The Wolf's Mate Book 5: Bo & Reika (12 page)

BOOK: The Wolf's Mate Book 5: Bo & Reika
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“Are you and Reika safe?”  Jason asked.

He sat up, his wolf on sudden alert.  “Yes.  What happened?”

“Teller was patrolling through town, and he saw the three males slinking around the garage.”

Bo’s stomach filled with lead.  That garage had been in Jason’s family for generations.  “Did they do anything?”

“Teller alerted Trick and me before he found out what they were doing.  They had set a small fire in the back, jimmying the back door open and tossing accelerant inside.  Trick and Teller put the fire out before too much damage was done, but I thought you should know something else.”

“Tell me no one was hurt.”

“No, the garage was completely empty.  But they tacked a note to the door that says,
‘Give us back our woman or the whole town burns.

The silence was deafening.  Bo and Jason had spoken many times in the last few days about what the next steps should be, if the lynxes retaliated again.

“I’m ready, Jason,” Bo said with conviction.

“I’ll make the calls.  How much time do you need?”

He glanced down at Reika, whose beautiful features were carved with worry.  “Five days.”

“See you then.”

Bo hung up and leaned on his elbow, looking down at her.  He knew with her superior hearing that she had heard every word.  “Was anyone hurt?”

“No, sweetheart.  Teller called the police chief who is mated to one of our female wolves, and the two of them put the fire out before there was too much damage.  No one was there, and the damage was minimal.”

She took in a shaky breath.  “I need to leave.”

He bristled, man and wolf.  “Hell no.  It’s even more dangerous now.”

“Bo, please,” she started, and he silenced her with his mouth.  He and his pack would see to it that she was safe for the next five days.  Plans had been made and set in place.  All he had to do was keep her from trying to run on her own, and everything would be fine.

He hoped.





Chapter 8


Bo’s warm mouth was insistent against hers as he leaned into her, sweeping his tongue along the seam.  Her mouth parted, and their tongues met in a sensual slide that made her skin tingle.  She’d been fighting her attraction to Bo, and not very successfully.  She knew he wanted to try to break the promise between her and the lynx males, but she couldn’t risk that happening.  Not now.  Not when he’d come to mean so much to her.

He moved off the couch, not breaking their embrace, and lifted her up in his arms.  He carried her through the house to the bedroom, and she felt the strain of his injured leg as he walked.  An idea formed in her mind as he laid her down on the bed.  She could heal him.  She
heal him, and then she would leave.  He would be better off healed and able to move on with his life, even though her wolf howled in anguish in her mind at the thought of leaving him.





His lips trailed down her cheek as he covered her with his body.  She ran her blunt nails up his broad back, feeling the muscles as they bunched and moved under her fingers.  His teeth pressed down on her ear lobe and then found the sensitive patch of skin behind her ear.  He licked a path from that spot down her neck, and she arched under him, her hands grasping at him.

The thin shirt she wore to bed was pushed up and her bare breasts chilled in the cooler air.  He licked across one nipple while his hands explored the lush mounds.  He grabbed the nipple between his teeth and tugged gently, the teasing pressure making her body ache.

She ran her fingers through his hair, testing the soft strands.  Her body grew tight and heat bloomed in her core, as he turned his attention to her neglected nipple and tugged and licked it until it was as hot and hard as the other one.

He kissed down her belly, circling his tongue around her navel, and kissing along the edge of her pajama pants.  The ribbon drawstring came undone slowly, and he tugged them and her panties down her hips.  She watched him toss them away, never taking his eyes off her body.

He pushed her legs apart and stretched out between them, trailing his fingers along her heated skin as he propped himself above her on one arm.  Her skin prickled under his touch.

His fingers grazed the neatly trimmed hair of her pussy, and she bit her lip.  “Fuck you smell good, Reika,” he groaned, and it came out vibrating with a growl.

One finger parted her sex ever so slightly, circling her clit slowly.  With thumb and finger, he parted her, exposing her completely.  Laid bare before him, she watched his hazel eyes darken with pure lust.  He lowered his head and stroked the flat of his tongue up her slit.  She groaned as he lifted her leg over his shoulder, spreading her further open.  He licked at her, lapped at her, wiggled his tongue inside her as she moaned and gripped the blanket.  His tongue moved to her clit, the tip flicking over her sensitive bud as two fingers pushed inside her.  Her hips rocked, wanting him deeper, as he began to rub and press his fingers against her heated, honeyed walls.  Her stomach began to flutter.  He sucked on her clit, pulling the bud deep into his mouth and then releasing it to flick and tease with his tongue.

His searching fingers struck heaven, and she gasped, “Oh there, there!”  His fingers rubbed her fast, and she felt her body flood as pleasure spiraled through her.  With a cry of pure bliss, she came, tension coiling in her limbs as his fingers worked her harder, faster, and his lips closed over her sensitive bud.  The pleasure never ended, it just built and built, as he drove her forward into another place, where time stopped and everything in her body went liquid.

“Bo!” she shrieked when the second orgasm slammed down on her, her vision edged with sparks.

He moved off the bed, and she heard the pop of his button and the grating of his zipper being lowered, and then he jerked her towards him by her legs, positioning himself between her thighs as he stood on the floor.  His hands landed on her hips as she curled her legs around his waist and he slammed into her.  Her eyes rolled back in her head.  Nothing had ever felt so right, so perfect.

Pounding into her, he groaned, squeezing her hips as his cock thrust home again and again.  Their eyes met and held.  His were flickering from hazel to amber, his lips parted as he panted for breath.  Sweat glistened on their bodies, and the scent of them together lingered on the air.

She lifted her legs higher on his hips, gripping his arms and meeting his thrusts.  She panted his name, pleading for more, wanting more, needing everything he could give her.

Pleasure wove through her as he increased his pace, slamming his body against hers.  She cried out when her body tightened around him, and he shouted her name, pumping into her as he arched his back, tossing his head back with a howl of pure bliss.

Eyes half lidded, he moved her up the bed and collapsed next to her, rolling her body on top of his with a sultry groan.

experienced anything like that before.  She’d had orgasms during sex before, but never so powerful.  She felt like her insides had been turned to liquid, and she was tingly warm, from her head down to her toes.  She settled her head on his shoulder, laying one arm across his heaving chest and stretching one leg between his.  His cock lay glistening and still semi-hard, visible through the open zipper of his jeans.

Reika frowned as she once more felt the scratch of Bo’s jeans against her legs.  She’d never been with a guy who kept his pants on during sex.  Even though it had been amazing, she could feel his injury holding him back, causing him pain while he tried to bring her pleasure.

There’s only one thing to do.  It’s the least I can do, since I’m leaving.

She rolled to her knees and hooked her fingers into the waistband of his jeans and tugged.  His hands shot out, and the sleepy, sexy look disappeared from his face.  “Don’t.”

She tugged again, but his grip on her wrists tightened.  “Bo, I can help you.  Let me see your leg.”

“I haven’t let anyone except a doctor see my leg in the last five years.  I’m not going to start now, Reika.”  His voice lowered, and his face shadowed darkly.  She had the power to heal him, and she was going to do it whether he liked it or not.

She called her beast, and her claws sprang from her fingertips.  The sudden surge in power from her beast made her stronger than him in his human form, and she pulled from his grasp and dragged her claws down the fabric of his jeans, shredding them without touching his skin.

“Fuck, Reika!”  Bo shouted, scrambling from the bed.  He held the scraps of his jeans up around his legs, desperately trying to keep the material covering his right leg.

She let out an unhappy growl and retracted her claws.  “I can feel how much pain you’re in.  I’m an apex.  Let me heal you.”

His hands tightened on the material, and he dropped his head.  “I don’t want you to see me, Reika.”

She climbed off the bed, determined to help him.  He’d done so much for her this past week, and she could do this one thing for him.  He stepped away from her, still holding onto the jeans.  They moved around the bedroom, him taking a step backwards as she tried to move closer to him, until she wanted to scream.

She’d had enough.  Drawing on her wolf once more, she growled to Bo, “Whatever you do, fight your shift until I tell you otherwise.”

“What?”  He stopped moving and stared at her in confusion, as she slipped down to the floor and shifted.  Her lightly tanned skin split as silky black fur grew thickly.  Her bones snapped and reformed, faster than the human eye could process, and she snapped her jaws twice and shook her whole body out.  She sat on her haunches for only long enough to secrete the healing venom on her tongue.  She licked each claw on both front paws, the venom glistening on her thick claws, the very essence of what made her a healer.

Bo stood still like a statue, his head cocked to the side as he stared at her.  She hoped he remembered her command not to shift.  If he shifted before her venom had a chance to work, the healing would be incomplete.  It would be painful either way, but going through the pain of healing and not being whole on the other side of it was inconceivable.

With a short growl, she sprang at him, her front claws slashing down the length of his right leg.  He roared in alarm and pain, tumbling backwards as her body landed on him and knocked the breath out of his lungs.  Digging her front claws into the meat of his legs, where she could feel the worst of his injury, he howled under her, shoving at her as she flexed her venom-soaked claws deeper into the old wounds.

She snapped her jaws down on his shoulder, deep into the muscles.  Her healing venom flowed freely into his body now, carried into the blood stream, fast on the path to healing him.  She kept her jaws locked on him, not only to keep more healing venom flowing into him, but also to keep him from shifting.  His body shook and jerked under her and he struggled, but he was no match for her as she straddled his body.

Her senses picked up the changes in his body as the venom in her claws worked through the muscles, healing and repairing damage that had caused him pain for so long.  She knew his story and knew that she’d been brought into his life for this reason.  No one should suffer his entire life for one bad mistake in his youth.

His body locked up as the venom healed.  She released him once she was certain he had plenty of venom in his body.  She nuzzled the fabric of his jeans out of the way and looked at what remained of the scars of his youth.  She had split his leg open from hip to ankle with two well placed slashes of her paws, digging her claws into the worst of the injury.

His mouth worked silently, and a single tear escaped his tightly closed eyes.  She knew from what others had told her that there was no pain quite like an apex healing.  She only hoped he forgave her when he could walk and shift without his old pains.

Stretching out next to him, she licked the tear from his cheek and nuzzled his neck, amazed at his resilience as he continued to stay in his human form and not give in to the shift.  For wolves, when pain in their human form became too great, the wolf tended to want to spring free.  Holding onto the wolf while pain rode his body would be one of the most difficult things that Bo would ever do.  Pride wove through her as she watched his muscles tense harder and harder until he was like a string stretched taut.

An hour passed.  Two.

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