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Authors: Stephanie Calvin

The Young Wife (29 page)

BOOK: The Young Wife
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‘Yes, she does seem to want it, doesn't she?' he said, and his voice was full of delighted longing.
He seemed to want to play with me a little longer, though, for his finger was a long time sliding in and out of me and, before he took it out, he forced another in beside it. I groaned at the stretching in my tight backside, and the class hissed their approval of his naughtiness.
Eventually, he drew the fingers out, and my bottom pouted loosely back at the gaping class. I was ashamed of its sullen gesture of surrender, and endeavoured to tighten it again, It closed, itchy and tight, and the feeling of emptiness gathered, until I was sticking it up boldly at them again. I heard a chair being pulled towards us, and adjusted so that it was directly behind me. The pressure on my hair had not relented, and my roots shrieked if I tried to turn my head at all, so I merely waited for the next occurrence, though I spat the gag out on to the polished green top of the desk. Something cold and slippery was rubbed into my open bottom, until it was slick to the touch. I waited tensely for the invasion, but Webb was determined to drag the moment out, for both of us. He stood hesitantly on the chair behind me, and I heard the sound of his clothing being adjusted. I suffered the strain on my hair just long enough to peer over my naked hip to ensure it was he, and not some other that was going to bugger me.
He was going to bugger me. The thought made my insides roil and clutch in coiling, loose surrender. I felt my bottom grow lazy and heavy with acceptance, though my mind still pushed and prodded at the unfamiliar thought. He was going to bugger me, and I was going to let him do it.
I moaned forlornly as he gripped my upraised, slippery cheeks, and stuck my tongue out to lick the dryness from my lips. I felt the cold, slippery head of his penis against the heat of my arsehole, and then he was pushing it in, forcing the tight entrance to accept the fat, greasy knob.
What a feeling it was, to have my virginal anus opened so publicly, and by such a man. He must have been at least fifty, and can't have had the opportunity of fucking such a sweet young arse very often, if at all. It must have been the culmination of his darkest fantasies, to drive his sturdy penis into such a hot and secretive spot. I felt my arsehole give, and then the first few inches of his thick cock slipped into me in such an easy, flowing movement that I gasped, speechless at the sensation of fullness. Yet still he had more, and I panicked as I felt the shaft continue to open me, and stretch my little arsehole wide.
‘No! It's too big. Too big,' I squealed, and he halted his insertion and withdrew until the head was at my rim. I thought he would withdraw completely, and was ready to be disappointed, when he unexpectedly slid the full length back into me. I groaned in surprise as my arse was completely filled by cock, and before I could recover he had again withdrawn to my rim, and slid the root back in again.
‘Aaahh! See how she takes it, class?' groaned Webb above and behind me. ‘Right in her pretty little arse. See how far it is in? Right into her, and now almost out, and . . . aaahh! . . . right into her again. God, she's so tight. So hot!'
He started to fuck me properly then, and I couldn't speak at all, but only grunt in short, stunted expirations at each inward movement of his stiff cock. The hand in my hair was gone, as its owner had stepped back to get a good look at the reddened penis sliding into my slippery hole. I was full to bursting one minute, almost empty the next. The more he shoved it into me, the further I wanted it to go. I pushed my split hard back to him, and goaded him on with the squirming, white flesh of my soft arse. He slapped my jiggling buttocks, and I snorted breath through my nostrils as my tongue swirled, long and pointed, from between my wet, red lips. I felt his semen shoot into me, deep in the tube of my arse, and I bucked in orgasm under him as he buggered me until I screamed. He pulled his cock clean out of me, and spilled his spunk all over my squirming arse, as my anus mouthed in loss between the quivering, shuddering cheeks. I dribbled saliva from my slack-lipped mouth as I rolled my lips loosely against the leather of the desk, and collapsed, spent, against its broad surface. I did not move when he stepped away from me, but remained with thighs spread wide so that the class could inspect my bottom. I felt another presence behind me, and turned my sweaty face back to look as Roland stepped on to the chair. I thought he was going to bugger me, too, at first, but then he guided the warm, wet end of his prick against my oily slit. How brutally he pushed into me. How cruelly, how deliciously. He wasted no time on niceties, but shoved his hands up under my shirt to grasp the full globes of my breasts in his hard, horny hands. He squeezed the juddering mounds of firm, pale skin, and pinched the rigid stems of my nipples as he worked his cock up into me. I twisted my face about wildly, but then another man's insistent hands held my head, and pushed a velvet knob between my lips. I choked, as both thick cocks worked into me. Impaled at either end, I sobbed ecstatically on the cock that pushed into my throat. I sucked, as I was fucked by both the eager men, and the gripping of my slit increased until, unbelievably, I came again. This time the coming was softer, sweeter, liquid. I swallowed David's semen as Roland came in my spongy cunt, and my chest heaved with exhaustion when they pulled away from me. I had to be helped to sit, and the wetness of my rear was a source of astonishment to me.
‘I can't believe we just did that,' I said, when I had breath.
Anne kneeled beside me so that our heads were level, and softly stroked my cheek. ‘You were so brave, and so beautiful, Jessica,' she told me enviously. ‘You have no idea how lovely you looked, with Webb's cock in you. So utterly, dirtily gorgeous.'
I looked at her, deep into the green moons of her eyes, and said softly, ‘It's your turn now, Anne. Otherwise you'll never be free of him.'
She knew exactly who I meant.
She stared at me for ages, while the class stood silently by and watched us.
‘She's right, Anne,' said Elizabeth gently. ‘You are letting what you saw distort your life. It's not so terrible.'
‘I sucked his cock once,' said Anne, sadly. ‘But he was too ill to do anything else.'
Antonia drew nearer, looking totally spoiled and sexy in the shortest of short skirts. She really did have the loveliest, golden thighs I had ever seen, apart perhaps from Elizabeth's. They all looked totally gorgeous in their school uniforms. Grown women look far better suited to them than schoolgirls. Strange, but true, at least from my point of view. We were the naughtiest of naughty girls.
‘I loved Leo, Anne, but I have to admit he was never very kind to women in the end. Not even to me,' said Antonia, shocking me with her candour.
But then, it was no time for dishonesty, nor would it ever be again. We all looked to Vivian, who stood, the most voluptuous of us, like a little girl who is too shy.
‘You have to let things go, sometimes,' she said eventually, and her eyes were dry as she said it.
The men stayed silent, as this was something between us women, and they knew enough to know they didn't understand. Anne sighed, then smiled at all of us.
‘If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing well,' she said with a giggle, turning the old cliche around, then she straightened up and walked away to turn her back to us. She kneeled on the floor by the open windows, and the light spilled warmly over her. It lit her with a nimbus of gold, and the shade of her form showed cleanly through the linen of her crisp, white blouse. We watched, entranced, as she opened her thighs wide and lowered her bottom on to the backs of her legs. Her thighs bulged, firm against her creamy calves, and then she leaned forwards to flip the pleats of her skirt up over her back. Then she hunched forwards, so that her back was rounded over, and waited for us to come forwards. We gathered in a loose semi-circle around her kneeling figure, and waited for her to decide what to do.
She let her smooth, brown knees slide apart, over the shiny, wooden floor, until her bottom bobbed inches from its varnished surface. I looked at the lines of her knickers, biting deep into the rich flesh of her creamy bum, and the thick white socks that had bunched below her muscular calves. I sighed when the others did, as she tilted forwards, and pulled the navy knickers down to her knees. Her peach-like rear shone back at us, naked and glossy with good health. I felt the stickiness of my own bottom, as my eyes took in the clean, smooth lines of hers. She tilted it right up at us, so that the puckered infall to her anus formed a waxy well. The light made the taut flesh of her golden buttocks glow, and the moist purse of her sex glittered, with light reflected from the floor. We all looked at each other, seeking understanding, and finally Roland stepped forwards to the bobbing peach. He had the tube of lubricant in his hand, and he turned to face us as he smeared it in the well of Anne's behind.
The light flowed from the glistening, open funnel, and we smiled encouragement as he traced a graceful spiral with his finger round the crinkled, golden shell. He inserted the tip of his finger, and pushed it smoothly down into the little hole. We heard Anne's sharp intake of breath, and heard the humming of her voice as she started to groan. I saw the finger sliding in and out, and wondered if my own had looked as sweet as this.
He stopped, and drew the digit out so that we could see the way Anne's cleft had spread in acceptance of its fate. Her cunt bulged, full and excited, beneath the taut, gleaming seam of her perineum. He lowered his long, grey pants and let his pulsing member spring untidily free. It beat slowly upwards to its full thickness as he stroked small globs of shining liquid along its reddened stem. He stripped his shirt off, and I found myself admiring the ropy musculature of his hairy chest. His buttocks were square and firm, when he turned his back to us, and his thighs were full, and hard with tight-tendoned muscle. He was a fine looking man, and the knowledge that he would be a friend to us gave me a deep feeling of satisfaction,
I watched him position himself above my girlfriend's open, slippery bottom, and moved forwards so that I could see the moment when he broached her virgin arse. We all crowded round, to watch him roll the yielding, velvet head of his thick cock against the puckered entrance to Anne's bottom. She tensed, and let her ankles drift further away from her sides. The velvet knob popped in, to be followed by an inch or two of veiny shaft. I watched intensely as the hole expanded to accommodate his firm tool. His hairy scrotum swung against Anne's fig-like slit, and her groans were a match for his, as the tube of reddened meat opened her. He gripped her slippery cheeks with both hands, and pulled them wider to expose the joining of his cock and her bottom. Her arsehole sucked, despite itself, at the outward movements of his stem, and flowed elastically inwards at each forward thrust. He steadied himself, knob just inside her rim, then drove his long tool into her with one full stroke. His lower belly rubbed against the silky, tightened skin of her behind as he buried himself to the root in her clenching anus. What a sound she made, as a man opened her bottom for the first time. Low and animal-like, her groan of pleasure filled the room, and her classmates held their breath in admiration.
‘Oh, fuck me!' she said. ‘Fuck me, Leo.'
I smiled, as did the others when we heard that name expelled so hungrily from her slack lips. It was obvious what she had been thinking, as she kneeled with her eyes closed and her tight bottom sticking up behind her. She was Elizabeth, in her mind, being fucked by the brutal man that Leo had been.
Roland took his revenge for this slight by obliging her as Leo would have done. He withdrew his cock completely from her, then pushed it crudely into the pink, defenceless bud of her anus. He fucked her little bottom like an animal, grunting and spitting, as he drove himself in and out of her. She had no breath for words, but made only low, sobs of pleasure at each deep, probing thrust into the tightness of her arse.
‘Unh! . . . Unh! . . . Unh! . . .' she panted, screwing up her eyes, straining her bottom backwards, and with her hands scrabbling like a bird's talons at the wooden floor. With her neck stretched out, as graceful as a swan, and her wide, golden thighs spread out and tensed, she looked as beautiful as a Greek statue, carved out of sandstone.
Beads of sweat flicked from Roland's forehead as he flashed his muscular hips back and forth behind her. The pressure of holding himself back was showing in the grimness of his visage as he stared intently at the point of his insertion into her sucking arse.
‘I can't hold myself,' he whispered desperately, as he slowed the working of his buttocks. It was too late. With a groan, he loosed himself into her, and threw his head back as the wet strings of semen spurted into her bottom's slippery tube.
She had not come, and her groan of disappointment brought a murmur of sympathy from those who watched. Roland's legs could not support him, and he had to pull the still spunking head of his cock from her open arse as he sat heavily backwards. I stared at the dark opening in her bottom as it gaped back at me, and saw it mouthing closed. Then Webb strode forwards, squeezing his full erection and muttering.
‘Two hot arses, I will have, by God,' he roared. ‘Two of them!'
Without preamble, he seated the bulbous head of his penis against her reddened arsehole and pushed himself smoothly into her. His cock was thicker than Roland's, though slightly shorter, but thick was what was required, and Anne could not contain herself as the thick tool reopened her tender arse.
‘Oh, fuck. It's so big,' she squealed, and wiggled herself back on to it.
We were treated then to the sight of Anne receiving the slowest, most thorough arse-fucking we had ever seen. How he buggered her. He could take his time, as he had already spent himself once in a girl's tight bottom, and it took him some time before he felt the urgency that had affected him then. In the time between, he completely pillaged Anne's backside, until she was hoarse from groaning. Once she had made up her mind to allow it, she took to bottom-fucking like she had never done anything else. Her arsehole glowed, so roughly did he slide his cock in and out, but she never once asked him to stop; she goaded him on to even cruder efforts. When he came, she howled, and he took his cock out to let us see the milky globs of semen fall on the reddened, crinkling passage he had opened.
BOOK: The Young Wife
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