The Workhouse Girl (23 page)

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Authors: Dilly Court

BOOK: The Workhouse Girl
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‘I can't do that, sir. It's a long way to Wellclose Square.'

‘Did you walk here in spite of the weather?'

‘I'm using to walking, sir.'

He glanced outside, shaking his head. ‘It's still raining heavily. I insist on taking you home, child. You'll catch your death of cold and I don't want that on my conscience.'

Dobson hurried into the hall. ‘The cab's here, sir.'

‘Thank you, Dobson.' Moorcroft ushered Sarah out of the house and handed her into the cab. She was beginning to shiver and the full enormity of the situation was just beginning to dawn on her as she settled herself in the corner of the hansom.

‘Wellclose Square, cabby,' Moorcroft said as he climbed in and sat down beside her. ‘Tell me about yourself, Miss – I don't even know your name.'

‘Sarah Scrase, sir.'

‘And how old are you, Sarah?'

She clutched the side of the cab as it lurched forward. ‘I'm sixteen, sir, nearly seventeen.'

‘How did you come to know Tobias? I don't mean to cross-examine you, my dear, but I need to know a little about your situation if I'm to be of any help to you.'

‘Why would you want to do that, sir? I'm nothing to you.'

‘I'm a lawyer and I like to think I'm a fair man. I knew Tobias when he was a boy and I'm very sorry to hear that he has fallen in with the wrong people.'

‘He hasn't,' Sarah said angrily. ‘At least, not in the way you mean. He's a good man and he saved me from Mr Trigg, the workhouse master. He took me to Miss Elsie and she looked after me until . . .' She broke off, unable to speak of Elsie's sad end.

‘Tell me how it all came about. I might be able to help.'

Sarah launched into a brief account of how she came to be in the workhouse and how the Arbuthnots had taken her in. She told him about Trigg's brutal treatment and how he had plotted Mr Arbuthnot's downfall, which had eventually led to his death, and how Trigg's final act of revenge would be the eviction of Mrs Arbuthnot from her home in Wellclose Square.

He listened intently. ‘The man is evil and should be brought to justice,' he said at length.

‘It was lucky for me that he chose Grey to do his dirty work. If he hadn't taken me to Miss Elsie I might have ended up in the river.'

He sighed. ‘I knew her when she was young. She was quite extraordinary and very beautiful.'

Sarah looked up, startled by this revelation. ‘Was she?'

‘Yes, indeed she was. She had many admirers but sadly she gave her heart to the wrong man.'

‘Were you in love with her, sir?'

‘We were close for a while but I was an impecunious law student at the time and she fell in love with a fortune hunter.'

‘But she never married.'

‘The bounder jilted her. I believe that the family bought him off, although I have no proof. He left the country and to my knowledge has never returned. Poor Elsie was heartbroken and then she discovered that she was . . .' He broke off, staring out of the window. ‘It's ancient history now.'

‘You can't stop there, Mr Moorcroft. I lived with Elsie for six years or more, and she never spoke of her past life. She devoted herself to healing the sick and helping people. She was a good woman, even if she did behave oddly. Some people said she was a witch, but that wasn't true.'

He chuckled, shaking his head. ‘Of course it wasn't. Elsie was just different from the rest of us. She believed in being free and living the life she chose instead of bowing to convention.'

‘So what happened when the man she loved ran off?'

‘She left London.'

‘I can't believe that she ran away simply because a man didn't want to marry her.'

‘It wasn't as simple as that, and it was a long time ago. Her family disowned her.'

‘Why would they be so cruel? It wasn't her fault.'

He was not looking at her, and for a moment she thought he was going to ignore her question. He turned his head slowly and looked her in the eye. ‘I think perhaps you are old enough to be told the truth.'

Chapter Thirteen

like to know, sir. I've no idea where I would have ended up if it hadn't been for Elsie.'

‘Can I trust you to be discreet and keep this to yourself?'

‘Yes, sir.'

‘Elsie was only nineteen when she gave birth to an illegitimate child. She was ill for a long time afterwards, hovering between life and death, but she was young and strong and eventually she recovered. I don't know what happened to the baby, or even if it lived.'

‘Poor Elsie. How terrible for her.'

‘It was hushed up at the time, and shortly afterwards Elsie left home. Her family disowned her.'

‘Grey didn't. He did business for her in London. He stood by her.'

‘I could have done more for her and I always regret that I didn't, but I had my studies and then for many years I was a junior solicitor in Lincoln's Inn. Now I am a successful lawyer in practice with my brother Bertram. We were both at the graveside when Elsie was interred. She was still a young woman – it's tragic.'

‘Young?' Sarah stared at him in surprise. ‘But I thought she was old.'

‘Everyone over twenty-five seems old at your age, my dear. But Elsie should have had many more years ahead of her.'

‘I miss her so much. She could never take the place of my mother, but I think she did her best.'

‘What will you do now, Sarah?'

‘I don't know. If Grey was here he wouldn't see us turned out on the streets. He has a room in Wych Street, but I couldn't take a lady like Mrs Arbuthnot to live in a place like that. She was good to me in the past, and I can't simply abandon her.'

He was silent for a moment, staring straight ahead as the hansom cab lurched its way through the crowded streets. Suddenly, to Sarah's surprise, he tapped on the roof with his cane. ‘Whitecross Street prison, please, cabby.'

‘Right you are, guv.'

Moorcroft settled back against the leather squabs. ‘I'm taking you to see Tobias. It's just possible he might be able to suggest something that would help.'

Sarah clasped her hands together with a cry of delight. ‘Oh, I'd be so grateful, sir. I just want to be sure that he's all right, but you don't have to bother yourself. I mean, an important gentleman like you must be very busy.'

‘There are some advantages to being a man of the law, and you wouldn't be allowed in on your own. I might be able to get you in, but it will take some subterfuge.'

Sarah frowned. ‘I'm not sure what that means, sir. But I'll do anything you tell me to.'

The turnkey was reluctant at first but Moorcroft managed to convince him that Grey was his client and that Sarah was Grey's sister, and a generous tip smoothed the way. Sarah was forced to cover her mouth and nose with her hands as the stench of unwashed bodies and excrement filled the seemingly endless corridors lined with locked doors and closed grilles. She tried to shut her ears to the animal-like sounds of human beings in deep distress, but the prison was like her worst imaginings of hell.

They were shown into a small, bleak room with a barred window high up in one wall. The only furnishings were a deal table and two hardwood chairs. The unrelieved greyness was made worse by the chill rising from the flagstone floor.

‘Five minutes, sir,' the turnkey said grimly. ‘You are allowed five minutes to speak to your client and then you must leave.' He left them without waiting for an answer.

Sarah heard the key grate in the lock and she shot a startled glance at Moorcroft. ‘He locked us in.'

‘That's quite usual, my dear. I wouldn't normally bring a young person to a place like this.'

‘It's worse than I ever imagined.'

‘There are sixty men to a ward here,' he said solemnly. ‘They are locked in for sixteen hours a day and have to pay for everything they receive, from soap and towels to their meals.'

‘And if they can't pay?'

He shrugged his shoulders. ‘We will make sure that Tobias does not fall into that category and I will do everything I can to secure his release. If what you say about this man Trigg is true, then it is he who should languish in jail.'

‘I can hear footsteps,' Sarah said, clutching his hand. ‘He's coming.' She held her breath as the door opened and would have rushed forward to greet Grey if Moorcroft had not restrained her.

‘No touching,' the turnkey said, thrusting Grey into the room.

His hands were cuffed behind his back and his clothes were rumpled and filthy. His eyes shone at the sight of her but his initial look of pleasure was dimmed by a frown. ‘Why are you here, kid? This is no place for a young girl.' He glared at Moorcroft. ‘Is this your doing, Martin?'

‘Grey,' Sarah whispered. ‘Don't be cross. Mr Moorcroft has been very kind.' She forced herself to smile but she wanted to cry at the sight of his unshaven face and dishevelled appearance.

The turnkey folded his arms across his broad chest. ‘Five minutes.'

Moorcroft put his hand in his pocket. ‘Five minutes in private.' He pressed some coins into the turnkey's palm. ‘And that will cover any necessities that my client needs, including food for the next few days.'

Judging by the man's face, Sarah could only guess that Moorcroft had been extremely generous. She waited until the door closed on the warder. ‘Mr Moorcroft is going to help you.' She attempted to hug him but Grey backed away.

‘Don't get too near me. I'm not fit to be touched by anyone. I haven't had a wash since I was locked up and I'm running with fleas and lice.'

Moorcroft pulled up a chair. ‘And you haven't had much to eat by the look of you, Tobias. Sit down and listen to me. We've only got a very short time together.'

‘I don't know how Sarah found you, Moorcroft. But I'm very grateful for what you just did. I'll repay you somehow.'

Moorcroft acknowledged this with a curt nod. ‘Take a seat, Sarah. You speak first but be brief.'

‘Trigg has bought the house and he's evicting us all tomorrow,' she said with a break in her voice. ‘We've nowhere to go, and I could only think of your room in Wych Street.'

‘I only rented it by the month, and that's up tomorrow or the next day, but my things are still there.' Grey turned to Moorcroft with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. ‘I still own Boxer and the cart. I was going to send word to you with instructions to sell everything so that I could get out of here, although it grieves me to pay that bastard Trigg twice.'

‘You're my client now, Tobias. May I give you some advice?'

‘Anything would be more than welcome.'

‘My brother drew up Elsie's will. I haven't read the document but I think George assumes that the estate will now pass to him, but that isn't necessarily the case.'

‘Elsie had nothing other than the cottage on the marshes, and that burned to the ground,' Sarah said with a sigh. ‘She had nothing to leave.'

Moorcroft shook his head. ‘That's not quite true. My brother and I have handled the family's legal affairs for many years and I know that they owned an estate close to the village of Blackwood. Elsie spent some time there as a child.'

‘As did I,' Grey said with a hint of a smile. ‘It's many years since I was there but I remember it as being a lovely old house, filled with secret places and enormous grounds. I always assumed it would go to my uncle.'

‘Precisely so,' Moorcroft said, nodding. ‘But according to my brother that is not the case. It was left to your late mother, Charlotte, and her younger sister Elsie. I imagine that is why Miss Fitch chose to live in the wilds of Essex.'

‘She never spoke about her family,' Sarah said doubtfully. ‘And she never said anything about owning a big house.'

‘When Charlotte inherited her portion of the estate it automatically became the property of her husband, Henry Grey, but on their demise the entire estate reverted to Elsie. I know that for certain because I handled Henry Grey's affairs. It was well known that he did not get on with his brother-in-law, George Fitch, and he made certain that George did not inherit.'

Grey stared at him in astonishment. ‘Why would she live in a wooden cottage when she owned the old house? It doesn't make sense.'

Moorcroft's lips twitched. ‘Knowing Elsie as I did, I'd say it was her last rebellion against her family and the society that shunned her all those years ago.'

‘I'm sorry,' Sarah said, frowning. ‘But I don't see how this helps Grey.'

‘Tobias was the only relative who stood by her and it's just possible that Elsie might have left Blackwood to him.'

‘We weren't that close, Martin,' Grey said wearily. ‘Even if it were true I need money now, and I can't afford to pay for your services – or your brother's, for that matter.'

‘We'll worry about that later.' Moorcroft took a gold half-hunter from his waistcoat pocket. ‘We have little time left, but if you want me to act on your behalf then I'd be happy to do so. I will be handing George's affairs over to my brother because I don't feel that I can represent him any longer. I have yet to apprise him of my intention, but that's another matter.'

‘Do anything you can to get me out of this place.' Grey tugged ineffectually at his bonds. ‘And please do something for Sarah.' His lips twisted into a wry smile. ‘As you can see, my hands are tied.'

She laid her hand on his shoulder. ‘Don't worry about me.'

‘But I do, kid. I can't help feeling responsible for you.' He sent a pleading look to Moorcroft. ‘Find her somewhere safe to live. Trigg is a dangerous man and he's got his eye on her. He'll stop at nothing.'

‘I'll be all right, and we'll get you out of here,' Sarah said with an attempt at a smile. ‘I promise.'

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