The Wolf Prince (13 page)

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Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #General, #Fantasy, #Love Stories, #Human-Alien Encounters, #Paranormal Romance Stories, #Life on Other Planets, #Wolves

BOOK: The Wolf Prince
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She brightened. “You’re right. It would.” Just as quickly as her heart began to pound with excitement, it slowed to a slog. Again, Surlock had found the problem, not her. He made a better P.I. Her confidence slipped another notch.

Her cell phone rang. She slipped it from her pocket and looked at the caller. Eddie. Maybe now they would discover Surlock’s identity.

“Hi, Eddie. What did you find out?”

“Hi, Darcy. Well, as far as I can tell, the guy has a clean record.”

Adrenaline rushed through her. Great, she wasn’t harboring a criminal. Not that she’d really thought Surlock was a serial killer or anything.

“Did you find out who he is?” she asked.

“Not exactly.”

Her eyebrows drew together. “What do you mean, ‘not exactly’?”

“It means he’s clean. Although, his prints were kind of strange.”

“Strange? As in?”

“Just what I said, they’re different. Not intentionally so. Some criminals will burn the pads of their fingers so you can’t run their prints.” He chuckled. “That usually sends up a red flag. No, Surlock’s are just… different. Like he was born that way. We still don’t have him in the database. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.”

“Well, at least we know he’s not a criminal.”

“True. If you find out who he is, let me know. Now I’m curious. Has he remembered anything at all?”

“Little things. I don’t suppose you’ve ever heard of a place called Symtaria.”

“Is that in Africa?”

“I have no idea.”

“If I can be any more help, just let me know.”

“Will do.”

She slipped her cell back inside her pocket and looked at Surlock. “At least you’re not wanted by the law.”

Her cell rang again. She brought it out and glanced at the caller I.D. Peter. Ugh! Knowing him, he would keep calling until she answered.

“It’s Peter,” she said.

Surlock didn’t say anything. His expression was as bland as low-calorie ice cream.

So much drama. “I’ve known him all my life. Yes, he can be an ass, but sometimes he was the only friend I had.”

He continued to stare.

“Why are men so damn stubborn?” She answered the persistent ringing. “Yes, Peter, what do you want?”

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you to marry me. You’re my best friend, Dar. I would never do anything to jeopardize that. Say you forgive me.”

“I forgive you.”

“And Surlock, will he forgive me, too?”

She glanced at Surlock. His face was still devoid of all expression. Well, except for the barely discernible twitch in his jaw. “That might take a little more time.”

“I was afraid of that. He’s quite taken with you.”

“He’ll come around.” She was probably lying through her teeth.

“I hope so. I’m having a party at my house this weekend. Say you’ll come. Please, please, please. It’s a masked costume ball. It will be great fun, and you know I give the very best parties.”

She hesitated.

“I couldn’t bear it if you didn’t.”

He was whining again. “Okay, okay, we’ll be there. Now, I really do have to go.”

“‘Bye, Dar.”

“‘Bye, Peter.”

She slipped the phone inside her pocket, and went back to the computer without saying a word.

“Where will we be?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” she stalled.

“You said we’d be somewhere. Where?”

“Peter is having a party.”

“We’re not going.”

She slowly turned in her chair. “I beg your pardon?” She crossed her arms in front of her.

“Peter is in love with you. He might be the person I need to protect you from.”

“Peter? That’s highly unlikely. Besides, your protecting me has to be connected to the James Bond movie we watched. Believe me, I don’t need protecting. And, I
going to the party. You’re invited if you want to come along, but it makes no difference to me.”

He pulled her chair closer to his, and cupped the back of her neck. His lips brushed across hers, sending flames shooting down to her lower regions. She lost herself in the kiss, the way his tongue stroked hers, the way his fingers caressed her nape.

When the kiss ended, it took her a few seconds to regain her senses, and then a frown turned down the corners of her mouth.

“It won’t work,” she told him.

“What?” he asked, all innocent.

“Kissing me until I forget who I am.”

“Did I do that?” His voice turned silky, seductive. “Do I make you forget who you are?”

She swallowed hard, then turned away. “You know damn well you do.”

“Does this party mean that much to you?” he finally asked.

“No,” she told him. “But it’s Peter’s way of saying he’s sorry.”
She hesitated, then continued. “Peter is Peter. He’ll never really change. He’s spoiled because his parents have given him everything he could ever need or want. The only thing they haven’t given him is responsibility … and their trust. His place in the company is just a title. He has no real authority. The only major decision he’s been allowed to make is where he wanted to place his furniture in an office he rarely uses.” She wanted Surlock to understand that Peter wasn’t a threat. That he was just Peter, her friend.

“Whenever I’ve needed him, Peter has always dropped everything to be there for me. It’s not because he loves me or anything. He just doesn’t have anyone else that he’s close to. I understand who he is, and I accept him and all his flaws.”

He studied her for a moment. “We’ll go to his party.”

Darcy grinned, liking the man even more. She got up out of her chair and went to his, parking herself on his lap. “You’re a pretty great guy, did you know that?”

He seemed to think over her words. “Yes,” he said, nodding. “I had started to suspect as much.”

She rolled her eyes. “Lord, save me from men and their egos.” But when he kissed her, she knew there was one thing she didn’t want to be saved from.

Annette fastened the cape over Darcy. “Your shop is really cute,” Darcy said. It was done in black with pink polka dots. The floor was black and white checks. There were wigs on white Styrofoam heads sitting on shelves.

Annette beamed with pride. “I was going for a sixties look.”

“I think you did a fantastic job.”

“Thanks.” Annette ran a brush through her hair. “What do you want me to do today?”

“What do you think? Just a little off the ends?” Darcy wasn’t too sure about having Annette cut and style her hair, but she’d made a promise, and she never went back on one.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Annette told her.

“What do you mean not want to? Of course, I do.”

Annette met her gaze in the mirror. “I know you’re only doing this because you’re a really nice person, but I’m a damn good hairdresser. I might not be very polished socially, but I come from good stock.” Her smile was crooked. “At least that’s what my daddy always tells me. He only has a sixth grade education, but he’s one of the smartest men I know.”

“Then let’s throw in a shampoo, too.”

“You’ve got it.”

They talked about the weather being unusually nice, and agreed that fall was in the air. They talked about the new restaurant opening next week.

Darcy knew there was something else Annette wanted to know, but Darcy didn’t pressure her, knowing she would ask when she felt comfortable. Besides, Darcy was almost positive it had to do with a certain man.

“How’s Peter?” Annette blushed, finally getting to what she most wanted to ask about. “Not that I care about him or anything. It’s just that I knew Surlock looked fit to be tied when Peter announced you two were getting married.”

Annette had actually seen that in Surlock’s expression? Amazing. He’d seemed carved out of stone to Darcy.

“Peter’s having a party this Saturday so I’d say he’s recovered from my rejection.”

“A party?”

Darcy had a sudden lightbulb moment. “Why don’t you come? I bet Peter would like that. He throws the best parties and this one is masked, so it should be a lot of fun.”

Annette’s eyes sparkled for a brief moment, but just as quickly, the glitter faded, and she shook her head. “It was different when it was just a double date. Besides, Peter only took me out to get to you. It’s you he loves. He made that very clear the other night.”

“No, he only thinks he’s in love with me. I’m familiar. Like an old shoe. Now that Surlock is in the picture, Peter is like a puppy who doesn’t want to give up his favorite toy.”

Hope flared in her eyes. “You think so?”

“I know so.” Darcy narrowed her eyes on Annette. “How did you two meet?”

She shrugged. “He came in here one day for a trim.”


Annette nodded.


“Wow what?”

“Peter is very particular about who cuts his hair. Hmm, that’s very interesting. Let me get this straight. He came in here, and you cut his hair?”


“Then he asked you out.”

She nodded. “That’s pretty much it. No biggie.”

Darcy shook her head. “Nope, that’s a very big deal.”

“Do you think so?” Annette sighed, a dreamy look on her face. “I’ve seen him around town, you know, and every once in a while I’d feel him watching me. I think he’s so handsome.”

“I bet Peter is sweet on you, too, but he’s not ready to admit it. Now you have to come to the party.”

Annette paled. “Oh, I couldn’t mix with all the upper crust. And I still don’t believe Peter really likes me.”

“Phooey. It doesn’t matter where you come from or where any of us is positioned in life. We all have problems of our own. Including Peter.”

“Yeah, but having money makes the solving a whole lot easier,” Annette mumbled.

Darcy chuckled. “You’re probably right about that. But look around. You have your own business. From the number of people I’ve seen walking through that front door just since I arrived, I’d say you’re doing pretty darn well.”

Annette ducked her head, but Darcy could see her proud smile.

“I’m not doing too badly. Business has been pretty good.”

“Then come to the party. If for no other reason than it will be great for your business. You can network.”

Annette seemed to be thinking it over. “That’s not a bad idea.” She nodded. “Okay, I’ll come, but you have to show me what to wear. I know my taste tends to run a little on the discount side. Maybe you could give me some suggestions.”

“I’ll do even better than that. I have a closet full of costumes. We can see what I have that would look great on you.” She eyed Annette’s figure. “We’re about the same size, so I bet I have something that will fit.”

“Oh, I couldn’t wear anything of yours. I’d be afraid I might spill something on it.”

“It won’t matter if you do. There’s a good dry cleaner in town. But won’t it be fun trying on costumes? You can help me decide what to wear. I want to look nice for Surlock.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about him. He’s a man in love.”

“You think so?”

“I’ve seen that look before. He’s definitely taken with you.”

The thought of Surlock’s being in love with her made butterflies flutter in Darcy’s stomach. Then it hit her. How did she feel about him?

He was her client, sort of. What did she really know about him? Absolutely nothing except he might come from some place called Symtaria that just happened to not be on any map whatsoever.

He could have an obnoxious family.

No, she really couldn’t picture that. He was too nice.

Okay, what if he had a wife and half a dozen kids running around? Her spirits plummeted. She hadn’t thought he might have a family somewhere. A wife who wondered where her super-sexy husband had gone.

A wife who believed in revenge and knew karate.

Annette lathered Darcy’s hair. Usually, getting her hair washed was very relaxing, but right now her stomach was filled with knots. Maybe she had started to care for Surlock a little too much.

There was only one way to discover if he did have a wife
somewhere. Find out who he was and where he came from. Trouble was, she kept running into roadblocks. Did other P.I.’s have this much trouble?

Peter’s party could be the break she was looking for. If she knew Peter, he would invite everyone he knew and they would probably bring along their friends. Most of his parties were so big, they spilled out into the yard. Maybe, just maybe, someone would recognize Surlock.

A few more days and the mystery could be solved. She should feel elated that she might have found the solution to their problem, but her gut rumbled uncomfortably, telling her to run away as fast as she could. Her gut was almost always right.


urlock closed his eyes and concentrated. The humming in his ears worsened. He refused to give in this time and gritted his teeth. Sweat dampened his skin. He didn’t move, but continued to sit on the floor of his bedroom trying to break through the barriers that kept him from his memories.

Darcy had shown him how to work the computer and while she was getting her hair fixed, he’d done his own research. He read almost everything there was on memory loss. Meditation had helped in some instances.

With legs crossed, he attempted to empty his mind. Breathing in, then out, and concentrating on each breath and not the noise inside his head.

It wasn’t working. The noise only grew louder.

Concentrate! Who am I? Where do I come from?

“Argh!” He grabbed his head, closing his eyes tight against the pain, and rolled to his side, willing the noise to go away. “Stop!” He gasped for air, drawing breath into his body as the sounds eventually subsided, and he could breathe a little easier. He lay there, curled on his side on the hard floor waiting to see if the noise would return. It didn’t. Slowly, he eased his eyes open. The noise had escalated over the last few days, but it hadn’t been quite so bad this time. Maybe he would eventually conquer it.

At that thought, the sounds inside his head returned with a
vengence. He put his hands over his ears again as he tried to block the noise. The intense screaming slowly subsided.

Surlock felt as though something lived inside him. A shudder wracked his body. He’d also read about demon possession. Maybe that’s what was wrong. He was possessed by a devil who wanted to take over his body.

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