The Young Wife (17 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Calvin

BOOK: The Young Wife
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‘Would you like to try it on, Kay?' asked Anne, in a deceptively casual way, and my heart gave a little roll over.
‘I'd love to,' came the reply. ‘Have you got anywhere I can change?'
‘Why, you can try it on here,' suggested Anne, as if that were a sensible enough suggestion, ‘We are all girls, aren't we? You haven't got anything we haven't seen before, has she, Jessie?'
‘No, of course not,' came Jessica's common-sense tone. ‘Go on, Kay. Try it on. I'd love to see if it fits you.'
There was a hush of expectation, then Kay made up her mind. ‘All right then, if you are sure?'
We're sure,' said Anne, and I clearly heard the note of suppressed excitement in her voice. The minxes were going to get the girl to strip to her underwear with me in the room, knowing how it would torment me to be unable to see. I could not get up the courage to take a quick peek, and I fumed inwardly at my own cowardice. I heard the sound of a chair scraping back, and the rustling of some sort of plastic wrapping, then nothing for a few moments. I was in agony, trying to guess what was going on beyond the curtain. I heard the unmistakable sound of a zip being drawn down, and the whisper of cloth over cloth.
‘What a lovely figure you have, Kay,' said Jessica loudly, and I heard Anne's coo of agreement rise in volume – for my benefit as well, presumably. The bitches were deliberately provoking me, to see if I had the nerve to look, and risk being caught. Just one little look, I told myself and, tottering a little at the edge of the box I was standing on, I leaned to the right a little and grasped the edge of the curtain. I tugged it slightly towards me, as I leaned further out, until I could get one eye outside the heavy velvet screen. What a pretty little scene I beheld. The girl had her back to me, and was standing in front of the two women like an actress waiting for a bow. I had the perfect view of her rear, and decided at once to risk sticking my head out entirely.
Kay was standing awkwardly, though happily, and basking in the obvious approval of Jessica and Anne. They were both sitting on the chaise in front of her, and their frank glances of admiration were plain even to me, at least ten feet behind the girl. Kay's chubby behind clenched nervously, as she swayed in uncertainty before them. She had an ivory bra and pants set on, that set off the milky white of her skin to perfection. She had that West Country colouring most often used for the pictures of girls painted on the covers of chocolates boxes, and her body was a plump and rounded as a Devon cheese. Her legs were held tightly together, and this posture caused the insides of her rounded thighs to swell most attractively against each other. She had sweet little dimples at the backs of her knees, and large, shapely calves that tapered down to tiny feet encased in sensible, low-heeled black shoes. Her back was short, and her waist was narrow, with the flare of her hips rolling round to the fat cheeks of her creamy bum. Her panties had rolled up unevenly, and one half of her right cheek was bare, while the left showed barely an inch of crease. Her hand crept back, and plucked self-consciously between the rounded globes of milky flesh. She wore no socks or stockings, and the backs of her round thighs flexed, bare and white in the dimness of the room. Her hair was the colour of straw in sunlight, and it was cut to just above her shoulder line. I was hoping she would turn sideways so that I could get a look at her tits, but was glad that she didn't in the end, as this would have meant that I would have had to duck back behind the curtain and I was having far too good a time ogling her pretty little arse to want to do that. I glanced up to see if the girls were watching me, but they gave no sign that I was there. If Kay couldn't see the naked hunger in their eyes, she must have been even dimmer than her laugh suggested.
She stepped over to Anne, who held up a black linen outfit with a pleated white underskirt, and the sight of her little bottom stretched over as she bent nearly made me lose my balance. I dimly became aware of my cock buzzing deliciously in my pants, and I reached down to adjust it so that it could lie more easily against the seam of my fly. I was so intent on doing this, and the feeling that was provoked when my hand gripped the hard stem, that I was nearly seen by Kay when she turned to walk back to her spot in front of the curtain. I swayed dangerously on top of the box as I struggled desperately to avoid disturbing the heavy drapes, and it was several tense seconds later that I was at last able to listen for what was going on again. I would have liked to take my cock out, and let it beat out in front of me, but the thought that I might be discovered made me maintain some semblance of innocence.
I heard the sound of the dress being pulled on, and took a quick glance out to see if I was correctly interpreting the sound. I was in time to see Kay wriggling her plump hips to settle the skirt, and then straining to draw the stay at the back of her waist tighter. She looked very sexy in that short concoction of a costume. The bare length of her legs showed pale against the blackness of her hem, and her pleated skirt stood out stiffly to emphasise the narrowness of her waist. The girls gave a little pattering of applause as Kay preened in front of them; then they stood up as one, and walked over to her. They made a show of adjusting and petting the starchy material, and Kay gave little knee-flexings of excitement. Anne boldly lifted up the hem of Kay's dress to give me another flash of the chubby bottom, and Kay gave a little squeal of nervousness. She looked from one smiling face to the other, and must have guessed in that instant that there was more afoot than she had previously thought. I saw the change in her posture immediately. She stood stock still, then started to respond gently to the petting by giving little mews of encouragement to the older women. They stood in really close to her, and began to let their hands roam more openly over the younger woman's body. Jessica caught both of Kay's hands in hers, then drew them up to her neck, so that Anne had unhindered access to Kay's lower torso.
I caught Anne's eye, and Jessica's, as they manoeuvred themselves so that they were both able to see me. Kay had her head bent forwards on to Jessica's chest, and the upper part of her body canted forward. It made her hips swell outwards, and the hem at her rear float up, until I could see the hint of her pouched cunny wedged between the taut backs of her milk-white thighs. Anne swept a scarlet-nailed hand over the stiff folds of material on Kay's hip, until she could gather up the rippling hem and draw it up to bare Kay's plump behind. She fussed and fiddled between the fat cheeks, until she had drawn the ivory sheath of knicker up into the deep crack of Kay's behind. She looked me straight in the eye, then flicked her long lashes to point my gaze back to her hand.
Kay gave a little hitch of excitation as Anne grabbed a handful of creamy cheek and dug her pointed nails deeply into the rich, white flesh. I winced a little, as it looked mildly painful from my viewpoint, but my cock pulsed in callous approval of the hint of sadism implicit in that greedy squeeze. The cheek was drawn roughly to one side so that the deep cleft opened, and I was treated to the sight of Kay's puffy cunt straining under the bunched silk of her knickers. Anne stepped a little forwards, and reached over the back of the compliant girl until she could grasp both heavy buttocks in her thin fingers, then she pulled them rudely apart again. So wide that I could see the first darkening of Kay's inner cheek where it rolled towards her bottom-hole. Kay had surrendered without a murmur of protest, and I knew that she must have been half-expecting something like this, as she tilted her hips up and back so that her cunt was pressed back behind her like a little cloth purse.
I threw caution to the winds, and scrabbled the hot column of my penis out through the rasped edge of my zip. The coolness of the room's air made it stiffen further, and a chance brushing of my knob against the brushed velvet of the curtain made me squirm dangerously on the uncertain footing of my pedestal. Anne saw my arousal, and winked at me as she folded Kay's skirts further over her bent back and started to roll the ivory pants down over the girl's chubby arse. Kay had opened her thighs wide to keep a steadier footing, and the knickers would only come down to mid-thigh, but that was fine as far as I was concerned, for it meant that the pink fig of Kay's excited cunt was framed very prettily by the black of her dress and the taut line of ivory silk that stretched across her stiffened thighs. This time, when Anne pulled the girl's rich cheeks apart, I could see it all.
The pink bud of her arsehole straining to close against the clawing at the cheeks, the glossy perineum swelling down to the loop of wet skin around Kay's vaginal opening, the shy peeping of the shiny inner lips as they pumped outwards through the puffy slit. I grasped the base of my cock and rocked the head up and down against the curtain to make the tingling more intense. I glanced up to see the amusement flicker across Anne's intelligent face, but I was past caring that she might be mocking me.
I longed to step down from my perch, to go up to that chubby little arse and stick the fat head of my aching cock between the lips of the wet opening that glistened so attractively in front of me, but knew that I could not. I watched in grim pleasure as Anne ran her thin middle finger down the slick, open flesh of the girl's cunt, and I had to stifle a groan of utter lust.
Jessica was muttering encouragement into the girl's ear, and Kay was responding with deep sighs of pleasure. Her head hung back in ecstatic abandon, and her hips rocked suggestively against the finger in her slit. I looked at Anne's face again, and caught her staring at me in malign delight. She pulled the young girl's arse-cheeks cruelly wide, so that the valley between them was almost flat, and grazed the pouting, puckered ring of Kay's arsehole with one immaculate, scarlet nail's rounded edge. It shrank away from the touch, and so she put her index fingers at either side of it and manipulated the crinkled aurora around the tight hole until it relaxed. I could hear Kay's groans spiralling upwards in the heat of her arousal, and felt the stirring in my balls as my own excitement began to peak.
The velvet stroking on the tip of my penis was sending rising tides of pleasure spiralling up my spine, leaving me swaying drunkenly forwards and back. I was visualising my cock rubbing along Kay's open seam when the first bursting wave of orgasm hit me. I tried to keep watching, but the pleasure was so intense that I found myself screwing my eyes shut in spite of myself, only to open them desperately to take in quick flashes of the action going on scant feet away. Anne was rubbing vigorously all over the girl's satiny cleft, and the juices of the girl's excitement coated her rear like a glaze. My semen jetted out in thick globules of purest white, and clung against the velvet drape like cuckoo spit, but I didn't care a whit where it spilled, nor could I keep my eyes from straying back to that hand rolling shamelessly in the wet cleft of Kay's offered buttocks.
Immediately after Kay had left us – which was quite a while, considering she had to change out of her new uniform to go home, and this also led to some heavy petting – I relieved David from his sentry duty behind the curtain. There were some suspicious wet patches on the edge of one of the drapes, but I chose to ignore this, and merely helped him down from the box, as he seemed a little unsteady. He was full of questions about Kay, but I disabused him of the notion that what he had just seen was a little play for his appreciation.
‘Kay is an acquaintance of mine from a club I go to. Jessica's been there,' I told him. ‘Haven't you, Jessica?'
‘I think I remember some of it, yes,' replied Jessica, with a laugh. It had become a bit of an in-joke with us now. She pretended not to remember certain parts of that night, and I played along with her. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure she isn't telling the truth, as I think that was her first ever joint of marijuana. I can't decide whether she is slightly unhinged normally anyway, or if her behaviour when she is intoxicated is out of character. She certainly has no inhibitions whatsoever, even to the point of surpassing me when she has a mind to. I think it might have something to do with the shock to her world-view when Leo turned out to be such a rotten apple, though she must be coming to the conclusion that he is not that unusual in his desires as she seemed to think before I took her under my wing. She has them herself, now, and I doubt if he is responsible for that, as her dreams seem, to me, to be more like they have been unlocked by what he attempted, rather than inspired by it.
While I was musing about this, Jessica and David were having a great time discussing David's progress with the ‘witches'.
‘I have high hopes for Vivian,' he said happily, ‘but I think I am the wrong sex, and perhaps of the wrong sexual persuasion, for Antonia. I get the distinct impression that she has her eye on the help, cousin.'
This made me laugh, as I replied, ‘I know exactly what you mean. She never leaves me alone for a minute. Every time I turn around, she is there, trying to be friendly.'
‘Do you think she's a dyke?' asked Jessica. ‘You should be able to tell.'
‘What do you mean?' I spluttered, knowing exactly what she meant. ‘I'm not a bloody telepathic, am I?'
‘Ah, telepath, actually,' said David, in a feeble attempt to regain some authority, after his shameful lack of self control. It was starting to get to him already, this teasing, so I can only imagine the effect it was having on poor old Leo.
‘It was a slip of the tongue, David – and, speaking of which,' I said, before he could interrupt again, ‘I think you are right. About Antonia, anyway. In fact, I might have a go at sorting out that little minx myself.'
‘Oh! I'd love to see that,' cried Jessica, with real enthusiasm.
‘And me,' agreed David.

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