1978-February 20, 1984
R. M. “Rae” Huffstutler
February 20, 1984-January 25, 1988
Frank J. Ruocco
February 15, 1988-January 2, 1991
Leo A. Hazelwood
February 18, 1991-August 30, 1993
Nancy E. Bone
September 7, 1993-October 1, 1996

Director, Office of Technical Service (OTS)

Sidney Gottlieb
May 4, 1973-May 21, 1973
John N. McMahon
May 21, 1973-July 29, 1974
David S. Brandwein
July 29, 1974-June 2, 1980
M. Corley Wonus
June 2, 1980-July 15, 1984
Peter A. Marino
July 15, 1984-December 1, 1986
Joseph R. DeTrani
December 1, 1986-April 17, 1989
Frank R. Anderson
April 17, 1989-May 20, 1991
Robert G. Ruhle
May 20, 1991-February 20, 1994
Robert W. Manners
February 20, 1994-November 14, 1996
James L. Morris
November 14, 1996-April 4, 1997
Patrick L. Meehan
May 2, 1997-

Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)
, transferred from DI to DS&T effective November 22, 1976; HN 1-127, November 16 1976.

Don H. Peterson
November 22, 1976-January 7, 1980
John F. Pereira
January 7, 1980-January 25, 1983
John D. Chandlee
January 25, 1983-January 3, 1986
Harrison S. Markham
January 3, 1986-September 28, 1986
Robert W. Manners
September 28, 1986-March 4, 1991
Wayne R. Schreiner
March 19, 1991-January 11, 1996
J. Niles Riddel
January 11, 1996-

Director, Special Projects Staff (SPS)

Gary W. Goodrich
January 18, 1987-October 12, 1987

Director, Office of Special Projects (OSP)

Gary W. Goodrich
October 12,1987-October 16, 1989
Peter M. Daniher
December 4, 1989-August 26, 1993

Director, Office of Technical Collection (OTC)
, established August 26, 1993, from merger of OSO and OSP (1987).

Peter M. Daniher
August 26, 1993-January 1, 1996
Patrick L. Meehan (Acting)
January 1, 1996-July 18, 1996
Patrick L. Meehan
July 18, 1996-May 1, 1997
James L. Runyan (Acting)
May 5, 1997-September 2, 1997
James L. Runyan
September 3, 1997-January 10, 2000

Director, Office of Advanced Analytical Tools (AAT)

Susan Gordon
July 18, 1996-October 2000

Director, Office of Advanced Projects (OAP)

Richard D. Platte
July 18, 1996-October 1998

Director, Clandestine Information Technology Office (CITO)

James R. Gosler
May 29, 1996-October 2000

CITO was formed from components of the Office of Technical Service (OTS) and the Office of
Technical Collection (OTC). Part of CITO was transferred back to OTC in January 2001, and the
rest was absorbed by the Directorate of Operations Information Operations Center.

Director, Office of Advanced Information Technology (AIT)

Larry Fairchild
October 2000-

Director, Office of Advanced Technologies and Programs (ATP)

October 2000-

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