The Wounded Land (75 page)

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Authors: Stephen R. Donaldson

BOOK: The Wounded Land
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For a moment, he feared the Stonedownors would refuse the burden he offered them. But then the
was taken from him. Sunder flipped cloth back over the gem. Carefully he rewrapped the blade, tucked it away under his leather jerkin. His eyes gleamed like echoes of white fire.

“Thomas Covenant,” he said, “ur-Lord and Unbeliever, white gold wielder, I thank you. It is sooth that my heart did not relish this quest across unknown seas and lands. I have no knowledge of such matters and little strength for them. You have Giants with you, and
, and the power of the white ring. I am of no use to you.

“I have learned that the Sunbane is a great evil. But it is an evil which I comprehend and can confront.” Hollian’s countenance supported his words. Her relief was a glow of gratitude. “I desire to strive somewhat for my people—and to strive against this Clave, which so maligns our lives.”

Covenant blinked at the repetitions of silver arcing across his sight. He was too proud of Sunder and Hollian to speak.

They rose to their feet. “Ur-Lord,” the Graveler said, “we will do as you ask. If any blow may be struck against Clave and Sunbane by mortals such as we are, we will strike it. You have restored to me the faith of Nassic my father. Be certain of us while we live.”

“And be swift,” added Hollian, “for we are but two, and the Sunbane is as vast as all the Land.”

Covenant had not noticed Stell and Harn unobtrusively leave the cliff; but they returned now, carrying supplies on their backs. Before Covenant or the Stonedownors could speak, Brinn said, “The Sunbane is indeed vast, but you will not meet it alone. The
will not surrender their service. And I say to you that my people also will not suffer the Clave unopposed. Look for aid wherever you go, especially when your way leads within reach of Revelstone.”

Sunder swallowed thickly, unable to master his voice. Hollian’s eyes reflected the sunshine wetly.

The sight of them standing there in their courage and peril made Covenant’s fragile calm ache. “Get going,” he said huskily. “We’ll be back. Count on it.”

In a rush of emotion, Hollian came to him, stooped to grip her arms around his neck and kiss his face. Then she went to Linden. Linden returned her embrace stiffly.

A moment later, the Stonedownors turned away. They left the cliff with Stell and Harn beside them.

Covenant watched them go. The two
moved as if nothing could ever change who they were. But Sunder and Hollian walked like people who had been given the gift of meaning for their lives. They were just ordinary people, pitifully small in comparison to the task they had undertaken; and yet their valor was poignant to behold. As they passed over the ridge where the ruined lighthouse stood, they had their arms around each other.

After a moment, Linden broke the silence. “You did the right thing.” Her voice wore severity like a mask. “They’ve been uncomfortable ever since we left Landsdrop—the Sunbane is the only world they understand. And they’ve lost everything else. They need to
do something personal and important. But you—” She stared at him as if in her eyes he had become an object of fear and desire. “I don’t know you. I don’t know if you’re the strongest man I’ve ever met, or the sickest. With all that venom in you, you still—I don’t know what I’m doing here.” Without a pause, as if she were still asking the same question, she said, “Why did you give them the
? I thought you needed it. A weapon against Vain.”

Yes, Covenant breathed. And an alternative to wild magic. That’s what I thought. But by accepting the
, Sunder and Hollian had made it once more into a tool of hope. “I don’t want any more weapons,” he murmured to Linden. “I’m already too dangerous.”

She held his gaze. The sudden clarity of her expression told him that, of all the things he had ever said to her, this, at least, was one she could comprehend.

Then a shout echoed up the face of
. “Giantfriend!” It was Pitchwife’s voice. “Come! Starfare’s Gem approaches!”

The echoes went on in Covenant’s mind after the shout had faded. Giantfriend. He was who he was, a man half crippled by loneliness and responsibility and regret. But he had finally earned the title the First had given him.

came drifting slowly, neatly, toward the piers. Its rigging was full of Giants furling the sails.

Carefully like a man who did not want to die, Covenant got to his feet. With Linden, Brinn, and Cail, he left the cliff.

They went down to meet the ship.

Here ends
The Wounded Land
Book One of
“The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.”
The story continues in Book Two
The One Tree


Aimil: daughter of Anest; wife of Sunder

a-Jeroth of the Seven Hells: Lord of wickedness; Clave-name for Lord Foul the Despiser

Akkasri na-Mhoram-cro: a member of the Clave


Amith: a woman of Crystal Stonedown

Andelain, the Hills of: a region of the Land free from the Sunbane

Andelainscion: a region in the Center Plains

Anest: woman of Mithil Stonedown; sister of Kalina

Annoy: a Courser

Atiaran Trell-mate: former woman of Mithil Stonedown; mother of Lena

Aumbrie of the Clave: storeroom for former Lore

Bandsoil Bounds: region north of Soulsease River

Banefire: fire by which the Clave wields the Sunbane

Bannor: former Bloodguard

Berek Halfhand: ancient hero; the Lord-Fatherer

Bloodguard: former servants of the Council of Lords

Boulder Fash: region in the Center Plains

Brannil: man of Stonemight Woodhelven

Giantish ordeal of grief by fire

Cable Seadreamer: a Giant; member of the Search; possessed of the Earth-Sight

Caer-Caveral: Forestal of Andelain; formerly Hile Troy

Caerroil Wildwood: former Forestal of Garroting Deep

Cail: one of the

Cavewights: evil earth-delving creatures

Ceer: one of the

Centerpith Barrens: a region in the Center Plains

Chosen, the: title given to Linden Avery

Clang: a Courser

Clangor: a Courser

Clash: a Courser

Clave, the: the rulers of the Land

: former home of the Giants in Seareach

Colossus of the Fall, the: ancient stone figure formerly guarding the Upper Land

Consecear Redoin: a region north of the Soulsease River

name for Lord Foul

Council of Lords: former rulers of the Land

Courser: a beast made by the Clave by the power of the Sunbane

Croft: Graveler of Crystal Stonedown

Crystal Stonedown: home of Hollian

Damelon Giantfriend: son of Berek; former Lord

Defiles Course: river in the Lower Land

Demondim: spawners of ur-viles and Waynhim

Despite: evil; a name given to the designs of Lord Foul

: a Waynhim

: a Waynhim

: a Waynhim

: Giantish liquor

Din: a Courser

: a Waynhim

: a Giantship

Drool Rockworm: former Cavewight

: a Waynhim

During Stonedown: home of Hamako

Earthpower, the: the source of all power in the Land

Earthroot: lake under

Earth-Sight: Giantish power to perceive distant dangers and needs

eh-Brand: one who can use wood to read the Sunbane

Elena: former High Lord; daughter of Lena and Covenant

: people met by the wandering Giants

Emacrimma’s Maw: a region in the Center Plains

Fields of Richloam: a region in the Center Plains

Fire-Lions: fire-flow of Mount Thunder

First Betrayer: Clave-name for Berek Halfhand

First Mark: former leader of the Bloodguard

First of the Search: leader of the Giants

First Ward: primary knowledge left by Kevin

Forestal: a protector of the Forests of the Land

Foul’s Creche: the Despiser’s former home

Furl Falls: waterfall at Revelstone

Garroting Deep: former forest of the Land

: a Waynhim

: a Waynhim

Giants: a seafaring people of the Earth

Giantclave: Giantish conference

Giantfriend: title given first to Damelon, later to Thomas Covenant

Giantship: stone sailing vessel made by Giants

Giantway: path made by Giants

Giant Woods: a forest of the Land

Gibbon: the na-Mhoram; leader of the Clave

Gilden: a maple-like tree with golden leaves

Glimmermere: a lake on the upland above Revelstone

Gossamer Glowlimn: a Giant; the First of the Search

Graveler: one who uses stone to wield the Sunbane

graveling: fire-stones

Gravelingas: former master of stone-lore

Gravin Threndor: Mount Thunder

Gray Desert: a region south of the Land

Gray Slayer: Lord Foul the Despiser

Graywightswath: a region north of the Soulsease River

Greshas Slant: a region in the Center Plains

Grieve, The:

, the: a destructive storm sent as a curse by the Clave

Grimmand Honninscrave: a Giant; Master of Starfare’s Gem

Grimmerdhore: former forest of the Land

Halfhand: title given to Thomas Covenant and to Berek

Hamako: sole unharmed survivor of the destruction of During Stonedown

Harn: one of the
; protector of Hollian

, the: a people who live in the Westron Mountains

Heartthew: a title given to Berek Halfhand

Herem: a Raver; also known as

Hergrom: one of the

High Lord: former leader of the Council of Lords

Hile Troy: a man formerly from Covenant’s world who became a Forestal

Hollian: daughter of Amith; eh-Brand of Crystal Stonedown

Home: home of the Giants

Hotash Slay: flow of lava protecting Foul’s Creche

hurtloam: a healing mud

Hyrim: a former Lord of the Council

Illearth Stone: green stone, source of evil power

Illender: title given to Thomas Covenant

Jehannum: a Raver; also known as

soft ones; living by-products of Foul’s misshaping

Jous: a man of Mithil Stonedown; son of Prassan; father of Nassic; inheritor of the Unfettered One’s mission

Kalina Nassic-mate: mother of Sunder; daughter of Alloma

Keep of the na-Mhoram: Revelstone

Kevin Landwaster: son of Loric; former Lord; enactor of the Ritual of Desecration

Kevin’s Watch: mountain lookout near Mithil Stonedown

Kiril Threndor: Heart of Thunder; chamber of power within Mount Thunder

Korik: former Bloodguard

, the: knife of power formed by Loric Vilesilencer

Kurash Festillin: a region in the Center Plains

Lake Pelluce: a lake in Andelainscion

Landsdrop: great cliff separating Upper and Lower Lands

Law, the: the natural order

Law of Death, the: the separation of the living and the dead

Lena: daughter of Atiaran; mother of Elena

: wood of power used by an eh-Brand

Lord of wickedness: a-Jeroth

Lord Foul: the Despiser

Lords, the: former rulers of the Land

loremaster: ur-vile leader

Loric Vilesilencer: son of Damelon; former Lord

Lower Land, the: region east of Landsdrop

lurker of the Sarangrave: swamp-monster

Marid: a man of Mithil Stonedown

Master, the: Clave-name for the Creator

iron triangle at Revelstone which feeds and reads all other

Skyweir: a mountain in the Westron Mountains

Memla na-Mhoram-in: a Rider of the Clave

a beverage; mead

Mhoram: former High Lord of the Council

papaya-like fruit with narcoleptic pulp

Mithil Stonedown: a village in the South Plains

a Raver; also known as Jehannum

Morin: a former First Mark of the Bloodguard

Morinmoss: a former forest of the Land

Mount Thunder: a peak at the center of Landsdrop

na-Mhoram, the: leader of the Clave

na-Mhoram-cro: lowest rank of the Clave

na-Mhoram-in: highest rank of the Clave

na-Mhoram-wist: middle rank of the Clave

Nassic: father of Sunder; son of Jous; inheritor of the Unfettered One’s mission

Nelbrin: son of Sunder; “heart’s child”

Oath of Peace: former oath by the people of the Land against needless violence

Offin: a former na-Mhoram

One Tree, the: mystic tree from which the Staff of Law was made

Sunstone; a stone of power, used by a Graveler

Pitchwife: a Giant; member of the Search; husband of the First of the Search

Prothall: a former High Lord

Prover of Life: title given to Thomas Covenant

Pure One, the: redemptive figure of

Quest for the Staff of Law: former quest which recovered the Staff of Law from Drool Rockworm

Ramen: a people of the Land; tenders of the Ranyhyn

Ranyhyn: the great horses; they formerly lived on the Plains of Ra

Ravers: Lord Foul’s three ancient servants

Reader: a member of the Clave who tends and uses the

Rede, the: knowledge of history and survival promulgated by the Clave

Revelstone: mountain-city of the Clave

a community of Waynhim; “stead”

Riddenstretch: a region north of the Soulsease River

Rider: a member of the Clave

Ritual of Desecration: act of despair by which Kevin Landwaster destroyed much of the Land

Riversward: a region north of the Soulsease River

iron talisman by which a Rider wields power

Runnik: former Bloodguard

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