The Wolf's Mate Book 3: Callie & The Cats (19 page)

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 3: Callie & The Cats
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Her legs were crossed, and he scooted his
hand up her thigh to her knee and pulled gently until she uncrossed
them and then he squeezed her knee. He felt her look at him and he
turned his head and smiled and leaned to whisper in her ear, “Do
you want me to stop?”

She rolled her eyes and said quietly with a
smirk, “No, it’s a great idea to horn me up in a public theater and
then leave me hanging.”

Feisty woman. She went back to resting her
head on his shoulder and he pressed a kiss to the top of it. She
smelled so wonderful all the time. He especially loved it when she
got turned on, because her scent got so intense it was like walking
through a wildflower meadow that someone had coated with honey. So
sweet, so tantalizing, so incredibly delicious.

Although the movie was action-packed, the
only thing he cared about was the feel of her knee under his
fingers, the delicate stocking that covered her skin, and how
slowly he was inching up towards her pussy. The question in his
mind was whether she’d let him get that far in public, and whether
that was even a good idea. He wasn’t sure he could touch her like
that and not a) make her come and b) bend her over the seat and
pound her in half. His knuckles brushed against Eryx’s, and he cast
a glance at his brother and found him staring straight ahead but
with a small smile on his lips. He was probably also having an
inner monologue about just how far to push things. So far, in the
last nearly three days they’d been together, she hadn’t said no to
anything they’d wanted to do. She was always ready, always willing,
and knew her body well enough to ask for what she liked.

He alternated between moving slightly up her
warm thigh and leaving his hand where it lay and trying to
concentrate on the movie. The movie wasn’t even half as interesting
as her pussy.

As his cock scraped against his zipper,
again, he finally reached the edge of her mini skirt with the
little slits up the front that showed even more leg when she sat
down. The further he and Eryx made it up her thighs, the more tense
her body grew. He kept waiting for her to ask them to stop, or
clamp her legs together or shove their hands away, but all she did
was shiver occasionally and keep a tight hold on his bicep where
she rested her cheek.

How long was this damn movie? Why had he
thought it was a good idea to pay $36 to not watch a movie because
his sweetheart – his wife – was too irresistible? Wife. He couldn’t
fucking believe how much he loved that word. She’d made him so
happy revealing that little bit of truth. He wondered if she
thought of them as her husbands already? If she’d made that
conscious decision when she marked them, or if she was just too
taken up with her wolf to deny the action. Not that it mattered.
She seemed happy now. He wanted her to be happy. He’d do anything
to ensure it.

Ah, now he was just under the hem of the
skirt. Her legs were slightly parted, but only one of their hands
was going to make it much further at a time, and he took a long
second while his fingers played on the inside of her thigh to
decide if he really wanted to touch her more now or not. Another
spike of her scent hit his nose and he realized she’d shifted in
her seat slightly, wriggling like she had a tendency to do when she
started to get hot, and that was enough for him to want to check
for himself just how wet she was. Even knowing that he’d probably
want to take her right out of the movie and home immediately.

He planned to just run his finger down her
panties, just for the sheer fact that he wanted to know that she
was as wet as he thought she was, just from being with them and the
simple touching. He slid his fingers further up under her skirt and

No. Fucking. Way.

Her whole body shivered as he grazed her
pussy with his pinky finger. Her bare pussy. Not only was she not
wearing panties, but she’d shaved and she was so wet her honey was
all over his finger and he’d barely even grazed the inside of her
pussy lips. Holy fucking shit!

Very slowly, he removed his hand from under
her skirt and turned in his seat. She sat up straight and looked at
him, biting her lip.

Eryx whispered, “What’s the matter?”

He returned the quiet tone, “Check for

Callie sucked in a breath at what he’d just
said and Eryx looked at him curiously for a moment and then slid
his hand up under her skirt. She jerked back against the seat with
a stuttered gasp and Eryx’s hand froze as he whispered, “I think we
need to leave.”

She shook her head, “No, that’s not

Eryx pulled his hand away and his fingers
glistened. “Oh? You want to sit with a tingly pussy for another,”
he checked his watch, “45 minutes, plus the 20 minute drive

She squirmed in the seat and licked her lips.
She closed her legs like a steel trap and both he and Eryx growled,
“Open them.”

Her legs slid open painfully slow and his
cock throbbed. He could smell how turned on she was, and it called
to a deep and feral part of him. Eryx was right. They needed to
leave. Like fucking right now.

Eryx leaned over and whispered something to
her and she made a quiet moaning sound and then nodded. Coats in
hand they moved to the exit and out into the frigid night air. He
shut her in the passenger seat and looked at Eryx.

Eryx raised a brow, “I told her that if we
didn’t leave immediately that we’d spend the night not letting her

He smiled. “As if either of us would do that
to her.”

Eryx shrugged. “She doesn’t need to know
that. Besides, it worked. I could hardly stand to sit next to her
and smell how wet she was. And then to touch her. Shit, we
shouldn’t have come here in the first place.”

He’d been thinking the same thing.




The drive home, which took several minutes
less because Ethan pushed the speed limit, was quiet and tense. Her
arousal pulsed in the air of the truck like a homing beacon and
he’d potentially never been so hard in his life. He wanted to see
for himself the bare skin he’d felt on her shaved pussy. Whatever
had possessed her to do it, he was damn glad.

He jumped out of the back seat and opened her
door for her and pulled her gently from the truck. Propelling her
into the house by her upper arm, he took off her coat and ordered
her none too gently to the couch. He needed a second to clear his
head; otherwise he was going to be too rough. He felt out of
control, full of the need to possess her and make her his again and

He stared at the back of her head as she sat
on the couch and Ethan came to stand next to him at the hall
closet. “So how do you want to play this?” His voice was low enough
that she couldn’t hear.

He scrubbed his fingers on his jaw. “Let’s
just...let her lead and watch each other’s backs. I feel like I’m
walking a razor’s edge and I don’t want to ever hurt or scare

Ethan sighed and ran his hands through his
hair. “I feel the same way. Let’s go make our kitten purr.”

They stalked around opposite sides of the
couch, fully intending to take control in a way so that they could
play with her but also keep a handle on things, and then they both
stopped dead in their tracks. While he had thought that she was
simply sitting low on the couch, she was evidently carefully taking
off her clothes so they’d not even noticed. The only thing she had
on were her black lace topped stockings. Her legs were crossed
delicately at the knee, showing the length of her lovely thigh but
covering what he was so desperate to see.

She stroked her fingertips up her leg and
played them across her belly and up to cup her breasts. “I was just
thinking,” she purred, thumbing her nipples, “that I’ve never
wanted two men more in my life than I do you both, and I’m very,
very glad that we’re mates.”

“How glad?” His voice cracked and he coughed
to clear it. He had a lump in his throat the size of a fist.

Her hands moved leisurely down her belly to
her legs, and she parted them very slowly and raised her legs up
until her heels were planted on the couch. Her body was spread wide
for them, bare and slick with her heat.


They both dropped to their knees on either
side of her legs and the heat of her arousal was like being near a
furnace. Slowly they both took off their shirts, but stopped there,
a silent testimony to believing that keeping the jeans on would
help keep them in check.

Her pussy glistened, perfect and pink, and
she looked at both of them with a hungry gaze, her teeth grazing
her bottom lip. He leaned forward, bracing himself with one arm on
the back of the couch and kissed her, sliding his tongue into her
mouth as he drifted his hand down her parted thigh to her sweet
treasure. There was a place just inside her pussy that if he rubbed
his knuckle against it, she’d come unglued in about two seconds,
but he carefully avoided that place so he could sink into that
tantalizing heat.

He felt her legs part further and he adjusted
his body to make room for Ethan who dropped his head down to lick
and suck on her clit while Eryx fucked her with his finger. They
didn’t hold out the pleasure, but they drove her to peak after
peak, and when he finally used his finger just right, her body
exploded around him and she shrieked in bliss, thrashing on the
couch. He couldn’t take anymore, and clearly, neither could

Ethan jerked her into his arms and stalked
out of the front room with her and he followed, shedding his
clothes as Ethan dropped her on the bed and took off his own
clothes as fast as he could. He didn’t protest when Ethan climbed
onto her first, because he knew that it wouldn’t be the only time
for either of them tonight. She was a willing kitten, and the way
she was digging her nails into Ethan’s back and meeting his
pounding thrusts with her own hips told him she was as turned on as
they were. More than happy to help her put out that flame, he
joined them on the bed and caressed her breasts and tweaked her
nipples every so often, stopping to kiss her and nuzzle her neck
and whisper things to her. When Ethan finished, she was already
kissing him and pulling on him. He loved that she wanted him. He
cherished it.

He rolled her over onto him and she caught
his cock with her fist, aimed it for her pussy and slammed herself
down on him so hard that his vision blinked out and he couldn’t
catch his breath for a moment. Demanding, she rode him hard,
twisting and rocking on him until every move she made caused her
pussy to contract around him. When she came, her pussy locked down
on him so hard he thought his cock would break in half, but it was
sweet, sweet relief to pump his come into her and kiss the tears of
pleasure that dotted her cheeks.

As the night drew towards dawn, she made love
to both of them again, and by the time he’d peeled himself away
from her, she was nearly asleep, murmuring adorable, sleepy things
as they carried her into his old bedroom because the bed sheets
were soaked with their combined come.

Exhausted to the core himself, he took her
back this time because he loved burying his face in her neck and
inhaling her sweet scent all night. As he drifted off to sleep, he
figured that he’d never been happier in all his life. He couldn’t
have ordered a better wife for himself if he’d sat down with a
catalog and made a checklist. The thought that in her mind they
were already married gave hope to chase away the dark thoughts that
Ethan’s musings had triggered earlier in the evening. She’d know
everything eventually, but it was surely better she be completely
invested in them so that when they told her all that had passed in
their youth with the females, she didn’t look at them with disgust
and walk away. He didn’t think he would survive if she left. In
fact, it was the one thing he was certain of. He needed her like
his next breath. Whatever he had to do to keep her, he would do


Chapter 14



Callie had been to a handful of weddings in
her life. Maybe more than that. Not only was she Cadence’s maid of
honor, but she was a bridesmaid for one of the pack females, and at
a clothing donation store in Kentucky was an ugly-as-sin peach
colored taffeta and tulle dress that no one in their right mind
would be caught dead or alive in. She wondered about Jane and what
sort of wedding she was having as she fixed her hair. She’d been
under strict orders from the boys that she had to wear panties
under the dress. Apparently her commando play had made them a
little nuts. Hmm, she hadn’t noticed the incredibly hot sex they’d
had the night before or the fact that she’d woken up in Eryx’s bed
because Ethan’s had apparently been too wet for them to sleep

They’d slept the morning and part of the
afternoon away, drugged into a deep sleep with great sex and warm
bodies pressed together. When they woke up and her muscles were
tight and aching, Ethan had given her a backrub and Eryx had fussed
over her, worrying that they’d been too rough or they’d gone too
many times. She promised she was fine, but they seemed happier
doting on her, so she let them both pamper her and enjoyed the
thorough rub down and good meal that made up for missing breakfast
and lunch.

Now, as she twisted her hair up into a
chignon and began to secure it with pins, her stomach fluttered at
the thought of the things they’d discussed last night between
rounds. Marriage. Babies. Their new home. A week ago, she’d been
happy to be a nomad and hadn’t wanted to be tied down, but now,
bathed in the love of her two mates, she couldn’t picture her life
without them in it.

She slipped on her only pair of dressy kitten
heels and her very last pair of thigh high stockings. The ones from
last night hadn’t made it out of the front room. She didn't have
much in the way of jewelry, but the up-do and the low cut of the
dress called for a necklace. She dug through her things and found a
small diamond heart pendant that had belonged to her mother.
Feeling more feminine than any other time in her life, she gave
herself one last glance in the bathroom mirror and went out to find
her boys.

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 3: Callie & The Cats
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