The Wolf's Mate Book 3: Callie & The Cats (36 page)

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 3: Callie & The Cats
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Her breasts were much more sensitive now, and
seemed to grow more so each day. Settling next to her, he tested
the weight of them as he kissed her, feeling her nipples harden
further under his thumb as he traced the darkened tips. He and
Eryx’s eyes met as his brother parted her legs and moved between

“So how many times does our kitten need to
come for her crimes?” Eryx sat back on his heels and pulled her
ankle up to his shoulder and bit down gently on the arch of her
foot. Ethan hooked one hand around her knee and pulled her free leg
further apart. Callie wiggled and tugged on the cuffs

“How many hours were we apart?” Ethan teased,
leaning over to lick across one delectable nipple.

She let out a shaky breath when Eryx said,
“Oh, about 15 hours I think.”

Her eyes widened and Ethan had to smile at
her still seemingly wide-eyed innocence. As if they would push her
delicate body that much in one night. Now, over the course of a few
nights? Hell yes.

“I think just a few tonight, brother,” he dug
his fingers just slightly further into the back of her knee to
remind her that she was completely at their mercy right now, that
all of her pleasure lay at their hands.

Instead of answering, Eryx began to play with
her, holding her leg straight against his body while he traced the
seam of her open sex with his fingers. He split his time between
watching Eryx finger fuck her into oblivion and watching the
rapture on her face as she climbed higher and higher. Ethan turned
to her breasts and mouth, playing with the sweet, firm globes until
she shuddered with each flick of his finger and devouring the sweet
taste of her mouth with his own.

Too lost to his own thoughts as he plundered
her mouth with his tongue, he was only barely aware when Eryx
dropped her leg and unzipped his slacks, and he forced himself away
from her mouth to give Eryx room to make love to her first.

He didn’t really watch Eryx, but he did watch
Callie. It was amazing to see her as his brother made love to her,
the way that her head tipped back when he thrust his cock inside
her, the possessive way that her legs curled around his hips and
the panting breaths that gushed from her mouth. She was just simply
the most sensuous creature he’d ever known.

As Eryx finished and pulled away from her,
rolling onto his back with a gusty growl, Ethan leaned over and
peered into her eyes, searching for signs that she was overly

“Love?” He asked, tracing the edge of her jaw
with his fingertip. Something was in the depths of her eyes, he
just didn’t know what.

“Can you let me go? I want to touch you.”

Eryx sat up and reached for the key on the
nightstand, and after releasing her and tending to her tingling
arms, Ethan decided a change of plans was in order.

Dropping a kiss to her mouth, he got up and
went into the very large bathroom off the main bedroom that was
done in warm beige tile and gold fixtures. The bathtub, a sparkling
sandy brown, sat in the corner of the bathroom with a wide ledge
around it and several steps leading up to it. He turned the water
on, adjusted the temperature and pulled the drain closed and then
went into the linen closet and pulled out every towel inside and
made a comfortable place for Callie to sit so he could take care of
her before they made love.

Eryx and Callie were waiting with curious
expressions as Ethan scooped her up in his arms and carried her
into the bathroom. Eryx followed, but stretched out on a small
fainting couch in front of a large window after turning on the
electric candles and dimming the lights. The water was filling up
the tub quickly and he stepped in with Callie in his arms and set
her on the towels so that she could lean back against the wall with
her legs hanging into the tub.

“Comfy, baby?” He said turning back around to
her after he had adjusted the water flow so it only trickled now
instead of rushed. He liked to be able to hear her when he ate her

She shifted slightly as she spread her legs
further apart, the pretty deep pink of her core on perfect display
between her lovely thighs. “Yes, Ethan,” she smiled.

Kneeling in the tub, he leaned over her pussy
and spread her further apart with the fingers of one hand,
revealing the swollen pearl of pleasure until it was laid bare for
him. He kissed her pussy like it was her mouth, paying the same
lavish attention to the apex of her thighs as he had to other parts
of her in bed. Swiveling his head back and forth, he tongued her
clit and sucked her sweet flesh into his mouth, drawing her to a
slow orgasm. He knew she was pretty wrung out already and although
he was selfish for her climaxes he didn’t want to cause her muscles
to ache in the morning from overuse.

He played with her heavy breasts with his
free hand and when he felt her hands dig into his hair and her body
surge to meet his mouth with thrusts of her hips, he switched a
hand around to pulse into her, searching for that hot, sweet spot
to send her over. With a sharp cry, her body exploded around him
and she fisted his hair in her hands as her pussy clenched his
fingers with vise-like intensity. He pulled his hands away from her
with a final kiss to her clit before pulling her down in the

The erection he’d lost as he’d prepared the
tub for her had sprung back to life with the first taste of her
sweet honey and now he turned her to face Eryx and settled her down
on his cock backwards so she could use the edge of the tub for
support. Still on his knees for leverage, he pushed her hair aside
and threaded an arm around her while grabbing her hip and began to
move in and out of her. The water lapped around them like tongues
and she moved against him, driving her body down to meet his cock
as he pushed into her.

He took over the pace and grabbed hold of her
shoulder with one hand and began pumping into her, driving the
breath from her lungs and pushing her towards the climax he could
tell was close for her. “Come on, love, come once more for me.”

She gasped and moaned, her knuckles white on
the edge of the tub, and he swiveled his hips until he heard that
distinctive sucking in of her breath that said he’d hit the right
spot. Driving his cock into her, over that spot again and again,
her body trembled and then she cried out his name and her pussy
milked his cock as he came at nearly the same time.

He settled back in the tub and pulled her
with him, wrapping his arms around her heaving chest as her head
dropped back against his. “Love you, baby,” he kissed her

“Love you, too,” she said as she

Eryx joined them in the tub once the water
temperature was adjusted and they talked about the wedding and
reception and their plans for the week. After she yawned a half
dozen times, they emptied the tub and dried her off, settling her
between them in the large bed after all the candles and the
fireplace were turned off for the night.

He woke up slowly to the sound of very soft
humming and quiet crunching. He realized quickly that Callie was
not in bed and when he scanned the room he saw her standing nude in
front of the large bedroom window, one hand cradling her belly and
the other chewing on a carrot stick. She rocked back and forth
absently, humming a song he didn’t recognize, and seemed to be
looking upwards over the treetops at the sky.

He got up and joined her, wrapping his arms
around her body and splaying his hands across her stomach. “Can’t

“Hmm? I was a little hungry. Did I wake you

“It’s okay. Do you want me to make you

“I’m good now.” She finished off the last of
her carrot, chewing as quietly as she could.

“What are you thinking about, love?” He
rested his chin on top of her head.

“I was thinking about my mom and all the
mistakes she made with me, and how I don’t want to make those same
mistakes with our kids. And I was thinking, too, about how lucky I
am to have found you when I did. If I hadn’t gotten disillusioned
with my former life I would still be stuck where I was and not
deliriously happy.”

He chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to the
top of her head. “I’m sure we’ll all make mistakes, but we have
each other and our kids will know one great truth as they grow up:
that we all love them, no matter what.”

“Do you know that I love you, Ethan?”

“I do, baby. I feel it all the way in the
very deepest part of my heart. I didn’t know what love was until I
felt your love for me.” Picking her up carefully, he carried her
back to bed and settled her between himself and Eryx who hadn’t
woken while they’d been up. Pressing a soft kiss to her mouth and
curling her into him, he said with a whisper, “I love you, Callie.
My sweet, beautiful wolf mate.”




After their honeymoon, life got back to
normal. Callie supervised Ethan’s painting of the twins’ room when
they wouldn’t let her do it herself because of needing to use a
ladder. She picked out a dark navy blue on one wall and a lighter
medium blue on the others. She found forest wall stickers that
included mountain lions and wolves and she scattered them around
the walls, finishing with the ceiling filled with glow-in-the-dark
stars and planets.

The two cribs stood against one wall, and a
rocking chair and a small table with a lamp with a wolf on the base
sat on top of it in front of the large window. The dresser against
the far wall finished the furniture, and Callie had matted and
framed pictures of herself, he and Ethan when they were young, and
she had taken pictures of them in their shift, promising to have
someone in their family take her picture in her shift and the three
of them together, as soon as she was able.

As the summer started, she began to grow more
and more sexually driven. They worried about hurting her or
exhausting her, but while she slept a good deal, she was always
ready to play. She said the only things she could think about
clearly were eating and having sex. The first time that they felt
the babies kick was like touching the sun. It was just so
incredible to know that their children were growing inside their

He came home for lunch as often as he could,
and she was always waiting for him. He hadn’t actually eaten lunch
during a lunch-hour in weeks. Ethan spent as much time as possible
with her while still keeping up on his job with the ambulance and
helping on Rhett’s farm. With the cousins done with school until
the fall, they could count on them to be hanging around and they
appreciated the extra eyes on Callie. They never pestered her, but
one or two of the boys would be around somewhere, keeping a quiet
eye on her.

Sarah declared in the middle of August, that
she thought the twins would be ready soon, and that she would be
waiting for the call. Sarah had given her the option of having the
twins born in their home and Callie soundly nixed that idea. He
didn’t disagree. There was something comforting about being in the

Then one night, he had a dream that Callie
was afraid and crying, in pain in the dark. He couldn’t find her
and felt like something was holding him back from her. He woke up
to her moaning in her sleep in discomfort and she sat up abruptly
with a sharp groan and clutched her belly. “I think my water just

Ethan was awake in a heartbeat and helped her
dress quickly. Eryx grabbed a beach towel from the linen closet and
put it down in the truck for her to sit on, and they took off for
the hospital, calling Sarah first and then their father. Sarah was
waiting for them at the back entrance to the hospital.

“She’s had three contractions since her water
broke,” Ethan said, “about five minutes apart.”

“Good. Callie, how are you honey?” Sarah
asked as an orderly stood with a wheelchair to take her down to one
of the private delivery rooms in the area of the hospital reserved
for Sarah’s “special” patients. Eryx stayed to hand over the
paperwork they had filled out a few weeks ago and grabbed her
overnight bag from where he’d set it down and headed to the

It was small, stark white and smelling of
disinfectant, but the only thing he cared about was his wife on the
bed. Ethan had already helped her into a gown and Sarah was
examining her.

While he stood on the other side of her bed,
two nurses that he recognized as Sarah’s associates strapped a
fetal heart monitor around Callie’s belly and after a few
adjustments, the sounds of their two heartbeats filled the

“You’re about 8, Callie,” Sarah said,
stripping off her latex gloves and tossing them in a receptacle.
“So we’ll just watch and see how fast it progresses.”

Smoothing back the hair from her forehead, he
kissed her softly. “Can I get you anything, love?”

She grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.
“Just don’t go anywhere, okay?”

Laughing, he promised he had no such plans to
ever leave her side. “You are well and truly stuck with us both,
Callie,” he promised, and she sighed with a relieved smile.

Within an hour, the contractions were much
closer together and Sarah finally declared her ready to push. He
didn’t think he’d ever seen her look more uncomfortable than when
they positioned her sitting up with her lower body spread bare to
the room which was thankfully empty save for Sarah and her

With each passing contraction, they helped
her as best they could, offering resistance when she needed it, and
as much support as they could give. Judging from Ethan’s face, he
could tell that his brother felt both awed at the miracle and
helpless to make her feel better.

With her hair matted to her head with sweat,
and her eyes glazed over from exhaustion and pain, when Sarah told
her to give one more good push, Callie whimpered and looked up at
him. “I can’t, Eryx, I’m too, I’m too tired.”

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