The Zombie Chronicles - Book 2 (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series)

Read The Zombie Chronicles - Book 2 (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series) Online

Authors: Chrissy Peebles

Tags: #teen fiction, #teenage girl, #undead horde, #Contemporary, #zombie outbreak, #teenager, #quality book, #siblings, #the apocalypse, #zombie girl, #Horror, #reanimated dead, #teen adventure, #ya horror, #crosscountry, #urban fantasy, #bestselling, #page turner, #teen reading, #the dead, #zombie novel, #zombies, #ya zombies, #Young Adult, #disaster, #series, #dead, #walking dead, #girl, #zombie genre, #teen romance, #Supernatural, #teens, #monsters, #zombie apocalypse, #apocalyptic, #undead, #horror tale, #dark fantasy, #zombie, #teen zombie, #zombie horror, #dark tale, #young adult horror, #zombie series, #zombie teen, #zombie book, #action, #juvenile love, #intrigue, #Love, #danger, #zombie ebook, #Paranormal, #walkers, #Fantasy, #teen hero, #ya thriller, #living dead, #zombie herd, #teen, #infection, #plague, #postapocalyptic, #ya adventure, #zombie trailer, #doom, #ya romance, #darker things, #strong hero, #juvenile, #teen book, #zombies series, #cure, #Suspense, #zombified, #serial, #chrissy peebles, #ya fantasy, #the living, #horror series, #Romance, #well written, #dead rising, #survival, #zombie fiction, #virus, #teenage boy, #Adventure, #a love story, #Thriller, #amanda hocking, #cheap book, #rotting, #chronicles, #zombie books, #zombie cure, #horror thriller

BOOK: The Zombie Chronicles - Book 2 (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series)
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The Zombie Chronicles - Book 2 (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series)

The Zombie Chronicles

Book 2

Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series


Chrissy Peebles


Copyright © 2012 by Chrissy Peebles

Cover design by:
Patrick Griffith

The Zombie Chronicles Book Trailer for book 1:


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


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This is dedicated to my wonderful God and Jesus.

To: Alex, Faith, and Matthew

To: My editor, Autumn Conley

To: My cover artist who makes me the coolest covers.

Another big thanks to my crit group: Jayde, Trish, Irene, and Carol. You guys rock!


Chapter 1


How could things have gone so wrong?
I stood on the airstrip with my backpack flung over my shoulder, the early-morning sun beating down on my face. “I-I can’t believe this, Nick,” I said to my brother.

Neither can I, Dean.”

Initially, we’d had two Jeeps loaded with supplies and weapons. One was lost in a zombie attack, and the other we lost during the night, because we stupidly picked up a drifter named Tahoe. I suspected he was nothing but trouble, but the girls insisted he was just an injured conman who needed our help; in the end, I was right. Tahoe was nothing but a slimy traitor.

The scoundrel even took my black leather bag that contained the precious vials we needed to save my sister’s life. Val had been bitten by a zombie. The serum was experimental, but the doc swore it would work. We couldn’t give it to her until she actually turned into a zombie. Now, her time was close, and without those vials, she was doomed.

Claire and Jackie, who’d been with us since we’d found them in the woods not far from our helicopter crash, ran back upstairs to give the airport control tower one last sweep. We’d spent the night there to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

My brother’s best friend, Lucas, and my sister, Val, followed to make sure we didn’t forget anything.

Minutes later, Val’s voice suddenly cut through the air. “We got everything. Let’s go!”

We’d made our way onto the road and walked for what seemed like miles. After climbing a hill, we all slowed down for a minute to catch our breath.

Hey, Jackie,” Claire said. “Scout it out before we go any further.”

On it.” She grabbed the binoculars she was wearing and climbed on top of a giant granite rock, combing her gaze over the area in front of us. “Looks all clear to me,” she said. Slowly, she spun around and peered into the trees and down the hill behind us. “Wait a minute… Oh crap!”

What?” I asked. “You see something?”

Sucking in a deep breath, she glanced down at me. “We got an angry mob of zombies on our butts!” She quickly handed me the binoculars.

I climbed up on the large rock so I could get a good headcount. Scanning the area, I could see the freaks, limping through the trees with their half-rotted bodies. “She’s right! There must be twenty or more.”

Val motioned me down. “Then what are we doin’ stickin’ around here? Let’s get moving!” She led the way for a moment, then stopped, pointed, and wiped the sweat off her brow. “We can lose them in the city ruins. C’mon!”

Yeah, and maybe we can hotwire some wheels while we’re in town,” Nick said.

I like that idea,” Lucas agreed, “a lot.”

The streets were filled with debris, splintered wood, and smashed chunks of concrete from the surrounding half-destroyed buildings and other collapsed structures. I walked onto the crumbling sidewalk that was littered with glittering shards of glass and shell casings. A piece of red paper fluttered in the air past me. It was like walking into a war zone or the aftermath of an earthquake. Huge concrete blocks, pockmarked by bullets, were piled up vertically on top of one another, like a crooked, life-sized game of Jenga, spreading across the distance in front of me. I wondered if anybody had survived. Deep down, it hurt to think about it, but I knew I had to learn to endure shock and heartbreak if I was going to survive in this zombie-infected world. I looked up at the others. “What the heck happened?”

The city’s been bombed,” Nick said as we passed by the blackened wreckage of a smashed, overturned car and a bus that had rammed into a collapsing telephone pole.

Lucas nodded, climbing over shards of steel. “Good…er, I mean, only because…well, I hope it took down the majority of those dead freaks.”

I stared at the grim aftermath. People had been crushed under tons of
concrete blocks
Thoughts raced through my head, and I swallowed hard.
Is this what the island looked like when it was bombed?
I still had no idea whether my parents and my grandma had made it out safely, and my heart ripped in two at the thought. Finally, when I could bear to look up from the destruction again, I met Nick’s gaze. “Think Mom and Dad could have survived something like this?”

His lips pressed into grim lines as he pondered. “They’re survivors, Dean—just like us.”

A moan echoed through the trees, jolting me from my reverie, and I shuddered, reaching for my gun. I’d never get used to their undead groans.

They can’t climb,” Claire said, making her way up the rectangular blocks and tangled rubble. “Follow me!”

Jackie obediently followed behind her. “All right, guys and gals, let’s lose those things. Watch your footing up here though. A broken ankle can mean possible death in this day and age. Running is key to our survival.”

Gotcha, loud and clear,” I said, putting my gun away. I’d grown up hiking and rock climbing, so I was sure it’d be a breeze for me to out-climb a bunch of groaning, oozing undead.

Watch for snakes too,” Lucas warned.

And loner zombies,” Val added. “One can burst out of nowhere and take a bite out of you in a split second. Trust me on that.”

I nodded. My shirt was glued to my back with sweat—both from nervousness and exertion—and I was half-tempted to take it off. “Everybody be careful and keep your eyes open.”

I hiked through the ruins, my boots slipping through the unstable layers of broken rock and soil. I swatted at a fly that buzzed by my ear, and it flew off. There was an eerie silence, and none of us talked—until a skittering noise made us all jump.

Whipping out my gun, I aimed at the noise that was coming from behind a big slab of granite. Something squeaked and scurried into the narrow crevice.

Nick let out a long sigh. “It’s only rats, man.”

Val laughed, trying to break the tension. “Well, thank goodness for rats, huh?”

Yeah, I’d rather deal with rodents than undead corpses,” Jackie said.

I shot her a tiny grin and put my gun away. Every little noise had my nerves on edge. I couldn’t help but imagine one of those zombies jumping out at me, biting into my flesh.

Look, Nick! There’s that set of wheels you wanted.” Lucas chuckled, pointing to the left.

Glancing over, I could see an upside-down red car balancing on slabs of concrete and metal. “Very funny, Lucas.”

You know, at this point, I’m half-tempted to get that thing running, come hell or high water,” Val said with a chuckle.

One thing I loved about my sister was that she wasn’t a crybaby. Rather than whining and pouting like some girls do, she always faced her predicament head on and with a good sense of humor.

I climbed up the large blocks and twisted steel, crawling through whatever tiny spaces were left between the concrete, inching my way through. I was sure there was no way the zombies could maneuver through that three-dimensional maze of rock, but I also knew there could already be some up there. Surely many people had died when those buildings came down, and any that were stuck up where we were climbing were probably undead now. So, my senses were on full alert. I coughed from dust of the crumbling concrete that was breaking underneath my feet. Wires dangled loosely as I squeezed through a narrow space. I walked over the piles of broken bricks as more broken glass crunched underneath my boots. After a moment, I caught Jackie’s gaze, and she smiled.

Some adventure, huh?” she asked.

The wind blew and stirred up the smell of pulverized concrete, dirt, dust, and something else…
“Definitely keeps the adrenaline pumping,” I said, covering my burning eyes.

She shot me one of her most adorable smiles. Even covered in the fine dust, she still looked hot. She made me forget about the pain and destruction and heartbreak and fear, if only for a minute. Meeting her had been the only good thing about the entire dreadful experience.

Squeezing between two stone structures, I said, “I used to beg Nick to let me go along on his military adventures, but I guess now I’ve learned my lesson.”

And what lesson is that?”

It’s not all fun and games to be hunted.”

No, but it’ll make us stronger,” she said, jumping off a giant chunk of black asphalt.

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